Black Claw and the Past (Edmund Part 2)

Story by Thirdeye on SoFurry

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#2 of Edmund and the Lions Series

Since I am running far behind I have decided to break my sequel to Edmund and the Lions into two parts. I hope this will do to satisfy you for now while I work on the final section which you should be able to guess what it will be about.

That said, this chapter focuses on Black Claws, the mother lioness and her past. Still M/F but anthro on anthro. Nothing weird, some seduction then the fucking.

Anyway, sorry for the delay but I'm won't make excuses. Hopefully I'll be more timely for the next part.

The Chief leaned his muzzle into one massive paw with a sigh. His newest wife, standing attentively beside the prodigious Leonid male, offered his a drink while the petitioner rambled. The Chief looked over at the offers drink with a toothy smile, his brown eyes lustily taking in the limber body of the young lioness. The Chief mussed to himself how fortunate he was to have taken her for himself before anyone spoiled such a lovely thing.

"And his constant scribbling in those books! He looks at everyone in the village by my family especially like we are pets!" growled the angry lioness. "And when he gets wet the smell is awful, like a baboon or a warthog but he cannot smell it so he just stinks up the hut. I cannot have him shaming my household any longer!"

The Chief set aside his glass and wrenched his eyes off the more pleasing form of his mate to the raving female before. He hated this part of his duties, listening to everyone whine about stupid things.

"Enough!" The Chief snapped. "I have heard enough. You come to me every new moon with the same complaints about the human and I shall tell you what I said before. I do not care about your whining. His knowledge is useful and though he is both filthy and disgusting you are tasked with his daily needs. Perhaps had you been more conscious of your actions in the past you would not face such disgrace now."

Black Claw's dark eyes narrowed at the Chief's dismissal. She had come to the Chief to petition for the right to banish, kill, or otherwise rid herself of the human, Edmund, every month since the Harvest festival and every time the Chief rejected her wishes. Edmund had proved himself to be to useful, his knowledge of military tactics had enabled the Chief to raid an enemy tribe and claim one of their females as his newest wife. Since then he would not even listen to Black Claw though she had yet informed the Chief that the human had mated with her daughter. She would not bring that shame out into the open and ruin what little hope she had to see her daughter properly mated and married.

The female huffed in frustration and bowed lightly to the Chief. "Very well," said the voluptuous lioness. "If that is what the Chief wishes I shall continue to house the beast."

The Chief let out a sigh of a relief as he waved his new wife over and bid her sit in his lap. "Indeed it is." He wrapped his thick, powerful arms around the waist of the female as she sat in his lap, her perky bosom distracting the alpha male. "And send the human my thanks. I am grateful for his knowledge. He has honored my household by helping me claim this new wife." The Chief gave the lioness a lewd smile.

"Yes, Chief," Black Claw said as she backed out of his hut averting her eyes, the Chiefs arousal visibly apparent and she had no desire to see what was soon to come.

Black Claw stalked back through the village, her large feline paws thumped along the hard packed dirt under the savannah sun, her wide hips rolled with her quick pace. Her muzzle puffed as she blew out an angry breath and her tail swiped angry slashes in the air behind her.

"Damned Chief. Damned human. Damned males, the lot of them," she growled. "They are the cause of all my problems. My former mate. The Chief. This... Edmund," she spat. As the voluptuous lioness stalked the paths between the village huts her long, black claws unsheathed and sheathed themselves as she fantasized. "I should kill him but for the Chief... I just might anyway."

Her eyes glanced down at her claws, each one two inches long and razor sharp, and attached to a powerful arm or leg. Even though she was denied the privilege of being a huntress, for crimes long past, Black Claws was still more than a match for a simple, puny human. Unlike most of her species she carried a small amount of extra weight, mostly in her bosom and rear, but under her amber coat was still nearly two hundred pounds of muscle. Black Claw flexed her arm and she admired her glittering claws. It would be so easy, the human was so fragile, his tanned skin so thin, and his body so weak. She could end it all before the wretch could even whimper...

She shook the notion from her mind as she rounded the corner to her hut, the familiar mud walls both comforting and aggravating. No, if Edmund died the Chief would know and though she suffered on the edge of Leonid society it was still better than exile or worse. Black Claw sighed, her bosom heaved with the exhale, as she pushed back the hide that hug over the portal and stepped inside.

Instantly Black Claw's nose alerted her to smell of sweat, both human and leonid, and sex. Despite her repeated protests her daughter, Fire Eyes, and their human guest Edmund had remained mates after their drunken hookup while drunk at a tribal festival. To make matters worse, they were, like any young couple, frequent mates and the stink of their relations hung heavy in the hut from their most recent pairing. Edmund and Fire Eyes, despite the smell, were nowhere to be seen as Black Claw stalked over to their dirty blankets to find the source of the odor.

She grabbed the soiled sheet and muttered an exasperated curse at her untidy daughter and her new mate as she went to clean it before the stench became permanent. As Black Claw walked over to the bowl of water in the corner, intent to clean it, she could not help but let her mind wander just a moment, the pungent smell of sex bringing back long forgotten memories. She smiled a toothy smile as she remembered her first mate, a male from another tribe named Ash Mane who fathered Fire Eyes though he never saw his daughter.

Black Claw was young then, her body lean and strong like the promising huntress she was when one day she had been far afield near the plateaus where the hill Leonids lived. There was, objectively, little difference between Black Claw's tribe and those that lived in the hills but years of territory disputes and skirmishes had left the two distant and often hostile. Black Claw had been tracking a herd of gazelle when she spied him in the long grasses nearby also watching the same gazelle.

He was tall and lean unlike the males of her tribe he was built for speed and grace, not raw power. Every inch of his body was chiseled from hard labor and honed to be the ideal, swift hunter and upon his head grew a dusty, red-brown mane that reached down to his shoulders. His legs were powerful and his chiseled chest was bare for her to see and admire. He had a toned six pack, the individual muscles marked with black paint and under his eyes were the black painted marks of a warrior of his clan. He clutched in his hand a long, finely crafted spear as he crouched and watched the gazelle with his dark ebony eyes. Black Claw had never seen a male like him among her tribe of elsewhere and her chest burned with an unfamiliar passion as she watched him level his spear to attack the gazelle.

Had she not been distracted it might have occurred to her that these were her gazelle that she had been hunting but she only saw the fluid poetry as the limber hunter's leg burst forward with great strength letting him take down his prey with the element of surprise and practiced ease. Black Claw remained in the long grass, her paw unknowingly caressing her toned belly down towards her burning nethers, as the male set about cleaning his kill.

One hand gripped her spear while the other slipped past her leather thong. Black Claw's body was already responding to the sight of the handsome male eagerly and as she traced her fingers along her slit she shivered at how wet she already was. The male, unaware of his audience, had set to cleaning his kill. With practiced skill he took out his knife and set to work just as Black Claw set to work on herself.

The horny lioness slipped a finger along her pussy and shivered in pleasure, from both the touch of and growing awareness of the taboo. Without thinking she slid one finger and then another inside herself as she crouched low to stifle her moan of delight. She clenched the muscles of her cunt around her fingers, imaging for a moment that instead of her digits inside her body it was something much different and much more delightful...

The lone male suddenly looked up, his nostrils flared as the wind shifted and an unfamiliar slipped over the smell of blood and into his nose.

"Whose there?" the male growled, his ears perked up, his hand grasped his knife, and he began to look for the source of the strange scent.

Black Claw froze, her bliss addled mind suddenly wrenched back into the present as the male stalked towards her hiding place, his nostrils flared. Her mind raced at her options: pick up her spear and attack, run, or stay hidden and see what happened. She had no interest in attacking the handsome male and doubted she could outrun him in her current state so she chose to stay hidden. Black Claw leveled her spear and grit her teeth, determined to not show fear in the face of another Leonid, let alone such an attractive one.

The male parted the long grasses where Black Claw was hiding and froze, his eyes wide in confused surprise. Black Claw kept her spear pointed at the male and growled in warning as his eyes slide over her body. His ebony eyes gleamed not with hostility but appreciation and he raised his paws to show his lack of ill intent. Still, Black Claw noticed that he male's eyes looked closely at his crotch and the smear of her juices that had run down her leg.

"Who are you," Black Claw snarled.

The male took a step back as a smile spread across his muzzle. "Peace, little one," he said his voice was deep and rich, "my name is Ash Mane. I am a hunter from the plateaus but who are you?" He eyes darted over Black Claw's lithe form to emphasis his question.

Black Claw snarled again at the male even as her own eyes examined his body. His small loincloth was pulled tight over the promise of his manhood and her own gaze lingered improperly long on it. "I'm Black Claw and this is my tribe's land, you are trespassing."

The male huffed, "You have caught me, I am indeed poaching and I am sorry for that. However, I am glad to have been caught."

"What?" Black Claw replied.

"Had I known they would send such lovely warriors, I'd have poached long ago," the male replied with a swish of his tail. "Tell me, now that you've caught me, what will my punishment be?"

"I..." the lioness started, "I'll take that gazelle you killed."

The male nodded, his dusty mane bounced with the move, "Of course, but surely that can't be all. I feel like I should make it up to you somehow..."

Black Claw narrowed her eyes at the male, "No, that's enough. You should leave."

Ash Mane stepped closer, ignoring the risk of the spear. "Should I?"

Black Claw drew a heavy breath, she knew she should drive the interloper from her lands but he was so close and so handsome...

The male moved closer until he stood before the younger lioness. He reached out a paw and stroked her cheek, causing Black Claw to nuzzle against it before she could stop herself. The smell of the older male was intoxicatingly musky and alluring. Black Claw didn't know why but something about this lean, foreign male filled her with a desire she had never felt before. She wanted him.

The male traced his paw down her check and along her neck, when Black Claw let out a rumbling purr the male's paw continued its journey south. Ash Mane's one hand stroked down to her shoulder and gently pushed down her spear without resistance. His other hand reached out and slipped around Black Claw's waist and drew her in against his chest. Despite the rational part of her brain that screamed for her to stop this, Black Claw did not resist.

"You are such a beautiful lioness," Ash Mane murmured as he huffed in the scent of the aroused, young Black Claw. "So very lovely," he said as one hand traced her hip and along her leather thong while the other drifted to her perky breasts. His hand closed over her left breast with a gentle squeeze as he leaned in and kissed the dazed lioness.

His hot breath filled Black Claw's mouth as his black lips pressed against hers, his rough tongue licked against her teeth and lips in a probing invitation. Black Claw's spear fell from her hands and landed with a soft thump to the side as her hands grasped at the male with an angry need. Her clawed hands dug into his mane as she accepted his kiss, her own tongue invaded his mouth hungrily. Her other hand roamed over Ash Mane's chiseled chest, her fingers teased along the curve of his pecs and his defined abs.

The male's hand squeezed her breast in surprise at the female's sudden enthusiasm as his other hand groped her tight rear. The couple growled into each other's mouths as they aggressively groped each other in a lusty haze. Ash Mane leaned forward in the kiss as he began to guide Black Claw to lied down in the long grass his arousal clearly visible under his loincloth demanded immediate attention. Black Claw reluctantly laid down, reluctant only because it mean she had to withdraw his clawed hands from his lush mane.

The amber grasses gave way as Ash Mane laid down the sensual feline, her supine form highlighted by the grass and warm sun made her all the more desirable. Without further ceremony Ash Mane pulled off his loincloth and exposed his pink, barbed member already fully erect and with a pearl of precum balanced on the tip. Black Claw had no point of reference for comparing the male but her lust addled mind assured her that his cock would be more than enough to satisfy her eager needs.

In response Black Claw quickly untied the leather garment she wore and let it fall away to expose her lips to Ash Mane. Black Claw was already wet from her previous masturbation and their foreplay. Ash Mane laid down over her, his strong arms on each side of her body as he laid against her, again his masculine scent wafted over Black Claw and made her growl in lust. She spread her legs in invitation and grabbed the male pulling him onto herself quicker.

Ash Mane reached under himself and grabbed his almost painfully aroused cock, the little barbs on the tip flared with the attention as he lined himself up for his conquest. He could feel the heat and moisture coming off of Black Claw as he pressed the tip of cock against her swollen lips, desperate for relief as he thrust himself into her in one long, sharp stroke.

Black Claw growled in a mix of pleasure and pain as the male's cock thrust unceremoniously into her. Her pussy opened to welcome the male and she found herself delightfully filled by his member. The inner muscles of her young body clenched around the cock almost hungrily as her claws dug into his back with passionate possessiveness. The older male grunted in pleasure as he penetrated the young lioness and from the surprise of the sudden sharp pain of her claws on his back. She was eager and demanding, both admirable traits for a young leonid.

Ash Mane pulled back and let the barbs of his cock scrape teasing along the inside of Black Claw, her back arched into the male from the burning, intense sensation somewhere between ecstasy and agony. The lion thrust back into her with a grunt as he shifted his weight to his knees and began trying to extricate the claws that dug into his back. The horny lioness gripped him eagerly and reluctantly let the male pull her claws free as he took her by the wrists and pressed her arms over his head.

"You are feisty, I like that," he growled as he held the lioness' arms over her head and thrust into her again.

Black Claw's world swam in waves of pleasure as she alternated between pushing back against the stronger male and enjoying the feeling of his strong paws gripping her arms and holding her down. She pressed her hips into his thrust, her juices flowed and squirted from her body in between thrusts. No longer able to even compose an articulate response as she trembled in pleasure she snarled at the male, "Fuck me."

Ash Mane chuckled as he transferred both wrists to one of his large paws so that his free one might grope and explore as he enjoyed his prize. He could feel himself building as he ravaged the lioness and he knew that his fun would only last so much longer, it was time to make the best of it. He lowered his muzzle to hers and kissed her, his whiskers teased along hers and his rough tongue scrapped across her muzzle and teeth. His head groped her perky breasts, played with her sensitive, swollen nipples, and traced the curves of her side all while he fucked her rhythmically.

Black Claw snarled and sputtered. She was overpowered and despite every ounce of her telling her not to, she loved it. The male's thick, musky scent mixed with her feminine scent. His thick, hard cock filled her. His rough, strong hands explored her and restrained her. She quivered in uncontrollable delight. Her loins felt as though a fire had been set inside them and with each thrust, a new stoking of the heat and flame. Black Claws' legs trembled as the male grunted on top of her, his eyes closed and mouth slightly slack as he claimed her.

It was almost over, Ash Mane knew, his cock throbbed inside the tight, pulsing pussy of the lioness. Her heat, her wetness, her tightness was too much for him to last. Deep in Ash Mane's mind was the awareness that he should pull out but also the desire to ensure the right of his claim and to finish inside her. His balls twitched as they slapped against the young lioness' cunt as the coursing pleasure of his orgasm began to build.

Black Claw felt it as well. His cock throbbed as she clamped down on it, her insides completely engulfed in need. She pressed against the arms that held her down in her lust filled need to grab the male, to bite him, to claw him, to touch him, and hold him. Her body raged with conflicted and confusing emotions as she began to crest her peak. She snarled savagely, bits of saliva spattered the male, as her body seized around him. The burning heat finally exploded as she climaxed, her pussy gripped her mate's cock as she gushed warm juices over him.

Ash Mane roared in pleasure and triumph as he came. He hilted himself in the young female and let himself go. His cock jerked inside the tight feline as he released his load into her in stream after thick, hot stream. His balls pulled tight against his body as they pressed everyone ounce cum they had into this willing and delightful female until a fulfilled emptiness began to settle into the male's body.

Both leonids panted as their orgasms subsided, their tongues lolled out as the male released his grip on Black Claw's arms and he slide over to her side, his cock still buried in her. Black Claw laid on her back, eyes fixed on the sky as she came down and she could still fill his thick, heavy seed inside her. She rumbled a happy purr of bliss as the male slipped his barbed cock from her one last time.

The male's arm lay casually tossed across her waist as he gave a satisfied and tired grunt and muttered, "I would like to hunt with you again."

Black Claw rubbed one paw on her belly where she could still feel the warmth of his seed inside her. "Maybe," she murmured in reply.

Black Claw snapped out of her reverie and threw the dirty sheet down with a snarl. The injustice of the situation was too much to bear! She had found a lover once, a handsome, sensual male and was punished because he was of a different tribe. Now her own daughter, the fruit of that very union, had taken a forbidden mate and she was still alone forced to endure the sights, sounds, and smells of the physical pleasures she was long denied.

Her daydreaming had had left her aroused and her paw no longer seemed enough to satisfy her needs. No. This human, this Edmund, was the source of her problems but she had already been damned by a male once. A dark thought crept into her mind; perhaps that human could pay her back for her suffering. Perhaps when no one else was watching, when her and the human were alone she would strike. He would repay her for her charity in letting him into her home. He would repay her for the years of sexual frustration she carried. He would repay her for ruining her daughter.

It was decided. If she could not be rid of the human, she would have him.