Toys 9: The Collar

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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#9 of The Toys

The 9th chapter of the Toys series!

Toys 9: The Collar

Bane pulled the chest from the back of his car, he had only taken it in case he needed an arsenal against the store owner. His research had led him to discover the small magic shop. Luckily the owner knew how to change Lan back from being a plush toy, but he refused to hand over the information and blackmailed him instead. Bane thought he might try to get away with something like that, after all, when you have magic in your corner why would you settle for anything less? The store owner got what he deserved though, being transformed into an inanimate stuffed plushie was just the motivation required to give up the info.

Lan was real again, but still tiny and currently sat perched on Bane's shoulder. In his hand was the stuffed store owner, cock still firmly pushed out of the cotton crotch, a small amount of stuffing had fallen out of the tip.

"He came." Lan huffed.

"Last time he'll do that for a while." Bane smirked as the odd pairing made their way back towards Bane's dorm.

"Hey wait up!" Bane stopped dead in his tracks, someone appeared to be running to try to catch up to them. He hadn't even realized just how odd the situation must have looked. A wolf with a miniature dragon on his shoulder carrying an anatomically correct plushie and hauling a chest full of toys. Yeah, nothing strange going on here. The guy was someone he had seen from class before but never really got to know.

"I think you..." He stopped only a few feet away from Bane. Bane recognized the glasses he was wearing immediately, they were from the toy chest. How had he managed to get his hands on them? Suddenly the external visuals were no longer his concern. This otter could see straight through his clothing, and more importantly and embarrassingly he could see that Bane did not have a dick at the moment. The otter stopped himself from laughing, Bane felt his fur turning a soft shade of red.

"I'm sorry, I think you dropped these when you rushed out of here. I really like them but I don't feel right keeping something that doesn't belong to me. I've seen some odd things today, but this has to top the cake." Willy smiled. Bane quickly took stock of the situation, it didn't seem as though the otter had meant any harm. In fact given everything that was going on it was a little strange to see that the guy appeared to have a bulge in his pants.

"Why don't you come with me and we will talk about letting you keep those glasses." Bane was in a hurry to get back to the room without anyone else noticing.

"Really!?" The otter followed and the four of them entered Bane's dorm only moments later. Lan hopped off of Bane's shoulder and took a spot on the bed. Bane took a moment to explain the toy chest and everything associated to the otter. He was slightly worried at first, this was beginning to get out of hand, too many people knew about it already and there was no way he could control every one of them. Fortunately it seemed as though the otter was getting excited, happy to have stumbled upon the situation.

"Can I ask you a question?" Willy bit his lip, hesitating to bring up what was on his mind. Bane had an idea of what he was going to ask.

"Sure, shoot."

"Where's your dick?" He asked suddenly, the words escaping him before he could sugar coat anything. Bane walked over to a box he kept hidden on his shelf and pulled it down. Since it wasn't clothing, the glasses wouldn't allow the otter to see through the material. He opened the box and showed off his detached junk to the otter.

"Cool." Willy appeared to restrain himself. "So, you said you might let me keep these?" The otter pointed to the glasses. Bane had a plan. He could either trick the otter or offer a small exchange of sorts. Bane thought for a moment, tricking him probably wasn't the best way to go about it. Willy seemed somewhat excited about the toys, he would probably just accept any proposal.

"How badly do you want to keep those glasses?" Bane asked.

"Honestly, I tried to take them off but I feel naked without them." Willy explained. This didn't come as much of a surprise to Bane, he had read up on the glasses effects. While wearing them you could see straight through clothing, making everyone else appear naked. The side effect was psychological, once you remove the glasses you feel as though you are naked and being stared at by everyone around you. Bane was banking on this. He went digging through the toy chest and pulled out a couple of items.

"Tell you what, I'm going to let you keep them if you do two things for me. The first is that you will have to wear this collar."

"What does it do?" Willy asked hesitantly.

"It makes you my pet." Bane didn't even try to lie to the otter. If Willy tried anything funny he could always turn him into a stuffed animal like the store owner. It would be regrettable, but it would work as a last resort.

"Hmm... okay, I'll do it." Willy took the collar and placed it around his neck.

"Wow that was quick." Lan commented from the bed and the otter blushed.

"I really like the glasses, and I figure if I don't do it then you guys won't let me see what a lot of these other toys do and they all look like fun. Master, what was the second thing you wanted from me?" Willy didn't even seem to notice the term he had just used to address Bane. The collar was already making him subservient to the wolf.

"The second part is that you must hand over your dick." Bane held the knife up for the otter to see. He had already explained how it worked, and now that Willy was wearing the collar he wouldn't have to worry about whether or not the otter would accept.

"Yes master." Willy unbuckled his pants and let them drop to the floor, he wasn't wearing any underwear. His hard on stuck straight out from his hips, showing how excited he was, it gave a twitch. Bane reached out and placed one hand underneath the otter's balls, which retracted slightly from the cold of Bane's paw. The collar was working like a charm, Willy didn't even flinch as his master explored his package. With one swift slice the otter's junk separated from his body, Willy watched with amazement as the wolf raised his dick up to their eye level.

"I will be holding onto this." Bane didn't know whether or not his new pet was okay with him taking them, but he needed to make sure he had some sort of leverage in case the situation got out of his control.

"Thank you master." Willy smiled and pulled his pants back on, seemingly not caring that something was distinctly missing. Maybe he was genuinely enjoying this. If that were the case, Bane could thoroughly enjoy having a new pet.

"Here Lan, catch." Bane threw the package onto the bed where Lan scrambled over to it. The erect cock was nearly half his body size, a perfect toy for the miniature dragon.