The Monster

Story by LeoSilverWolf on SoFurry

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This story is not really scary.................Maybe

This story takes place in a haunted cabin, in the middle of nowhere. David, a highschooler got lost in a forest during a class camping trip. What he didn't know was, that there was a monster living in the shadows that kills people who get lost in the thick forest. Every step he takes, the monster comes a step closer. This story is obviously in his point-of-view........ Enjoy!

David was wondering around blind in the thick, dark forest. He was stupid and actually got lost in a forest. A forest! Seriously? David was one of those people who don't believe in those urban legends, but he has heard of the legend of the monster that lived in this forest. People said if you look into its eyes, you'll become frozen. Not from fear, but you just become frozen. Then it STRIKES its victims. Suddenly he heard a branch breaking that snapped him back to his senses. Shit! Who's there? Not wanting to find out, he quickly ran the opposite way he came in. While he was running, he could hear footsteps running behind him. It was pitch black, so he couldn't see that well or see who was chasing him. He stopped and fell behind a boulder that was next to him, hoping that the monster wouldn't find him. Holding his breath, he hears the footsteps becoming fainter and fainter. When he couldn't hear it anymore, he got up and decided to find a cabin that he stay at until morning comes, because he can find his way out better when he can see where he's going, not in the dark. He walked for about 30 minutes when he saw a cabin with flickering lights inside. He wearily walked closer to the cabin, not knowing what or who was in there. He opened the creaky door and walked in. Of course he shut the door behind him, wouldn't you? He looked around and couldn't believe what he saw. There were fur skins hanging all over the wall. Bear, wolf, raccoon, you name it. It was hanging all over the walls. He was speechless. Who would kill this many animals? It was so late at night and he was so tired. He went near the wall and went to sleep there. David was a heavy sleeper so noise wouldn't wake him up. While he was sleeping, someone or something had written a message on the wall in blood. Boy, was David surprised when he woke up. He stretched and saw something red on the wall. He walked closer and got the shock of his life when he read it: I'M COMING TO KILL YOU! Filled with fear, he randomly grabbed a hammer from the table and left the cabin in a hurry to run away from the thing that was coming after him. He eventually got really tired and slowed down. He didn't hear any footsteps, so he stopped for some rest, but he quickly resumed running away right away. He arrived at a clearing and saw a figure there. He crouched in the trees and peeked out to see what was there. It took him a while, but he realized that it was the monster. It was hideous. Sloppy fur all over itself, fangs hanging out and really sharp untrimmed claws. The bad thing was that it was holding two butcher knives and by the looks of it, the edges were really sharp and bloody. The monster had just finished killing an innocent deer and quickly looked in David's direction. Shoot! The monster walked towards David's direction and David didn't know what to do. If I move, he'll hear me and kill me! David just sat there silently and waited to see what the monster did next. I bet you're wondering why David's not frozen, it's because he's not entirely looking at it. The monster then turned his back towards David and he thought it was the right time to run. When he moved however, the sound of crackling leaves made the monster turn around immediately. The monster was now looking at David and he knew he was dead for sure. David started running away with the monster on his heels. David found out that the monster was extremely fast and was a foot away from him. The monster was swinging its knives at David, missing each shot. Every time David turned, the monster turned. Every time David did something , the monster followed. David ran until he saw a beam of light in front of him. Yes! Finally, I reached the end of the forest! When he reached the light, he realized he had reached the cliff. He turned around and saw the monster charging towards him. Goodbye everyone... He whispered and jumped off the cliff.............



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