The Den ~ A Tale of Me and My Lover

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You all know the drill. This story contains sex between two males, do not read if you are easily offended by, made queasy by, or are to young to read gay sex. This story contains willing sex between two minors, blah blah blah, all that good stuff.

As a side note, this is my first true story, though I have given examples of my work to friends and lovers alike online, so please be merciful. Suggestions are encouraged. Random retarded remarks are not.

And now, to the hot stuff. ;)


The sixteen-year old black wolf stretched his naked form lying prone on the full-sized bed, his sleek-furred muscles barely concealed by thin, white sheets. He yawned, pearly-white fangs and teeth shown in sharp contrast against his purplish-black inner mouth. He smacked his lips a few times and felt his beautiful body, from his chiseled abs to his broad, muscular shoulders, as was his tradition in the morning. His paw paused at his nipple, hard in the November cold, nerves tingling though his body as he gently stroked the black nub of flesh. He growled in the pleasure that simple motion brought him, his muscles tensing and loosening in the pale morning light. He flicked at his nipple a few more times, basking in the cold, before removing the sheets from his bed with a sweep of his other paw. This revealed a vision that would make any person, male, female, gay, straight, bi, or asexual look twice, if not stare for hours. His torso was like that of the greek gods of old, chiseled abs lay in a six-pack rivaling most olympians, thinly coated in fur so that the lines of the crevices in the muscle cold be made out with ease. These surmounted by glistening pectorals each punctuated by a single nipple, hard in the fresh cold. Below, the belly tapered to a thin, almost feminine waist. The true gem lay just under this. A sheath, four inches thick, covered in a thin layer of black fuzz. Out of this was peeking a bit of pink flesh, teasingly hinting at the wonders inside. Concealed in their fleshy sack, a pair of golf-ball-sized testes were laying on the rumpled, royal-blue bedsheet. Down under, the legs were as cut as, if not more than, the torso. Fat dared not touch them, though Muscle's presence was heavily felt. The thighs were tensed, ready to bring their owner to his feet at his brain's command. The calves were equally muscular, bulging in a perfect, round curve of sleek, black fur.

Justin sprang out of bed, braced by the sudden cold, and walked to the bathroom, balls swinging seductively with every light footstep, begging to be licked. His back side was nearly as if not more glorious as the front. The back was a sea of onyx fur over a solid mass of muscle. Again, this gave way to the slim waist, the balls seen hanging about halfway down the thighs. The true treasure lay just below, in the twin perfect lumps of flesh that accomplished the near-impossible feat of being both juicy and taut, all-in-all the very perfect picture of a bubble-butt. He got to the bathroom, still pleasantly naked and brushed his teeth, admiring himself in the mirror while doing so. He pinched his left nipple again, flexing in the pleasure, and a slight bit more of pink flesh poking out of the sheath.He licked his lips subconsciously, trying to remember what he had on his schedule today. It was the tuesday of Thanksgiving Break, so no school. His girlfriend, Mari, was in Florida for the week, so no date with her. He frowned at this. She was in heat that week, he had her days marked on the Playwolf calender in his bedroom. He thought of her lying on a topless beach in Miami and smiled, his lupine manhood now nearly an inch out of it's sheath, begging to be touched. He was sorely tempted to do so, but felt something holding him back from doing so. He tried to remember why, and the final piece of his schedule clicked into place. His smile broadened, and he jumped in the air a good three feet before landing on the cold tile, yipping in glee. Today, you see, was the day he met Smeksicat15, or Dustin.

They had met about three months ago on a gaming site (Despite being a veritable reincarnation of Adonis, Justin was still a nerd at heart) and had hit it right off. After dustin had talked Justin through a really hard time discovering his sexual identity, trying to figure out why he liked the sight of both men and women, they had told each other their real names. A few weeks later, Dustin asked Justin if he wanted to cyber (Have sex online in a chatroom or the like) and Justin accepted. Oh, man did they cyber! They went at it like no other couple in history. Their fantasies always took place in a room Justin had come up with called "The Den", a football-field-sized black cave filled with every type of surface sex could be preformed, including beds of all shapes and sizes, locker room benches, couches, chaise lounges, countertops, fisting slings, and literally, a kitchen sink. It also featured barrels and shelves of sex toys, condoms and cock rings which Justin and Dustin used frequently.

One evening, they got to talking about their real lives, and discovered that they lived not 15 miles from each other! They resolved that they must meet each other, and set the date for November 25th. They arranged for Dustin to come to Justin's mansion in the middle of the hills of Illinois, supposedly on a field trip. His parents were in California on business, unknown to either of the teens, doing a deal with Justin's mother. His father had run off with a vixen years ago. Before he left, however, he had told his pubescent son about a special room his mother was never to know about. It was the source of Justin's "Den" He had made love to Dustin in many times online, and was hidden behind a bookcase of, ironically enough, porn magazines. Pulling off the 1997 issues of Twinkhound Monthly would reveal a button which shifted the bookcase wide enough for a slim male to get through. Inside was a room much like the one Justin had described online, including all the toys, though Justin had had to replace his father's Twisted Pleasure and Her Pleasure condoms with Magnum XL's as he grew. All in all, the perfect place to lose a man's virginity.

Justin checked his bathroom clock. 10:00. 'Oh my God! He'll be here any minute!' The lupine thought. He bounded downstairs, leaping seven steps at a time to get to the front window. He was still naked as he stood at the wall window, panting in anticipation. He never wore any clothes around the house. His parents just learned to deal with it when he was five and they still couldn't stop him stripping at the door. Oddly enough, none of the neighbors had ever complained. He stood there, waiting for the foretold green Cadillac to pull into his driveway, imagining what his lover-to-be would look like. He had always envisioned him as a strong, eighteen year old bobcat with a massive cock and balls to match. He was thinking about him suckling on his still-sensitive nipples when he heard the roar of a motor. A green sedan pulled into the winding driveway and Justin's long bushy tail started wagging with enough force to be used as a medieval battering-ram. The door opened and out stepped the long awaited Dustin. And he looked...

...Nothing like Justin had pictured. He was a feline alright. And a male. But that was about as far as the resemblance went. He was instead a young cat, almost a kitten really. He closed the driver's door, and stepped away from the car. He was intent on the door, and didn't even notice the striking wolf standing in the window off to his left. his fur was black, almost as black as Justin's, but with paws like he had dipped them in a bucket of white paint. He was cuter than a button, and he looked fit, too. He wasn't muscular, instead had more of a runner's build. Slim, but toned. He was wearing a tight blue T-shirt and red athletic shorts. Justin smiled as he looked over his lover's bulge, and smiled as he saw that part of his fantasy had indeed come true. He figured the kit must be at least 7 inches long, and a good two or three thick. He was very good at that sort of thing. The cute cat walked over to his oaken door and sprang lightly onto his porch. He rang the doorbell, eliciting a deep tone from a speaker someplace in the huge house. The wolf smiled as he walked over to the door.

The black wolf opened the door, and stood proud and nude, the way he always did, waiting for his image to properly be processed by the viewer. The cat's eyes lifted from his feet and he said "Hi I'm looking for Just-" And he was cut off there as his eyes caught sight of the wolf's sheath. His mouth hung open like a kid who had just been presented with the toy of his dreams. "Just- Ju- Justin..." Still staring he completed the name of the boy who's manhood he was now so blatantly faced with.

Justin decided to have a little fun with this. "And what exactly did you need Justin for?"

The boy's eyes snapped up, bashfully aware of staring "Well, we're working on a biology project together. Could you get him for me sir?" Well it was true. Anatomy was a branch of biology.

"Oh really? Well you're in luck. I'm him, my studly kitten. Come on in."

The cat gasped as he realized that this beast of a wolf was his friend from online. He was pulled in by a gentle paw, still stunned, but able to survey the front room of Justin's massive house. It was well-furnished, mahogany paneling lined the walls, and oak chairs were present for discussions with momentary visitors. A hallway led to the inside of the house, with doors branching off it to various rooms, one of which was the library with the porn shelf that led to "the Den". "So, does my kitty want to proceed to the place where he'll take my virginity?" Justin said, closing the front door, much to the dismay of a certain panthress who had been masturbating to her attractive neighbor-across-the-way from the moment he had appeared at the front window. He walked seductively to the cat, who couldn't pull his eyes off the massive sheath, from which was now poking several inches of wolf-penis. He wondered in a dazzled manner how much meat was packed in that bit of flesh.

"Sure..." He said absentmindedly. The wolf laughed and gripped the cat's paw with his own, firmly but gently leading him to the library. He pulled off the issues of Twinkhoud that revealed the stairs to his sex cavern. He led his quarry to "the Den" and watched his face as he drank in the warm black stone with all it's obscene equipment. "Oh my God, it's real? I thought it was your imagination..." Laughing again the wolf led the kit to his pre-picked location for his virginity to be lost.

It was a rather unremarkable bed, but it was the one on which he had gotten his first erection, looked at his first porno, and first jacked off. He had since come to it frequently to pleasure himself. It was medium-sized, round with black sheets. Silver dragons danced on the covers, as though across the night sky, tendrils of flame coming from their nostrils. He took advantage of his lover's small frame and swept his arm through the cat's knees, lifting him onto the bed. He leapt on the feline and looked deep into his eyes. In a deep, seductive voice he said, "Stay right here until I get back, my sexy boy, O.K?" and with that he kissed him. The faintest brush of his soft, velvety lips against the cat's. He turned away, giving the younger fur a full view of his backside, as he went to the nearest barrel. Bending over the barrel, the wolf's cheeks spread ever so slightly, revealing the dark flesh and tight pucker that were contained within. The wolf had never put anything in his hole, resolving that the thing that would puncture his male cherry would be his lover's penis, or nothing at all. That's not to say he didn't have dildos in his sex toy collection. He had tons of them. Once he had been punctured the first time, he planned to be punctured many, many more times. He grabbed some Magnum XL's, some Magnums from his younger days he figured would fit his kitten, two cock rings, some vibrators, and a 16" dog-knot, ringed dildo he had wanted in his ass since he was 13.

He returned to the bed with the toys and dumped them off to the side. He sprang up onto the bed, over his kitten, both master and bitch, his balls hanging over the cat's crotch of his shorts, nearly touching. He leaned forwards and kissed the boy, this time fully making out to the fullest. Their tongues became a single thing, swirling about itself in their mouths, feeling up their teeth and gums. After a while of this ecstasy, the wolf put his claw in the neck of the now sweaty T-shirt of his man, and in one swift motion rent it down the center, ripping it off his kitten's furry body. He rolled off his lover and drank in the view of his twink-like torso. The chest was bushy, but damp with the sweat of anticipation. Very little in the way of muscle, but he didn't care. His cute, pink nipples stood out against the fur, hard and obviously aching for the wolf's touch. The cat lay panting on the bed, still stunned and in disbelief that this was real. Justin growled in pleasure at the sight, and made out with the cat again, sitting him upright, sliding off his shorts to reveal his sweaty briefs, square-cut and bulging with a cock begging for release. The wolf started making out with the kitty again, slowly breaking off the kiss to move lower, letting his lips and tongue wander lower, hearing his kit moaning in pleasure and arching his feline back when they passed over his left nipple. He progressed lower and eventually found the boy's briefs, licking his sweat off the sides of the undergarment, before attending the bulge. Not taking the underwear off, he licked it once, being rewarded by a blissful squirm from his sexkitten. He licked it again, procuring a similar response, and proceeded to suckle the warm, throbbing cock. He started at the base, and savoring the rough texture of the briefs mingled strangely with the form of the sweet penis, moved his way up, causing the owner of the cock to squirm and moan, shiver and yowl in pleasure. He reached the head and his owner yelped in pure sexual excitement, unable to control himself any longer. The teen wolf continued to suck off the younger boy through his underwear, until he could feel his lover growing close to a climax. As he felt the boy start trying to fuck his face, he stopped sucking. He wanted this one's first cum of the day to be in his butt, or on the floor while the wolf was in his ass. The boy looked at him pleadingly and tried to bring himself over the edge, reaching his paw over to try and pleasure himself, but it was held firm by the larger canine, who shook his head.

"That'll come later loverboy. Right now, I want you to have your way with me. Do whatever you want with me, I'll obey. From this moment, I am your bitch." He looked deep into his new master's eyes, his cock now fully out of it's sheath, standing proud in it's full ten and a half inch glory, glistening with pre in the glow of the soft, hidden lamps in the Den.

The cat took one look at the massive cock, and got a wonderfully sadistic smile on his innocent face and said, "I'm going to have fun with you, bitch."

To be continued...