The Beach House - Chapter 2

Story by Bluefire on SoFurry

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#2 of The Beach House

Legal Disclaimer:

I'm putting this here to cover my furry butt. THIS STORY CONTAINS YIFF! THIS STORY ALSO INVOLVES GAY RELATIONSHIPS. If you are under the age of 18 or are not allowed by law to read this kind of stuff, or don't like that kind of stuff, don't read it. If you do, you agree that you have read this and therefore cannot sue me or take legal action, blah blah blah.


Bluefire Jaguar © Me

Whiteflame Snow Leopard © Kiba


No part of this story may be reused or published by anyone unless they have express written consent from me.

And now without further ado...the story...

Bluefire was lying in bed, watching the waves splash onto the shore of his protected cove. It had been a week since Korie left, and the jaguar was getting quite lonely again. He longed for companionship and the closeness of another next to him, but as of late, there weren't any good prospects on the beach. With a sigh, he got up and got ready for another day of furry watching. "Hopefully I can find someone to talk to today," he thought to himself as he set about making himself breakfast.


In a condo down the beach a ways, an excited snow leopard was busy getting ready for his first day on the beach, having just driven in the night before. He was trying to get his hair just right, but it was fighting with him. Finally satisfied with how it looked, he slipped on his speedo and purred as he looked at himself in the mirror. "Well, I think I'm ready!" he said to himself and he grabbed his surfboard and walked out the door onto the beach.


Bluefire finished breakfast and looked out the window. The waves were big and beautiful today, so he decided he should go surfing. Grabbing his surfboard, he bounded out the door and ran down the beach to join the other furs surfing.

Seeing one of his friends, Bluefire yelled out to him. "Hey Rex! How are you doing?"

Rex, a russet fox, who was paddling out to the waves stopped and looked over. Seeing Bluefire, he yelled, "Hey Blue! I'm doing great! Where have you been? I haven't seen you for a week!"

"To be honest I've been moping around my house," the jaguar said as he paddled out on his board next to his friend.

" miss that dingo don't you?"

"Yeah. Well not just him specifically, but the closeness of another fur as well. I figured it was time to get out and see if I could find someone to hang with and get close to."

"I know what you mean. You'll find someone today I bet. There's a lot of people out."

"Yeah there are," he said as he scanned the beach. "Oh look at that wave, it's perfect!"

"Wow, you're right, let's go chase it and ride!"

And with that the two got up to ride the wave when all of a sudden seemingly out of nowhere a snow leopard rode by behind them on the wave, catching Bluefire's eye before crashing into the water.

Bluefire turned to his friend and winked. "Almost on cue!"

Rex nodded and watched as Bluefire rode the wave over to the snow leopard.

Bluefire slowed as he neared the snow leopard and fell off, resurfacing and hanging onto his board. The snow leopard giggled and looked over. "You alright?"

The jaguar nodded and held out a paw. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm guessing you're not from around here. My name is Bluefire."

The snow leopard took Bluefire's paw and shook it. "My name is Whiteflame. And yeah, I'm not from around here, I live in the mountains a few miles away. I'm here on vacation."

"Well welcome to Jagger's Beach. If you need anything at all, I live here just up the beach a ways."

"Cool. Hey you thirsty? All this surfing is leaving me parched."

"Yeah I am."

"You wanna go get something to drink? I'll buy."

"Sure, but you don't have to pay for it."

"Oh but I insist."

"Alright, if you insist."

So they got out of the water and walked over to the beachside café and Whiteflame bought them both a soda and brought them over to the table and sat down.

Whiteflame looked across the table at Bluefire. "So how long have you lived here?"

"All my life. My parents have moved, but I stayed. I like the beach too much."

"Wow, and you're still single?"

"Sadly yes...I thought I had something last week, but he left before I woke up and I never got his number."

"Wait a minute...he?"

"Yeah, is that a problem?"

"No, not at all, it only makes my next question easier."

Bluefire's eyes lit up at what he heard. "Really?"

"Yes. I was watching you while you were talking with your friend there, and I have to admit that I think you are really cute."

Bluefire blushed so red under his blue fur that it appeared purple. "Aww, I think you're cute too." The jaguar leaned over the table and gave the leopard a kiss on the cheek.

Now Whiteflame blushed and purred as he returned the kiss. "Mmm...not a bad kisser either."

Bluefire felt his heart beating faster and he knew he wanted the snow leopard to come back to his place, but he didn't know if he could keep from pouncing on the leopard before they got to his place. Purring softly he looked deep into Whiteflame's beautiful sky blue eyes. "Do you want to come back to my place for a while?"

The snow leopard looked back into the beautiful red-orange eyes staring at him and murred. "I'd like that a lot."

So with that they finished their drinks and grabbed their boards and Bluefire took Whiteflame by the paw and led him toward his place. "That's a pretty nice surf board you have there."

"Oh's actually a pretty old one. But it works. Yours is nice too."

"Oh thanks. I actually got it cheap. I can hook you up with a good deal at the local surf shop if you ever want to get a new one."

"Thanks, I'll remember that."

Bluefire wasn't totally paying attention, he was checking out the bulge in snow leopard's speedo and mentally drooling and he let out a small murr.

"Something wrong?" Whiteflame had stopped in his tracks.

"No, nothing is wrong at all. In fact..." Bluefire pounced Whiteflame, tackling him into the sand. "I really like you...and I think, judging by that," he pointed at the leopard's bulging shorts, "that you like me too."

"Heh, and so what if I do?"

"I think you want me...don't you?"

"Yes, I do. But out here in the open?"

"Oh...hehe...we're on my property now...this entire cove is mine. And no one ever comes down the beach this far anyway." The jaguar pressed his nose against the leopard's and kissed him deeply, both of them getting harder as they kissed.

Whiteflame blushed and started to moan as Bluefire ran his paws down his sides. "Ohhhhhhh...yes...I can tell you are very good at this," he said submissively.

"Well, if you think that's good, just wait until you see what's next." The jaguar looked the leopard over before licking his neckfur, slowly moving down the smaller feline's body towards his waist and Whiteflame shuddered in pleasure.

"Oh man that feels so good."

Bluefire giggled softly and slowly slid off the leopard's speedo, setting his large cock free, causing the jaguar to murr in excitement. "Mmmm...such a big boy. I hope I can take it all in."

Whiteflame looked up and smiled. "Something tells me you'll be able to."

Bluefire smiled and teasingly licked around the leopard's crotch, purposefully avoiding the large cock, running his rough tongue over his furry sac. "Mmmmmm..."

The smaller feline looked up into the jaguar's eyes and purred. "Mmmm, you're such a tease."

The jaguar giggled and looked back into the beautiful eyes looking at him. "All right, are you ready?"

Whiteflame nodded. "Yes I am...I am your prey."

Bluefire bend down and started to lick the tip of the leopard's rock hard ten inches.

The leopard murred softly and bucked his hips a little as the jaguar took more and more of his thick cock into his muzzle. "Oh god yes!!"

The larger cat started working his tongue over the smaller cat's length, wrapping it around it as he bobbed his head, murring deeply and he slipped off his own speedo and started to paw himself as he sucked.

Whiteflame moaned and pawed the sand in response, making Bluefire suck harder and faster, bobbing his head up and down as he pawed harder. "Oh yeah, keep going!" Whiteflame started to drip pre cum into Bluefire's muzzle which was lapped up happily, which made him murr and paw the sand more.

The jaguar bobbed harder and faster, sucking as hard as he could on the leopard's length, swallowing any pre as pawed off faster, dripping pre into the sand.

Whiteflame began to pant softly, his cock throbbing and he moaned. "I'm getting close."

Bluefire nodded as if to say "me too" and he moaned onto the leopard's cock and pushed his muzzle onto it as far as he could as he pawed his throbbing cock.

The smaller feline arched his back and threw his head back and moaned loudly and deeply as his cock erupted, sending rope after thick rope of sweet cum down the jaguar's throat.

Bluefire moaned deeply, swallowing what he could, the rest dripped down his chin as he also arched his back and moaned deeply, spraying his thick cum all over the sand and the leopard's footpaws.

Whiteflame moaned softly and panted heavily. "Oh god...that was so good. Mmmm..."

Bluefire murred and smiled. "Yeah it tasted awesome. Sorry about your footpaws there..." he folded his ears back.

The leopard chuckled. "That's alright."

Bluefire giggled and pressed his nose against Whiteflame's. "We should go get cleaned up. We're all sandy and covered in cum."

"Mmmm yes...after I do this." And with that he pulled the jaguar into a deep kiss, rubbing his tongue against the larger cat's, murring deeply.

"Mmmmmmmmmm so sweet."

"Well, I'm ready now if you are to get cleaned up."

"Oh! where is my key? Ah here it is!" He pulled the key that was safety pinned to his speedo out and got up and helped Whiteflame to his feet. "Would you grab our boards and put them on the porch hun?"

"Oh yeah, of course." The leopard grabbed their boards from under the tree and put them on the porch and then followed the jaguar into the house.

"Make yourself at home, or do you want to shower right away?"

"Well, I'm kind of thirsty..." Whiteflame sat on the couch.

"What would you like? Name it, I probably have it."

" about iced tea?"

"Oh you're in luck, I just brewed it this morning."

"Sweet. I'd like some of that please."

"One iced tea coming up!" Bluefire went into the kitchen and returned shortly carrying two glasses of iced tea, passing one to Whiteflame. "Here you go."

Whiteflame smiled and sipped it. "Thanks."

The jaguar sat next to the leopard and kissed cheek. "No problem sweetie."

The smaller cat blushed and kissed back. "So this is all yours huh?"

"Yep, all mine. I feel lucky to have it."

"I bet."

Bluefire snuggled close and purred. "So, you wanna see the view from my room and get cleaned off?"

Whiteflame smiled and nodded. "Yeah sure."

So the two got up and Bluefire led the way upstairs and into his room.

The snow leopard looked around and saw the big fluffy bed and the huge windows looking out over the cove. "Wow...quite a tremendous view."

"Yeah, and I don't even need blinds, cause the bed is far enough back that I can see the beach but furs can't see in."

"Heh, nice."

Bluefire padded over and nuzzled Whiteflame, eliciting a deep purr from the feline. "You ready for that shower? I tossed our speedos in the wash, so they should be ready by the time we're done."

"Mmm okay."

The jaguar tugged the leopard's paw and led him into the bathroom and turned on the water and waited till it got warm enough to pull the leopard in with him. He then pushed the leopard up against the wall and kissed him deeply, running his paws down the leopard's sides.

"Ohhhhhhh..." Whiteflame moaned as he kissed back. "Someone's frisky."

"Mmhmm...I want that hard cock of yours inside me."

Whiteflame giggled. "Mmmm of course."

The jaguar turned around and braced himself against the wall and lifted his tail high as he handed the leopard a bottle of lube. "If I'm gonna take that we're gonna need to make it easier on the both of us."

The leopard nodded and squirted some lube into his paw and started to rub it on the jaguar's tailhole.

"Ohhhhhhh yeah..."

Whiteflame pushed a pawfinger into Bluefire's tight hole, causing the jaguar to moan and arch his back in pleasure. He kept rubbing his finger around until he was satisfied that Bluefire was well lubed. He then took a glob of lube and rubbed it all over his thick cock and pressed the tip against the tight jaguar hole in front of him. "You ready?"

"Oh god yes!!!"

With that the snow leopard started to push his hard length into Bluefire. "Mmmm so tight..."

Bluefire moaned and pawed at the wall his tail swishing back and forth. "Ohhhh give it to me!!"

Whiteflame pushed his entire length in and stopped, letting the jaguar get used to him as he bent over and licked the back of the jaguar's neck.

The jaguar moaned deeply and tilted his head down to allow the leopard better access to his neck.

The leopard slid his paws down the jaguar's sides and wrapped a paw around the jaguar's thick cock and started to thrust in and out, pawing the jaguar in the same rhythm.

Bluefire moaned louder still and wrapped his tail around Whiteflame's and he flexed his paws. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

The leopard began to thrust faster and harder, going deeper and deeper with each thrust, pawing the jaguar off in time and the jaguar started to drip pre.

Bluefire shuddered and mewed happily as he was being pleasured. "Mmmm so good." He tightened down on Whiteflame's cock as he started to spray precum.

Whiteflame moaned at the sudden tightness around his cock and his barbs started to form and he sprayed pre inside of the jaguar and he nibbled down the jaguar's spine. "Mmmmm...not much longer."

Bluefire whined and arched his back more as the snow leopard made his way down his spine. "Oh god, I'm so close!!"

The leopard pulled out almost all the way and then pushed all the way back in, moaning deeply as he unleashed his load into the jaguar, filling him with thick cum.

Bluefire clamped down tightly to keep the cum in as he rawred loudly and splattered his seed onto the wall in front of him. "Oh god..."

They both rode out their orgasms and collapsed against the wall panting. Whiteflame purred and smiled. "Man you are a tight one...that was the best I've ever had."

Bluefire blushed and giggled. "That was amazing..."

"Well, I suppose we should clean up now."

"Oh yeah, of course!" The jaguar grabbed the fur shampoo and squeezed a glob onto his paw and started to rub it all over the leopard, working it deep into his fur.

Whiteflame just stood there and murred, loving the sensations of being rubbed down.

The jaguar grabbed the showerhead and rinsed the leopard off and smiled, leaning in and kissing him on the lips. "Mmmmm so sexy."

The leopard blushed and grabbed the shampoo and started to work some into the jaguar's fur.

Bluefire purred deeply and shook a little, clearly enjoying himself. "God I love it when someone else soaps me up."

The leopard giggled and rinsed off the soap.

Bluefire turned around and pressed Whiteflame into the wall and kissed him deeply and passionately, lifting a leg and wrapping it around the leopard's waist slightly.

All Whiteflame could do was embrace the jaguar and kiss back, purring deeply.

Bluefire broke the kiss and smiled. "Well, I'm kinda wanna dry off and go and snuggle in my bed?

The leopard smiled. "Sure."

So they dried off and Bluefire tugged Whiteflame onto his bed and they snuggled naked under the sheets. A short time later they were both fast asleep. Bluefire purred softly, holding onto Whiteflame tightly.

They stayed like this through the night until the next morning, when Whiteflame kissed Bluefire on the forehead. "Hun?"

The jaguar blinked awake and purred when he saw the leopard starring back at him. "Yeah babe?"

The snow leopard folded his ears back. "I have to go. I'm sorry."

Bluefire whimpered, but smiled. "Awww, okay. Hope we can hook up again sometime."

Whiteflame blushed and giggled. "Of course, got a place I can write my number down?"

"Yeah, there's a whiteboard in the room across the hall, you can write it on there."

"Okay, thanks." With that Whiteflame went into the other room and wrote his number on the board under a couple others that were already there.

Bluefire grabbed their speedos from the dryer and handed the leopard his. "Don't forget this."

Whiteflame giggled and put it on. "Oh yeah."

The jaguar pulled the leopard close and kissed him deeply. "Well, I guess this is goodbye, for now."

"Yeah. I had fun. Hope to see you soon!" And with that Whiteflame walked out the door and grabbed his surfboard and walked down the beach back toward his condo.

Bluefire sighed and watched him disappear before going back up to his bed and crawling under the covers and falling asleep.