the feral age-chapter 3

Story by the forgotten sentinal on SoFurry

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#3 of the feral age

chapter 3

The next day I woke up and saw my new wife cooking breakfast, I got up and sat at the table as she served me bacon, and eggs. We had a long conversation about the village and how she ended up here. Turns out she was part of a convoy of survivors, they were attacked by the same tribe that took me captive.When the leader of the convoy decided that this place was suitable enough for a village, they settled down here. In the village there is a lake for food and water, a forrest for wood, animals in the forrest for food, so it seemed to me that this was a good place to stay. A few moments later, after me and Nina finished breakfast, we heard a knock on the door.

I walked up to the door and opened it to find Sasha standing outside with the pup next to her "I believe this is your pup" she picked him up and handed him to me

the pup looked at me, and hugged me, I blushed a little "He has been saying your name ever since you left him at my place, I think he likes you"

"haha well I did save him, so little guy whats your name?"

he looked at me and said nothing, then I figured he was very young and didnt know what had happened to him, or his parents "I think hes to young to know anything" said Sasha

I frowned "Well I guess ill have to raise him as my own"

Nina turned to me "Matthew I wanted to raise our own child"

"I know, we will have to raise them both, I mean we cant just leave him out there" as we were talking about what we should do with the pup, Sasha left our cabin, and the pup went into the kitchen and looked for somthing to eat, we heard somthing shatter and the pup started to cry. Both me and Nina rushed into the kitchen.

I picked the pup up "Awww you alright little guy?"

Nina came and took him from me "He has a cut on his arm from the shattered glass" she took a washcloth and wiped off the blood and dressed the cut, then she sang a lullaby, and the pup fell asleep, she laid him on the bed and walked over to me.

"Matthew if you are going to raise a family you need to go get a job"

I smiled "Well what is there to do?"

She took me over to the owl and asked him what I should do for a living. The old owl took me and Nina into the shooting range and gave me my compound bow, and told me to shoot the target at the end of the range. I pulled the arrow back and let it go, it flew straight and true into the bullseye.

The owl patted me on the back and looked at Nina "Looks like your husband is going to be either a hunter or one of our archers"

"Uhh I think i'll be a hunter, what do you think Nina?"

She turned to me "Well just be safe ok?"

I nodded and the old owl took me to the hunters lodge and sent Nina back to her cabin, I gave her a kiss, and hug and folowed the owl to the hunters lodge. Inside the lodge there were Mounts of great beasts that were killed and paintings of some of the hunters before me, and I saw on the firplace a mount there was a .50 calibre muzzel loader on it.

I sared at it "man ive always wanted one of those"

The owturned to me "Well you can compete for it at the next competition, every year we hold a competition for every hunter. The hunter who brings the biggest amount of food will win it, but I warn you we only have a limited supply of gunpowder, it is very hard to find so if you do win it dont waste it"

The owl took me into the conference room where all the other hunters were waiting, I noticed that all the other hunters had bows made of wood and that my bow was the only fiber glass compund bow, I took a seat next to a male wolf, he growled at me and I shot back a angry stare.

The owl banged on the table with block of wood to get everyones attention "Everyone as you can see we have a new hunter, please human stand up and introduce yourself to your fellow hunters"

I stood up and felt my heart pumping hard, I had no idea what these veteran hunters would think of me, "Uhh hi everyone, my names Matthew, im 23 and married to Nina, and well as you can see im human"

one wolf in the back said "Hahah puny human you couldnt kill a squirrel even if you tried"

I took out my compound bow and fired a arrow at him, the arrow cut a piece of his hair off and went through the wall behind him, I saw him sit down with a shocked look on his face, and then one of the older wolves looked at me "Hmmmm the human can sure shoot" the other anthros agreed.

The owl turned to me "Well then it is settled, human you will hunt on Monday, and Thursday, when the sun come up and until the sun goes down"

I sighed knowing this wasnt going to be an easy job "Well uhh ok"

We all stood up and headed out, until the wolf who I shot an arrow at slammed me up against the wall "Human if you ver do somthing like that to me again, ill kill you myself" he let me go and started to walk out, I packed my things and went back home. When I stepped in the door I saw Nina and the pup eating, she handed me a plate of food and I sat down next to her. We had a conversation on how her day was, and I told her what days I would be gone hunting, since today was wednsday I had some time to get ready. A few minutes later after I had cleaned the dishes and Nina put the pup to sleep in his own personal bed, we both layed down on our bed, I gave her a kiss and we both fell asleep.

The next day

I woke up with Nina still sleeping, I gently got up and walked to the pups room, he was still sound asleep. I walked to the window, it was still pitch black outside, I grabbed somthing to eat and prepared for the hunt. The sun was rising, I grabbed my bow, a quiver stuffed with arrows, and some water and food. I gave Nina a kiss, and left the house and headed tword the woods, when I got to the gate the guard looked at me.

"So human, going to go on the hunt eh? well just be careful" he opened the gates and I waved to him, then ran into the woods.I ran for a few more minutes until I found a good pine tree to climb up into, I put on my cleats and climbed up until I found a nice stable branch, I tied myself to the branch to prevent me from falling, then I got out my bow and waited for anything to move. A few hours later, I saw a good sized buck, I pulled back the string of my bow and shot a arrow straight into its heart, it collapsed onto the ground and twitched a few seconds. I climed down the tree and packed my stuff back into my rucksack, I took out my skinning knife and skinned and butchered it. I took the meat and skin and put them in separate bags, then hauled all my equipment over my shoulder and headed back twords the village. When I came to the village gates, the guards saw me and opened the gates, when I walked in Sasha rushed over to me with the pup in her arms.

she panted and put the pup on the ground "Matthew Ninas undergoing heat right now"

I looked at her with a strange look "Whats heat?"

She looked at me if I were stupid "You know when humans females have periods?"

I nodded "Well its sort of like that except this is a sex-craving situation, and she gets a hell of alot stronger"

I sighed "Well looks like im going to have a hell of a day, how long does heat last?"

She grabbed the pup, the pup whimpered slightly as he had just saw Nina when she was in heat "Around five to thirteen days, but the first day is the worst, so I wish you luck cause you will need it"

She headed back tword her cabin with the pup. Before I could face Nina, I had to go to the hunter lodge and give them the meat and skin.After I traded in the skin and meat, for five gold coins. Then I headed tword my cabim, when I walked in the blinds were closed and the fire was barely burning, it was dark and smelled like pheromones which made me start to sweat like crazy, I took off my jacket and pants, and then somthing behind me moved.

"Hello Matthew, ive been waiting for you"

I turned around to see Nina she was different looking, sho looked more feral than usual "Uhhh hi honey"

She grabbed my arms and threw me against the bed, before she wasnt even close to my strength, but now she was twice as strong as me, she ripped off the rest of my clothes and pinned me to the bed, I struggled and tried to get off before she basicaly rode me until I died, but she was to strong for me.

"Matthew I want you in me" I saw her grab my already erect penis and she stuffed it inside her, as I saw it dissapear into her pink, vagina , she moaned and started to pump up and down on me, she still had me pinned to the bed, as i felt a wetness run down my cock and balls I felt a build up.

She panted and looked at me with an evil grin "Yes, thats right dear, release into me"

Suddenly she slammed herself down on me as I ejaculated into her, She let out a vixen cry and I moaned, after my penis went soft, she didnt get off, she grabbed my head and stuffed me in between her breasts.

"No, im not done with you yet Matthew you and your penis are mine until this night is over"

I groaned out in pain , she slapped me, her slap hurt alot more than I thought it would "Shut the fuck up, you can go when im dont with you"

I felt myself getting hard while I was still inside her, she grabbed my face and stuffed me into her breasts while she was riding me again. I felt another build up and realesed into her again, but she didnt let me go. One hour later after I ejaculated into her over six times, she collapsed ontop of me.

She panted "I love you Matthew" then she fell asleep

I stroked her soft hair "I love you to Nina"

I groaned slightly "I hope I never have to do this again" I felt my penis and balls swell, "Dammit my balls fucking hurt!!" I slowly got up and washed up then went to lay down next to my wife. I kissed her, and fell asleep next to her.