pt:2 An Office Excursion [or Regulation Panty-raid Ladder NOT Included]

Story by ANO on SoFurry

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#2 of Adventures with Trixie and Black

Adventures with Trixie and Black

Part 2: An Office Excursion [or Regulation Panty-raid Ladder NOT Included]

It was that time of the month again. Trixie's meetings were all lined up in slots; each one an hour long but she really had one on her mind, Mr. Black. It had only been one month but she spent her morning preening and showering; she picked out an especially special dress. It was satin black, cut with a classy slit up the side. She had her hair curled to the side to give her a classic look of old school vogue and still a modern feminist twist. She wore her heels and skipped the stockings, put on her pouting lip-lipstick black of course. The dress went over both of her shoulders and highlighted the white fur covering her chest and slender throat line. It was not unnoticed that she was dressed to impress for the day. Her boss even commented that she was dressed up more than normal for her meetings.

It was about 11:30 in the morning. Trixie's clients came and went. She was in her third meeting with a cheetah guy. A real cheeky dude, bad suit included. She watched his tail twitching back and forth for a few moments as she talked about his clubs and cost ratios. He wasn't really listening so much as he had his eyes on her tits and lips. It was okay though; she wanted to make sure Mr. John Black would notice as much. She stopped talking for a moment when drool from his lip fell onto his pants.

"I think...,"she handed him a napkin, "that our meeting is over." He blinked a few times and took the napkin. He started to say something but she just stood and walked to the bathroom. She twitched her tail and swiveled her hips, she made sure her dress swayed just enough to show the lace bracelet around her thigh.

"Same time next month."

She threw her hair back and smiled at him and closed the bathroom door. She waited until she heard the door of her office close before she exhaled.

"What is wrong with me?" she glared at the woman in the mirror. This was not her normal behavior. Sure she was fun loving and sexually aware as any woman but there was something that stirred deep within her. It was almost time for her meeting with him and there was moment when that thought took her breath away. Flirting with clients and acting like she was some sort of star. It would pass for the day though, every now and then a girl had to be more than what she was; had to live in a fantasy world in small bits of the day to find relief from the mundane and the boring. She relieved herself and on her way out had a thought. It might help her be a little calmer to have just a mini pleasure moment. Her secretary came by and shouted that she was going to lunch and her office was empty. The lobby was empty except for security and they were on skeleton crew for lunch. She rolled her panties off and arched her tail between her legs; she didn't have time for finesse. She leaned back on the sink and sunk her tail inside her hole. She twitched it hard up and down flexing her muscles till she felt that light tingle in her stomach and her back clinched hard. She whipped it back again and sent another jolt up her spine. She held back her cry and pushed just deep enough to hit her spot. She whipped her tail up and pressed down hard until she came. For a moment her sight was covered in sparkling dots and her breath could not escape. She let go and the wave of relief came over her. She wiped herself clean and washed her hands. She wiped her tail off, took a deep breath and emerged from her bathroom ready to tackle reality.

Mr. Black came into the office and sat himself in the clients' seat. The office was empty but he could hear rustling in the bathroom. He waited a few moments, patiently, and listened closely. He heard her heavy breaths and had his own idea of how she could be "freshening up." He licked his chops and felt that good feeling settle into his stomach,

"Mmmmm..." his mind did wander, but before his mind game could continue the bathroom door opened up and a vision of beauty stepped out before him.

He almost lost his composure. Curly blonde hair, dark green mysterious eyes, pouting lips with dark lipstick, complete with shining fur up the calf teasing at something more. He wandered if the carpets matched the drapes. But he knew better, the whiteness of her chest and flowing belly fur were obvious in the dress she was wearing. She walked to her desk pulled out a portfolio and sat on the opposite end of the table.

She felt the pressure of her meeting mounting before she could even speak. He was sitting there with a cool smile on his face, ears up and alert. He looked at her with big blue eyes and they began to converse. His deep voice was all that she wanted to occupy their meeting.

"So, is our investment venture going as good as we planned? The loans should be half paid off by this time next month."

She regained her focus long enough to reply, she told herself to stop staring.

"Yes sir. Everything is working out well-"

He cut her off, "Call me Mr. Black or John if you prefer."

"Mr. Black, we are doing better than initially predicted, increases in our stocks have--"

Her words faded in his ears after she said his name. Her lips moved slowly, sexually, her voice was silk on the air. After a moment they both stopped talking and were both caught staring at each other.

Mr. Black sitting and panting like a hot dog on the porch and her twitching her tail back and forth on the ground. That's what started all this panting and staring and sweating. Mr. Black felt that brief heart jump that always comes before a bulge appears in his pants. His nose smelled a familiar erotic scent wafting in the air. It wasn't long before her zeroed in on her tail as the source and it trailed from her to the bathroom and back, lightly coating the office, only a true k-9 nose could smell it fully for what it was. It took all his self control not reach across the table and take her, not to say something stupid, not to grab her and make her his in totality.

The broke their stare and she was the first to make a move. Tied of the games they were playing, she wanted that fantasy moment. She could not feel her legs only that boiling desire in the pit of her spine, burning in the back of her mind.

Trixie stood up and walked over to his side of the table, she looked him over admiring his broad shoulders with deep black fur, big blue eyes, trim cut that showed the perfect muscle tone, even the way his tail laid heavily coated and thick on the floor. Wrapping her tail around his neck; she tickled his chin and nose with it before looking at him with pure lust,

"The door is locked, I'm going to the to follow..."

She let her tail slide around his shoulders without waiting for his reply and slowly swayed away towards the bathroom. She never looked behind her but she hoped he would follow, she had made herself wet with desire, teasing Mr. Black may not have been the smart thing for a woman her size to do. She noticed his package swelling his jeans. She went into the bathroom bent herself over the sink and pulled her panties down to the floor. She shot her tail straight up, flipped her dress over and up to the side, and waited. If he never came she would at least not be ashamed. Her wait seemed infinite before the door cracked open and her dark lover came in, crowding the space with his heat and scent.

He was surprised to see her ready when he walked in, she was in the perfect position. Her lips open and glistening. The bud of her clit hanging and swollen with need. He rubbed up against her ass, the soft fur gliding over his trousers, closed the door behind him and placed his hand on her exposed ass. He melted his finger over her lips and decided that he wanted a taste of her before he showed her his power. He grabbed the base of her tail, slapped her bare ass with the coarse padding of his palm, and spoke softly, "up on the sink."

He pulled her up by her tail opening up her sex and putting it muzzle level. He sunk his tongue in, holding her up slightly by her tail so she would have to work harder to closer her pussy on him. He tasted her wetness, and smelled deep of her want. He slid his muzzle between her lips and pushed his tongue deeper inside of her, opening up her stomach to him.

She had to hold back her screams of passion. His tongue was rough and went deeper in her than her fantasy had made it. It pushed open her womb and closed it, pushed and closed. She tried to whip her tail but his grip on her was so tight she could nothing but let his tongue drink her from the inside. He held her by the tail so tight that his control over her was absolute. She finally came, frozen with her pussy open and leaking, and felt herself run wet with heat. She normally would feel liquid run down her clit but as she came she went red because he never came out. Her juice ran straight down his tongue and coated his muzzle. His pants were on the floor and the red top of his dick was sticking straight out, scent coating the room.

"You know, we usually warn someone before us cum in their mouth." He smacked her ass hard. She let out a cry she had been holding in,

"I'm sorry, Mr. Black!" she whispered with excitement in her voice.

He stood over her and ran the head of his cock up and down her lips. Her heat was intense. He felt like he was striking a match and sinking his fire into the furnace. His meat stretched her wider than any of her toys ever had. He went slow and was rock hard as he inched himself deep. He hit the entrance of her stomach and his size was remarkable. She felt like she was hanging from a meat pole. He jerked her tail up as he buried himself into her womb seeking the spot that would make her cringe and shake.

He body gave way to him. He fit into her stomach with the perfect angle, his chest against her back and began to take short strokes; just enough to feel her clamp on to him and hear the low purr escape her throat, and then he remembered what time it was. Their meeting was over in ten minutes and he needed his moment; deeper than that he wanted her to know that they were connected in their lust, their need to be more, and be more to someone than just average. Ordinary. He made his mind then, He didn't have time to sink his knot in, to lock her to his frame like a good bitch should be treated, but he did have time for a little more fun.

She felt a bulge growing at her entrance and banging against her clit, she thought he was going to break her open and secretly she wanted him to do it. She wanted to end on a high note like disappearing from the building by hiding in the bathroom with a man who made love like a teen with his first taste of high class pussy. She was lost in the silent hush of the moment when she felt her stomach glow with intense heat and began to fill with jet after jet of hot cum. He filled her stomach up with so much cum that she felt like she just had a full meal. Her stomach had a little bulge and at worse his cum was locked into her by her cervix.

He pulled his dick out of her, coated in white foam and a light glaze. The odor in the room was powerful and disorienting. It made both of them pause a moment when they became separate both out of missing each other's warmth and out of the temptation to go again.

Outside of the bathroom they heard a loud bang; someone was at the door to the office. Mr. Black quickly pulled up his pants, fastened the buttons and belt and kissed her deep. He rubbed her up and down.

Trixie stood and wiped the cum from her thighs with a hand towel, they took a moment to enjoy each other, kissing and rubbing a last minute of intimacy before they split. Mr. Black reached onto the ground and scooped up the panties that were hers. He gripped them tight and pushed Trixie out the door. She beat on the door, sounding off a few obscenities at him before the door to her office sounded off again. She walked swiftly and heard the window of the bathroom crack and shut. She also heard the subsequent yelling and "Oh Shit," from Mr. Black as he landed in the bushes beside the window. He wouldn't be hurt but he would feel the fall. She opened the door and her next client was already waiting in the lobby. Her face felt red and she was trying so hard to keep her legs closed behind the door.

"I'll be with you in a moment, let me just wrap up Mr. Black's business and we'll proceed with your portfolio update." She spoke quickly.

She closed the door and smiled to herself. Mr. Black was gone and her day would continue as normal, but she would not have to dream anymore at night. She felt what his loving was like and it was better than her dreams had allowed it to be. She cleaned up his portfolio and laid out her next client's work. Her stomach felt full and warm as she sat down. She couldn't help but smile, "What an ass..." she giggled. She had to sit the rest of the day in the rather exposing skirt with no panties. He had a bad boy sense of humor, but she could be naughty as well.

When she got home that evening she lay on the couch and purred to herself. It was a strange night because she felt that she was waiting for something to happen. She was falling asleep when her house phone rand from a private number. She answered and a familiar voice came through the headset.