MG1) Chapter 5: Bedding down

Story by Reye on SoFurry

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#5 of Mutating Genes Part 1: First Mutation

And, after a rather long hiatus, I post another chapter for people to read! Damn, this took me much longer than I'd anticipated.

Lucas hadn't been near a town or city since he'd been transformed, and was quickly growing to miss the forest. The cars let out roars each time they moved, and spat out fumes every second, something he'd never payed much attention to it before. To avoid them as best he could, Lucas had taken to resting and traveling along the rooftops, his powerful legs easily propelling him over the gaps between buildings.

It made him feel like Spiderman.

The town was a small one, from the looks of hit. Few buildings were greater than four stories tall, and it didn't seem to stretch very far. It was a mountain town, so the temperature was a bit lower than what Lucas had grown used to dealing with. If he'd still required it, he would've noted that the air was much thinner than it was in the forest. On the way in, he'd seen a sign announcing the name of the small town. Reedway. He'd never heard of it, but didn't care. It was there, and it was filled with humans.

Humans... Since when had he taken to calling them that? Lucas couldn't recall when he'd begun feeling so... disconnected from his former species, and a part of him was honestly afraid of what he was turning in to.

Lucas leapt up nearly twenty feet to the next building, ceasing his running to rest for a few minutes. He sat atop a five-story building, one of the tallest in the small town of Reedway, and was glad to be away from the acrid scent of exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke.

The sun was in the middle of the sky, it's warmth seeping in to his back and relaxing him, it's rays illuminating the town. Unfortunately, it also forced him to move quickly in order to evade notice. He had no problem capturing small groups of humans, but doubted he'd fair well against a large crowd. If too many people saw him, he'd probably have a much more difficult time avoiding authorities, and while he wanted to feed, Lucas didn't want to lead ~~~~~'s whole race to extinction.

A crowd began to form at the base of the building. Fearing discovery, Lucas crept to the ledge and peered down. A human stood on a podium, addressing the crowd. From what he could hear, Lucas deduced that the human on the podium was a politician, apparently running for the mayors office that year. Behind the human sat several more, probably candidates as well.

The mutant crept away from the edge, leaning against the door that led inside. If he were to attempt to escape, he'd have to do it from the backside of the building. Lucas moved into a crouching position and crawled to the back wall of the building, only to find that a park sat right across the street. Parents watched as their children ran from place to place, idly chatting with other parents about their day.

No way down from that direction... Lucas sighed and crawled back to the access door. He didn't want to just sit out in the open. The teen reached up and checked to see if the door was unlocked, happy to find that it was. Moments later, Lucas was descending the staircase into the top floor of the building.


Luckily for Lucas, the top floor was mostly storage space. Dusty printers and fax machines littered the place, indicating a general lack of traffic through the area. Lucas took the liberty of rearranging a few of the machines into a square large enough for him to curl up in and remain hidden, should one of the workers see the need to come into the-

"God I need a smoke." Came a voice. Two sets of footsteps were making their way up the stairs. Lucas' breathing turned shallow, and he was suddenly aware of how small the machines surrounding him were. If one of the humans were to pass too close, they'd easily see him. He hoped that the light coming in from the windows was too little to reveal his presence, suddenly very relieved at the lack of light fixtures on the fifth floor.

"Johnson is making us do way too much this election." Went the first voice, female, "I think my fingers are actually starting to cramp. Is that a thing?"

"It's not too bad. Well, not as bad as last election, I hear." Went the second voice, also female. "I heard that the entire staff had to stay late every day for a month!"

"No way? Is that legal?"

"Dunno. Whatever it takes to win, right?"

If Lucas still had a heart, he decided it would've exploded from the anxiety. The two footsteps were only a few feet from where he lay, and then one of them stopped.

"Do you smell that?"

"What, the dust?"

"No, something else... Like a musky smell. Tangy."

Tangy? He didn't know that word could be used to describe smells.

"I can't smell anything. You're probably just overworked, let's go have a cigarette before the boss finds out we're gone." The two footsteps continued, climbing the staircase to the rooftop.

"Damn, that was close..." Lucas whispered to himself, releasing the breath he'd been holding. His tail let out a few involuntary twitches. He'd need to find a way to wash the scent of his cum off if he wanted to hide out for a while, so he decided to wait until nightfall and break into a gym or other place with a public shower. Content with his decision, the mutant settled in and closed his eyes, silently practicing his psychic abilities on the humans downstairs.

Lucas emerged from the roof of the building just past midnight, a light gust tossing his hair about. He brushed the surprisingly long locks from his eyes, blaming their enhanced growth on his feeding and deciding to look for a way to cut it shorter while he was out.

His eyes quickly adjusted to the almost-darkness of the city streets. There were still a few cars driving around, but for the most part the city was silent. Lucas absently ran a hand through his hair, trying to decide which way to go.

"Towards the center of town would probably be best..." He sighed. Gyms were more likely to be built downtown than in the suburbs, after all. Without giving himself time to think things through any more, Lucas ran towards the edge of the building facing towards the center of town. Just as his right foot touched the edge of the building, his toe-claws extended for extra purchase. With a mighty push from his formidable legs, the mutant was sent soaring through the night sky.

Lucas easily crossed over the street below, though his flight didn't stop there. Seeing as he'd just leapt from one of the tallest buildings around, he had quite a ways to fall. The toes on his feet spread out, preparing for impact. Upon landing, Lucas absorbed the impact by curling in to a crouching position. He noted that the muscles connecting his legs and hips had loosened considerably, allowing for his body to absorb the shock with great ease. Upon standing, his hips immediately tightened back up.

Lucas smiled and continued his run, easily recreating the leap from before. From one building to the next he went.

It was amazing. He almost felt like he was flying! In the brief moments where he hung suspended in the air, gravity ceased to exist. He half considered growing himself a pair of wings! Unfortunately, however, he didn't possess the type of skill necessary to create entirely new muscle systems, so that wouldn't be happening any time soon. He contented himself with his leaps and bounds, instead.

Leap, Rise, Fly, Descend, Land, Run, Leap. He soon fell into the rhythm. Not minutes later, Lucas found himself at the center of town. Or, at least, he assumed it was the center. He sat upon the only mall in town, from the looks of it. Barely four stories tall and around forty thousand square feet, if he had to guess.

Lucas glanced around from his perch on the roof. There were entirely too many cameras. The roof was the only place within the vicinity of the mall that wasn't monitored. He could've easily leapt back onto the roof of one of the nearby buildings, but he spotted a poster hanging in one of the windows. Figuring that there were bound to be more somewhere inside, Lucas decided he'd have to find a way down without being spotted...

He focused on the cameras that were able to see his landing zone. He'd only need to look into the window to see if there were any posters advertising a local gym, after all, so he didn't need to black out every screen. Lucas gripped his dick, which had shrunk into a nice, hand filling size, and held his other hand at the slit. A thick blob of his cum splattered all over his hand, but didn't run down. Lucas focused and formed the cum into a nice gelatinous glob. He then set it in front of him and concentrated. The glob immediately split into three, which then rolled off in separate directions. Over the edge, down the camera, onto the lens. When all three were settled, Lucas gave the command to harden. All three blobs wrapped themselves around the cameras and hardened into a dark grey color, sticking perfectly to the surfaces without any more commands.

"Perfect." Lucas whispered, rather proud of his work. The mutant leapt down, once more relaxing his hips to absorb the shock. There were, indeed, a few posters hanging in the window. 'Don's Mattress Emporium! We treat you like the emperor you are!' 'Lynn's Hair Salon!' 'King's Diner! Open Monday through Saturday, 6 a.m to 10 p.m.' Finally, 'Don's Gym. Open 24/7, membership required.' Lucas read the address a few times to himself and leapt back onto the roof when he felt confident he'd memorized it. Once in position, the mutant recalled his cum.

The dark grey covering the cameras softened back into white liquid and crawled back onto the roof. From there, the all rolled back into one apple sized glob in front of Lucas and crawled up his leg. His tail twitched slightly as the cum slid into his ass and back into his stomach with the rest of his supply.

"I'm getting better and better."

Lucas arrived a few minutes later at the Gym's roof. It was about two-thirds the size of the mall. Impressive for gym, he thought, but he'd never actually been to one before. Lucas quickly found a rear entrance and gunked up the camera keeping an eye on the door. Surprisingly, it was unlocked. Lucas silently thanked his luck and walked in, making sure to soften and recall the cum on the camera. He'd entered one of the back rooms. There were a few broken pieces of equipment laying around, he noted.

Unable to resist, Lucas walked over and grabbed one of the weights. It was labeled 50 lbs. He easily lifted it with one hand. He silently giggled, ecstatic to see just how much more powerful he was than just a few weeks ago..

When he was human.

Lucas shook the thought out of his head and set down the weight. He needed to find a shower, he reminded himself. The mutant found a door leading to the rest of the gym and snuck through. He could hear the sound of equipment in use and silently wondered who would be weight lifting at one in the morning. The musky odor of sweat permeated the area. He didn't mind, though. Even before he'd changed, he'd always enjoyed the smell.

Not that he'd ever admit, of course.

Lucas stopped just outside a wooden door that lead to the gym floor. He could hear the people through it. There were a few conversations going on, a few clanking metallic sounds. He didn't think that there were any more than a dozen. Still, though he kept a low profile. As nice as the idea of chowing down on a few people was, he hadn't found a suitable place to nest yet. He really didn't want to carry a bodybuilders worth of cum around all the time.


Lucas turned towards the hissing noise. Showers! He found himself excited at the prospect. He hadn't realized how much he missed them! Plus, seeing as his body was literally made of pure muscle, he figured that some hot water would be good for him.

Lucas quietly treaded towards the sound, coming to a halt behind a metal door. There was a plaque on it that read "MENS" in blue letters. Lucas swung the door open, happy that it didn't make any noise, and snuck into the tiled room. The shower was still going, but it didn't sound like there was anyone in it.

Lucas heard a locker door open and ducked into a stall. The shower shut itself off within a few seconds, likely automated, and he listened to the sounds of the man getting dressed. Shirt, pants, belt , jacket. The locker slammed shut. The sound of boots on the tile. The door opened, and he could briefly hear the sounds from the rest of the gym. Then it shut, and the locker room was quiet.

Lucas opened the stall door and walked over to the showers. They were little more than faucets sticking out of the wall, really. Beneath each shower head sat a little handle with a red and blue rainbow above it, one side labeled hot and the other cold. Beneath this was a metal button the size of a persons palm, likely what was used to turn on the water. Eager to wash off, Lucas pressed the button.


It felt Antarctica had decided to pump it's piss directly through the shower head and onto Lucas' chest. Whispering a few obscenities, Lucas danced away from the frigid water. His tail stood rigid behind him, pushed up against the wall. Preparing himself, Lucas stepped forward once more. He reached forward, mindful to keep the water from touching him, and turned the handle towards the red half of the rainbow and waited. The water warmed right up to a nice, non-freezing temperature. Lucas stepped under the shower head and allowed the water to flow down his body, the warmth gradually relaxing his muscles. Lucas increased the heat slightly and sighed happily.

God, he'd missed showering.

He hadn't realized just how much his body had to do to keep rigid. ~~~~~ had replaced all of his bones with muscle, and although it allowed him to shift form and absorb shock much more effectively, it also meant that he had to keep many parts of his body constantly tensed just to operate regularly. The water, though? It was so warm.

Like, really warm. He could feel his muscles relaxing, releasing all of the stress that came with being a slowly morphing alienoid. The steam felt great going into his nose, as though washing out all of the harsh smells that came with the city. He found it strange that the water had a scent, though.

Kinda tangy, almost musky.

Lucas' eyes snapped open and darted down to his cock. The appendage had grown to an impressive three feet, the tip hanging mere inches from the ground. More importantly, though, was what came out of the tip. Lucas hadn't thought that it was his muscles that kept his cum inside him. If he relaxed too much they'd release, and then out came the spooge. There was already a small puddle forming between his legs, in fact, only slightly watered down.

Lucas attempted to recall the jizz, but couldn't seem to make it take a solid form. The water from the shower was diluting it, interfering with his ability to control it. Before his eyes, it was washed right down the drain. Lucas clenched his groin muscles back up, preventing his rod from releasing any more of his cum onto the shower floor.

"Dude, one more set."

Lucas reacted quickly to the voice and dashed towards the back of the locker room. Just as he reached the door leading back into the hallway he'd come from, the doors leading to the gym floor opened. He could vaguely hear a few footsteps walking in, but he couldn't tell how many people there were.

"I told you, I've got to get to bed. I start at eight tomorrow."

"C'mon, dude, just one more."

"Why're you so persistent tonight?"

"I've got a competition coming up and I want to look..."

The conversation faded out as Lucas crept quietly away from the door. He honestly didn't feel like listening to two muscle heads bicker. It didn't take him long to get back to the room with the broken equipment. On his way out, Lucas noticed something he'd missed before. There was a door sitting behind a rack of broken weights with a dusty 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' sign nailed to it. In his curiosity, Lucas spent the next few minutes moving the weights as quietly as possible away from the door.

The doorknob was locked, but it didn't take much for him to break it off. It hadn't been used in years, he assumed, seeing as it took so little effort for him to break the rusted thing. He swung the door open and reached inside, his hand feeling around for a light switch or something of the sort. His fingers eventually found one, and the resulting light nearly blinded Lucas. At least the lightbulb wasn't a piece of junk.

The room within was totally empty. It was about a hundred square feet, and just tall enough for him to comfortably stretch out his arms. Lucas closed the door and sat against the wall, happy that he'd found a good place to nest.


He'd found a nest. The realization hit him with relief and excitement. His cock began coating the wall across from him with jizz. There wasn't much left, so he only managed a thin layer, but it was definitely a start. With his balls empty he began to feel a rather ravenous hunger. Lucas leapt up and darted out the door to his nest, careful to keep it cracked just in case.

The two men in the locker room. He stopped just in time to realize that he'd need some way of subduing them so that they wouldn't alert the whole gym. A glob of his cum slid out from underneath the door and up his leg, coming to a stop right where his tail met his back and sticking. It was just enough to cover both the mens mouths.

"Dude, do you smell something tangy?" came a voice from down the hall. Lucas reached back and scooped up his cum, dividing it equally between his hands and crouching down.

"Yeah. They probably cleaned up back here a bit." Came another voice. The men were probably parked out back, which would explain why they'd use the back door instead of the front.

"I like it. I should ask what scent this is." The two men rounded the corner, one walking just behind the other. Neither could see very well in the dark room, which allowed Lucas to wait until just the right time to pounce.

"It is pretty nice. Kinda overpowering." Lucas leapt across the room. He twisted mid-flight, wrapping his tail around the front mans head and his hand around the second mans face. The three fell to the ground, the two men giving startled and frantic cries. The cum on his hand attached itself to the mans face, corrupting any air he managed to breathe in. Lucas quickly twisted around and did the same to the other man, leaving both lying on the ground. They started trying to pull the cum off, but the lack of oxygen made it difficult for them to muster up any proper strength.

Lucas had made sure to cover their noses as well. He needed to get them weak to ensure they'd obey. Both men began giving up, their arms falling limply to their sides. Lucas reached his mind into theirs and monitored for the moment just before they passed out. He then liquified his jizz, forcing them to breath it into their mouths and noses. Both sputtered on the ground for a few seconds, all the while taking large gulps of air to make up for their previous deprivation.

The second man spoke up first. "I'm really digging that smell, dude."

"What's your name?" Lucas asked, pushing the man to loosen up.

"I'm... Chris." he replied.

"And your friend?"

"I'm Derrik." Said the other man.

"Well then, Chris and Derrik, if you want more you'll have to come with me." Lucas hadn't realized before, but his voice had become very soothing, almost hypnotizing.

"I.. I have work tomorrow, though." Derrik said, standing and stepping towards the door. Fuck. Lucas should've anticipated this. The less of his jizz the target ingested, the harder it would be to manipulate them.

"He said we should go with him." Chris argued, grabbing Derriks wrist. Apparently Chris was the weaker willed of the two. Which worked out, since Chris was also the bigger of the two.

"Chris, grab Derrik." Lucas ordered. Chris did as he was told, pulling Derrik to the ground and wrapping his hands over his mouth. Derrik didn't put up much of a fight, but still let out a few whines. The smell must've dazed him a bit.

"Can I have more now?" Chris asked, hopeful.

"In a moment." Lucas stood over the two, his tail reaching between his legs and stroking Derriks groin. "Derrik. Since you don't seem to want any more of my cum, you'll just have to let Chris have it all."

"No homo." Chris chimed, as if on reflex.

"Y-yes. No homo." Lucas sighed. He didn't want to jolt Chris out of the very precarious hypnosis he'd been put in. "Anyways, Chris. Grab Derriks head. Yes, like that. Now, hold it still." Lucas' cock flopped free of its sheath, hanging right in Derriks face. With a flex, the tip opened right up and engulfed the mans head. Lucas felt a shiver run through him, but continued pushing. Chris removed his hands, which had also been wrapped in the alien dick, and held them up to his face. He took a deep breath and sighed, clearly happy with what he'd received. Lucas reached down and slipped a few fingers inside either side of his cockslit. With a solid tug, he stretched the opening out enough to fit over Derriks shoulders. Lucas collapsed to his knees, the pleasure overwhelming him. He'd forgotten that he was dealing with bodybuilders. That meant they'd be much bigger than anyone he'd absorbed before.

"Can I have more?" Chris asked, face half hidden behind his cum-slicked hands.

"Help me, and then you can have all you want." Lucas replied, voice wavering in pleasure. "Push Derrik the rest of the way in." Chris nodded and positioned Derriks legs on either side of his body. He then reached up to Lucas' cock and took a hold of the head. Making sure he had a good grip, Chris pushed Derrik in with his hips while holding the cock in place. Lucas' tail thrashed a bit behind him, the sudden pleasure of taking a man from shoulders to hips in less than a second beginning to overwhelm him. Chris, growing impatient, lifted Lucas' cock so that it was vertical. Derriks legs slid right inside, clothes and all, so that all Chris could see of his friend was his vague outline against the skin of the now gargantuan cock.

"Can I have more yet?" Chris asks, pressing Lucas' cock between the two and leaning in. The bodybuilder began disrobing, idly tossing his clothes on a nearby machine. Lucas felt Derrik drop into his sac. It would only be a few minutes before he'd be turned to cum.

"Give it time. Not much longer before-"

"NOW." Chris pushed Lucas onto his back and sat atop him, straddling the gargantuan cock. " I want more NOW."

"Aggressive bastard, aren't you." Lucas laughed. A rush of cum flooded over the two, coming from within the nearby closet. Lucas had liquified his nest and summoned it to him, using it to knock Chris off him. He forced about a quart of it down his throat, while leading the rest back into his cock and down to his balls. "If you want more, you'll have to go get it."

Chris sat up, his face and chest slick with cum. Without warning, he ripped off his boxers, exposing his impressive ten inch meat. Lucas smirked. With all the cum inside him, Chris would be easy to manipulate. Now it was just a matter of how long Lucas wanted to toy with-

Chris leapt at Lucas, pinning down and straddling his chest. The mans cock stood right in Lucas' face, the tip of his nose pushed up against it. "Say ah!" Chris spun around so that he and Lucas were in a 69 position, the tip of his cock forcing its way inside Lucas' mouth. He pumped into his "masters" mouth, facefucking the pinned mutant.

Lucas was astonished. He'd honestly not anticipated being raped. He supposed that Chris was probably a dominant person in his day to day life, which would no doubt bleed over into his sex life. If being dominant got him aroused, then the lust-inducing chemicals in Lucas' cum could no doubt turn him from "Pushy" to "Rapist." Unfortunately for Chris, Lucas really didn't like being the bottom. A thick tendril of cum slithered out from Lucas cock, quickly splitting into two. Quicker than Chris could react, the tendrils wrapped around his wrists and dragged them into Lucas' cock tip. Capitalizing on the surprise, Lucas rolled to his side, reversing their positions. With a thrust of his hips, Lucas' cock reached all the way up to Chris' biceps. He allowed him to keep thrusting into his mouth, however. Only fair, considering the fight he'd managed to put up.

The mutant gave another thrust, his cock sliding up to Chris' shoulders. Damn he was thick. Lucas moaned into Chris' dick at the pleasure, the sudden vibrations forcing the drugged man into orgasm. Lucas swallowed all the semen before allowing the cock to flop free of his lips. "Bit of a hair trigger, yeah?" He quipped before forcing his cock all the way down to Chris' waist. Lucas seized up, a rush of cum spilling into his urethra in orgasm. With Chris' large frame blocking the way, however, Lucas was left whimpering in delight. He was dimly aware of a few spurts of liquid landing on his chest. He glanced down to see Chris' cock shooting out more cum. His head was probably bathed in Lucas' aphrodisiac jizz, so it wasn't too surprising.

"You are going to make an amazing nest." Lucas moaned, tail thrashing behind him. With a flex of his internal muscles, the mutant's cock swallowed the rest of the human. All that remained was the large lump sliding its way down his dick and into his sac. "Damn I love this." He groaned, stroking Chris through his skin. Lucas wrapped his arms around his cock, stood, and dragged his overinflated genitalia back into his closet. Lucas sat against a wall as Chris slid into his balls.

"No homo," Came a muffled voice through his skin, "But I'm going to totally gonna fuck you right now." There was a commotion within Lucas' sac, then a pair of moans. Apparently Chris had decided to relieve his aphrodisiac fueled lusts on his former gym-mate. Lucas moaned, rather enjoying the feeling of movement inside him. A tendril of cum slithered out of his cock-tip and closed the door to the closet. Happy that he wouldn't be found, Lucas drifted off to sleep.

Lucas awoke with his tongue hanging out. A rather unflattering sleeping position, though he didn't much care. Upon sitting up, his eyes came to rest upon the bare walls surrounding him.

That just wouldn't do.

There was a second of rumbling from his sac before a torrent of seed erupted from his dick. Lucas wrapped both hands around his cock-head and began turning it. The thick stream gushed from his man-sized balls and coated the entire room with a thin layer of cum, all of which solidified into a grey gel-like substance within seconds. Lucas repeated the procedure two more times, coating the walls in almost an inch of cum-gel before running dry. The smell of his musk quickly permeated the room, leaving him bathing in his own scent. While immune to it's effects, the mutant couldn't help but enjoy the powerfully musky odor. He took a deep breath, mouth practically watering at his scent. No surprise that humans fell to it so easily.

Well. He'd found a nest. Out of the way, plenty of meals coming and going, and it even had a shower! Lucas sighed happily, sinking into the gelled up floor. That felt niiiice. He rested his arms across his abdomen, eyes sliding shut. Sleep wasn't on his mind, though, just relaxation. Muscles relaxed, breath stopped, worries disappeared.

'Damn, this is heavier than I'd thought!'

Lucas' eyes snapped open. Quickly and quietly as possible, he sprung to his feet and snuck over to the door. A quick glance outside revealed that the room was totally empty. But how? He could've sworn he'd heard someone just then...

The mutant shuffled back to where he'd been laying down and returned to his position, once more slipping into a calm, almost meditating, state.

'One.... Two.... Three.... Four... Don't forget to breath.... One... Two...'

There it was again! Lucas didn't react, though. He stayed perfectly still, focusing on the voice as much as he could.

'Breath.... Alright, break time. I hope Liza likes this body. Damn gym membership had better be worth it. That woman, I swear.'

Was that... Was he listening to someone's thoughts? Someone out in the gym, maybe? Lucas relaxed once more, this time concentrating on finding a different mind.

'Fuck, this guy has a big dick!' Lucas suppressed a laugh, but dug deeper into the mind. Well, as much as he could, anyways. He couldn't get a name, but he got that the man who's mind he was reading was at a bench press. The man spotting for him was, apparently, rather well endowed. 'I'd love to feel that down my throat.' That answered the un-asked question of sexual orientation, he supposed. Lucas jumped to the other mans mind.

'This guy keeps looking at my dick. Fucking queers are everywhere.' The second man thought. Lucas leapt from their minds to a new one. He was both happy and sad at this one.

The mind he'd leapt to was incredibly simple. He could immediately delve into its secrets and understand its emotions even better than the creature itself could, and so, while he was happy that he didn't have to work very hard, he was sad that someone like that actually existed. 'I'm going to be so fucking ripped! Yeah, all the other guys here are staring at me! Let em! I'm bigger than all of them!' Rather vain. Although Lucas could definitely sense that this man was, in fact, much larger than any of the other gym patrons. His cock twitched at the challenge.

And there we go.