Hopeful Hearts~ Chapter One

Story by Story on SoFurry

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#1 of Hopeful Hearts

Two characters are introduced as the winter break ends and the school years starts back up again.

A cold January breeze whipped towards the school, carrying with it a number of leaves and students. The winter break had finally came to an end, which meant that everyone shuffled mindlessly to the school, moaning and groaning like a horde of zombies. Even though they all griped and complained about the vacation ending, they were all happy to finally get to meet up with their friends once again and talk about everything that had happened over the break. All except one student that was.

Story stood before the school, wearing his beloved black hoodie. The hood was drawn over his face, casting most of his features into darkness except for his bright blue eyes, which shone with instense brightness. He had his hands crammed in the pockets of his dark blue, skinny jeans and a black bookbag with bright green outlining on his back. Though is was hard to see, a small grin was growing on his face.

Story wasn't like many other students from his school. He enjoyed his classes and strived in them, though he was hardly ever noticed. He was quite reserved and was almost invisible in most cases. Of course he was used to it at this point and did not care too much, he had some friends and valued them.

"Hey Story!" a voice yelled out. Story looked over to see his friend Star. She threw her hand up in the air wildly, making sure her greeting was noticed. Story simply threw up a hand gesture as a hello and she made her way towards him.

Star had long black hair that flowed in the gusty winds, rare amber eyes that were always bright and cheerful, along with shining orange and white fur that gleamed brighter than any other cat's at the school. She wore a pink floral shirt and a vibrant green skirt that reached almost halfway to her ankles. She was the image of perfection and many guys in the school liked her, though she paid little mind to it and focused on her work.

"Oh, h-hey Star," he replied, offering her a welcoming smile. "How was your break?"

She gave a small smile in return. "It was okay for the most part, missed talking to you though. How was the break for you?"

"You should have called, we could have hung out. My break was spent doing absolutely nothing, so you could have called at any time and we could have scheduled something,"

"No no," she hastily replied, shaking her head from side to side fiercely and waving her hides back and forth as her cheeks burned a rosy red color.

He sighed, looking over at the school. As he did, a bell rung out into the open air, and a chorus of moans and groans sounded out shortly afterwards. The massive crowds standing outside the school began making their way inside the building, into what would become just another regular routine.

"Well, that's the bell for class, I am going to head off now," she said, her fur still slightly red, but fading quickly as she turned away and sped off into the crowd of people, clutching her books closely in her hands.

Story sighed again, shook his head slightly and began making his way towards the entrance of his school.

Hopeful Hearts~ Chapter Two

Star rushed down the hallways of the school, weaving around different groups of kids as the lazily conversated and walked at their own leisure, looking for a restroom to stop by. As she did this, numerous amounts of people shouted out at her, welcoming...

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A Lasting Love

# A Lasting Love By: Daemon Kahlil Wilson This story and its characters are a copyright of Daemon Kahlil Schaffer-Wilson, and is NOT to be sold in any way shape or form without the FULL consent of the writer (Daemon Kahlil Schaffer-Wilson)....

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