Visiting a Dragon 4

Story by CookieDraggy on SoFurry

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Here we go n_n Everyone who thinks, that after the last chapter some more sex is needed... you'll surely be satisfied! xD

Their kiss lasted only a few seconds, but after that followed another, and another, each one more eager, more desirous than the one before. Hazel found he couldn't stop. Didn't want to stop. Finally everything seemed straightened out again. Finally he was with his dragon again and no one would step between them.

The bunny ran his paws through the dragons black mane, grabbing strands of hair and pulled the dragons head closer towards him. His tongue entered the predators maw, licked over the big tongue of his lover and pulled back when Fenix forced his way into the bunnies mouth again, sucking on the wet tip with a lustful moan.

At the same time Fenix ran his paws over the bunnies flank again, extending his claws and sliding through the thin fabric of his shirt like a hot knife through butter, ripping it apart and tugging away the pieces. Twice Hazel felt a short sting when a claw hit his skin, but he knew it wouldn't do to urge the predator to slow down. By now the both of them were too heated up to hold back.

After the shirt was gone, Fenix got up on all fours over the bunny and took a step back, his head darted forwards towards Hazels crotch and he pressed his nose against Hazels bulge, inhaling deeply. Hazel grabbed his mane again and pushed his crotch upward against the dragons snout, feeling the warm touch through his pants. He watched how the beast sniffed and nuzzled he fabric.. and then how he opened his mouth, revealing his long line of razor-sharp teeth... He stiffened, pulling hard on the black mane, his instincts trying to get the teeth away from his most vulnerable parts, but it was no use. He watched helplessly how the dragon buried his head between his legs, closing his mouth all around his crotch.

He didn't dare to move when he felt the teeth pierce his trousers, digging into his fur all around his bulge, slowly but irresistible, and he knew he was completely at the dragons mercy. His crotch got warmer and warmer, partly because of his excitement, partly because Fenix blew his hot breath against and through the fabric with every breath, making the bunny feel how much his privates were inside of his maw. Hazel looked at him, his cramp hands still holding onto the soft strand of hair. And the dragon looked back at him, with one eye closed and the other one giving him a devious smile.

Then he slowly pulled back his head, closing his lips around the liberated trousers. And when he almost let go of the last piece of fabric, right in the middle between the bunnies legs, he sank his teeth into the trousers and in the blink of an eyes yanked the trouser away from the bunny, tearing the fabric apart, leaving Hazel with only a few pieces of cloth... and his briefs, bulged by his rock-hard member.

Hazel finally dared to take a deep breath. That stunt had probably cost him years of his life, although his dick seemed to like it well enough, painfully straining against his underwear. Over him the dragon stood on all fours, the trousers hanging from his mouth, giving Hazel a big grin and then he growled and jerked his head from left to right, tearing at it like it was his prey.

"You damn...!" Hazel had to laugh. Fenix had undressed him short of his briefs with claws and teeth and dropped the rest beside the bed. He placed his huge paw on the bunnies belly, caressing through the fur directly above his crotch and causing Hazels cock to painfully press against his underwear.

"Oh I'm not going to bite your manhood... too much... ", the dragon chuckled and lowered his head once more towards the tent in his briefs. Hazel braced himself and closed his eyes. Without seeing the scene, he could only feel the hot breath on his crotch as the snout came closer and then a soft pressure against his bugle and the familiar sniffing sound. The bunny did his best to relax and prepare himself for whatever would come next.

The touch disappeared, but not it wasn't the dragons nose. It was something else, something that stroked against the tent in his briefs again and again and soon dampened the fabric. 'His tongue' Hazel thought. It must have been. After every stroke the briefs felt more wet than before until it was soaked with salvia and warm from the dragons breath.

'Oh god, get rid of that damn underwear already or it's going to burst!' And it seemed the bunnies wish would be fulfilled. He felt something brush against his member through the fabric, very slow, very gentle. It could only be the predators teeth, Hazel knew, and they fumbled with the fabric exactly at the tip of his cock! 'Gods, please be careful!' Hazels whole body tensed as he clearly felt the tip of a tooth press against the head of his cock, directly at his piss-slit. The breath got hotter and hotter and Hazels world shrank down to the tugging at his briefs, the touch at his cock, digging his fingers into the soft blanket below. And the next thing he felt was that the fabric was pulled back, right from the tip of his member without so much as scratching his skin and the wet touch around his cock disappeared, the cool air finally running all over his freed member.

Hazel panted. After all this tension the relief felt incredible. Just laying there without any restrain was wonderful. "How... do you do that?", was all he managed to say and Fenix chuckled in response. But the pause was only brief. Suddenly he felt another touch against the base of his cock and he opened his eyes in surprise.

Fenix was running one of his claws along the underside of his sensitive flesh, touching it only with the sharp tip, so smoothly it almost felt like a tickle. When he reached the head of Hazels cock, he stopped and began at the base again ever so slowly. His cock twitched and pulsated under the excruciatingly slow torment, it didn't take more than a few strokes to make him beg for something, anything to fully grab and squeeze his shaft, but the dragon made no move to release his tension. Instead he let his one single claw wander over his balls now, slightly lifting his package and moving it up and down, left and right, sometimes squeezing it by pushing his digit between the testicles.

At last the dragon poked out his tongue and gave Hazels member a good, long lick, collecting the drip of precum that had crowned his cockhead during all this torture, but one lick was all that Hazel got. He watched as the white beast moved himself over him, getting up on his hindlegs and towering over him with his massive hindlegs left and right of Hazels head. Even though Fenix didn't sat down on him, he could still feel the pressure of the dragons rump on his chest. But all he cared for was the pressure of the dragons balls and pulsing member that slapped against his face.

The white orbs pressed against he bunnies nose, filling his nostrils with the familiar musk of his feral partner. He managed to bring up his arms, but after that the dragon closed his legs tight around his body, leaving him only a bit of wiggling room. Stuck between the dragons hindlegs, Hazel could only focus on the beautiful smooth balls in front of him, digging his nose against the white skin and inhaling the smell of male and sex while embracing the orbs with his furry paws. His reward was a rumbling vibration when Fenix began to purr, sending the vibration through his rump making the bunny feel it all through his body.

Hazel loved every second of it. His tongue started to work on the heavy balls, licking over the skin, making it wet with his salvia which then again brushed against his own fur when the testicles slapped against his nose and his cheeks. He pressed his tongue against them stronger, pushing them over his face while squeezing them with his hands. The purring got louder and more content, Hazel didn't need to look at his face to know the dragon loved to be worshiped like this.

Then something smooth touched Hazels shaft again and made Hazel gasp in delight. The touch was light as a casual brush with a finger, but smooth as silk and it continued.. continued moving and brushing against his cock. Looking up past the dragons balls and his shaft that still rested on his head, he could see both arms and legs of the dragon, so that delightful touch could only have cum from Fenix tail.

It brushed against his trembling cock, moving like an anaconda and shoving itself under Hazels balls, slightly lifting them while it passed by. It was touching him from all sides, he was no longer able to distinguish one touch from another, the tail coiling around his testicles, squeezing his shaft and making the bunny moan in ecstasy.

Then Hazel became aware of his genitals again, pressing demanding against his face now and Fenix also shifted slightly to allow the bunny to service his shaft as well. It was already coated all over with the dragons juices and smeared against his cheeks with every movement, spreading the pre over his facial fur like he was marking him as his scent.

The bunny ran his tongue over the glistening shaft, lapping up precum every time and exploring the dragons length with the tip of his tongue. Where it emerged from its sheath Hazel licked around the base, his tongue found its way between the shaft and the soft fold of skin and he eagerly licked at the opening. It was warm and slippery, just like liking under a foreskin, and the taste was just as musky as the rest of the dragons juices.

Next he played around the base of the cock, now and then interrupted by his own moans when the coil around his own member squeezed him and sent shivers through his body. The dragons knot was not yet swollen, but Hazel could still spot the smooth bulge where it would later grow into that big orb. His hands grabbed the bulge with both hands, squeezing it hard like a tight passage, causing the dragon to growl in response, and moved his hands down the curve to hold the shaft right above the sheath.

Fenix opened his maw and grumbled deeply in approval, humped slowly against the bunnies hands and directed the tip of his cock towards Hazels waiting tongue - which didn't hesitate to greet the sensitive flesh with a wet lick. With the glistening tip before his eyes, he couldn't help but to give it a passionate kiss, planting it on the slit where a fresh drip of clear pre had just appeared, then planting another next to it, and another, and another...

He felt a touch on his cheek where the dragon had begun to caress him gently with a digit of his paw which encouraged him to kiss the dragons member even more. He closed his lips around the cockhead and suckled on the tip, his tongue prodding at the slit and milking it for more of the exciting taste. Even though he couldn't take much more than the cockhead without deepthroating the shaft, he sucked hard on the dragon and patted him twice on his hindleg to encourage him to hump his mouth.

At first Fenix didn't understand the signal, but after the bunny patted him once more, he began to slowly push his hips forward, pressing the Hazel flat on the ground and at his own member deeper into the hot orifice. Hazels mouth was quickly filled with the dragons slippery shaft and he concentrated as best as he could on getting used to its length and girth. Relaxing himself and opening his lips wide, he took the dragons cock deeper and deeper, his throat clenching hot around the tip.

While he tried to hold back the rest of the cock by grabbing it again at the base behind the knot, Hazel moaned around the hot flesh and started to let the dragon face-fuck him. And the dragon did. With rhythmic thrust of his strong hips, Fenix shoved his member into his bunny, and even though he entered him only a little, Hazel soon was overwhelmed by their size difference and had to grab hard on the predators shaft to stop him from humping.

The white beast smiled down on the bunny, tenderly ran his large paw through Hazels hair... and stopped his movements right away without pulling his member. Hazel looked up at him. He was sure that Fenix eyes showed the same love and affection that he himself felt for the beast.

Without being able to move or talk, he let himself get lost in the carnal embrace, looked the dragon in the eyes and suckled lovingly on the big head of his cock. And Fenix returned his look by lowering his head and giving him a long, deep purr. 'I must be the luckiest bunny alive... oh god I'm so glad I met you! Why can't this moment just go on forever?' Even in this rough play that felt so much like sex, Hazel felt more understood and sheltered and more loved than at any other place in his life.

After a long moment the dragon pulled back, releasing him from his grasp and even the touch around his cock vanished. He took a deep breath and sucked in the cold air, but before he could relax, Fenix slipped one big paw around his lower back and the other one below his shoulders and lifted him up from the ground. "Hey, what..?!", was all he managed to say before the dragon pulled him into a tender embrace and locked his mouth with a passionate kiss, shoving the tip of his tongue into the bunnies mouth. He didn't complain, but welcomed it with his own tongue, still coated from the copious amounts of pre that still remained in his maw.

When Fenix licked over the bunnies tongue and lips and tasted his own pre from before, he made a playful chuckling sound. "Mmmh I like that taste on you", he said with a hushed voice, almost like he was whispering, "I want to taste that on you more often... to smell that my bunny belongs to me!" Hazel felt a shy blush on his face "Then I guess you have to mark me with your scent... is that what dragons do?" That caused the large beast to grin "Yes, that's one thing that dragon males do. And I want you to smell of me. I want every male and female to know you belong to me!" His voice was coy, but at the same time full of lust and desire and Hazel knew he literally meant it.

And no sooner he had finished his words, the dragon carefully lowered Hazels body, holding him in a sitting position pressed against his belly. Hazel knew what Fenix was aiming at, when he felt the wet touch between his butt cheeks. The dragon was still sitting on his hindlegs and embraced the bunny in his strong arms, holding him while lowering him onto his waiting member. One of the paws lay on Hazels butt now to support his weight and he could safely snuggle against the warm skin of his partner while letting him do the rest.

The dragons shaft grinded against his ass checks in a humping motion, spreading more slippery pre all over Hazels butt and made him moan in anticipation when the hot flesh rubbed eagerly against his sensitive tailhole. He didn't want to wait. His butt was desperate for that cock, but Fenix kept on dry-humping him one an one. Hazel closed his arms as wide around the dragons body as he could and grinded himself against the predators belly. Why wouldn't he just enter him? When the tip found his tailhole, it slowly pushed against it, not penetrating, but massaging it gently from the outside. Hazel winced.

"D..Do it!", he heard himself say. Fenix smiled at him innocently. "Hmm? Do what?" The pointed tip pushed against his tailring, opening it ever so slightly and Hazel moaned again. "You know...", Hazel whimpered. The frustration was unbearable. He wiggled his butt and tried to lower himself down, but it was useless. "What does my cute little bunny want me to do?" Hazel felt his face redden. 'He really wants to make me say it. Stupid dragon!' He closed his eyes and pressed his face against Fenix belly to hide his embarrassment.

"P..Put it in already... I want you inside me!" That was all it took. The pressure against his pucker got stronger and stronger and the pointed tip slid past his tailring with one smooth push, sending a short pain and then waves of ecstasy through Hazels body. 'Oh god, finally...', Hazel thought. But instead of pushing further, Fenix lifted the bunnies ass up again, his cockhead plopping out with a wet sound. And just when Hazels tailhole had puckered up again, the tip forced its way back in, stretching his tailring until the whole head of the dragons cock had found its way inside.

And then again it retracted, plopping out, leaving Hazels butt with a feeling of emptiness once more. 'You damn... tease...' And invaded him again, mercilessly pushing into his helpless tailgate which offered less and less resistance. In and out the cockhead moved while Hazel latched onto the dragons body, putting his arms and legs around him while the pounding drove him crazy. And it continued on and on with the same rhythmic thrusts until he couldn't take it anymore.

"Come on.. fuck me already!", he finally shouted out, no longer caring about any embarrassment. "Please mount me! Push me down.. breed me.. take me as your female... just FUCK me already! ...I need you so badly..."

The dragons answer was a tender nuzzle and a lick over the bunnies sensitive ears while he shoved his tip inside once more... and then drove it further, grunting at the tightness of his bunny as he pushed inch after inch of his shaft into his tailhole. 'Oh, yes.. finally, god, finally!', Hazel bit on his lips to bear the sharp sting that came with the overwhelming pleasure. He could feel every curve, every ripple of the dragons cock as his tailring was stretched by the massive girth. "Oh god, Fenix", he whimpered, his voice cut off by his own moan, but Fenix answered him with a grumbling purr directly into his twitching ears while he softly bit into them.

He was pulled tightly against the white predators belly then and the hot flesh inside his butt suddenly pressed against his sensitive spot, making him gasp and wiggle, and each inch that the dragon lowered him onto his member drove new sparks of pleasure up his butt and into his crotch. And on and on the dragon pushed into him, taking his time and enjoying every second of it. Hazels tailhole was widened until he didn't think he could take anymore and it was that moment when he finally felt the wet touch of the dragons knot against his butt cheeks, now pulsating and swelling to its full size. He panted heavily by now, his hands gliding down and caressing the part of the dragons cock that was not yet inside him. 'So huge... How did I take that monster the last time...'

Fenix had stopped his movements, giving them both a second to catch their breath and adjust to each others' size. The dragon gently nibbled on Hazels ears, making him feel his teeth without scratching him. "You feel so good. Hazel...", he whispered into the bunnies ear between two affectionate love bites and his paw ran over Hazels back, claws digging into his soft fur.

"You too", was all that Hazel could respond, but he knew that he didn't need to say any more. The dragon understood him without any words and he enjoyed their lustful embrace, with the dragons member so deep inside his tight ass, sitting on his knot and rubbing his cheek against the smooth white skin. He felt the shaft pulsing inside and imagined how right now the dragon pumped another sweet drop of pre into his belly.

After that moment of intimate silence, Fenix began to move again, pulling the bunny back up with his strong paws and pulling his cock out of his butthole. The sudden movement and pressure against his sensitive spot made Hazel aware of how much his own cock was pulsating, how it had rubbed against the dragons skin all the time and had already coated the area with a mess of his precum that made it excitingly slippery to grind against. His sensitive cockhead humped against the slick surface with every movement of his dragon, sending him dangerously close to the edge already.

Just before pulling out his member completely, Fenix humped up again, driving his shaft into his little bunny up to his knot much faster this time and Hazel squealed when the dragon grinded hard against his prostate and buried himself deep inside his butt. Slowly but surely the beast increased his pace, grunting heavily with each thrust and the grip of his paws became more firm as well. Hazel shivered when he felt the sharp tips of his claws brushing against his skin, and then moaned again, pleasured by another deep thrust that touched him in all the right places.

"Oh god, oh...", he clenched his teeth, the tension in his cock was suddenly too much to bear and he fought against a quickly rising climax. Trying to hold back, he pinched his fingers into the dragons skin, his shaft twitched and spasmed, every involuntary touch against the slippery, pre-covered skin drove him closer to the edge. With a thrill of ecstasy that tingled from his shaft up to his slit, he shot one a single white rope of cum over the dragons belly.. but in the end he managed to hold himself back for another moment.

Fenix hadn't missed the bunnies tension though and slowed down his humping. "Mmmh why do you hold yourself back? Let yourself go...", the dragon whispered to him, underlining every sentence with a nice, deep thrust against Hazels sensitive spot. "N..not yet", Hazel whimpered breathlessly, answering every thrust with a deep moan, "I have waited so long.. Ohh! ..I can't cum just yet.."

The dragon let go of his ears and bowed his head down even further, licking over his exposed neck and whispering into his ear: "I'm going to mate you and breed you again and again.. and you are going to cum again and again and again and again.. for now just let go and give in to your desire..." And then he raised his head back up and started to hump him again, faster now, ever faster and wilder than before. Hazel was taken by surprise, the dragon now held him tight in his paws, thrusting his whole length into his rump, hitting his special spot with every shove. With the way the dragon held him now he wasn't humping against the slick skin anymore, his cock now bouncing freely up and down with every move.

But he didn't need that touch to come close to the edge anymore. The thrusts became ever faster and soon the white beast was fucking his butt ferociously without holding back, and the pleasure he felt with every shove soon filled his entire body. His butt cheeks now slapped against the knot with every push and just the bouncing motion of his cock made his whole crotch tingle with excitement. He knew he wouldn't last very long if Fenix continued fucking him like this. And the dragon knew it as well, grinding his girth against his inner walls and his strained prostate, bouncing the bunny up and down on his cock until he would climax from his anal pleasure alone.

Hazel held back to enjoy his ride as long as he could. The carnal fucking left him with his mouth open, moaning and gasping with every thrust. He knew he couldn't control himself much longer, not with that massive dragon cock pleasuring him so well. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth as the inevitable climax started to build up. First his hips started to twitch and then his balls began to tingle, sending sparks of promising excitement up his cock. His tailhole clenched hard around the dragons' pounding shaft and the pressure on his sensitive spot became overwhelmingly strong and then the rest of his body cramped as well. His member twitched and pulsated, the excitement slowly crawling up, inch by inch, until his cockhead felt like it was going to explode. Just one more thrust... and one more thrust...

...and then he was over the edge! His whole body clenched, the pressure shot up his cock, and with a loud scream he climaxed, shooting his load into the air. Wave after wave of hot bunny cum erupted from his twitching cock, rising up over his head and raining back down over his whole body while his orgasm stretched on and on, brought about by the merciless pleasure from the dragons' wild thrusts against his prostate. He couldn't help but scream out in ecstasy, scream out his lovers' name, clenching the dragons flanks with his arm and shooting another, and another rope of cum all over himself. His balls felt drained. He almost passed out... and when Fenix slowed down his motions and Hazels orgasm finally subsided, he couldn't even hold onto the white predator anymore. His strength left him and he all but collapsed into his lovers arms, held up only by the dragons' strong paws.

Fenix held him there for a moment, not humping anymore but not pulling out either, before he laid himself down on his back, all the while holding the spent bunny in his arms. Lying belly-to-belly with the beast and covered with his own cream, Hazel inhaled deeply, catching his breath. "Oh god, that was incredible... but what about you?" "Mmmh my cute little bunny boy... now that we have relieved that pressure we start with the sweet, sweet love-making..."