Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Fifth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#5 of Pathfinding-CYOA

Eventually the luck of the dice are going to fail us...but not this time. When I don't use physical dice, by the way, I use for my dice rolling needs. There's some long decisions at the end, so think 'em over carefully before proceeding.

Rufus claims the gnoll female as his own, and assumes dominance over her former followers.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Fifth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies and Results

A - 2 (50%)

E (40%) - 2

BCDF (65%) - 1

CDEF (65%) - 1

BCE (50%) - 7

BCDE (65%) - 2

BE (45%) - 1

BCDEF (70%) - 2

BDF (60%) - 1

BCF (50%) - 1

Winning Vote: BCE

Dice Result: 18% rolled, 50% needed.

Additional Vote: Pathfinder stats - 3

Additional Vote: Make the Warlord a female/herm - 5 - 'kay, guess the warlord is one of those. Which I'll decide as things play out. This vote is now closed.

Additional Vote: Adel wants to stay a virgin, but is fine with oral/anal - 1

Author's Notes

Looks like we're going to dominate a gnollfemme, and pick up a small pack of spotty-furred servants...for a price, of course, but at least it's just money: you can (almost) always get more of that.

Pathfinding Fifth Entry

Flipping back his long knife and sliding it smoothly into its sheath, Rufus slipped his hand upward in the same movement, resting it against the upper back of the gnollfemme.

"We don't hafta be enemies," he growled softly, just loud enough for the remaining five male gnolls across the clearing to hear. Moving the axe at the spotty-furred female's neck down, teasing it over her naked body, just barely pricking the tips of her dark nipples in a slow arc through her close-trimmed fur, not breaking skin, but enough to make her shiver, Rufus grinned toothily, then nipped the gnoll leader's ear. Most of the nip was from his lips, but there was enough fang to remind her who was in charge here, even as Rufus slipped his axe back into the loop on his belt. "Actually, I think we can get along just long as everyone's willing to make some adjustments."

As Rufus said this last, his now-free hand stroked up over the gnoll girl's thigh, and then wrapped firmly around her still-turgid member. The lead 'yena froze at the initial contact, then gasped sharply as Rufus squeezed down, before moaning, still softly for now, as the wolfen slowly stroked his paw up and down the firm length of dark female cock. Across the clearing, the five male gnolls watched with wide, eager eyes, their expressions betraying a great deal about each of their personalities. The two who'd been helping their former would-be male leader in his attempt to deathrape Urtan, Rufus' new gnoll packmate, were hunched creatures, looking as much like true animals as humanoids, their arms long and almost apelike as they reached nearly to the ground in their stooped posture. One of these two had an eyepatch, while the wasn't his arms only that nearly touched the ground, as he was almost ridiculously gifted between his legs, something readily apparent even behind the loincloth he was wearing...and that loincloth wasn't going to contain him for much longer, as excited as the scruffy-furred male was obviously getting. Next to the two brutish males was the one who'd tried to stop his comrade from sodomizing Adel. He was obviously an older male, grey starting to show around the edges of his muddy-colored fur, but he carried himself with energy and vigor, age obviously not having robbed him of his fighting form just yet...or of his capacity for lust, judging from the nice-sized erection he was sporting as he watched Rufus stroke his captive leader's girlcock. On the end were the twins who'd been so surprisingly gentle with the tight-muscled rabbit boy, Cassidy. The pair were surprisingly feminine-looking, slender and sleek, with fur that was astonishingly clean and well-groomed for gnolls, and gentle-looking brown eyes. It was easy for Rufus to believe that they wouldn't have been the ones to hurt any of their former prisoners, though he doubted they'd have done anything to stop the others from their intended brutal rape. Not like the older male, who was obviously a brave, outspoken type.

"I'm your alpha now," growled Rufus, showing his fangs as his voice became more harsh, more forceful, his eyes locking with each of the five males across the clearing, holding their gazes until, one by one, they dropped their eyes, unwilling to challenge him. "You'll each get a share of the spoils out here, that much I can promise. But you'll do what I say - everything I say - or I'll leave you out here, alone." The femme 'yena gave a short yelp as Rufus shoved her forward onto her knees, then pushed her further downward still, until she was on all-fours. "See, your former leader's not gonna be much help to you...'cause she's gonna be plug full of pups soon enough." The hoary-furred wolf chuckled wickedly at the yelp he got from his captive as he smacked her hard-muscled buns with the hand that had been resting on her upper back, right over the slim, triangular opening of her quim, before her yelp soon turned to a moan as he began to caress that tiny, slick slit, obviously unused to intrusions larger than a finger or two. "And those pups are gonna howl at the moon, in case it wasn't obvious."

The hyenafemme's yowl as Rufus plunged his cock into her dark-furred and dark-skinned pussy sent a thrill through his body, almost as much of a thrill as her exquisite tightness. One hand gripped the back of her neck, holding her firmly in place as she whimpered like a whipped little puppy, daring to half-turn her head, as much as Rufus allowed, to give him a pleading look with her surprisingly sweet brown eyes. It wasn't really clear if the look was one begging him to stop or begging him to keep going, but since Rufus had already decided he was going to knock up this spotty-furred sexpot, he bared his fangs at her in a grin that was half-threat, half-reassurance, and then started to hump her in earnest.

On the first hard, brutal impact of Rufus' hips against the muscular, rounded buns of the gnoll girl, she wailed like a banshee, wriggling desperately from side to side, as though she couldn't decide whether she wanted to pull forward and get that big, uncircumcised wolfcock out of her, or push back with a will to take it right to the gates of her womb. Not bothering to give her time to make up her mind, or even to physically adjust to the thickness of his solid lupine length, Rufus held nothing back, his own muscular rump tensing as he began to work his hips harder, faster, his tail lifting as he shagged his squirming prisoner for all she was worth.

"Yeah!" snarled the wolf as he made the femme's breasts bounce with each succeeding impact of his hips against her tense tushie, making her buns visibly clench up, the pink of her inner walls clinging to him every time he pulled back. "Take it all, slut-puppy. You're mine now!"

Watching nearby, Urtan, the tall, surprisingly handsome (for a gnoll) male looked between where Rufus was savagely shafting the former gnollish leader, and then to the other gnolls. The five males were each sporting an erection, and though the greymuzzle wasn't stroking himself, the two more savage males certainly were, while the twins were giving each other a helping paw. No, Urtan silently decided, these yobos weren't going to be causing them trouble, at least not right then, not when they were enjoying the show so much - typical gnoll loyalty.

Snorting in derision at what he'd used to be, before he'd left that life behind, Urtan reached out, one hand resting on the slender back of Spark, the bardic foxboy. Not saying anything, just using his body language to spur the teenaged kit forward, until they were standing before the hyenababe's open, panting muzzle. Her eyes slowly opened to lust-addled slits, and she looked up at Spark with dazed curiosity, while Spark looked down, wide-eyed, his slender, precious pink penis standing at full erection. Both Rufus and Urtan had to admit: that healthy, boyish erection looked as tasty as candy, and had about the same sweet, strawberry pink color as a sugary sweet to boot. The bouncing-breasted gnollfemme seemed to think the same thing, for as Urtan gently nudged Spark those few inches forward, closing the brief gap between him and her, her muzzle swiftly parted, and her eyes closed completely even as she closed her lips tightly around Spark's shaft, making a soft, eager whine as she began to let Rufus' thrusting hips push her muzzle forward and back in time with her swaying breasts.

Watching the look of amazement on Spark's pretty face with a grin, and then as it turned to open-mouthed pleasure, his tongue soon lolling out at what was likely the first blowjob he'd ever gotten in his young life, Urtan chuckled softly, giving the foxboy a pat on his trim little butt at the moment's Spark's tail started to raise in time with his rising pleasure. Though he'd discarded his painted hide shield, Urtan still held his spear in his other hand, a clear sign that even if he was about to have some fun himself, he was still ready for action if trouble started. Keeping one eye on the gnoll males, Urtan moved behind Rufus, then reached around, his hand deftly taking over from where the wolf's had been pumping the gnollbabe's. Milking her hard girlcock a bit faster, knowing from experience just how to handle a female of his kind, Urtan gave a soft, husky growl in Rufus' ear, before stepping forward, gently nudging the other male to one side. Now side-by-side, the two powerfully-built males shared space crouching behind the hyenafemme, before Urtan's own cock thrust forward, and then prodded the female's tailhole. For a moment she started to wriggle and squirm, making muffled sounds of protest around the mouthful of tasty foxcock she was sucking on, but Urtan simply ignored her as he slowly squeezed his heavy glans forward until it popped past her tense anal ring, making the hyenababe give a high-pitched, muffled squeal as her eyes rolled back into her head.

Now thrusting in time, Rufus and Urtan shared a lusty grin, before the two powerfully-muscled males put themselves fully into their work. Spark's happy "yiff!" of orgasm as the young male swiftly went over the edge just added to their shared pleasure, even as the 'yena girl grabbed the foxboy's hot buns, pulling him nice and close as she greedily gulped down every drop of his cum. As she finally let Spark step back, staggering and limp in his ears and tail as well as his cock, obviously more drained than he'd ever been in his entire life, and looking positively adorable all the while, the gnollish female then lifted her head, giving a loud wail of orgasm as her tailhole and quim began to clench down hard on the males shafting her from behind. With a deep-throated grunt, Rufus slapped the femme's spotty bottom soundly, making her wail even louder as the pain added spice to her pleasure, before he shared a quick glance with his new packmate. Urtan shared the look, his face and body tense, obviously on-edge...before both males let their backs arch, Urtan leaning forward with clenched teeth while Rufus leaned back, his lips curling back in a snarl of pleasure, both of them going over the edge at the same time, cum gushing into the hyenagirl's tush and pussy in a tidal wave.

Holding themselves like that for a long, long time, making sure to milk out every last drop, Rufus and Urtan slowly slid themselves back, their gradually-softening cocks popping free of the gnollfemme's well-used holes with a soft, wet, squelching pop, a gush of their cum accompanying the sudden removal of the plugs that had held it all inside until that moment.

"You'd better get dressed," Rufus growled at Adel with a teasing wink, making the chipmunk girl blush heavily as she finally looked down, noticing with more than a little embarrassment how slick and matted-down the fur between her thighs was. "I've got some friends who'll be catching up soon, and you'll wanna be presentable for 'em." His eyes traveled over the gnolls, then, and once more he fixed each of them with a steely gaze until, one by one, each of them dropped their eyes, their tails tucking under. "A share of the spoils," he growled softly, reaching down to give the spent gnollbabe's spotty bottom a squeeze, making her moan as she lay on the ground, panting in a puddle of her own juices mingled with those of Rufus and Urtan. "Get up 'n get your people together," he ordered the nearly spent female as he turned to head into the woods. "I'm gonna go get my group together and we'll be here in five minutes or less - they've had plenty of time to catch up by now. You all get a camp together, and we'll figure out where we're going come morning."

Not waiting to see if his orders were obeyed, Rufus then stepped into the woods, and in an instant was gone, as silent and unseen as a ghost in the green.

Path Choices

There are three choices ahead of us now. The first has to do with practical matters, and the second and third have to do with sex.

First Choice: Where to? We're in the northwoods, so what group should we aim to meet up with and talk to first?

A) Deerfolk. The deerfolk of the north are known for their swiftness and their skill as archers. They'd made a handy addition to any army in need of ranged attackers. Of course, they're also known for being flighty and often timid, so it might take some work to get them on our side.

B) Bearfolk. The bear barbarians around these parts are known for being fairly isolated for the most part. Still, Rufus and Spark (the fox because of his command of bardic lore) know of a powerful and well-respected member of the bearfolk, Carver by name, who could call together a lot of his people, and others besides, if he could be convinced to go to war. He'd be a handy assistance in convincing the other factions of the north to join us as well, at least among the beastfolk. It's known that Carver is a passionate beast, especially when it comes to satisfying his lust, and he keeps a small harem of attractive slaves (he loves humans best) to keep himself occupied when he's not engaged in raising bees or raiding. Carver would probably be happy to join if offered a few more slaves for his harem...though this probably wouldn't appeal much to whoever was going to be offered up for this purpose.

C) Wolf Folk. Rufus' own folk in these parts are mostly independent, and could probably be won over to his side without too much trouble. The only real problem with this course of action is that same of the wolf tribes are already serving the Overlord, and it would be pretty bad if the group's efforts landed them right in the middle of one of these hostile groups, few though they may still be. Of course, even the hostile groups might react well to gifts...especially gifts in the form of hot humans to play with.

D) Elves. The wood elves of the northwoods aren't nearly as stuck-up as their high elven relatives, most of whom live across the sea to the east. They're also known for being willing to support good causes. The only real problem would be finding them in the first place, though Rufus has a nagging suspicion that Marlene has something up her sleeve on that front.

F) Humans. While some wolf tribes are working for the Warlord, there's a lot more human tribes up this way who are doing the same. By and large, they aren't terribly trustworthy. Still, the human people of the north are hardy and strong, and they respect strength in turn, so they might be won over with some serious negotiation. There are also known to be a group of warrior women up here, called valkyries by the locals, who are rumored to love joining battles, especially on the side of the underdogs. Still, though Spark claims they're real, he's a bard, and bards aren't always known for their complete accuracy when telling tales, even if he does have a possible location for where they might live stored in that foxy brain of his...

G) The fey and wildlings. Faeries, unicorns, centaurs, fauns, satyrs, nymphs, dryads...all of these and more might be willing to help out with some incentive, especially since the Warlord does threaten their idyllic lives. The only problem with dealing with these groups is, well, they're hard to keep terribly focused for very long. They have to be put into service pretty quickly to be of maximum use, and that's just assuming they can be won over without deciding to keep the party as pets or something.

Second Choice: Should we pursue someone for sake of sex while we're traveling? If so, who? Percentage chances are the likelihood of seducing the partner in question. Bear in mind, you can select more than one person, but this will make the ensuing sex scene, if any, more chaotic, so it's probably better to focus on a few rather than a lot. That, and each chance for success in seduction is rolled separately, so the more persons involved, the higher the likelihood that at least one of the rolls will fail.

Leta - The tight-muscled, brown-haired martial artist girl. She's energetic and enthusiastic, and it'd be kinda fun to put her kicks and yells to better use than just fighting. That, and she's obviously pretty naïve when it comes to males, and a young, healthy female with normal pubescent desires. She's obviously a leader type, though, so she's not going to accept being a subordinate in any relationship - an equal at best. (50%)

Regina - This quiet, shy, bespectacled brunette is pretty cute. She's also more naïve around guys than any of the other females in the party at present, obviously having been intended for some cloistered order before she decided to go adventuring instead. That means she'll probably be a little harder to seduce in the first place, but once she's snagged, she'll probably be willing to do just about anything as a complete submissive. (40%)

Deriny - This feisty redhead's obviously got a lot of energy to her, but she's also got a sharp tongue and a keen, cynical mind for someone so young. Getting her into the sack isn't going to be easy, but it has a good chance of being very worth it, if that energy of hers can be redirected. (30%)

Morgan - The gunslinging blonde doesn't seem willing to open up much to people she doesn't know, and she's pretty loud-mouthed and short-tempered. Rufus can get an instinctive sense, though, that if he can successfully seduce the prickly blonde cutie, she'll be his virtual slave, giving herself over to him pretty much completely. The only problem is getting that close in the first place. (30%)

Marlene - Grr, this girl's way too focused on the mission and on being party leader, and she's way too bossy as well. That can't be healthy. If we can get this slim and sweet blondie to relax a bit, she'd probably start to trust us more. That, and if we can get into her panties, Rufus would be that much closer to being the party leader himself, though she seems like the type who expects to be completely in charge, like she was some sort of princess or something, raised bossing a bunch of servants around. That aristocratic behavior's going to make it harder to make inroads with her, that's for sure. (40%)

Adel - She might only be less than half of Rufus' height, but this willowy little chipmunk cutie is a knockout. Besides that, she's already given us a princessly promise, and she's not the sort who's likely to back out on that...though Rufus is kinda big, and that could scare the little princess if we're too eager, though she does seem pretty brave as well as determined. (80%)

Cassidy - It seems like this tight-muscled rabbit boy is the quiet type, happy to watch quietly before he acts. Actually, him being as quiet as he is makes it kind of hard to read Cassidy, so Rufus isn't really sure where he stands. During that whole scene where the wolfguy knocked up the hyenababe, Rufus didn't even notice if Cassidy had an erection or anything, he stayed that carefully in the background through it all. So, what's this rabbit really thinking? Still, he's a bunny, and Rufus hasn't known a bunny yet that wasn't interested in sex, though whether sex with other males appeals to Cassidy...that's not decided yet. (60%)

Spark - Being a bard obviously suits this soft-furred foxboy to a tee, since it gives him the opportunity to stretch his hyperactive mind and body. Actually, Rufus guesses that Spark's probably the sort who'd be willing to try just about anything at least once, and if he likes it, more than that. Still, like with Adel, Rufus is awfully big and pretty scary besides, and Spark's obviously still (mostly) a virgin, and kind of shy when it comes to sexual stuff, at least for the time being. (70%)

Urtan - Right from the start, it was pretty clear that Urtan was Rufus' packmate. Even a brief conversation with him reveals almost immediately that he regards Rufus as his leader, and he'll do just about anything for the wolfen, including giving up his own life if it's needed, so as to satisfy what he sees as a life debt. (100%)

The gnolls - The gnolls have names that are easier for someone like Rufus or a gnoll to say, but more of them seem to prefer Common speech nicknames. All the gnolls share the same chance of voluntary seduction. (60%)

Urta - The female that Rufus just knocked up, is, surprisingly, Urtan's sister. She was actually planning on trying to let him go if she had the chance, but the gnoll second-in-command who Rufus killed wanted to kill Urtan too badly, since Urtan repeatedly kept that wicked gnoll from raping Urta and usurping control over her hunting pack, and from there control of the larger tribe.

One-Eye - A feral male who lost an eye to a rogue wolf tribesfemme, and who's had a liking for wolf folk ever since - it seems like he enjoys pain, both causing it as well as receiving it. Not that bright, but has a low animal cunning that helps him spot weaknesses quite well.

Horse - The largest of the gnolls, and that's not just height, as his nickname suggests. Horse is also the stupidest of the gnolls, and very easy to lead, though he prefers paths that let him use his weapons, either the ones in his hands, or the one between his legs, he doesn't care.

Greyfur - An older gnoll veteran who got to his present age through smarts as well as being tough. At his age, he's started to slow down a bit, which has led him to start enjoying things like foreplay and more gentle sex, things that no self-respecting younger gnoll would ever consider.

Rish and Rack - The twins are obviously into males quite a bit more than females, though they're not unwilling to split some femmetail if the opportunity arises. Since their builds aren't that different from females, this is probably a good thing.

Third Choice: Consensual sex only? This is the question, yes or no, of what we do if we fail a percentile roll above: do we have our way with a chosen seduction partner even if they rebuff us? Alternatively, do we forgo a roll completely, and just drag someone off to sate our lust when the mood takes us?