Flexible Survival; Journal Entry 3

Story by SigmaFox on SoFurry

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#3 of Flexible Survival Journal Series

This is the second chapter of my entry for the Flexible Survival writing contest. The story is completely based off of Nuku's game over at http://blog.flexiblesurvival.com/

This is a much shorter chapter, but it's sort of a lead up for the next one. Again, this is my first real series or even writing, so let me know your thoughts or suggestions below. Thanks!

That was... that was amazing. Amazing and horribly wrong. I know what my new infection did to me now. Part of me, the part that I have to keep buried, loved every second and craves for more. I... can't give in though, as tempting as that thought is. That part of myself wants to surrender all defenses though and it's getting harder to push the thoughts out of my head. Writing has helped calm me before, so I hope this helps even a little.

I woke up in the middle of the night again, but this time it wasn't to banging or any other disturbance. I awoke to my penis throbbing almost painfully. Pulling down my jeans, I saw that it was fully erect out of its sheath and pulsed with each heartbeat. Upon seeing it, all I could think about was pleasuring myself. I grabbed the pulsing shaft and tried desperately to get myself to cum. The relief was just always just out of reach, but still steadily growing. The rational part of my mind told me something was wrong, but I didn't care. Cumming was all I could think about. For what seemed like hours, I masturbated, coaxing on the orgasm that refused to come.

My whole body suddenly tensed then as I felt a shift in my full stomach. Overnight, it seems the bulge grew considerably. The haze lifted from my mind long enough to see the base of my penis start to swell to painful-looking proportions. The pressure of orgasm only increased with the bulge. It was agonizing. Suddenly, the bulge began to move towards the end of my shaft, alighting my whole body with pleasure along the way. It stopped, however, just at the tip, almost teasingly. My whole body wanted nothing more than to push that bulge past the tip. With a push from muscles I didn't have before, I cried out as my whole body lit up with a new fire of sensations, completely blocking any coherent thought. I reveled in the pure bliss that washed over my body as a bright multi-colored egg crowned out of my penis and dropped onto the floor between my legs.

Only seconds after that, the pressure built up again at the base of my shaft and the whole process started over again. It continued for hours. With each egg, I came hard. It was... the best feeling. Each time one came, it sent my body to new heights. At the time, I didn't even care what happened to me; I just didn't want it to end. Ever.

It was almost sunrise before I came to. I must have passed out after all of that, though I couldn't remember much outside of that amazing pleasure. I looked down and saw the same colored chocolate eggs that caused this mess in the first place. I must have laid them, all eight of them, just as that rabbit-girl laid hers. My penis seemed to have retreated back into the furred pouch for now, but as I looked at the eggs and remembered what it felt like, my arousal started to build up again. I couldn't help but stroke it until I couldn't control myself anymore. I masturbated right there, even after cumming so many times last night. No matter how hard I tried, though, I couldn't bring myself to orgasm. It was just beyond reach again. Only when I saw the white fur start to spread further out from my groin did I snap out of it and force myself to withdraw my hands. The fur covered my penis and all of my thighs, now, reaching halfway down to my knees. It hadn't quite reached my back yet, thought it had it had started its advance.

I paced around the room, trying to clear my mind, when I suddenly noticed how light I felt. Looking down, I noticed that my stomach was practically empty. I could still feel the shifting weight of an egg in there, but it wasn't the constant bulge I somehow had already grown accustomed to.

I think the worst of the infection is over... as long as I keep my hands off my new penis, that is. I think, for now, I'm going to get some more rest and head toward Trevor Labs again. Maybe someone there can help me.

Or maybe they've all been lost to the virus a well.