Meeting Warryn

Story by Warryn on SoFurry

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Meeting Warryn is a story written in the second-person perspective. Slip inside for a job interview unlike any other, and emerge with a smile on your face and a comforting warmth in your heart.

Written over the course of two weeks, my first story means much to me. I am hopeful that you will find meaning in it, as well.

This story is rated ADULT, and is intended to be read only by legal adults.

You've been so anxious upon arriving at Warryn Pleasures that you haven't yet mustered up the courage to step out of your car. The company parking garage is as quiet as one would expect it to be during business hours, save for the unintelligible noise of a red fox speaking with someone on his cell phone a distance away as he heads for his car. You didn't get a good look at the company grounds as you drove in, but from the size of this parking garage and the number of floors, you can tell that the premises must be truly massive. You weren't expecting anything so grand when you spotted the entry-level job listing online. You've lacked steady income for a while now, and the thought of returning to the retail or fast food industries makes you sick to your stomach. Now that you're here, though... You can't help but wonder if you're out of your league. You have an interview today, sure, but you can't drive out your stubborn concern that someone may have made a mistake when the job listing was posted... A big corporation would only want to hire more accomplished individuals, wouldn't it?

...I just need to do it. Gotta stay optimistic. The worst that could happen is... they turn me down.

Your ear flicks a little as the fox approaches his vehicle. His car is apparently parked across from yours, and you can hear his side of the phone conversation well. "No, no, he wouldn't like that- ... Y-yes, I understand, but you're forgetting about the..." You stop paying attention to whatever he's rambling on about the moment you take a glance at him in your rear-view mirror. He's completely naked... and sporting a raging boner. "What!?" you blurt out at the sight. You're totally transfixed as the nude fox casually ends his phone conversation, tosses his cell phone into his vehicle, and decides to have a stretch. You gaze on, unblinking and silent, unsure if you're feeling complete shock or utter fascination. He reaches up toward the garage roof as he arches his back and stands on his toes, his stiff shaft on shameless display, his tail swaying happily. You can't tear your eyes away from his lithe, furry body... Just can't stop staring, hoping that he doesn't see you as he gets into his car. By some incredible chance, his eyes meet with yours as he puts his vehicle into reverse. You stifle a gasp as your tail quivers. He's looking right at me... You watch the fox grin and give you a playful wink before he drives off, disappearing from the parking garage to go... be naked and horny somewhere else, you imagine. At that thought, you gently squirm a little in your seat as your tail twitches a bit. You've never seen anyone do anything like that before in your life; you don't know what to think of it. Who even DOES that!? Thinks he can go strolling around naked and eager in public places... After a few more moments, you decide you'll tell someone inside about what you witnessed. You're hopeful that the fox will be identified quickly... so that he'll be fired, presumably.

You finally convince yourself to get out of your car, almost forgetting to lock it before you make your way into a nearby elevator. It isn't long before you find yourself at what appears to be a fancy, yet modern reception desk. As your eyes scan the building's interior, you begin to question your choice of attire for this interview... I dressed well, but this place looks so sleek... immaculate, even.

"Welcome to Warryn Pleasures. May I help you with something, dear?"

You were totally lost in your bewilderment; the receptionist is addressing you. She's a light-purple lizard dressed in surprisingly casual attire. Casual Friday, maybe?... No, today isn't Friday. No one else is around right now for you to compare her with, but if everyone here dresses under the same code as this lizard, you've surely picked fine clothes with which to stand out for your interview. Time to put your best foot forward.

"Hi, yes, I have an interview scheduled for-"

"Gotcha right here, hon. You're a little early, aren't you?"

Drat, I could have spent more time worrying in my car. "Yea, I suppose I am. If the hiring manager is busy, I can-"

"Hiring manager? Oh, you're in for a surprise, dear." She giggles a little, and you suddenly feel uncertainty creeping into your thoughts again. "You're shooting for... the design department, is that right?"

"Design department?" That doesn't sound right. That sounds like the kind of job where I'd need some kind of degree... Shoot, what position was I applying for!? "Uhm, my interview is for an entry-level position... It was in the listings onli-"

"Oh, this is going to be a treat." The lizard is grinning at you now, her chin resting atop her hands with her elbows planted on the desk. There's a very pleasant, friendly look about her, though; despite your nerves, you get the feeling you're not being teased. She sure does interrupt you a lot, though. "Listen, you're going to want to head down this way, following the path into the next building over, and from there, take the elevator to the top floor. Just outside the elevator, find Warryn's office and give his door a knock. I'll let him know you're coming."

"Thank y-" Wait a minute... "Did you say 'Warryn's offic-'"

"That I did, hon." That grin of hers... You're certain this isn't the first time this receptionist has dealt with others just like yourself- others who felt doubtful, nervous, lacking in self-confidence... She's definitely enjoying this conversation.

"Warryn... the guy in charge of Warryn Pleasur-"

"Of course. Wouldn't the big boss himself be the best suited to picking and choosing who he hires?"

"I-... I suppose so..." I guess that makes sense, right? Something feels off to you, but you can't put your finger on what, exactly. Perhaps things are simply done differently here from what you're used to; best to just go along with the flow. "Thank y-"

"Anytime, dear. Oh, and please... Just be yourself, and don't worry." Her smile feels so sincere and uplifting. You smile back and give her a little nod before you head on your way. You're ready for this.


"You in your office?"

"That I am. How's the weather down there, Lindsey?"

"Bright and warm. In fact, I've just sent a sunny day in your direction."

"Oh, a bit early! That's fine, that's fine."

"You don't have anything else on your agenda today."

"Always on the ball, Lindsey. Perhaps I'll spend some quality time with them, then. Normal interviews can be so dull."

"You want to do a double-tap for a no, triple for a yes?"

"You're sharper than my teeth, Lindsey, you know that?"

"And you wouldn't have it any other way."

"You'll hear from me soon. Oh, and by the way... It sounds like you've kicked that interrupting habit of yours, that's wonderfu-"

"Thank you, Warryn."


Shoot, I forgot to tell her about that fox in the parking garage!

It totally slipped your mind. You'd go back and tell the receptionist about what you saw, but you're already on the elevator, heading up toward Warryn's... the boss's office. I guess I'll just tell the boss himself about what I saw. The elevator heads up, higher and higher, going all the way to the top floor of the building. With every floor passed, your confidence wavers that little bit more. Why am I meeting with this guy? He's going to laugh in my face when he pulls up my work history... I'm no designer... The negative thoughts keep flowing as you ascend. By the time the elevator finally stops, you feel like you'd rather melt into the floor than see what's waiting for you beyond the metal doors. Slowly they part, and you take a deep breath. The worst that could happen is they turn me down. I just need to do it.

You step out of the elevator into a carpeted hall and quickly spot a thick-looking wooden door. This is it; you've arrived. You try to steel yourself as you raise a fist to knock on the door.

-knock knock knock-

For a few moments, nothing happens. The tension is building as you wait for a reaction- any sign that someone within heard your knock. Just as you consider trying again, the door suddenly opens and a silver husky wearing a black t-shirt and some loose white cargo shorts quickly slips out, grinning to himself as he makes his way toward the elevator you came from. "Hey, wait!" you call out. "Uh, I have an appointment... I think the receptionist said she'd page you?" I didn't even catch her name! Some attention to detail...

The husky turns to face you after he pushes the elevator call button. "Haha, the guy you're looking for is in there. I was just-..." His soft ears suddenly fold down as he raises a furry hand to wipe at the side of his muzzle. Not a moment later, he seems to perk back up. "Ah, well, good luck! Maybe I'll see you around!" And with that, he steps into the elevator, the doors close, and he's gone.

You hear someone clearing their throat, snapping you out of your stupor. "Come in, come in," a deep voice beckons you. You're not sure how long you've been standing there, facing the elevator the husky disappeared into, but you quickly turn toward the office doorway and step inside.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-... I wasn't expecting..."

"No worries! Kalyan and I enjoy each other's company now and then, but your interview takes precedence over something like that."

You don't even register the response. There, sitting at a large desk near the rear of the massive office, is the one you came here to meet- a large albino alligator. Despite your polite nature, you fail to stop yourself from staring at him, practically frozen in place as you silently give him the once over. Your eyes drink in the smooth gray and white scales of his front and shoulders, the gator wearing nothing over his upper body to hide them. He has sleek, dark ridges traveling over his head, going down his neck and back all the way to the end of his long, powerful tail. Despite being seated, you're certain he'd be notably taller than you when standing; he's quite the massive specimen. You've never seen anyone like him before, and he can read the wonder on your face like a book. He waits patiently for you to collect yourself, enjoying how you blush when you realize you've been gawking at him since making eye contact. Well, I sure began this interview off in the absolute worst way possible...

Your face quickly warms up. "Uh... It's, uhm, it's nice to meet you, sir." He isn't even wearing a shirt... Is this guy for real?

"No need for any of that. Please, call me Warryn." He's grinning at you; he must enjoy watching you flounder like this.

"Oh, okay then..." You suddenly remember the incident in the parking garage. "Ah! Sir- I mean Warryn, I have something to report!"

The gator looks gleefully surprised; he surely wasn't expecting you to say anything like that. You feel more than a bit foolish as he stifles a small chuckle. "You seem very enthusiastic about this! Go on, then, give me this report of yours."

He isn't taking me seriously... "I noticed a red fox, a guy, heading for his car in the parking garage, and he was absolutely naked. He was acting like he didn't even care, just talking on his phone, completely casual and nonchalant."

"So you were watching him, then." The gator flashes a sharp grin your way.

"Wha-... I-I suppose, but I wasn't... I wasn't gawking or anything." I was totally gawking...

The gator shrugs. "Regardless of whether you enjoyed the show or not, some discipline will be in order. One moment." He nods politely at you before pushing a button along the edge of his desk, and it makes a small, quick beep. "Lindsey? It sounds like Sinclair decided to grab an early lunch again."

"I'll send him your way after the interview, Warryn." You recognize the receptionist's voice, and make a mental note of her name.

The gator releases the intercom button and smiles at you. "It's rude to head out this early without at least leaving me a memo. Anyway-"

You can't help but interrupt. "Wait, what? He... He was naked! I saw him! How can you tolerate that!?"

The gator's smile seems to leave his face, and he begins to stand. Oh crud, what did I say!? Watching him leave his seat, a part of you quietly wonders if this shirtless gator is wearing any pants or not. He gets up, bearing over you even as you stand before his desk, and you see that, yes, he is wearing some casual black jeans. You catch yourself half-wishing that he weren't... No! No! Mind out of the gutter! You look up to meet his gaze. Expecting anger, you're surprised to see a strangely comforting tenderness.

"Listen. If anybody working at or visiting Warryn Pleasures wants to arrive at or leave the premises without clothing, that's their prerogative. Nobody here will judge anyone for enjoying and expressing their desires. If you wanted to strip right here in front of me, right now, I wouldn't think twice of it. Everybody here at Warryn Pleasures shares a deep respect for one another. Keep an open mind while you're here, alright?"

No one's ever spoken to you like this before. What kind of business is this?... You've only ever worked retail and fast food jobs before- those kinds of places have strict dress codes, and many times your co-workers and even supervisors would act judgmental over someone trying out a new hairstyle or wearing a different necklace. You've always taken it to be the norm. This, though... it sounds too good to be true; it couldn't be true, could it? Does Warryn really mean what he's saying? Complete freedom from judgment- being respected by one's peers while expressing one's desires...

"Would you like to take a seat?" It hasn't occurred to you that you've been standing in front of the gator's desk this entire time; there are two perfectly fine, smooth-looking black chairs right in front of you. You nod softly and seat yourself down. The moment you do, an awkward and incredibly uncomfortable jolting sensation shoots up your spine- you can feel a thick object suddenly pressing itself against your rear, just beneath your tail, and you shout out in surprise! You try to stand, but your wrists have been restrained- tight bands attached to the chair have snared you, keeping your arms stuck against the slightly pliable armrests. Your legs become trapped as well- thick bands have your thighs snugly but firmly held in place, forcing you to stay seated. You grunt and growl, completely shocked and entirely uncomfortable as the thick object keeps jamming itself beneath your tail. If it weren't for your clothing, it would have slid right into... "Nnnnngh! Wh- What is... HELP!"

The gator, appearing about as surprised as he was from your earlier outburst, depresses a button beneath his desk. As quickly as this trap was sprung, it all seems to go away. The assault on your clothed rear suddenly ceases and all of your restraints seem to vanish into the chair, somehow. You're back on your feet in a split second, gasping and blushing, adrenaline surging through you. Meanwhile, Warryn is... laughing!?

"I'm... I'm so sorry! Hahaha! Oh geez, I think I even know who was behind it... HAHA!"

You feel like you're boiling as you listen to him laughing at your expense. "Why did that happen!? What the freakin' hell was that!?"

"Hmhmhmhm... Hold on, hold on... haha...." He takes a deep breath, trying to control his case of the chuckles. "I assure you, I did not plan to introduce you to any of our products in such a forceful manner. A well-intentioned prankster had some fun with the settings for my guest chairs. These chairs were designed and produced here at Warryn Pleasures; many of my employees have one at their desk."

You were not expecting this. The same question as before crosses your mind. What kind of business is this? That chair assaulted me... You can't help but think to yourself that if you were more prepared for what it tried to do, you may have actually enjoyed it... Mind out of the gutter! This is an interview! What am I thinking!? The gator watches you as you stand in front of him, and he makes sense of your conflicting expressions. "You have no idea what my company is all about, do you?"

You pause. "... No sir- ah, Warryn. This is so confusing... I feel uncomfortable."

Warryn gives you a friendly smile. "Sit down. The chair will behave this time, I promise you." You glance down at the dastardly chair before nervously sitting on the very edge; it doesn't appear to do anything to terrify you this time.


"That silver husky you passed by on your way in here... Do you know what he was doing before you arrived?"

You hesitate. "No, Warryn, I don't know." Is this going where I think it's going?

The gator smirks at you and leans back in his large chair- his clawed hands resting behind his head, as if to show off his impressive body. "The slutty puppy was sucking on my cock."

Immediately your gaze shifts downward, and you hear the gator chuckle; the edge of his desk just barely hides his clothed crotch from your sight. You blush as you look back up at his face. "That's... You shouldn't... Nngh..." What do I even say!?

"I shouldn't what, friend?" He seems to be enjoying this conversation.

"You... You shouldn't do things like that with your employees. Or slander them behind their backs."

The gator's smirk sharpens into that toothy grin you saw before. "I haven't spoken a single word about that husky which he wouldn't happily spread around these buildings on his own. He invited himself into my office today and begged me to stuff that warm muzzle of his."

Your tail is doing flip-flops behind you; you're certain that this gator is reading your every expression very carefully as you try to contain your feelings. "S-so... what, you're controlling him, or something? Got into his head? Is that what this is?"

"Hmhmhm... No one is being controlled, here. The boy was acting on his own desires, which have never been tinkered, altered, fiddled with, or otherwise manipulated in any way." Warryn brings his big hands down from behind his head, and rests them on his desk. "He doesn't have to fear being judged in this environment. I imagine he became a bit bashful around you though; am I wrong?"

Upon thinking back to your brief conversation with the silver husky, you do remember how he became downtrodden and quiet before telling you what he was doing. You begin to worry. Did he think I was judging him? ... WAS I judging him?

"Your eyes tell more than you know, friend." You look back towards Warryn, and he sighs calmingly. "This is a place where judgment no longer exists... and I understand how this could be incredibly frightening for some. To be unprepared would surely make this even scarier." You nod again and get a little cozier in your chair as you listen, wanting to keep quiet. "My dream is to someday abolish any fear of being judged for expressing deep desires- for hostile, unfriendly judgment to not even exist. For right now, though, I suppose I can settle for simply having removed fear of judgment from within my company's walls. I'm content with the idea of managing a magnificent team of thinkers, creators, scientists and developers- geniuses who are all eager to work toward making the worlds of both kinky sex AND tolerance into better places. We devise, discover, create, and produce the best sexual products on the market, because Warryn Pleasures wants you to learn to love yourself."

You're bent over in your chair with your head in your hands. You may be quivering a little- you can't really tell. "When we love ourselves... we can learn to stop being judgmental of others. That's it, huh?" The gator softly nods. Not only in appearances, but also in character... Warryn really is unlike anyone you've ever met. You take some deep breaths in order to collect yourself.

"So your company makes sex toys?" You know you're blushing, and you can't help but gulp nervously.

"That's right. Items to suit any desire are made here, as well as sexual furniture and very, VERY special costume items."

You shift nervously in your chair. "And I assume you and your employees get to..."This is so unreal...

"Working for me has many perks, as I'm sure you've already figured. So long as everyone is respectful and treating others as they wish to be treated... Why, your wildest, most fantastic dreams could come true here." He flashes his sharp grin your way again.

So many thoughts are bouncing around within your head. The gator watches you carefully as you struggle to piece together your feelings and emotions.

If I got a job here, what would my friends and family think?...

No, no, I can overcome the judgment of others; I can love myself... I DO love myself... right? I think I do...

But I don't KNOW that I do... I want to. You groan quietly as you're lost in your thoughts.

But this business... It's sex. It's other things, too, but it's largely sex. How can I... I've never even remotely considered...

Warryn sighs quietly to himself and reaches for his intercom button, still watching you as he gives it two slow, deliberate taps.

I just need to do it. The worst thing... would be not to try.

"Sir- ah, Warryn?"

His clawed finger is still on the intercom button as he watches you hopefully. "Yes? Speak your mind."

"I don't know exactly how to feel right now. I feel like a part of me wants to get up and leave, but... I also feel like it would be a mistake to do that. I'm uncomfortable, but, well... I guess I just have a lot of questions..."

The gator's sudden spark of glee feels contagious; you feel yourself awkwardly smiling back at him as he taps his intercom button one last time. Down at the reception desk, Lindsey smiles to herself, happy to hear that third beep.

The gator stands up and walks around his desk- he isn't wearing anything over his large feet, and they have a kind of heavy stomp to them with each step he takes. He extends a hand toward you. "Why don't I give you a tour of the facilities? I can answer your questions as we go."

You stand and politely extend your hand to shake. As your palm makes contact with his, you're suddenly grabbed and pulled toward him! Your body makes contact with his large form, and he quickly wraps an arm around you, pinning you tightly against his front. You're too surprised to make a sound, your cheeks beginning to burn as you struggle ineffectively against the large gator. He casually lowers his head, speaking quietly and gently into your ear.

"There's always a way out. If anything you see, feel, or hear at Warryn Pleasures makes you uncomfortable, speak loud and clear, 'I have to go.' You will be given direct passage out, with no questions asked and nothing in your way. Understand?"

You squirm against his slick scales, blushing even deeper. He's holding you so tightly against his soft, rounded belly, so nice and smooth... You're pretty sure you know why he's telling you this safety phrase. A way out... if I feel something is going too far. Isn't this going too far already?... He does feel really... warm, though... You nod, your face gently rubbing against his body. After a few moments, he releases his hold on you.

"Wonderful! Let's get started, shall we? There's plenty to see..."


You follow Warryn out of his office and down the hall leading away from the elevator. "The building we're currently in is called 'Leadership.' My office is located here, of course, and beneath us are floors upon floors of specialized training areas."

"So this building is where new employees spend their time?"

"That's mostly correct. Designers don't need the same kind of training as some of the other workers, though. Typically, we get our designers out of this building and into their appropriate workspace within a week or two."

You quickly recall that you're supposedly being considered for this designer position- a position you don't have any prior training or experience for. "What exactly do your designers do, Warryn?"

He stops for a moment. "You aren't already aware? Hmhmhm..." His soft chuckles make you nervous, but you try not to show it. "In that case, it may be fun to leave it as a surprise..." He resumes walking down the hall, and you follow along.

This doesn't sound good to you at all. What if I'm 'surprised' to discover that I'm really not qualified for this job? You feel it may be best to speak up now, rather than waiting. "You've looked at my work history, I'm sure... Am I even qualified to work as a designer? I don't know how t-"

"There are no qualifications." The gator knows this comes as a surprise to you, and he smiles. "Anyone can be a Warryn Pleasures designer. You'll see when we get to the design department. For now, though, we're heading in the opposite direction."

You don't know what to say. You want to ask more questions about what it means to be a designer here, but you figure by now that those questions can wait until they're relevant to what you're being shown. For now, you quietly follow the gator as he leads you through an indoor bridge and into the next building over, traveling from the top floor of Leadership to the top floor of a building you aren't familiar with.

"Welcome to Cloud."


You are taken into an elevator, and the two of you begin to descend. "Cloud is where we manufacture our products, store items prepared for shipping, and eventually ship them out. Cloud is where our ideas are made tangible- made to physically exist."

Oh, so that means... "Cloud is the final step, then? I mean, in the process of creating your products."

"Spot on." Warryn smiles and nods at you. "I'm not going to show you the shipping or storage floors on this tour. We're only going to visit one of the workshops before we proceed to the next building."

The elevator continues to descend, and it strikes you just how tall these buildings must be. You weren't paying attention to the floor numbers when you ascended earlier; you only pushed the upper-most button before losing yourself in your thoughts. You try to glance at the number of floors now, but the gator is standing in the way of the buttons, blocking your view. Just as you turn your gaze up to the display above the doors, you hear a -ding!- and see that the two of you are stopping on floor nine. You motion to walk to the doors, but Warryn reaches behind himself and presses a finger to the door-close button.

"Before these doors open, I need to tell you something."

You can't get a read on the gator's expression... He isn't smiling anymore; something is definitely on his mind. "Okay..."

Is it fear? No... "Beyond these doors, you're going to learn a lot about Warryn Pleasures."

Anxiety? Maybe... "...Yes, I understand. Is this something about non-disclosure?"

"Not really, no." A stomachache? "This is about your ability to respect both the feelings and desires of those around you, and to disband judgment from your mind."

You watch as Warryn's free hand travels to the button on his jeans. He's undoing them. "Ah... Warryn?"

"You remember what I told you before we left my office, I'm sure. Don't forget it!"

You couldn't have been less prepared. The powerful gator tugs his jeans below his waistline before forcefully ripping them away, revealing all of the nothing he was wearing underneath. His gaze is piercing into you as you struggle to keep eye contact, but the inevitable happens and your eyes feast on the gator's shaft while his alluring male scent quickly fills the enclosed elevator. You fidget in place as your tail shivers behind you, your body displaying a clear message of discomfort. Deep within yourself, however, you're beyond eager to drink this experience in. The mere presence of the gator's member has your mind reeling with a range of thoughts; you want to pant, to sniff deeply at the musk in the air. You want to taste it... You CAN taste it.

"The red fox you saw in the parking garage..." You realize Warryn is speaking to you, and you pull enough of yourself back into reality to listen, your face feeling fiery-red. "Sinclair is not the only one who enjoys shedding his clothes while at work."

You look into the gator's eyes again. It's hope... "I'm supposed to... be non-judgmental, and... respectful... But Warryn, you're naked!"

"You've stated the obvious. What else?"

You pause for a moment. "Y-you're stinking up the elevator..." He's so attractive... I don't want to be so defensive, but I-

"Why are you being so defensive?"

His words resonate inside of you. "I don't know. I don't know, Warryn."

"Are you repulsed?"

"Of cou-" You stop yourself. No. I'm not. I'm in a special place where this is okay... Even if it weren't okay, I'd only be hiding how I really feel about what's happening right in front of me... "N-no... I'm not... Not at all." Your emotions begin to flood out of you; your eyes are misting up.

A large, gentle hand touches your cheek, and you feel a warm finger brush against a single tear, rubbing it away. You look up at the gator again. He looks so comforting; his hope in you has been well-placed.

"Speak your mind. Say whatever you wish."

"You look... so great, Warryn..."

"Thank you. You're quite a pleasure for the eyes, yourself."

You nudge your cheek against his hand, giving yourself the sensation of the gator petting you. He smiles and sighs as he tenderly strokes along your muzzle.

"When you're ready, we'll open the door and step through together."


You spend the time you need to gather yourself, and eventually Warryn's hand slips away from your warm face. You give him a nod, and the elevator doors begin to open.


Upon leaving the elevator, you find yourself not in a hallway, but a single room. You are in awe of this chamber's absolutely enormous size. This room looks so large... It might actually match the length and width of this building. You also notice that the entire room has a deep purple hue to it; the tough flooring, thick-looking walls, and flat ceiling are all very purple, sporting different shades in a fashionable way. "This floor is Cloud's purple factory. Most floors within Cloud are factories, each sporting a different color." You listen to Warryn's explanation, but your eyes are stuck on his meaty gatorcock. You face burns red when you hear him chuckle to himself before he begins to walk toward the other end of the factory, his length bobbing attractively with every gentle stomp. You follow just behind, taking in other details of the purple factory.

It doesn't take long for you to make the distinction that desks and computers are lined up on the left side of the room, while imposing machinery can be found on the right side. "The different machines over there are churning out the toys you sell, right?"

"That's right. Toys, furniture, costumes, raw materials for use in other productions, and more. Each machine has its own job, and the ones on the other floors have their own individual projects, too. There are chutes at the end of each line which allow our products to travel to their designated locations, either for shipment or storage."

You take a closer look at the computer desks on your left. Engineers of all sorts appear to be working, but only upon first glance. At closer inspection, you spy a few naughty hands making a jerking motion between their legs, accompanied by panting faces. You soon realize that the chairs accompanying these desks appear to be the same as the one you sat in. "Nngh..."

The gator stops walking and turns to face you. "What's on your mind?"

They're just... pleasuring themselves. During work. And I bet those chairs are..."N-nothing."

Warryn smirks as his eyes meet yours. He's reading you like a book, and you know it. "You're in perhaps the least-hostile environment you could ever be in. Don't be afraid. Would you kindly share your thoughts?" A few of the engineers seem to be listening; their gaze shifts over to you, but you do not notice.

You look down toward the floor, trying to hide your embarrassment, but your gaze quickly travels upward the instant it lands on the gator's member. "Ah-... They all just... You know, look like they're really enjoying themselves..."

The gator smiles and gives his engineers a friendly glance. "Are you all enjoying yourselves?" You risk a peek at the workers, hearing a range of happy responses and pleasured moans. "The silicone manipuchairs are a rather recent addition to our line-up; we only added them to this floor a few days ago. By now, most of my employees have their own, but some are still waiting for our supply to increase before they get to have theirs."

"Oh..." You find yourself staring at a lone chair by a nearby empty desk. "So they're called manipuchairs..." I want one...

Warryn displays his sharp grin again. "You know, you look a little tired. Perhaps you would like to take a seat?" He moves to get the chair you've been eying.

"Ah, n-no... I'll just... nngh..." I can't say it, I just can't...

He rolls the chair over on its wheels, resting it behind you. "You won't be assaulted; I'm in control of your chair this time. Please, have a seat. You'll be in for a cozy, snug ride..." He places a hand on your shoulder.

This is torture... All of them will see me...

But I really want to. I really, really want to...

I shouldn't. It's not even my chair to use...

But Warryn is offering... I don't...

You begin to feel soft straps binding your wrists against the gentle silicone surface of the armrests. You apparently sat yourself down in the chair while you were lost in thought. You moan quietly as you watch the straps slip over your wrists and trap them. They aren't scary this time; they're moving slowly- non-threatening and gentle. Soon your legs feel bound in the same way. A hole opens up in the chair's backing and your tail quickly slips through, giving it a little bit of freedom. You look up at Warryn as he strokes your shoulder, rubbing the fabric of your shirt. You're trapped, and yet you somehow feel tranquil. True to what Warryn told you, the seat protrusion never comes.

"How are you enjoying your new tour ride?"

You glance over toward the workers at their desks. You expected sniggering and giggling, but all you see are smiles. Welcoming, encouraging faces.

"I really... like it, Warryn."

"I'm happy to hear that. You'll be spending the rest of the tour in it, after all."

The gator's gentle hand travels down to your back, slipping between your body and the chair. With you bound, he easily rolls you along by your chair's wheels this way. You lean against his warm hand, and your embarrassment begins to fade. No judgment, respecting others... This is nice.

Your relaxation is cut short when a thick black cockgag is suddenly planted in front of your face. You gasp, surprised by the intrusion. "Hungry?" Warryn wiggles the large, rubbery-looking tip in front of you; he had reached over and grabbed it from one of the nearby conveyor belts.

"W-Warryn!" You struggle against your bindings, but you're absolutely stuck.

"Haha! Oh, relax." He places the dildo back on the belt he snatched it from, and you hear it slipping into a chute not long after. "You can't have that one, anyway... It isn't for you."

"I-I didn't want..." Did I want it? No, no, of course not... Well, maybe...

You're lost in your thoughts again as you're nudged along in your special chair, entering an elevator opposite from where you came in.

"We'll be visiting Mistake next."


You weren't paying attention to the floor numbers during the elevator ride, so deep in your thoughts that you didn't even remember to glance up at the floor display. The name of the next building only dawns on you as you're being wheeled out of the elevator and into a sleek, white hallway. "Did you say this building was called Mistake?"

"Yes. Many great scientific discoveries were born of mistakes. I felt it was a fitting name for the building where all of our lab work is done."

"So the floors of this building are filled with-"

"The labs where our scientists experiment, tinker, and test- you've got it. The end result is a new product, which we then manufacture in Cloud."

"Are you going to show me one of the labs?"

"Hmhmhm... I suppose I could do that." You get the impression that he was going to show you a laboratory even if you hadn't asked.

As you're guided through the hall, passing doors left and right, it occurs to you that you've become rather content with the fact that a naked alligator is rolling you around on a morphing silicone bondage chair while his member is on constant display for anyone to see. Even during the recent elevator ride, your mind had somehow tuned out the delicious musky odor that had you groaning to yourself before. Is all of this really okay? I'm still... myself, right? You silently wonder if anything has gotten to your head or otherwise forced you to feel any particular way during your time at Warryn Pleasures. You are well-aware of many mind-altering tricks... but you can't think of anything having affected you like that today. You let out a quiet sigh as you relax into your chair, the gator pleasantly rubbing your back as he guides you along. I feel safe. Any other day or place, I wouldn't... but right here, right now, everything is fine.

A few moments later, you and the gator have entered a small overhang through one of the many doorways. You are guided to a very large window, it tall enough that it spans from floor to ceiling of the enclosure. Both of you have an excellent view of the lab room below you, watching as two scientists, a dark-gray wolf and a brown otter, seem to be typing on their computers while carefully watching a palm-sized shiny orb suspended on a pedestal, blue and black colors swirling within.

"Ah," Warryn grins and strokes your backside, "We've picked the right lab to oversee today."

"What do you-"

"Just watch... and enjoy."

You blush softly as you watch the scientists, their voices easy to hear from your perch.


"Sinclair's been out a really long time."

"Not a problem." The wolf stretches and turns away from his computer, and you quickly spot his erect cock between his legs. Neither scientist seems to be wearing anything aside from their loose white lab coats. "We can conduct this test without him, especially with the new fail-safe in place."

"I guess you're right. We can take care of this one between the two of us." The otter leans over and gently nuzzles his face into the wolf's furry chest.

"Heh. Be careful, ya goof." The wolf takes hold of the otter's wrist and moves it away from the nearby orb. "Don't wanna touch that while it's plugged in, do you?"

"Ah, thanks." With a few mouse-clicks, a light on the pedestal turns off, and the otter gently and carefully takes the swirling orb into his hand. You notice that it appears to be squishy.

"Well, it didn't pop upon being touched this time. That's a good sign."

The wolf nods. "Who's it going to be this time? You or me?"

You glance at the gator when you hear him chuckle; he's growing erect. You stare for a few moments, gazing at that seductive gatorcock before Warryn motions for you to keep watching the show down below. He's getting excited? ... What's going to happen? You squirm in your chair, your tail shivering as you look on.

"Hehe... me..." The otter's playing with the orb in his hand, squeezing it in his fingers.

"You really like these things, don't you? Haha, that's fine... But you'll have to give me a turn sooner or later." The wolf takes a step back as the otter moves away from the desk, giving himself plenty of space. He removes his coat and flings it away, letting it crumple against the wall. "Alright, go ahead."

Your fascination is blatant as the otter forcefully smushes the gooey ball into his chest, where it immediately pops and splatters all over his front. You can hardly believe what you're witnessing as the slippery goo seems to mush itself outwards, coating the otter away from the splatter zone. The black colored parts seem to split off from the blue, slipping along the otter's limbs and down over his hands and feet. The rest of the goo travels quickly to completely cover the otter, some of it changing color as it comes to rest where it belongs. You shiver and squirm eagerly at the sight of a red shaft erecting from his now-blue crotch; he looks very, very eager. That stuff must feel really wonderful... Even though the otter's panting face remains uncovered for now, you're pretty sure you've identified what he's becoming. You're even more certain when you see individual blunt spikes forming from the goo on his chest and the backs of his hands.

"A... lucario?"

Warryn looks delighted as he watches the show. "A rubber lucario. He's become quite the popular character, hasn't he? This particular morph sphere has some wonderful little quirks to it, as well... It's perfect for our horny friend, here."

The goo is slipping up over his face, slowly taking shape a few moments after it comes to rest. "How does all of this work? And... how did you ever get permission to-"

"Some license holders are more open to sharing their creations than you might think." Warryn chuckles quietly. "As for your other question, it functions through a special technology which integrates itself into the user's system, allowing for near-limitless changes to occur. These items are far ahead of their time."

The otter's face has been replaced with that of a lucario, his entire body looking so sleek and rubbery. He seems to be immobile, asleep even, as his body shape starts to change; his limbs are shortening, as is his new tail... He's really turning into a lucario. His proportions look spot on... That red cock looks so lovely... You squirm and shiver in your seat. "They sound like they could be used for... a lot more than exploring sexual fantasies..."

"You're absolutely right... But so long as we control the technology, that won't happen." The gator doesn't seem to have anything more to say, and you worry if you would be pushing the wrong buttons by asking him to elaborate. You decide to return your focus to the rubbery lucario standing in the middle of the lab, wondering when the changes will be complete. You aren't left wondering for long, as the new lucario opens his eyes with a start. He appears to be overcome by some intense sensation as he loses his balance, landing on his rear as a paw heads straight for his stiff cock. In a split-second the wolf is there, kneeling on the floor next to his transformed friend.

"Are you in there?" The lucario looks exasperated, panting as he strokes and jerks at his member, but he manages an urgent nod. The wolf sighs in relief. "Oh, good... Okay, vocals. Say 'lucario.'"

"L-lucario!" The poor thing cannot seem to stop rubbing at his member... He must be so horny...

"Good, let's try another. Say 'this is going well.'"

"... ... L-lucaaaa... rrrrr... c-carioooo..."

"Hm, I thought we'd stabilized how the voice-box was altered. We'll have to take a look at that. Personally, I rather enjoy the sounds you're making right now, cutie." The wolf's tail is wagging gently as he softly pets and rubs the lucario's head, stroking between his ears. "Look at you... Rubbing and jerking at your rubber cock... All that effort, and yet you can't feel a thing, can you?"

He moans as his paw continues, not letting up for even a moment. He can't pleasure himself?... He's so desperate that he can't stop trying...

"Let's see if the standard exit is functional so you can take care of business... Heh. Go on."

You look to Warryn. "Standard exit?"

"All of our morph spheres are supposed to reverse their effects and safely remove themselves from a user merely by willpower. If someone no longer wishes to wear their morph sphere, it should be able to recognize that feeling, and begin reversing itself and its changes until it can safely drop off."

You eagerly watch the scene before you, waiting to see the lucario begin his change back into an otter. You become concerned after a few moments. Nothing is happening...

"Are you trying?" The wolf looks concerned now, too. The rubbery lucario nods. He's panting so heavily and humping at his paw; his shaft is spurting pre all over himself.

"Do you feel it working?"

Luuuu! ...rrrrRRRLUCA!" He shouts out as he shakes his head frantically.It's not working?... He can't get out!?

"Try for just a little longer..." The wolf gently sits himself next to the lucario, and he carefully maneuvers him into his lap. The needy creature rubs his sleek, smooth body into the wolf's fur, moaning in need as he keeps rubbing his paw along his meat. "Lucariooooooo... Lucaaaaaa..."

"Still not working, huh?" He shakes his head again. "Alright... Don't worry, cutie. I'm going to take very good care of you..."

The wolf softly grips the lucario's rubbery shaft with his paw, giving it such a tender squeeze as the rubber lucario moans louder than before. Getting to watch this sensual moment happening before you is almost too much to handle. "Warryn... What's he doing? The otter is stuck in there... What's a rub going to accomplish?" What I wouldn't give to feel what that otter is feeling right now... Wait, can he even feel the wolf's grip?

"They need to activate the fail-safe. I imagine they've set up a hormone-sensitive program. To keep it brief, the morph sphere will begin the process of safe removal when the wearer is brought to orgasm."

You gulp. "He needs to cum?"

"Oh, you have no idea." You notice that sharp grin again; the gator is really enjoying this. You'd be lying if you tried to convince anyone that you weren't enjoying this display, too.

"And... he can't make himself cum... He needs-"

"Someone else's help, yes. You've been paying close attention."

You're surprised when you feel a scaly hand rubbing softly around your belly. Warryn has moved behind your chair, and you can feel his thick member brushing against your squirming tail. He rubs his hands a little lower. "I figured this would be a more interesting way to experience the show. You agree?" Your wrists and legs are just as stuck as they were before... and you have no complaints. You quietly moan as the gator's fingers travel along your waistline, all while you and he continue to watch the wolf jerking off the needy lucario in his lap.

"Such a good boy, aren't you, Lucario?" The wolf has him cradled in his lap, stroking his head with one hand while jerking him off with the other. The rubber lucario's face is nuzzling into the wolf's furry body, lapping and sniffing deeply. "So much pre... You're loving every second of this, aren't you?"

"rrrrrrr... Luuuu... Lucarioooooo..." The gator's hand rubs in such a tender way; it feels like he's going to dive right into your pants but he never does, toying with you non-stop as he strokes your belly.

"Are you going to cum for me, Lucario?"

"Lucaaaa... rrr..."

"Gunna make such a good mess all over yourself, aren't you?"

"Lucario!... Lucaaaaaaaa..."

"Go ahead, pet. Cum."

The wolf squeezes around the base of the lucario's rubbery cock, and he lets out a shout as he displays his ecstasy. He begins to spoo and he doesn't stop; the lucario humps and thrusts at the grip on his shaft, shot after shot of pure lust spurting out and hitting his crotch and stomach. You find it hard to focus on the scene when the gator's other hand moves to your face, stroking your cheek as a finger rubs against your lips. He can feel the heat radiating from your face as he dips his finger into your mouth, and you eagerly lick at the tip. Your attention is gone and away from the fun happening on the laboratory floor.

The moment the lucario finally relaxes, Warryn's hands leave your body and face. It doesn't matter what you say or express; the gator knows exactly how much you enjoyed his teasing. You pant gently as you look down from your perch, and you realize that you missed the second transformation. The otter has already been returned to his normal shape and size, and the swirling, rubbery orb is resting a couple of feet away. The wolf and otter embrace each other as you're turned around in your chair, the gator's hand returning to the crevice between the seat and your backside.

"You offer some pretty good benefits for working here, don't you?"

Warryn grins as he stomps along, every step met with a gentle -thud- as he wheels you out of the room and down the hall.


After another elevator ride and a few minutes of travel, you begin to feel a sense of familiarity. I think this is the building above the guest parking garage.

"You've already seen a little of this building," Ah, I was right, "but welcome to Conception. This building is the entry point for our guests, such as yourself. Above the ground-level floor are the company amenities, and up further is the design department."

"The design department. That's where I'd be working if I were hired here?"

"You've got it. We're on our way there right now."

The gator gives a friendly wave to Lindsey as you and he enter the first area you saw when you came to Warryn Pleasures. As you glance around the room, you can't help but feel like something is very, very different...

Something's been changed... But I can't tell what it is.

It's probably nothing...

No! Something is different. What could it be...

Nothing stands out to me. Maybe it's my perspective? I wasn't sitting in a chair last time... Strapped to a chair, being pushed around by a naked alligator...

Am I really okay with this?

Everything I've experienced here so far has been great, but... What if it's not as it seems to be? Am I being manipulated? If I were, then the safety word Warryn mentioned would go ignored, or worse... You notice the parking garage elevator on the edge of your range of vision. If I wound up actually needing to escape, the way out is right there...

This could be a mistake, but if something is going on behind the scenes here... If I'm in some kind of danger...

I just need to try. I need to know that I'm really safe.

You steel yourself. "Warryn..."

"Hm? What is it?"

"I... I have to go!"

You hear a stifled gasp out of Lindsey, but the gator doesn't make a sound. Nothing happens. Moment after agonizing moment passes by. Oh no... If he won't make good on his word, then I'm...

"Well? What are you waiting for?"

You had become so comfortable in your bindings that you failed to notice their removal.He really is letting me go... He never lied to me. You hear a soft -ding!-, turning to see a familiar silver husky standing next to the parking garage elevator. It was mere coincidence that he was passing by at that moment, but when he heard you speak the safety phrase he gave the call button a tap, intent on quickening your route to the guest parking garage however possible. Everyone here knows the safety phrase?

"The elevator is here. Off you go."

"... No, Warryn."

You stand and turn to face Warryn, stepping around the silicone chair to hug against his smooth, scaly body. His shaft brushes against you a bit, but you pay it no mind.

"I'm sorry."

"I know. It's alright." You feel the gator's powerful arms wrap around you to squeeze you against his belly, returning your hug like only a massive creature can.

"...You know? What do you mean?"

"Hmhm. You aren't the first to worry if your freedom has been stripped or your mind altered while touring my company. The best way for anyone to find out if they're really safe here is to command me and my employees to back off; to test the supposed power I grant them."

"Has anyone ever actually left using the safety phrase?"

"Yes. Some of them later returned..." Lindsey sends Warryn a subtle wink. "Some did not."

"How did you know I wasn't going to leave?"

Warryn releases you from his hug and kneels down, bringing his head to your level. He places a consoling hand on your shoulder and smiles, letting out a soft sigh.

"I didn't."

Your emotions overcome you as you lunge at the gator, feeling him take you into his arms to hold you again. He rubs over your backside as he gives you some time to recover yourself. As you begin to relax, you feel him carefully lifting you, facing the manipuchair toward him with a free hand.

"Well... I was about ninety-nine percent sure you wouldn't leave. You're a bit of an open book, you know... Especially with the way you keep eying my shaft..."

"W-Warryn!" You can feel your face reddening up yet again- such a common occurrence today. After a few moments though, you can't help but giggle a little. "I'm that easy to read, huh?"

"You don't know the half of it." The gator places you back into your comfortable chair, and soon your wrists and legs are re-secured. The sensation of being stuck in this chair has become oddly calming for you. "But I find your story very interesting... And I can't wait to read more."

As you're rolled along toward a nearby hallway, you realize someone else is accompanying you; the silver husky is happily tagging along. "Sir, are you two heading up to design? I was heading back there just now!"

Warryn rubs between the husky's ears, and he wags his tail a little. "Good boy, Kalyan. You're such a hard worker, aren't you? Let's head there together."

After a couple of turns through the hallway, the three of you enter a new elevator and begin to ascend.


Your elevator ride isn't long, and soon the elevator doors open. Kalyan bounds out and spreads his arms wide, making a grand presentation. "Welcome to the rainbow design department! This is where I work!"

You take a look around, and the rainbow-y nature of this floor is immediately made apparent. You see desks arranged in interesting patterns and doors leading into what appear to be private offices, and everything possesses one color found within a rainbow. Even the floor, walls, and ceiling are properly hued. You enjoy taking it all in while Kalyan heads for a vacant yellow desk; many of the silicone seats here have already been claimed by someone either working or pleasuring themselves. Some workers are even going further than that; both naked and clothed bodies pressing together as they embrace one another.

Warryn gives your head a pleasant rub. "Each floor of this department is identified by its collection of colors. You'll be allowed to choose your preferred floor after finishing your training."

Kalyan enthusiastically chimes in. "The private offices are for when you want to develop or solidify an idea, but find these public work-spaces too distracting. I was using one yesterday!"

You take a moment to think before speaking. "What does he mean, Warryn? Developing ideas? I still don't know what the design department is all about. I know you've told me there are no qualifications, but even so, I'm clueless. Is this really a job I can perform?"

The gator continues to gently stroke and rub your head, knowing that you don't want him to stop. "Cloud manufactures, stores, and ships our products. Those products are developed and brought into reality by the scientists of Mistake who go through test after test, changes being made time and again until the item performs exactly as intended. But our scientists don't develop their projects, themselves; they are only tasked with bringing imagination to life. Who do you think does the imagining?"

Now it's beginning to come together. "Conception. The designers."

Warryn motions toward the many faces throughout the colorful room as he continues to pet between your ears. "Geniuses who imagine their own fantasies being made real, not only for themselves, but for any and all who are too afraid to wish aloud."

"...But Warryn, I don't think I can-"

"You're wrong."

The gator looks at you from above, stroking so gently as he speaks with powerful resolve. "Everyone possesses private ideas of what they want to experience. Many of these ideas have nothing to do with Warryn Pleasures... and yet, many others do. Some people feel that they must keep their deepest desires hidden from the world, from their friends, and even from their loved ones. We can't change that yet... Not today. But somewhere within Conception, a designer wants to experience and enjoy a desire shared with many, many others throughout the world. The only difference between those outside of Warryn Pleasures and those within... is a sense of safety in expressing desire."

"... So, everyone has deep, private desires... and the designers working here feel safe enough in this environment to explore them, and even make them real... But what if someone really doesn't have these secret feelings?" I know I have them... I've probably developed a few more just from spending time here.

"Everyone has these ideas; these 'forbidden' wants. I do. They do." He gestures in the direction of his designers around the room, then looks back to you. "You do."

"My wants and desires feel unique to me, but... you're saying that everyone's private desires seem unique to them?..." The gator nods softly. "And here, in this place, we can express them, and potentially even share them with others both here and around the whole world?..."

Warryn nods again. "Your desires, and the ideas which spawn from them, make you a unique creator. You design expression, passion, lust, feeling, and love. You are special."

"I'm... special? And... and everyone here is..."

You look to the desks before you- to the faces before each one. Everybody's eyes are on you, and you are met with nothing but the friendliest, most welcoming faces you have ever seen; You're overwhelmed by the warmth and encouragement, by these souls who have been changed both in small and large ways by a gator who's treated you- who treats everyone, like they're... Special...

Your eyes begin to water, and you try to blink the wetness away. "Thank you..."


A few minutes pass, allowing you to regain your composure. The gator stays by your side, petting along your head until he's decided it's time to move onward. Kalyan gives you a wave, and you manage to wiggle your hand against your armrest in return before you're carefully spun around and brought back into the elevator.

The trip back to Warryn's office is uneventful, and you quickly find yourself back at the top floor of Leadership, entering the gator's spacious office. He motions with a hand for you to stand, chuckling to himself as you once again fail to realize that he unbound you from your chair.

"Let's sit back down at my desk... Or would you rather stand?"

You blush just a little, listening to the gator's pleasant chuckling as you gently seat yourself in the very chair which had scared you so terribly such a short time ago. Warryn procures a folder and pushes it over to you. "I am more than eager to welcome you onto the Warryn Pleasures design team. Choosing to work here, however, is up to you." He flashes his sharpest grin your way, resting his chin atop his hands, elbows firmly planted on his desk.

I've already made up my mind. You open the folder and glance over the first sheet of paper within.

My name is ________________________, and this is how I wish to be treated within Warryn Pleasures:








Signed___________________________________ Dated____________________________________