Seven Minutes in Heaven

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#1 of Short Stories

Garuu is sleeping over at Connor's house, but of course, being the two horny and gay boys that they are, more than just a sleepover ensues. X3

So, this was a story I wrote after doing an rp with Garuu on Inkbunny. It's based on the rp almost to a T, and even though I wrote this almost a year ago, I still think I did a pretty good job.

My first sleepover, huh? Well, I guess it was kinda crazy. I wish I would've known just what was going on back then, but then again, if I did, it wouldn't have been as enjoyable. That night, I had Garuu, a dark gray raccoon-cat, over at my house. It was eleven o'clock. Everyone in the house was almost asleep, and we both had our sleeping bags rolled out in the living room, and of course, being the boys we were, we still weren't near tired, and Garuu started swishing his raccoon tail back and forth.

"Hey, thanks for inviting me over, Connor!" he exclaimed, smiling afterward.

I was laying on my sleeping bag at the time, so I looked up at him and said, "Yeah, no problem. I thought it'd be really cool to invite you over." And I smiled at him with my eyes closed happily. You see, Garuu had wanted to come over to my house since we met in school, and I wanted him to as well. He seemed really nice and cool, just the kind of person I like.

As soon as I said that, though, he pounced on top of me and started nipping at my cheeks while giggling. "Rawr, hehe!" he shouted.

I started chuckling as well, partially because of his antics and partially because it tickled. "Hey, that tickles!"

But then he grinned at me before moving his hands down to my waist, where he started dancing his fingers, and then he began licking my nose happily. And the tickling down at my waist was just so much that I couldn't help but burst out in laughter. "Say uncle or die!" he exclaimed with a devious face.

As I continued laughing, I was able to get out, "Never!" before I started tickling him back right on the stomach.

"Nyaa!" he yelped. "Not there!" He started laughing and slumping against me while shivering. "P-please stop!"

"Nope! I'm gonna be just as cruel to you as you were to me." And I smirked at him.

He blushed hard and started groaning. "I-if ya keep g-going, I might..."

I smiled somewhat sadistically at him. "Might what, huh?" He blushed once again and pressed his crotch against mine, giggling as he let his bladder loose. "Oh..." I paused and blushed, too. "That's what you meant... Uh..." I lightly pushed him off me while he was still giggling. "This is... er... awkward..."

"Y-yeah," he stuttered, gulping as the wet spot on his underwear grew bigger. He tried to cover his underwear with his hands, but I could still see the pee spot.

I sighed and smiled at him. "Here, I have an extra pair of underwear if you want them. I think they'll fit you." I got up and beckoned for him to follow me before we both walked over to my room, Garuu still covering his wet briefs embarrassedly. I walked over to my dresser and pulled a pair of white briefs out of the top drawer before I tossed them to him.

"Th-thanks..." he responded, blushing and shivering as he pulled down his soaked underwear, revealing his half-hard penis.

"U-um..." I stuttered while staring and blushing, but I couldn't make my head turn away from the sight in front of me.

The black raccoon-cat dropped the underwear and smiled shyly. "Like what ya see?"

I blushed even more but still couldn't turn away. "Um... Sorry, I-I-I... Uh... Er... I just... Um..." I couldn't even find words to get me out of that situation.

He flashed a toothy grin at me. "I dare ya to be nude~!" he exclaimed.

My eyes shot wide open, and my mouth was agape for a good few seconds. "W-w-w-w-w-what? N-no, I couldn't possibly--I mean it just--I mean--I..." I started getting a boner, and I tried to hide it by cupping my hands around my crotch.

He replied excitedly, "A dare's a dare~," and he blushed as he took his shirt off as well.

But he was right. A dare is a dare. I whimpered as I took my shirt off, then my pants, and finally, I took my underwear off showing the boner I had, and I was completely embarrassed to be doing so, blushing a lot. "This is just too a-awkward," I mumbled. Garuu started giggling to himself, and I noticed that his cock was completely hard. "What are you laughing at?" I asked while blushing even more than I was.

"Nothin'," he replied. "Just think you look cute nude."

I stuttered out, "Y-y-you think I look cute? Well, I-I-I hope you d-don't mind me s... saying this, b-but I think... I think you l-l-look cute, too."

He flushed red, mewling as he covered his cheeks with his tail. "Th-thanks."

"S-sure," I responded before I started giggling. I don't know exactly why I was giggling, though... "Th-this actually isn't that bad." He smiled, pressed up against me, and started nuzzling happily against me while he pressed our two cocklets together. "This f-f-feels good... but are y-you sure this is o-o-okay?"

He chuckled. "Y-yeah, of course." He purred deeply, his cock slowly grinding against the base of my own.

I started moaning. "Th-th-th-that feels s-s-s-so awesome... K-keep going..."

"Ohh..." he moaned in ecstacy. "Oh, yeah..." He didn't stop as he asked, "You got somewhere private we can go to?"

Blushing because of his constant motion, I replied, "Th-this is the... ngh... best I've got... We sh-should probably c-close the door, though... No one will intrude on us..."

He stopped grinding against my crotch and smiled deviously as he closed the door. "Guess we're naughty, huh?"

"Y-yeah. Guess we're pretty naughty." And I chuckled a bit.

Garuu started leading me into my closet while saying, "I heard about a game called Seven Minutes in Heaven."

"O-oh, yeah?" I asked rhetorically. "I-I-I've heard of it." I blushed.

He smirked. "We've got all night..." He closed the closet door, leaving us both in the dark, and I could see his glowing cat eyes.

"H-h-how can you see like this? C-can't you at least let me turn on the light?" I hated the dark... I still hate it.

He chuckled and replied, "All right, all right." He used his tail to feel for a switch, and when he found it, he smiled as he flicked it up.

"Th-that's better," I said as I started grinding against his crotch.

He started holding me tight, putting his hands on my butt as he grinded back deeply, our cheeks resting against each other. "Unf..."

I once again moaned and exclaimed, "Ohhh~! How c-can anything feel this good?"

"F-faster!" shouted Garuu. "It feels so good!" He panted, giggling in pleasure as he did so.

"G-gladly!" I said back as I started speeding up, giggling out of pleasure, too.

After a couple seconds, he started blushing hard, "F-feels like I gotta p-pee again!" I could feel his muscles tense up, trying to stop his pee, but they only stay tensed up for about a second.

"A-again?" I mutter, too absorbed in the pleasure to say much else. After another couple seconds, though, I realized something. "Now that you mention it, I'm feeling that way, too..."

"Ooooh! Hold me tighter!" he yelled. "It's coming!" He whined happily, pinning me up against the wall with his legs crossed.

I held him tighter. "Ahh! This feels so amazing~!"

"Ahh! Peeing!" was all he was able to say before he moaned happily, his cock spurting out thick, warm globs of seed on our bellies and chests, and he started groaning... but neither of us knew at the time that that was cum.

I looked down at it, and it was white, sticking to us. It didn't look anything like urine. "You sure th-that's pee?" I asked, but I started feeling that feeling more, too. "I-I think that's gonna happen with me, too..." And I moaned before spurting out even more cum onto our bodies.

"M-mm..." murmured Garuu. "Th-that was intense..." He licked his lips which had the sticky white substance on it.

"Y-yeah... What was that...?" I asked. "It felt so... Mmmm... I can't even describe it with words..." I started giggling.

As the cum got on his tongue, he blushed but said, "Mmm, salty!"

"Y-you're eating it?" I inquired, surprised. "Is... is that even safe?" He shrugged as I licked the substance off my own lips... and he was right. It did taste salty. "Hmm... Interesting..."

He blushed once again as he asked, "Can, uh... can I suck on your peepee?"

My eyes widened at his request. "Suck... on my peepee?" And yes, we did call our cocks peepees back then. I blushed. "I dunno... I guess you could... It wouldn't hurt anything..." He got down on his knees, taking my cocklet on his paw as he sniffed it. Then, he closed his eyes and put the tip of it in his maw. "Mmmmph... Ohhh~!" I couldn't control myself as I smiled contently. He blushed even more as he kept his eyes shut and flicked his tongue along the tip of my cock.

I shuddered and giggled. "Whatever you're doing, keep it up..."

He took my whole entire length into his mouth, smiling while he sucked. He stopped for a second and looked up at me. "Try making more of that pee!"

"You mean that white stuff?" I asked before I chuckled. "All right, I'll try." And of course, Garuu opened his mouth, foolishly expecting cum to come out when I wanted it to. I have to admit, I was expecting it, too. After all, we were only eleven. How were we supposed to know this stuff? "I-I don't think I can do it unless you... er... do more to my peepee..."

"Ah... Try peeing while I do it! Maybe that'll work!" he exclaimed before he nuzzled his cheek against my tip, slurping it back in his maw.

I blushed and moaned. "Okay..." I tried peeing, but nothing came out. "J-just keep doing it, and maybe it'll come out..." He didn't even nod. Instead, he opened his mouth more, amazingly fitting my balls in there. "Mmmmm.... K-keep going... Feels so good... F-f-feels like I'm in heaven." And I shuddered once again. He continued to suck on my cocklet, slowly fingering himself under his striped tail.

And that same peeing-like feeling started to come again. "Oh... There comes that feeling again... It's starting..." I started panting a bit. "Ahhh~! He once again fit my entire crotch into his mouth while purring deeply. I moaned as I felt myself getting even closer. "Here it comes...!" I let loose another large moan and released my cum inside his mouth.

"Mmph~!" he said, swallowing all the cum he could, drenching my balls in both cum and saliva.

"Whatever that feeling is..." I started, referring to my orgasm, "it's amazing..." And I smiled.

He pulled away from my cock, licking his lips. "Could use a shower."

"Agreed." However, I noticed a splotch of cum on his cheek, so I licked it to get it off.

He giggled while blushing. "Where's the tub?"

"It's down the hall and to the right." And then I got to thinking... "Why don't we just shower together? It'd be faster and easier."

He smiled. "Oh, okay!" He purred as I walked to the bathroom with him. I shut the door before both of us stepped into the shower. I pulled the curtain forward and turned on the water, which was warm almost instantly. "I love the water here... It gets so warm so fast..." I smiled at him.

He started nuzzling against me, holding me tight as he pet my butt. "Good~. I like warm showers."

I started moaning and petting his butt. "Th-that's good..."

He moaned as well. "Mmhm... Feels good to have something in..."

"Huh?" I asked simply. I had never heard of that before. "Y-y-you mean... up your butt?" I blushed.

He nodded. "Uh-huh... Wanna do it to me?"

"I-I-I dunno... Like what would I put up there?" I had no clue what to do back then. Even sticking something up someone's butt was a completely new idea to me.

"Hmm..." he paused for a second. "Oh, your peepee?"

I blushed. "Um... I guess that would work..." I put my cock right by his hole before I tried pushing it in there. "D-d-dang... That's... a tight fit..." I wasn't pushing too hard, though...

"Ugh... Try... I think it's going in..." said Garuu.

"B-but I don't wanna hurt you..." I responded before I started pushing in slowly but firmly, and it started sliding in. "Mmm... It's nice and warm... Hehe..."

"S-so new!" he blurted out before he yelped in glee. I could tell his ass was hungry for my cock.

"Y-you like it?" I asked as I pulled out somewhat. "So if I do this, and then thrust back in..." and I thrust back in, eliciting a large moan out of him as he squirmed happily while panting. "I think I'm getting somewhere." I did the same motion again but faster. "It feels good on my end, too..."

He was up against the wall now, eyes shut as he kept moaning in ecstasy. I started to go faster with each thrust until I was at a steady rhythm. He kept contracting against my cock. "Your butt's squeezing my peepee and it feels so good!" I exclaimed.

"It feels s-so tingly... Deeper... I like this game..."

I pushed in as deep as I could. "Like that? This is fun." And I giggled.

He giggled, too his butt getting even tighter. "My turn~!"

"Y-your turn? W-what do you mean?"

"I wanna do the same to ya, but sitting... How about on the potty?"

"O-okay..." I turned off the shower before opening the curtain and pulling out of him. "My peepee is all cold now..." We both stepped out of the shower, still dripping wet.

Garuu hopped on the toilet seat, facing me. "Face me as ya sit. I'll make it warm again."

"You want me to sit on your peepee?" I asked, hoping that was what he meant. "Okay..." I sat down on it while facing him, and I felt it enter an area that hadn't been entered before. "Ooh, you were right... This does feel good!"

He shivered happily, hugging me close as she started humping, going in and out fast. "Mmm...!"

I moaned once again in ecstacy "That's what I'm talking about~!"

"Unf, yes~!" he exclaimed, slamming up against me with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth, and he made me bounce.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed as I giggled and moaned at the same time. "This is a nice game... Hehe..."

"Ahh... yeah..." he mumbled, inching his face closer to mine before he pressed his lips against mine, kissing me all of a sudden.

All I could do was groan as I started kissing back. He began to French kiss me, sliding his tongue into my mouth, finding my sweet spots. I began moving my tongue around as well, starting kind of a tongue war with him. He swirled his tender tongue around my own, both of our cheeks burning red as his cocklet slammed hard inside me. I moaned every time he thrust.

We broke the kiss as he said, "Ahh, I-I feel funny... so... hot..."

I closed one of my eyes out of pleasure. "H-h-hot? W-what do you mean?"

He closed his eyes. "I-I'm g-gonna pee inside... Can't... help..."

I shuddered as his cum filled me, but it felt so good. "D-d-don't worry... Feels good..." As his seed filled me, I came for the third time that night right onto his chest and face.

"Ooh, hot..." he murmured, his tail resting lazily inside the toilet bowl as he hugged me close. "Mmm... Love you..."

"Love you, too..." I replied, smiling tiredly.

He panted a bit before kissing me once again, keeping his cock too deep to get out easily, but I didn't mind. It felt good in there. I merely kissed back.

After about a minute, we broke the kiss. "Let's go to bed, okay?" he asked sleepily.

"All right..." And I smiled before getting off, whimpering at the empty feeling in my butt.

He smiled as he nuzzled against me, purring as we headed to bed. We both crawled inside the same sleeping bag, cuddling close to each other. That may not have been seven minutes, but that was sure heaven.