Next Step

Story by Elian93 on SoFurry

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#8 of Short Stories

I've haven't wrote a short story for a while so here's one about a person whose talent had become harmony with another and with it he'll be able to take the next step, even if it is small

Funny that I've established a romantic relationship with this calm and proper canine; a German shepherd who just finished his high school with promising exam marks and therefore took a year off for his so called 'reboot' by working as a freelance composer. I still can't understand why he fell in love with a spoiled child like me who can't even find his lover's apartment keys even they were in front of him. I was a German shepherd myself and I come from a fairly rich family with service as butlers and servant maids hence my lazy attitude. But even if I was the most spoiled child on Earth I am still a loyal and reliable lover... ehm... even though I haven't been in a relationship before... but still! I've had my dreams and imaginations of how I would be in a relationship.

"Asasa (which meant babe or hun), when are you ready to try it?" asked my partner Angu (which meant Man) while he was cooking something that smelled delicious, maybe steak, I don't know.

I was cleaning my room after my love asked me to do and honestly he's right about it looks like that a ravaging beast had been stomping through my room: There were clothes everywhere; on the floor, on my only chair, the bed and on the sofa. Empty packages of noodles where spread here and there were some of the content that managed to plant themselves in the most visible places and I wouldn't be surprised if the vegetables had begun to take roots. Several ring marks of cook water used to the noodles had plastered themselves strongly on the surface of my little square table and the icing on the cake would be all the open, unfinished books and used papers were scattered to all possible places and in every position. Let's just say that I'm a really a carefree person.

"We've already talked about, asasa, when I feel it's time" I blushed slightly, didn't know why and didn't want to think about it so I just focused on cleaning my domain. Clean and clean... I just moved some random stuff to another place which barely made any progress in my doing. To change the subject I asked what he was cooking:

"Beef schnitzel with pommes frites and a tomato sauce" answered Angu enthusiastic follow by a little sigh. As I predicted he stopped his cooking and went to me and continued: "A bit unorthodox with fries but that's what we have since your lazy ass was busy with messing your room even more"

He swallowed my upper body with his half muscular arms from my shoulders and licked my sensitive left ear. I closed my eyes and felt myself blushing even more through my fur, enjoyed the euphoric feeling of his magical touch, especial on my only weak point.

"I know I'm messy but is this nece-" I was interrupted.

"If you mess it up even slightly more I'll take care of it and I know that you won't be able to find around here for a little while" He strengthened his embrace slightly, placed his head beside mine "and you know exactly what happened last time because of that asasa"

Yeah... last time he took care of my room I literally couldn't find my set I use to draw with nor my school stuff (books, papers, pencils and so on) and because of that I came late to school in few days which resulted in detentions. Sounds surrealistic but that's his irritating way of punishing my 'carefree' lifestyle and I know that he knows we both enjoy it in some weird way.

I have a brain that thinks in pictures and I'm able to draw things pretty close to reality hence I'm studying at art school. At the beginning my parents send me to train my music skills like my other siblings but I was literally a failure and as I was about to shut down every hope for my parents I showed extraordinary skills of drawing, especially humans, where they immediately send me to the current art school I study at. Call it fate or whatever; if my parents never had sent me to train my non-existing music talents I would never had met Angu:

It was when I wanted to see my former friends at the music school that I found out from my friends that the school was helping an exceptional all-in-one composer with his steps towards his ultimate dream; to be a composer for TV-series and games. As all I got curious, took my time to find out if I could meet this guy. One of my friends asked me to take some of my drawings with me, apparently for inspiration and if it didn't happened either I probably wouldn't have come closer to Angu than just a friend. I remember when I asked one of the students about this composer's whereabouts and the student pointed at the neatest and firm person, sitting on a school inspired sofa in a corner, fully occupied by the computer in front of him.

"Hey?" I asked nervously, laid my free hand on top of my artworks.

He looked shortly at me and quickly focused his eyes on the computer again, clicking and dragging, said: "Hello" This is awkward, I thought, unsure what to say or even do but luckily his upbringing and learning apparently had trained him what to do in these kind of situation, took the initiation and control:

"Please, sit down" he stretched his hand and marked the chair on the other site of the table and waited.

"Oh... yes, thank you" I responded, running my expectations high. I remember some of the former straight A students under my period of learning the other side of art and their music was fantastic!

"So who are you?" he asked friendly, closed his computer "I don't seem to recognize you. Are you new?"

Flurried I answered: "No, no, oh God, no" I shortly noticed the lifted eyebrow, quickly added "I've been on this school before but transferred to the art of drawing because... I'm a failure when it comes to music but excellent in drawings" I tabbed my folder with my various drawings "By the way, my name is Aputsiaq (which means Snowflake)" I readied myself for a handshake.

"Is that so?" he laid his elbows on his knees, apparently sounded interested, took a short pause and then applied and answered the handshake. It was quite gently. "My name's Angu and I, of course, study music. My goal is to be a composer of TV-series and games" He gave a soft and friendly smile, continued "But right now I can't get the needed inspiration to go further with my current piece" He laid a hand on his computer "and if you are so good at drawing, maybe you can help me"

"Sure, how can I help you?" I curiously asked, alternately looked at the German shepherd and the computer.

"May I see your drawings? I presume you have some in that folder" He nodded at the folder under my arm.

I remembered that I hesitated for these drawings were a bit personal and were drawn under certain circumstance in my life. A fateful decision, you might call it and indeed it was one of those moments you didn't think would be of such a great importance. I felt obliged to reply for that kind of a question:

"I don't know..." I placed the folder on the table with both my hands sitting on top of it "They are a bit close to my life and there were originally brought to give inspirations for my former classmates"

The drawings were of several canines in some of their most important moments: Weddings, kisses, left alone by their partners, deep reflection and many others.

I looked down at the folder and waited for his response but all I heard was a sigh, perhaps the most important sigh he ever made. Without that sigh I probably wouldn't had said the following:

"But I'll allow you for once"

Then it escalated from there. I gently pressed my head against his, smelled his fur where I also could smell his deodorant; chocolate.

"You have to clean up, asasa or else you'll risk of getting kicked out your school" he said suddenly but with low and soft voice, still caressing my left ear.

"Easy for you to say..." Sometimes I hate my weak point because of the control he can get from it "You've already completed your exams and so on... but yeah... I will take care of it, hun, if you just concentrate about our meal" I embraced his arms with mine.

"I will" he finished and gave me a smooch on my chin, draw his arms back and then said:

"You never really have drawn sexual stuff, haven't you, Apu?"

I knew where he wanted to go with this but he played his cards wisely by weakening me with my only weak point. The point that could make me tell any truth he wanted but never really used it for that purpose, only for caressing.

"No... I haven't" Now I began to clean my room bit by bit.

"Perhaps we should start with that, asasa" the door frame gave a sudden creak when he leaned against it with his shoulder.

"What... do you mean?" I stopped my cleaning and turned to my partner who now took his shirt off "What are you doing? You know I'm not so much for sexual stuff" I it wasn't for my fur I would look like a shepherd who had been painted crimson red on the face.

"Draw me half-naked while I cook, Apu" He said it with such charming voice and an expression that was hard to refuse.


"Just do it" He took few steps forward and kissed me on my forehead where he went to the kitchen, waiting. I was spellbound by his nature, his touch, his voice, his talent. We inspired each other through our skilled and trained arts and I'm sure that he later would make a piece of music that would reflect this evening, inspired by the drawing I probably would make. And I did. This was a step forward for my maturing about sexual actions which I've restrained my whole life for reasons I don't want to share except for him.

I'm able to take steps because of him and me through him.

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