Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 81 - Friendship aside

Story by MrGimp21 on SoFurry

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#82 of Gortoz 'A Ran

Blain said he would be back within three minutes but it sure as hell didn't felt like that. Those were the longest three minutes of my life I ever had to wait... And while he was gone to his house next door, I couldn't help to feel incredibly happy, fucking anxious and terribly nervous all at the same time... But maybe it's because I didn't expect my plan to work and sure as hell didn't expect it to happen that night... I was nervously twiddling my fingers while I waited for him on the couch, rethinking about what exactly was going on and what was about to happen... And I couldn't believe it at first, it seemed kind of surreal, to be honest... Proposing a one-night stand with my best friend turned out to be a whole lot more easier than I imagined... The thing is, Blain had this card-game that we used to play, which allows you ask questions as a way to get some insight on someone's sexuality, sex-life and sexual desires. Back when Blain and I were just teens, we played it for fun and it always was relatively innocent... Sure, it's very embarrassing but that's where the fun lies... We've always had a great time playing... And that night, I played that game with him again after seven years... One thing came to another and before I knew, we both agreed to have a one-night stand together after I practically proposed it... I didn't exactly planned it like that which was probably the reason why I felt so nervous and anxious about it... But I also felt happy and very excited about it... I had no idea what to expect... But that might also be the reason why I felt so excited about it... Anything could happen...

I got snapped out of it the moment when Blain finally came back and quickly tapped on the window. So I opened the door for him and the first thing he did was showing me a box of condoms while having a huge smile on his face... I guess he was just as excited and nervous as I was... 'Got 'em!' 'Whoohoo...!' 'So uhm... What's the plan?' 'Well, let's get inside first, how does that sound?' 'Yeah, yeah, okay...' 'Hehehe...'

So I closed the door behind him and the two of us made our way to the living room where we sat down and finished our drinks as it stayed silent for a moment between the two of us... 'Right, so uh... You want another drink, Blain?' 'No, no, I'm good...' 'Alright... Uhm... Anything else I can get for you?' 'Hmmmm, no thanks...' 'Okay...' 'Yup...' 'Uh-huh...'

You could just feel the tension the moment we sat there... Looking at each other every once in a while as we smiled nervously at each other... It's a strange thing to know you're about to have sex with someone because normally, things like that would "just happen"... I still really wanted to except I didn't really know on how to make the first move... And by the looks of it, neither did Blain... He had several one-night stands with girls he met whenever he went to a club but never actually had one with a girl he already knew... And I suppose that make things a little more strange... 'Blain...?' 'Hm?' 'You still really wanna go for it...?' 'O-Oh yeah, yeah, absolutely! Uhm... Why, you're having second thoughts about it...?' 'Haha, no... No, I really wanna go for it...' 'Okay, okay...' 'Think we should talk some more about it first...?' 'Sure, if that's what you want. You want to finish the game then?' 'Haha! Uhm... No, not really... I'd rather go upstairs...' 'Good, me neither! I mean, about not finishing the game!' 'You wanna go to my room then...?' 'What, right now?' '... Yes, hihi...' 'Uhm, yeah! Yeah, sure! Lead the way!' 'You go ahead, I'll lock things down here.' 'Alright...'

I watched Blain getting up the stairs and smiled the moment he looked down on me... I smiled right back at him and felt a nervous tingle going through my stomach... But it's a good kind of nervous tingle, you know? Like when you're very excited about something and know that it's gonna happen... So I quickly locked the doors and got up the stairs myself to make my way to my room... The higher I got up the stairs, the more intense that nervous tingle became... Once I got in my room, I stood in the doorway and saw Blain sitting on my bed, taking a good look at my Acer Aspire netbook... He turned his head to face me the moment he noticed me... For those who don't know; Netbooks are basically miniature laptops which are relatively cheap compared to normal notebooks... I walked towards him and sat down on my bed next to him... 'I didn't know you had one.' 'I bought it several years ago when netbooks were still popular.' 'Are they any good?' 'Well, it does what it has to do. Go online, chat, email, edit documents and all that. Can't expect to run games on that thing.' 'Hehe... Why is there a home button instead of a Windows logo on your keyboard?' 'It was originally shipped with a Linux Linpus operating system. It was a lot cheaper than the Windows variant seeing as Linux is an open source OS.' 'But it has Windows XP installed on it?' 'That's because I made a bootable USB flashdrive and installed Windows instead.' 'Oh, I see.' 'Didn't really like Linux...' 'Hehehe...' 'Buuuuuut it does have a sixteen gigabyte SSD as a hard-disk but the read and write speed of that card is terrible. Took ages to start up and close down Windows.' 'Oh?' 'Yeah. Soooo I came across this nifty SSD accelerator program. What it does is to use your RAM as a temporary buffer to read and write data which tremendously increases speed performance. The only downside to it is that it takes ages to shut down when it writes data back to the SSD while flushing the cache.' 'Oh, okay...' 'Hehehe... Uhm... Yeah... I'm sorry, I'm being a little nerdy here...' 'No, it's okay... It just goes to show that you have this thing for understanding something most people don't.' 'Hehe... Maybe...'

Blain got up from my bed and placed my netbook down on my desk while he sat down in my office chair... Which was kind of a disappointment because I hoped we could be a little more closer instead... 'Oh, guess what? I finally managed to make my NAS server work.' 'Oh, did you?' 'Yeah! You were right about the switch. Works perfectly throughout the house now.' 'Hehehe... No lag whatsoever?' 'It did at first but one of the UTP cables was damaged. After that got replaced, it worked perfectly.' 'Much better than constantly swapping an external USB harddrive, right?' 'Yeah, definitely. I downloaded this ten-eighty P MKV file last week of Avatar. Quality is superb. Real sharp image.' 'Yeah, it really sets the difference.' 'Sure does. What's the difference between ten-eighty P and seven-twenty P anyway?' 'Resolution.' 'That's it?' 'Yeah. Seven-twenty P uses a resolution of twelve hundred and eighty by seven hundred and twenty pixels. Ten-eighty P uses a resolution up to nineteen hundred and twenty by one thousand and eighty pixels.' 'So you'll only see the difference when it's played on a big ass TV?' 'Yes, seven twenty P is HD ready.' 'What about Blu-ray?' 'Full HD on ten eighty P.' 'Aaaah...' 'The big advantage of a Blu-ray player is that the quality of normal DVD's are upscaled to a higher resolution. It's still not nearly the quality of a Blu-ray disc but it is a lot better than on a conventional DVD player.' 'Hehehe...' 'Uhm... Yeah...'

We looked at each other for a moment and smiled before we averted our eyes again... This was one of the most awkward things I've ever experienced... I was about to have sex with him and there I was, spreading geekiness all over the place... I wasn't the only one who felt the exact same thing, judging the way Blain looked at me... I could tell that despite all the things we talked about, he was still a little nervous... And so was I... 'You're nervous, aren't you...?' 'Hm, I'm sorry?' 'Are you nervous...?' 'Haha! Yeah... I'm, uh... I feel a little anxious... Don't you...?' 'Hehehe... Yeah, I'm really nervous but in a good way, you know...?' 'I'm not sure what's next though...' 'I don't know... Maybe we, uhm... Maybe we could cuddle first...?' 'Hehehe...' 'What, isn't that how it always goes...?' 'No not really... Well, not with me anyway...' 'Hmmm...' 'I usually get thrown on the bed and get jumped on.' 'Haha!' 'But that's because it's different... Whenever I'm with a girl, we don't bother to get to know each other which makes things a lot more easier to keep it casual...' 'Heh...' 'And here I am, alone in the bed room of my best lady friend I've known for fourteen years, about to have sex with her...' 'Hm-mm...' 'So yeah, I'm a little nervous...' 'Me too... But isn't that the reason why you should make each other feel comfortable...? Even though we both really want to...?' 'Definitely... I just don't really know how to begin...' 'Maybe you can start by sitting next to me first...' 'Yeah, that might help.' 'Hehehe...'

Blain sat down next to me on the bed and leaned back as we put an arm around each other and I placed my head on his chest... I could hear his heart beating through his shirt as I closed my eyes... It stayed quiet for a while as I felt myself drifting away... Blain sighed quietly as I had a bit of a dreamy smile on my face... The moment his hand went down to my stomach, he gently started to caress it... I love getting my belly rubbed... And he knows that... It really made me relax... 'Oh, belly-rubs... Hihihi... Now we're getting somewhere...' 'You like that...?' 'Oh yeah, definitely...' 'Hehehe...' 'Would've been even better if I wasn't distracted by that wedgie up my ass-crack.' 'Hahaha!' 'Wait, hold up...'

I got up from my bed and took off my joggings trousers... By doing so, I was bending over to take them off and threw my joggings trousers in a corner... I like wearing boxershorts but they can cause an uncomfortable wedgie... So my hand reached out to my ass and plucked my boxershorts to get rid of it... I crawled back on my bed and leaned against Blain, with my head resting on his chest again... I got hold of his hand and placed it back on my belly again... And that's when he gently started to rub it again... 'Hey, uhm... Blain...?' 'Yes...?' 'I've got to be honest with you though, if we're really gonna do this...' 'Sure, what's up...?' 'I'm not gonna strut myself in front of you or do anything crazy to show off, you know... That's not me and I'm not gonna pretend to be someone I'm not... I just want to stay true to myself and have a lot of fun with you...' 'I'm not expecting you to be someone else... Having fun together is the whole point of this, right?' 'I know but... You know what I mean, right...? I just think we should stay who we are and be honest with each other if we're gonna make this work...' 'Hm-mm...' 'And also should never develop any feelings for each other if we're going for it...' 'It's good to know you're on the same line as I am...' 'Well, yeah, I mean... It's just for one night, right...? One night to cross the line...?' 'Yeah...'

It stayed silent for a moment as Blain kept rubbing my belly... It turned a huge smile on face... Nobody has rubbed my belly in ages... It just felt so nice the way he did... 'There's just this one last thing though...' 'What's on your mind, Ceylan?' 'Maybe we should refer each other by a nick-name or something...' 'Haha!' 'Maybe I should refer to you by your real name, Dominic...' 'I hate that name...' 'Hehehe... It's some sort of role-play, I suppose... Might make things less awkward for each other....' 'Ceylan is your adoption name, right?' 'No, Ceylan is my real name. Jaisyaram is my adoption name...' 'So what is your real name? I remember you mentioned it once, long ago...' 'My full name is Ceylan Saida Tahani Al-Naijir Ibn La'Akhlaq.' '... Come again?' 'Haha! That's what it says on my birth certificate...' 'You lost me after Saida...' 'Ceylan Saida Tahani Al-Naijir Ibn La'Akhlaq... Ceylan is what people call me. Saida and Tahani are the names of my grandmothers... Al-Naijir is my maiden's name, the last name of my mother. Akhlaq is my father's last name. Ibn la' means "daughter of"...' 'Oh wow...' 'Soooo literally, it's: Ceylan Saida Tahani Al-Naijir, daughter of Ahklaq.' 'So the more names you have, the more important you are?' 'No, although that is customary with the Royandoshi's. But for the Lo'kohardisha, it's more about paying respects to your elders.' 'Riiiiight... Royandoshi are leopards aaaaaaaand... Lo'kohardisha are tigers, right?' 'Exactly.' 'Soooooo... Ceylan Saida Ibn Tahani lala... Stuff.' 'Hehehehe... Almost...' 'I like Saida though...' 'Hmmm... So do I...'

Everything he ever said about having a one-night stand with someone was true... Of course you need to make each other feel comfortable about it... As long as you're on the same line... We talked about it before and everything was crystal clear... The only thing that was left to do was to go for it... There was no need to rush... The night was still young and we had all the time in the world... At some point, Blain started to caress my hair and his hand that was rubbing my belly started to rub my thigh... I looked at Blain and the moment I did, he stopped what he was doing... The way he looked at me was as if he was asking permission to do so or something... I looked at Blain and smiled while I started to caress his chest... And that's when he kept on caressing my thigh... 'You know, Blain? This is really nice...' 'Hehehe...' 'I haven't felt this relaxed in ages...' 'I could give you a massage later on.' 'A massage?' 'Yeah, if you'd like...' 'Oh, I'd love that...' 'Hehehe...' 'I have to ask you though.' 'Yes?' 'Well... What exactly would you expect from me...?' 'Hm?' 'I mean... Is there anything you'd like me to do...? Something specific...?' 'No, not really... I expect you to be honest, keep it casual and have a good time, that's all there is to it...' 'Yeah, I-I know but uhm... Surely there's something you'd really like me to do...?' 'I always love a good blow-job.' 'Hehehe...' 'Buuuuut I know that's not really your kind of thing sooooo...' 'I'm not really fond of it, no... But I'll do it if you'd want me to...' 'It's not like you'd have to, I mean...' 'It's okay... Anything else you'd really like...?' 'Legs... I'd really love to play with your legs...' 'Hehehehe... Uhm... Yeah, I think I would like that too, hihi...' 'And your tail...!' 'Haha, my tail?! Uhm... Sure, I suppose? Haha! Wow...' 'And uhm... You ever had anal...?' 'Me?? O-Oh, no... Noooo, I, uhm... I-I never did, no...' 'You feel like giving that a try...?' 'W-Well, I don't think that it's something I would enjoy, to be honest... And I honestly don't think I can go along with that...' 'It's okay, I understand.' 'Why, did you ever had anal sex with a girl...?' 'Twice...' 'Hehe... How was that like...?' 'Anal sex is like a Mini Cooper...' '... Why?' 'It's quite cramped and tight fitting but actually quite nice once you get inside...' 'Haha! Oh my god...'

I didn't want to fall asleep but the way he caressed me made me feel as if I could fall asleep any second... I had such a hard time to keep my eyes open now that things started to progress... Blain started to scratch behind my ear of which he knew I always liked... He just never knew why... It's something my mother did when I was a little cub to help me fall asleep... It always made me relax and up to this day, it still does... It's the kind of safe feeling you get when you're held close by your mother back when you were little... 'So uhm... You'd really go for my legs then...?' 'Hm-mm...' 'Does that also mean you got this thing for feet...?' 'Foot fetish?' 'Yeah...? I'd really like it if you could, you know... Suck on my toes...?' 'Haha! Uhm... Nooooo... No, I don't think I'd like that...' 'You sure...? I'm really good with my feet...' 'Hehehe, I'll pass... I mean, with your stinky feet and all...' 'Hey, my feet are NOT stinky...! I wash them regularly...!' 'Haha!' 'No, but it's okay... I was hoping you could but uhm... I suppose not everyone is up for that...' 'Hm-mm... Anything else you'd like?' 'I love getting fingered...' 'Sounds reasonable... What else...?' 'Would you, uhm... You know... Go "down south" on me...? I mean... For a long time...?' 'Haha! I love doing that just as much as you do, Ceylan...' 'That's always a good thing...' 'I wouldn't mind as long as your coochie is trimmed...' 'Hahaha! Yes! Yes, it's trimmed... So I expect you not to cough up a hairball in my face when we're, you know...' 'Hehehe... Perhaps you should go on top then...' 'Maybe...' 'Unless you want me on top...' 'I'm okay either way...' 'Which positions do you like best then...?' 'Hehe... I really love missionary and doggy style...' 'Well, alright... Maybe we could improvise and be a little creative to see what we both like...' 'Perhaps... So, uhm... That pretty much covers it, right...?' 'Yeah, pretty much...' 'Well, okay then, uhm... Then the only thing that's left to do is to actually go for it, right...?' 'Yup...' 'Okay, awesome...' 'Hehe...'

Blain and I looked at each other as I bit my lip while we were figuring out what the hell we should do next... I guess the question that kept us busy the most was how we could pull it off without making it too awkward for each other... But I suppose good fun was all there ever was to it... And there was only one thing to do in order to go for it... "Don't think about it..." 'Blain...?' 'Hm...?' 'Can I kiss you...? I mean... You know...' 'Hehehe...' 'It's something I always do before I go any further with someone and, uhm... It's what I like to start off with if its okay with you...' 'Sure, I'd like that...' 'Alright, uhm... Here it goes...'

I hesitated the moment I sat down on his lap... At first, I thought he was gonna pull a prank on me by showing me a box of Tic-Tacs like he did several weeks earlier... Sure, that was all meant as good harmless fun but this was so much different now... Luckily, he didn't... All he did was gazing in my eyes as I stared right back at him for a moment... When I moved my head closer, I closed my eyes and bumped my head against his... And just when I opened my eyes again, I saw Blain had his head tilted exactly the way that I had... He moved his head left while I tilted my head to my right, which is his left... 'That didn't go as planned...' 'Hehehehe...' 'Uhm, okay... Take two... Hihi...'

I placed my hands on his cheeks and guided his head by gently tilting it to my right... A quick stare in those lovely eyes of his... It felt strange to realize that we'd cross the line for just one night... I felt happy, excited and thrilled to have no secrets for him, knowing that we wouldn't judge each other for what we were about to do for just one night... All the more reason not to hold back and let the doubts and hesitation get in the way from what I wanted the most... That quick stare in his eyes turned a switch off in my mind, so to speak... I pressed my lips against his and kissed him the way I've always wanted to... Passionately, tender and gentle... I just can't tell you how that felt... Being sexually attracted to him and to know that I was gonna get it was a very arousing thought... And I knew we had to put our friendship aside for as long as it would last... So the moment I opened my eyes and looked at him again, I was no longer looking at him as a friend... I knew we'd both give in to lust for just one night... All the more reason to enjoy everything we had to offer each other and make the best of it while it last... And that's exactly what we did the moment we started off... I couldn't help but to giggle the moment I saw his face afterwards... It only made me wonder what his face would look like if we'd go any further...