Charlie's Awakening

Story by Kryos on SoFurry

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#2 of Charlie's Saga

Charlie gave his dad a quick pat on the back on his way out and waved to his brother, "Remember it's our little secret!" The fox waited for a nod from his sibling before ducking into his mom's sedan.

"So, what kind of secrets are you two brother's keeping from your dear old mom?" His intrigued mother asked as Charlie climbed in.

"Oh, nothing, just a surprise we have planned for dad's birthday, when is it again?"

"It's not for another month, come on don't you want to let your mother in on this, I'm sure I could help you."

"Nah, Luke and I have it covered, thanks though."

Charlie remained silent the rest of the trip as he watched the familiar world pass him by. Charlie always loved car rides, so peaceful, he could really clear his mind of the hustle and bustle of the world around him and sort out of whatever was plaguing his mind at the moment. This particular moment it was last night's dream. He thought back on the images replaying in his unconscious, it was all so weird, he'd never thought about stuff like that in the waking hours so how come he was dreaming about it?

His mom's voice stewed him from his meditation, "We're here honey. You have a good day, alright?"

Charlie turned and kissed his mom on the cheek then climbed out of the car and bounded up the sidewalk to the front doors of the main hall. As the fox slid in among the regular crowds he found himself actively seeking his friend. He'd almost given up hope of finding him before their lunch period when he spotted him amongst the other jocks. Wrestling was Zack's passion, something about the feel of grappling another being and locking brain and brawn against them in some barbaric struggle or something. Zack had tried to explain it to Charlie once, but the fox really didn't see what was so special about it all.

As Charlie approached the clique he shifted the books in his arms to get a hand free and then tapped Zack on the shoulder, "Zack, I think we need to talk."

Some of the squad heard the fox's statement and decided to goad them, "Looks like Zack here has got himself a boyfriend."

Zack was quick to retort, "Shut up guys, we're just friends, you know you meatheads should really socialize more."

Charlie succeeded in pulling the stallion away and convinced him to follow him to his lockers. "Umm...Zack?"

"Yes Charlie, what is so urgent that it couldn't have waited till lunch?"

Charlie wasn't used to having Zack aggravated with him and he didn't like it one bit. "Well you don't have to be so testy about it, but it's my dreams."

"What about your dreams?"

"Well, they concern you actually. You see, ever since you kissed me I've been having these dreams, where, well you see, we..." Charlie turned away, he didn't know what his friend was going to do after this admission but he decided it was better to be honest up front so he turned his head around and stared into those intense green eyes. "Zack, in the dreams we kissed and we did more, a lot more. I've had the dream four times and each time we go a little further. I'm not sure that I like the idea or not, I mean you're great, but I don't think I'm that way, or at least I didn't before the dreams and the nocturnal emission." He hadn't meant to admit that last part which was evident from the deeper hues of red his cheek fur took on.

Zack stared at his friend, bewildered at the things he'd just heard come from those familiar lips. "Ok, I think we need to continue this conversation in a more private place, meet me in the locker rooms during lunch, no one will be in there and we can talk then. I can't say this is all together unexpected, but it does come as quite a shock all the same. Oh, and I appreciate your honesty, but did you have to be so blunt, I mean nocturnal emission? That's laying it on pretty thick don't you think?"

Charlie could only blush deeper and turned to open his locker to get his books for first period. "Thanks for understanding Zack and thanks for defending me back there...I know they're your teammates, but jocks can be real creeps."

Zack just smiled and tussled his friend's hair, "Don't sweat it little buddy. Oh and about the jocks...why do you think I like body slamming them so much?"


The first three periods of the day drug on for Charlie. He just couldn't wait to tell Zack everything he'd dreamt. I mean he felt like he already said too much in some ways, but in other ways no words would ever be enough to express how the dreams made him feel. He was relieved when the bell finally tolled for his lunch period to begin. He packed his bag and only stopped at his locker to exchange books before running to the gym. He knew Zach's gym class was right before lunch so he was aware his friend was probably already waiting on him.

As Charlie strode into the room he was bludgeoned by a bunch of jocks rushing out for lunch. He saw that Zack was still in his singlet, which he must say was a big turn on, because it was so tight. It was odd though, all the other boys had already showered, why had Zack stayed back to talk to the coach? Now they'd never have time to talk because Zach would have to shower and change first...Charlie's heart sunk, so much anticipation, this couldn't be postponed any longer.

"Thanks for all the pointers, coach, I had better get showered and off to lunch though. See you tomorrow!" Zach jogged over to his friend and put a paw on his shoulder and began leading him to the locker room. "What are you so glum about buddy?"

"Well, it's just I really wanted to talk and since you're not ready yet, we won't have enough time to discuss this stuff as well as I'd like to." Charlie was being serious; he just hoped he didn't come off as too whiny.

Zach just shook his head slightly, "What do you think we're going to be doing in the locker room?"

"Well, I can't go with you to the showers."

"And why not?"

Charlie couldn't believe he'd just heard his friend say that. He looked up in his astonishment to find his equine friend with a sly smirk on his face and winking at him. Charlie just kind of stood there; he had no idea what to make of that. Well at least his conscious mind didn't, his subconscious was spinning with all of the different scenarios that the two boys could find themselves in and it showed. The bulge in his shorts got a bit bigger as his day dreams progressed into fantasies. He shook his head to clear it and found that Zack had already gone to his athletic locker and started to strip down to his jock strap.

"Well, what are you waiting for? You know you can't shower in your clothes." Zack prodded as he slipped out of his jockstrap and tossed it right at Charlie's face!

Charlie got a good strong whiff of Zack's musk as the undergarment wrung his muzzle. He had to admit it really excited him, more than any scent he'd ever experienced before. He was so intoxicated by the scent that he soon forgot Zack's invitation to chat under the shower heads. That was until he felt hands undoing his fly. He tore the underwear away from his face so he could see who could be so bold and there kneeling before him was the nude form of his best friend slowly sliding Charlie's pants down his legs. Charlie was shocked and dazed; all he could do was step out of his pants and throw the jockstrap back in its owner's face.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" He scoffed as he began slipping his shirt off. He really didn't want to be in the nude right now. The sight of his friend in the nude and the scent which still lingered in his nostrils made it quite impossible to stifle his budding erection, besides he wasn't gay, he just wanted to talk. Although, if the showers were the only place Zack felt like talking Charlie knew better than to try and persuade him otherwise, the horse was a s stubborn as a mule.

"Well, it was obvious you weren't going to undress yourself so I figured I'd help you. Now hurry up, lunch is already a third of the way over." Zack scurried away to turn on a pair of showerheads in the communal stalls, it always took a while for the old pipes to start spewing forth warm water.

Charlie finished undressing and put his clothes, folded neatly, in his own athletic locker, his gym period was sixth, his last class of the day. It occurred to him then that before now he'd never actually seen Zack naked, in the back of his mind he'd always thought that his imaginary version of Zack was based on a glimpse he might have gotten in the locker rooms, but now he realized it was truly all in his head. As he rounded the corner he saw Zack, standing there underneath a running shower, water rolling off of his chocolate fur, matting it to his skin. Between the damp fur and the sheen the water lent his pelt Zack looked like an Adonis, he was simply the most beautiful, not handsome, beautiful thing Charlie had even seen. His muscles were highlighted, his balls were hanging loosely due to the heat and his sheathe was only semi flaccid, almost like he'd been daydreaming about a mare, or maybe he'd washed himself there already. At any rate, to Charlie there was nothing more attractive in the world right now and his opinion was shown in his slacken jaw.

"Earth to Charlie, are you going to get in or not? You know the water doesn't stay warm for long." Zack then started to lather up his torso, working his hands through his fur diligently; making sure all of the grime was gone from his intense sparring session earlier.

Charlie reluctantly joined Zack and just stood there under the adjacent shower head, he was pretty much clean, the only reason he was here right now was to talk and talk he did, "Listen, Zack, about what I said earlier. I don't know what to do about these dreams, I mean, I'm not gay, at least I never questioned that till now, but you've got to believe me, I didn't ask for them and I'd just as soon not have them anymore. I mean, I know you're an only child, but imagine having your kid brother ask you what semen was because he found it on your sheets!"

Zack pretty much looked like he was ignoring Charlie, he just kept on cleaning himself; his mane, chest, stomach, rear, tail and legs, and then he stopped. He looked up at Charlie with a serious face and instead of responding he simply asked, "Could you get my back?"

Charlie was a bit unnerved by the nonchalant attitude Zack seemed to hold for this problem of his. I mean in the fox's mind this was a big deal. He took the soap anyway and began working it gingerly into the equines shoulders and on down his spine to just above the base of the tail. Once he thought his friend sufficiently lathered he tried to garner his attention once more, "I'm done Zack."


Zack turned around; his chocolate face peppered with burgundy as his face flushed from embarrassment, as Charlie worked on his back it seemed that Zack had gotten erect. There in the small space between their nude bodies was a ten inch long penis, mottled just like in Charlie's dream. Its tip was flared and the entire thing was almost as thick as the widest part of Charlie's knot. The fox just stared at it, he couldn't believe his eyes, I mean here it was, the penis from his dreams, never before had he imagined a phallus could get so large. Charlie slowly drew his gaze up to the blushing equine's and just stared into those deep amber eyes, utterly at a loss for speech or reaction.

"Umm, Charlie, there's something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time now. For years we've grown up together, you're the only true friend I have and I'd never want to do anything to jeopardize our friendship. So despite the fact that I've known I was attracted to you for years, I never dared act on it. Until your birthday of course, but that was a slip, it just happened, I didn't mean to confuse's just. Well, Charlie, I'm gay."

That's when it hit Charlie, it all made sense now, all of the physical attention he'd gotten from his playmate over the years. All of the seemingly innocent passes, they were all advances, Zack was trying to tell him this forever and the fox was just to blind to see it. He felt like such a fool now, I mean he really didn't know how to respond, he hadn't thought he was gay until those dreams, but as he stared at his friend, in a new light, not just from the shower, but from the admittance of Zack's homosexuality, he couldn't help but feel an insatiable need to be beside the stallion. He took a step forward and embraced his friend; nothing else mattered right now to Charlie. He had to let Zack know that this wouldn't change anything between them.

Zack sobbed a bit as Charlie hugged him; he reached his own arms around the fox's shoulders and hugged him close to his chest. "Thank you for understanding; you've no idea how hard it was for me to admit that."

But Charlie did know, he knew it because now he had to admit it to himself that he was also gay, that the time he spent with Zack was the most precious time he had and that his dreams hadn't been a sign of anything more than what was there in his heart all along. "Zack, I...I think I'm gay too."

It was something the equine had longed to hear, but he daren't do anything about it right now, he knew his friend's emotions would be fragile right now; his sure were when he first discovered his attraction to males. So all Zack could think to do was hug Charlie even tighter, to show his support, as Charlie had shown him.

Inevitably someone had to notice the throbbing erection that was currently resting in between their abdomens. Charlie stepped back and looked it over, "Have you washed it yet, because I could do it for you if you'd like?

Zack's ears perked up immediately, "Sure!"

With that Charlie got on his knees and started to knead his friend's massive organ. His had a bar or soap in one paw and nothing but flesh in the other, he had to admit it was an exhilarating experience, holding someone else's hot member between your paws. Soon he had finished cleaning it and he went about rinsing it. Once all of the suds were off Charlie leaned back to admire it. It was evident that Zack had enjoyed the attention his thick equine cock was getting immensely from the soft neighing that escaped his lips and the drop of pre that had begun dripping from his engorged shaft. Even in his pleasure he wasn't completely lost to the world though, it only took him a few seconds to realize that his vulpine friend needed attention as well. He opened his eyes to gaze upon his newly admitted lover only to have his gaze met by the sinister sneers of his teammates crowded around the shower stall.

"Umm...hey guys, it's not what it looks like really...please don't tell coach," came Zack's plea.

The words shook Charlie from his elated coma and he stood stark straight and instinctively cowered behind his paramour. "Please don't hurt us."

Zack's teammates hadn't just stood there listening to their prisoner's plight though, they had been busy and had each dropped their pants and were grasping their bulges through the cotton of their various undergarments. "What's in it for us?" scoffed the captain of the team.

The burgeoning couple hadn't thought it possible, but in a single moment the happiest truth they'd ever revealed became the darkest secret they'd ever have to hide...