Khanbond Chapter 4

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This is here so the few at inkbunny that can't download the file can read it. All other chapters and other stories can be found at

Hesai jumped at the sudden interruption. She hastily stuffed Kazuo into her pouch, which was still under the water. She stood up so not to drown the struggling child, who had been too lost in his own thoughts and pleasure to notice the visitor. Hesai turned towards the door, and both saw Professor Oak enter their home with a wicker picnic basket in his left hand.

"Oh, I see you two are having a morning bath," observed the human with a chuckle, stepping into the water that was splattered and puddled all over the floor, "and making a mess of it, too."

Hesai rolled her eyes at that last comment, but could not argue it either. Kazuo tried to crawl out of the pouch to see the professor, but Hesai could feel his penis rubbing against her flesh and gently held him from getting out. She stepped out of the bath pit as Oak set the basket down on the table and removed its cover.

"I am going to go visit our friend, Professor Rowan, and came over to give you two a physical so that we can both look over the results together," explained Oak as he pulled out some basic poke'mon medical tools from within the basket.

He also pulled out a large stem covered with berries, which caused Hesai to start to drool a little. The man smiled, plucked off a berry, and tossed it into the air. The kangaskhan mom eagerly snatched it into her mouth.

"Now, I will start by examining Kazuo, and you can eat these while I do that. Okay?"

Hesai hesitated to hand her son over to the man. Oak was her trainer, and she did trust him, but allowing a non-family member to hold her child still made her uncomfortable. Hesai could also feel that Kazuo still had a semi-erection, though it was subsiding. On the other hand, Kazuo adored Oak and was eagerly hopping inside of the pouch while reaching for his human friend. Besides, those berries are delicious. Hesai finally allowed Professor Oak to pull Kazuo from her pouch, and took the berries from him in return.

"Now, don't eat them all at once," said Professor Oak. "Savor them, and eat them one at a time."

Hesai blinked at this odd request, but it did make sense to make these last. So, she did as she was told. Unbeknownst to her, this was a classic ploy used on kangaskhans by their owners and nurses at the Poke'mon Centers to take care of the baby without being threatened by the mother. Oak put Kazuo on the tree stump table, while giving Kazuo little tickles. He positioned himself in between the parent and child so that Hesai could not see anything.

"Oh my," was all Oak could say when he saw the little penis sticking out of Kazuo's sheath.

Oak smiled, seeing that the boy was growing and maturing. He even reached down, and gave it a playful little wiggle which caused Kazuo to chirp out in laughter.

"Discovered your uniqueness and enjoying it, I see," chuckled the man as he moved his fingers away from the immature organ.

He gave the boy another little tickle on the tummy, which caused Kazuo to laugh more, rolling on his side to defend it from the wiggling fingers. This was exactly what Oak had intended the boy to do, as he rolled the child even further onto his belly with ease.

"Going to take your temperature, okay?"

Kazuo knew what was coming, having had his temperature taken before. He could barely remember when it started, but he recalled hating it and crying as the thermometer was in his rectum early on. However, the last few times had not been bad at all. He seemed to have grown accustomed to it. Maybe he was even starting to like it. Kazuo got on his knees, and raised his tail as Professor Oak inserted the lube covered device. It was an old-fashioned mercury thermometer, instead of the instant-read devices they use in the centers. Oak had no problems with the modern technology, and actually preferred them. He used this kind during physicals though so that he could do other things while the creature was in a position that made it awkward to move.

Oak quickly pulled out another instrument he had kept hidden from Hesai. Looking over his shoulder to make sure the mother was still enjoying her berries, he grimaced to see that she had already eaten half of the stem. Oak hurriedly pulled out the vials that went with the syringe and needle. He placed the vial labeled with Kazuo's name onto the syringe, and gently massaged the base of Kazuo's tail. This caused the child's tail to lift. and his anus to clinch over the glass sticking out of it. With a pinch of flesh between his fingers, Oak inserted the needle. Kazuo never felt it for this part of the khan body had few nerves, and pinching the flesh caused enough pressure to hide the prick of the needle. The vial slowly filled with blood. Oak looked over his shoulder, giving Hesai a reassuring smile. He knew he could be in trouble if she ever saw the needle in her child, and the blood being drawn. It was an occupational hazard for all who dealt with kangaskhans.

The vial filled, Oak hurriedly pulled the needle out, and dabbed an alcohol soaked cotton swab on the spot to wipe away any trace of blood, as well as clean away in chance of infection. He quickly, and subtly, placed the blood back into the basket. A job well done.

Oak returned to focusing on the thermometer, and looked at his watch. He still had another two minutes to wait. He took this extra time to check the male's sex. Oak cupped the boy's scrotum, feeling and rolling each testicle in his fingers.

"Can you cough for me?" asked Professor Oak.

Kazuo gave a little cough, Oak feeling the small orb in his fingers react as it should. He also heard Hesai give a cough. Oak smiled, and looked to see Hesai looking back with a confused look. Hesai never understood why Oak asked her to cough while he examined her son. Oak moved his hand over to the next testicle, asked for another cough, and was given a reply from both khans again.

Oak settled to rolling the child's balls in his hands while he waited for the remaining time, marveling at how big they had grown along with the fact he was actually holding a male kangaskhan's balls. He watched as Kazuo's penis flinched to him playing with the cub's scrotum. Curious, Oak gently took the thermometer in his free hand, then rolled it around within the boy's pink star. Kazuo gave a little chirp, but the penis gave another approving flinch. It even swelled a little. Oak looked to make sure the chirp did not worry Hesai. The mother was nearly finished with her berries, but did not mind the chirp from her child at all. Oak looked back to the child, curious as to how the boy was already maturing sexually. Maybe kangaskhans are like rodent type poke'mon, and mature faster than most others. Oak licked a finger. When it was nice and slick, gently pressed it against the cub's taint between the anus and scrotum. Kazuo flexed and flinched, giving happy growls and laughter from the pleasurable tickles Oak was suddenly giving him. Oak quietly laughed as well as he quickly flicked his finger over the bit of flesh, teasing the child. He moved the wiggling finger over the child's scrotum. It reacted in the boy's testicles trying to pull into his body, the loose skin shriveling up and shrinking in size, thus causing the orbs within to be more prominent. The Professor chuckled to himself as he continued to tickle his way back down, and flicked the cub's darkening and growing shaft. He stopped teasing to gently hold the erection between his thumb and fingers, and started to masturbate the joey. Kazuo gasped, and slowly humped the air as he was being pleasured. Then Oak stopped right as the clock in his head said time was up, and pulled the thermometer out. Kazuo gave a disappointed mutter, and rolled over to sit back up.

Oak read the thermometer, and typed the information into his special poke'dex that carried more information than any used by other trainers. He was just cleaning up the equipment as he felt a heavy head lay on top of his own. Hesai had finished eating, and was looking at what he was doing. Oak laughed to himself, and reached over his shoulder to scratch the massive chin without looking. He picked up Kazuo, and placed the boy back into Hesai's pouch. Oak once again chuckled to himself as he saw a small repetitive bumping within the flesh of the pouch as Kazuo tried to repeat what Oak had just done to him earlier in the privacy of his private room.

"Okay, big girl. Now it's your turn," Oak told the mother, pointing over to an open spot on the floor. Hesai knew what the man wanted, and obediently laid down in the spot on her back. Hesai then spread her legs so that Oak could take her temperature as well. Oak pulled out a bigger thermometer that was made for larger creatures like her, and lubed it up. He walked over, but stopped upon looking at Hesai. The female's vaginal area seemed to have swollen up a bit since the last physical, and was a redder tint. Almost as if...

Oak would have scratched his head in thought if he had not been holding the large and slippery thermometer. It was as if Hesai was sexually aroused. Could it be because she was not used to being around a male? The Professor had visited the island that Hesai had come from a few times since having her moved. He observed how the kangaskhans' mating habits were much different than those on the mainland. They did not have any other monster types on the island strong enough to battle the creatures, and win the pleasure of mating with them. He watched as some left to an area that grew a unique plant, which they ate and then fell asleep. The strange herb not only caused the animal to sleep, but it also caused them to become sexually receptive. He had watched various small monster type poke'mon come out of hiding, and have their way with the snoozing beasts. The khans would wake up later, and move to a nesting area to lay their eggs.

Professor Oak had gathered the herb to test back in his lab. The plant was a very rare aphrodisiac that had a heavy side effect of drowsiness. In a much simpler term, it was a natural date rape drug. It was for this reason that the professors decided to never release these findings. They did not need such a plant and drug out in the public where it could actually help groups like Team Rocket build more poke'mon mills, or people who could use it to abuse others for their own sexual means. Some of the professors, including Oak, had already seen how easy that worked.

Oak leaned in, looking at the mother's crotch, noting how it was still slightly damp even after being out of the bath for a while. He rubbed the tip of the thermometer on her ass hole, which caused her to instinctively flex it. Oak normally did this, and would insert the probe as the sphincter ring relaxed again. Even so, he missed his cue this time for he was distracted by seeing the giant creature's vagina wink at him. The smirk that seemed to be a permanent feature on Oak's face grew bigger as he gently pressed the large instrument in his hands against the wrinkled hole again, and was once again given a sight of Hesai's pussy pulse open and close to the stimulus. Oak teased one last time, and then inserted the device as he would normally.

Oak got up to retrieve a new needle, and the vial labeled with Hesai's name. Hesai knew of the needle and blood taking, though she never knew Kazuo was also having blood drawn. Oak walked over to her head, and without being asked, Hesai turned her head to the side to allow the man to stick the tiny needle into her flesh. Oak withdrew the needle after the vial filled, and disposed of it. He then placed the vial back into the basket, then withdrew a flashlight. She opened her mouth so that he could look into it without any prompting. Oak examined her teeth and gums, the back of her throat, and lifted her large tongue to look under it. He moved down to Kazuo, who was now happily resting half way out of her pouch, his head lying on her stomach. Oak could not tell if he was still playing with himself or not. He requested the child to open his mouth as well. After checking the cub's mouth, he looked in his ears and nostrils. He then moved back to between Hesai's legs.

"Hesai, my girl, I am going to examine you here. Okay?" asked Oak, placing his hand gently onto the pink swollen lips. Hesai tried to hide the flinch from being touched there, but nodded. Oak knew what he was doing, and if he says he has to examine there, then he must. Oak first noted that with Hesai's lips as they were now, she kind of looked more human down there.

The Professor pinched and rolled the flesh apart as he shined his light at it. It was definitely redder than it was when he and Nurse Joy first examined Hesai at the Poke'mon Center to make sure she was at full health. Oak ran his finger along the outer lining, and back up along the inner. He stopped short of touching the large clitoris that was poking out. It was as big as the tip of his thumb. Oak could feel the female quiver at his touches, and he wanted to see what she would do if he touched her on that inviting button. He decided best not to for now. He allowed his hand to go lower, and spread the lips to where he could see her urethra and the vaginal passage. It was quite moist looking within it. It flexed wider and then tighter and then back to normal. Hesai had no idea, but she was wanting something to be inserted. Oak hesitated, but then slowly started to insert his hand into the hole with ease. The moist walls then quickly collapsed around his wrist, and felt like it was going to try to suck the rest of his arm in. It was impressively tight, and was starting to feel uncomfortable. It soon relaxed, and Oak got his hand back. It was dripping with Hesai's juices.

Oak looked back down at Hesai's clitoris poking out from under its hood of skin. Oak, growing bolder, placed his now slick and wet hand on Hesai's pussy once more. He started to massage the opening, and made his way up towards the nub. He did not want to startle the large girl when he touched the clit. Hesai seemed to freeze as he gently and cautiously rubbed the stimulus like a small dick. It was not long until Oak was showered in more of Hesai's fluids. Hesai panted, and blushed heavily at what she had just done as Oak pulled the thermometer out of her.

He placed the tool down on the table. He took out a spare vial from the basket, and tried to get as much of the fluid off his hand and clothes into the container as he could. Oak took a small, curious sniff of his hand, and even a quick taste with the tip of his tongue, before wiping his hand clean with a sanitizer cloth. He pulled a towel out of the wicker basket, and patted his clothes until the towel was too damp to soak up anymore. Oak quickly charted the temperature of Hesai, and his other findings, into the poke'dex. Hesai never got up from the ground, satisfied in her position and feelings.

Oak looked and smiled, but a small worry was in the back of his mind. He started to place all his equipment back into the basket. He then walked over to a corner of the cave. He looked around the room from there, and reached up to feel around a small crevice. After taking another look, he nodded his head in approval, and went over to the resting family.

"I am off, big girl," said Professor Oak, giving Hesai another good scratch on her chin and neck, which drew out a loud purr like growl from the beast. "Rowan and I will both come by when I return. You two take care, okay?"

Hesai gave a nod that she would. She got up as Oak grabbed his basket, and headed toward the cave's entrance. He stopped, and looked back into the cave as Hesai walked over to the table to see if Oak might have dropped or left anymore berries.

"Why don't you two go out for a walk today?" suggested the old man. "The park is closed today, and no trainers will be out to disturb you and Kazuo." Hesai nodded again with a smile. The idea of going to see more of the safari park was quite inviting.

Professor Oak left, and walked back towards the ranger's house where his vehicle was parked. Oak thought it would be a very good idea to call Professor Elm while at Rowan's. It was obvious that not only was Kazuo maturing sexually, but Hesai seemed to be in a state of constant arousal. Elm was going to explode at the news. Speaking of exploding, Oak readjusted his pants to better compromise with the erection he had gotten while examining the two Khans as he walked back to his car.