Chapter Three- Dream's Blossom.

Story by Vorel Ashurha on SoFurry

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#3 of Fruit of the Forbidden

November 27th-

I'm not sure words can describe the evening Erik and I shared the other night. Tuesdays are usually the days we reserve for our trysts. However, I had spent the weekend with a very close friend of mine on account of we roleplay on Mondays for twelve to fourteen hours at a time. As such, I didn't wake up until around seven o'clock Tuesday evening. After rushing through a shower, I had my friend bring me back to my flat. According to my roommates, while I was away Erik came by. He visited with them for two hours. I was shocked. Two Hours? Gerry wouldn't visit with them for five minutes! Apparently, they enjoyed Erik's company and approved of him completely. Inside, I was confused. Two whole hours. Was he waiting? I doubted it, but I could not be sure. I gathered up a bag of books, fussed over my hair, and got a ride over to Mssr. Buqet's. A haunting sight filled my vision- Gerry's truck. It was parked outside of Flat #6, my destination. I clenched my claws and howled in frustration; perhaps now he would be more persistent. Earlier, during my first week of excursions with Erik, I had worked up the nerve to leave my Master. With some luck, I had avoided him for a number of weeks. Frequently, he had been trying to contact me. I cannot stress how much that angers me. What does that bastard Stag want? Sex, of course. By the bond of trust between us, I cannot inform him of Erik, yet I am too kind to tell him off- as he is one of Erik's closest friends, and a frequent player in our roleplaying sessions, I do not want to cause a scene or a rift that would affect our games. So, naturally, I just tolerate it. I tolerate the ass-grabbing, the lewd comments, the hugs, the attempted kisses... all the while longing for the day Erik might claim me as his companion, so that I can finally tell Gerry just how many ways he can go fuck himself. I opened the door to the apartment, nervous, repulsed, and was shocked to be greeted with a hearty "Well, it's about fucking time!" Erik grinned warmly at me as I stepped over the threshold. My heart and mind raced as I smiled back. He was sitting next to Joseph (or Buqet, as I call him), our Grizzly friend. Standing off near the kitchen was Gerry, and frequenting what I lovingly call My Couch was Aaron, the resident Husky of our little group. I plopped down next to the couch and pulled out a book. Here goes everything, I thought to myself.

It seems lord Anubis favored me that evening. Before I could even blink, Gerry was leaving. Although the thought of him with someone else is still odd for me, I take solace in the fact it gives me time to work with Erik. That evening, Erik was going to be running a favored roleplaying game of mine, Forgotten Alliance. It required the combined forces of Erik and Aaron to help create my character, but after about an hour I had all the edges rounded out. As per usual, once I was ready, Buqet was off to sleep. The three of us sat in silence for a while, trying to decide what to do about gaining another player. It was Erik who came up with a solution- have me call Devin, a ferret friend of mine who I'd been spending time with lately. With a slight bit of coaxing, we piqued Devin's interest and he drove out to join us. As we helped him write up a character, I snuck into the kitchen to steal a surprisingly passionate kiss from the beautiful Jackal controlling our session. I snuck back to my seat blushing. Soon, after much thought, Devin had his powerful fighter and the fun began. The hours passed as we traversed a Lovecraftian temple of horrors in the hot sands of Turkey, and before long it was five in the morning. Erik decided to call it quits there as Aaron had to be up early for a presentation at work, so after teaching my lovely ferret-friend how to level his character, everyone went home- with the exception of us, of course. As Erik read me the spell list for my class, I allowed my mind to wander. I wanted to spice things up, but I had no clue what all my lover was comfortable with doing. Sure, I had entertained thoughts of going out and buying toys, of knocking him down to all fours and penetrating him deeply... For the record, I'm not your average female. Being too shy to explore, terrified of scaring him away, I always simply bide my time and wait for him to do something new. Tonight, however... My curiosity would be slaked.

As the soft, deep purr of his voice died away, I was brought out of my fantasies. With a sly smile upon his muzzle, Erik wrapped his strong arms around me. It seemed he held me for an eternity. Mind you, I'm not complaining one bit. I loved it. Any time he holds me, I feel... invincible. I feel right. I feel like I belong. When we broke apart at last, he excused himself to the washroom to brush his teeth and dress for bed. With a glance, I noticed he had brought a pile of movies with him. After selecting one, I curled up on the couch with a book, lying in wait. The faint click from the door echoed in my ears as I turned to drink him in. The jackal was dressed in a loose black white shirt and black silk shorts, his tail curling behind him. Again I noticed the muscular cut of his fine legs, the perfectly-shaped flanks, the dainty paws... Perhaps he noticed me watching, perhaps not.

"Are you done reading?"

"Hm? Oh, yes, I was just waiting for you. I picked us out a movie." He took his sacred place next to the computer and wrapped himself in a thin black sheet. After starting the film, I took a seat next to him, allowing space should he feel I was coming on too strongly.

"If you're cold, come over here by me. We can share the blanket." If only he knew how happy I was to oblige. Naturally, I slid over to him and joined him beneath the covers.

"What, no pajama pants?" This startled me. He... he wanted me to change into my pjs? Oh well.

"Actually, good idea. I'll be right back." Quickly, I pulled my flamboyantly yellow sleep pants out of my duffel bag and slipped into the kitchen to change. I have this little quirk about clothes; I never wear underwear. It's just something I don't feel is necessary. This does, however, cause me to be shy about changing in an open area. It also caused me to learn how to change fast. I had just gotten into my pjs and was bending over to gather up my jeans when I felt a paw brush my tail aside. I looked down to see two black paws on my hips, and I felt something press against my body.

"Aw, I wasn't fast enough, you're already dressed." My heart skipped a beat.

"I'm a fast changer," I said with a smirk. Erik turned me around to face him and our lips met. In the dark parlor, I melted, eager for his touch. He led me back to the couch, reclined himself, and bade me lean back against him. Cuddling with him like that makes it hard to remember he will never claim me as his own, but nevertheless I wouldn't trade it for the world. As I focused my attention on the television screen, I heard him whisper in my ear.

"You know, if you're ever wanting to do something and I'm not seemingly in the mood, you shouldn't be afraid to make the first move."

"Usually, darling, I do make the first move."

"I wasn't aware." The sarcasm stung.

"It begins, in my opinion, with the kissing. That's all it takes for me. I love the feel of your lips." He chuckled, a deep purr that sent chills down my spine. Tenderly, he traced a claw down my snout along the little stripe of white.

"I was referring to something a little more... sexual..."

Passion burst from every fiber in my body. I kissed him. The scent of his cigarettes lingered on his lips, and I relished the sensation. I was stunned as he kissed me back playfully, longingly, appearing to enjoy himself. Metal brushed against my lips and I shivered- his tongue stud. He knows how weak it makes me. Gently, his paw trailed up my back and down around my hips, following the curves with his claws. A small sigh escaped my lips.

"We'll count this one as mine," he said teasingly, brushing up under the sloth of my shirt. Breathlessly I nodded, slipping my own paw over the fur of his perfect legs. I drew a claw along his inner thigh, following the joint of his leg, the beginning curve of his buttock, the base of his throbbing erection... and, going out on a limb, I decided to indulge my curiosity. Ever so slowly, I spread his legs. With a steady hand, I began to massage his most enigmatic area- his tail hole. To my amazement, a soft sigh escaped his lips.

"So you like that, do you?" he asked, attempting to accommodate my explorations. I replied by attempting to slip my digit inside of him... it didn't work as well as I had hoped. I was a little stumped. So often I'd tried it with past partners, only to have them shriek at me to stop. Here was the perfect man, willing to let me do even that, and I couldn't figure out how to accomplish it! So, I withdrew after a few minutes.

"Well, I'd like to do more... I'm just... shy..."

"Here, you can hide under the blanket if you like. I promise I won't peek." I crawled beneath the blankets, in between his legs, and lowered my muzzle. I ran my tongue on circles along his buttocks, his soft balls, down the path of his taint... when I neared my goal, however, I discovered I could not reach. Chagrined, I flopped flat on the couch. Erik picked up on what I was trying to achieve.

"Need me to raise my hips, Araea?" His words helped me muster what courage I could.

"Get down on all fours, Erik. Now." I extracted myself from the blanket as he lowered himself to the floor. Another first for our pairing: Erik removed my pants, grasped my legs, wrenched them apart, and lowered his muzzle to my eager pussy. ERIK, of all people! He kissed my thighs, my stomach, my soft fluff of fur hiding my sex, and in a flash I felt the cool steel of his tongue stud whirling against my clitoris. I moaned as he lapped at my juices, thrilled to the core when he began thrusting his tongue inside me. My claws dug at his hair and my hips rocked. The feel of his hot breath against my flesh gave me goose bumps, adding to the pleasure his powerful licks induced. As I began to climax, he pulled away with a grin. I felt powerful. I felt in control. I shoved him down and covered him with a blanket, exposing only his well-rounded hindquarters. Nervously, I spread him open as I closed my eyes and lowered my snout.

I began to lap at his tight anus, flicking my tongue in quick little circles. He had cleaned for me. I was astonished to find that he tasted pleasant; like lapping at a penny. Coppery. I enjoyed it. My tongue worked to loosen him, massaging, as my paws kept his haunches spread wide and his tail out of my way. I buried my face in his rump, lapping eagerly, rolling my tongue and forcing it deeper inside him at every turn. It occurred to me that I had never heard him moan before- it was melodic, reminiscent of the way he sounds when he sings. Good lord, did I love it. I pulled out of him every now and then to nip at his rump and thighs, teasing him before my tongue found its way back to his eager hole. I continued drilling him with my slender tongue until it grew tired from the exercise. In a flash he was up, kissing me, tugging me down to the floor, pulling my shirt off. Hungry with desire. I was tight and eager, and as he slipped inside of me I nearly roared in ecstasy. He was fast and strong, plunging deep into my sex, panting in my ear and my claws raked along his back. I fastened my legs around his shoulders and thrust back just as hard, relishing the feel of his member sliding in and out. He pounded me until we could scare move, and then it was my turn. Buqet's floor, of course, does not have the give of a bed so actions are a little more restricted. Still I endeavored to please him. I snaked my body along his, pausing to encase his throbbing cock in my soft breasts for a fleeting, teasing instant before continuing to make us even. I latched my thighs tight around his hips and lowered myself onto his erection. I rocked my hips as hard as I could, bouncing upon him, slipping myself along his shaft. With a firm hand, he leaned me upright and watched as I raised and lowered my slot against him. I was shy at first, being as thick as I am, but the knowledge that my breasts rival most of those twiggy females gave me the strength to indulge in the moment. I bounced a bit faster, allowing my hair to fall in my face seductively as I slipped him in and out. Erik grasped my shoulders and pulled me to him, shoving himself deep inside me. I panted in royal pleasure as I exploded around him, weak from the exertion but oh so proud. Next would be him. He slipped out of me and came, and I smiled happily as he pumped his hot load onto my waiting breasts. Call me crazy, but I adore it when they do that. The couch seemed to be calling to me. I flumped down on it as we caught out breath. Pale blue light filtered down from the television, casting a soft flow on his silken fur. I was overcome by his beauty. Erik sat up and kissed me deeply, tugging my hair and licking my lips.

"God, Araea. That was intense."

"Mmm, I agree. But was it good?"


"Well, then, I'll do it more often."

"I mean all of it.

"Well, we'll just have to do THAT more often too."

"I figured, y'know, since you did that," he leaned me back against the couch and began kissing my torso as he spoke, "I figured I should pay you back..." he slipped tongue inside of me for a split second, and then kissed my forehead.

"Ugh, you tease." The playful grin on his face warmed my heart.

"I think I'm going to go take a shower," he said, gathering his clothes.

"May I join you?"


The water poured around me as I washed my hair, cleaning the sweat and soaking into my fur. As I bathed, I kept my eyes on Erik. He had behaved strangely tonight. I scrubbed at my fur with the sweet-smelling soap. This erotic encounter had left my blood boiling.

"You know, you really got me going tonight..." His comment caught me off guard. Balance seemed just out of reach. I stumbled.

"Really?" I traded him spots. Our bodies slipped past one another, fur mingling.

"Especially with the finger. Mmm. Should you do that during a blowjob... god." My fur stood on end. I would drive him mad with pleasure before the night was through. Silent vows flashed through my mind. Wait and see, Araea, wait and see... I prostrated myself before him, bending at the waist until my spine was completely flat. He had begun to harden as we showered, and It had not escaped my notice. Lips parted in a grin. Quickly I buried his manhood in my throat, flicking my tongue around his shaft as I slipped him in and out of my mouth. His light moans echoed through the washroom. This only egged me on. I ran my tongue around the ridge of his head, down his shaft, and flicked it playfully back up again before pulling away slyly.

"See? Getting me all worked up..." He turned off the flow of water and stepped out.

"I'll go get you a towel, Araea, and your clothes so that you can get dressed if you're so inclined." 'If you're so inclined'... Good god, I love this Jackal. As I slipped into my shirt and pants, I stole a glance in the mirror. My cheeks were flushed. The usual bags that haunt my eyes were gone. Sharp hazel eyes glinted back at me. Nights like this with Erik make me beautiful. Erik was reclined on the couch by the time I exited. I oozed down beside him and began to kiss him. His lips are always lush and soft. Every kiss is ecstasy. Our tongues played back and forth as I ran my paw along his leg.

"Ready to try that again?"


He vanished into the washroom and returned with the remnants of his bottle of conditioner.

"Try this." I squirted as much as the bottle would relinquish into my hand. Carefully covering my fingers, I slipped two down to his tail hole and began to massage my way in. This time it worked. I buried myself up to the knuckles in his anus, praying he'd guide me. I had never done anything like this, although Anubis knows I've tried.

"Deeper... towards the front..." I followed his instructions, using what knowledge I'd gleamed from books over the years to find his male g-spot. It was a lot simpler than I expected. Once I found it, I began to stroke it as I fucked him deep with my slender digits. His moans of pleasure fell like music upon my ears. To add to his ecstasy, I lowered my head and began to suck his throbbing manhood as I stroked his most sacred spot. He arched his back as I ran my tongue down over shaft. I began to thrust faster and deeper, tickling his spot with the finger tips, going rougher and faster, attempting to make up for my gender.

"I just wish I wasn't a female..."

"It doesn't bother me." My ears pricked up at this innocent comment. I began to put more effort into my paws, working him good as he moaned and sighed.

"God, Erik, the things I would do to you..." I continued on, buried in his tight anus, stroking with my fingers as I plowed myself into him, until he could take no more. He shot his load on my face as he bit his lip to keep from crying out. Careful to try and hide it from him, I went to the bathroom to wash my hand off. No big deal for me on account of my eyes, but I'm sure he felt slightly embarrassed. I vacated the washroom so that he could use the privy. I restarted our movie (for the second time) and waited for his return. Erik slunk out of the bathroom and showered me with kisses and hugs. Never had I felt so accomplished. Never had I been so dedicated. And never in my life had I had such intense sex. With a few more passionate kisses, I excused myself to sleep. I was exhausted. Words flickered through my brain as I began to drift into that sweet nothingness:

"It doesn't bother me..."