Chapter 5: The North

Story by Seros Nym on SoFurry

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#7 of Echoes of a Dragon

Trying to bump up the quality of my stuff, so I spent a little more time on this than the previous couple of chapters. Overall, I'm pretty happy with it.

Writing sex is freakin' uncomfortable-erection-city with me, I don't know how people can do it so much!

The wind howls around me, a chilling gale sweeping the fabric of my outfit about as I pull it tight around my shivering body. My breath comes in short gasps, a cloud of mist rising with every exhalation. The wind had kicked up a little while ago, with snow following shortly after, sweeping the wilderness with a curtain of white. The cold pierces to the core, our draconic bodies poorly adapted to the climate and our travelling wear ill-suited for such temperatures. The presence in my mind has withdrawn, the only sign of its existence being a slight pressure in the recesses of my mind. Uncomfortable, but ignorable.

We have been walking for hours, meandering through the storm. The land had become glazed in sparkling snow as our journey took us around the north end of a mountain range, our path leading us further east towards the northern capital of Hearth. Named due to the shelter it offers from the unforgiving northern climate, it had once been a mountain fortress, a bastion against the savage barbarians of the north. I know little of these foreigners settled in the cold regions of the land, save that they keep their distance from us, doing limited trading during the more temperate summer months. It is early autumn now, dashing any hope of avoiding the frigid weather.

Rel and Zerius trudge along beside me, leaning against the wind, holding their garments close to their bodies in a desperate attempt to keep out the cold. Our movements are sluggish, our blood chilled from the battering of the frigid gusts. Snow obscures our vision, and we are forced to squint through the chaotic assault of the snow on our eyes. The sky is painted a melancholic grey, endless layers of cloud cover obscuring the sunlight and casting a drab shadow across the land.

"There, ahead. Lights." Zerius shouts, pointing forwards with a shivering claw. Sure enough, there are small pinpoints of light visible through the snowfall. A scattering, but not random. A series of them are arranged as if lighting a corridor. That must be a gateway. We trod onwards, pushing through the storm. The ankle-deep snow numbs our bare feet; a constant, uncomfortable feeling.

"That must be Hearth." Zerius murmurs with a hint of desperation. "By the Dragon, I hope it's Hearth." Hearing him invoke the Dragon's name is strangely ironic.

After what seems like an eternity of trudging through the merciless snow, the stone walls of the city fade into view, lines of windswept snow furrowing its way into the patterned brickwork. A few figures are visible atop the structure as faint shouts echo through the howling wind. An imposing wooden gate is set between two taller, tower-like segments of the wall, twin rows of torches bordering the pathway inside. With a clank and a groan, the large doors edge open, a small group of torch-bearing figures stepping through and making their way towards us. They are heavily garbed in furs and leather, each wearing a heavy cloak that whips in the wind.

Approaching us, the group's visages become visible, though still shrouded under their hooded winter garb. Dragonkin of a scattering of colors, their cloaks bearing the seal of the northern prefecture. An azure who I assume is the leader steps forward, ushering his companions towards us. They bear three pieces of heavy folded cloth, handing them to us.

"You picked a bad time to travel, strangers." He looks us over for a moment before recognizing the seals of the western and southern prefect. "Westerners, and a southerner? What are you doing up here? Nevermind, come inside before you freeze."

We wrap ourselves in the heavy cloth cloaks, the thick fabric shielding us from much of the frigid air. We are led inside, stepping through the gatehouse as the wooden doors close behind us with a thunk. The outer walls ring around a collection of rough wooden houses, a network of roads connecting them, with countless holes and paths carved into the mountain that serves as an imposing natural barrier to the north. Torches line the curving pathways, lit by stubborn flames that sway violently to and fro by the relentless wind. Some ways up the mountain lies another stone wall, the edges curving and blending into the sheer mountain face. The top of an ornate tower peers over the wall, like an all-seeing monolith.

The solid stone walls and imposing mountain serve to deflect most of the wind, our senses free from the buffeting gale. The azure leader turns to us, lowering his hood. He has a youthful handsomeness, but lines of age are just beginning to form on his face.

"I am Teko'ratel, gate captain of Hearth. May I inquire what business was so urgent that you would brave a snowstorm with little more than robes?"

Rel and I open our mouths to speak, but Zerius beats us to the punch. "Our business is our own. Do you not recognize us? I am Lord Zerius, of the southern prefecture. These two are lords Rel'zeo and Zuro'ki, of the west. We require an audience with the northern prefect as soon as possible." I mentally wince at his terseness, wishing he'd be more polite to our potential allies.

Realization crosses Teko'ratel's face. "Of course, my lords. Apologies. I will take you to the Lord Prefect immediately. Follow me." He strides off towards the mountain, motioning for us to follow. As we do so, I pull Zerius aside, voicing a question that has lingered for some time.

"Where is your advisor, Tor'ko?"

"Attending to his duties in the south." Zerius replies, "It would have been irresponsible to leave it without any leadership." He looks at me as he says this, a slight, playful grin forming on his features. I try not to look offended.

After a moment, he sighs and continues. "I cannot say if he would have sided with us. Our relationship was not as... strong as yours is. It was not worth the risk in bringing him along."

We ascend the mountain, fresh buffets of wind grazing us as we rise above the cover of the outer walls. Only a handful of civilians are walking the streets, all clad in heavy winter wear. We never cover our feet in the other regions of the empire, so I find it strikingly odd that these people do exactly that. Their feet are enveloped in some sort of tight leather, the inside lined with furs of white, or varying shades of brown. I curl my toes, feeling only the barest sensation through the icy numbness, my talons carving tiny grooves into the stone. They look so warm and comfortable...

We reach the gate of the inner walls, the structure proving a lot more imposing up close. The gatehouse towers over us, small slitted windows carved into the stone, peering at us like a scattering of unnatural eyes. Teko'ratel steps forward, shouting a greeting towards the unmoving structure.

"Hey! It's Tek, open the gate! We have special guests!" He looks back at us, failing to suppress a grin. I cannot help but grin back, struck by his odd, carefree attitude.

The mighty ornate doors swing open with a long creak, a moderately dressed emerald dragon stepping out, followed by two guards in identical white and blue armor. Teko'ratel and the emerald have a short, muttered exchange before the emerald turns to us, sweeping his arms apart in a welcoming gesture.

"Greetings and good tidings, lords of the south and the west. I am Juro'zet, follow me, if you please." He begins to walk towards the palace entrance, motioning for us to accompany him. The three of us follow as Teko'ratel gracefully bows, beginning his return down the mountain path.

We stride through the double doors into the palace, the sentries closing the doors behind us and cutting off the flow of cold air. The pleasant warmth of the palace interior spreads through my body and I savor the refreshing feeling. Juro'zet leads us through a grand hallway, ascending several small sets of stairs, a bright crimson carpet laid out before us leading us straight through the palace. The palace interior is a little roughly decorated, giving off an air of practicality rather than extravagance. Banners bearing the seal and colors of the north are hung on every pillar, the stone floors left a polished gray rather than being tiled with gold as with the imperial palace. The furnishings are made of a hardy lumber, their designs kept simple, yet elegant.

"I apologize that your trip here couldn't have been under better weather conditions." Juro'zet speaks eloquently as we proceed through the great hall. He carries himself with grace and pride, his robe and tail sweeping behind him as he walks. "I won't ask what your business is, but rest assured you are welcome here. I will have rooms prepared, you may stay here as long as you like after your meeting with Lord Erun'razel."

We reach a pair of doors leading to the furthest room in the hall. A single sentry stands watch; Juro'zet nods at him before pushing the doors open and entering the room, Zerius, Rel, and I trailing behind him.

A large room spreads out before us. A great silver chandelier hangs from the ceiling, bathing the room in light and warmth from the countless flames burning in it. A large wooden table dominates the center of the room, its surface littered with maps and charts, some looking quite ragged and ancient. A stately looking azure dragon sits at the head of the table, looking over the maps with disinterest. His eyes flick up towards us as we approach him.

"My lord, the southern and western prefects are here to see you." Juro'zet bows deeply before exiting the room.

Erun'razel looks us over, sending a piercing gaze through the odd disks of glass that rest on his snout. He wears the typical robe of his station; a white outfit with a dark blue trim, the breast bearing the seal of the prefect. The design is similar to what Rel and I wear, with subtle differences. It is also in much better condition than ours, as one would guess. He rises out of his seat and approaches us with a curious but measured expression, his tail swaying slowly behind him.

"Why have you come here unannounced? Has something happened?" His voice is soft and silvery, almost feminine. He eyes us carefully, concealing his surprise and suspicion.

Zerius steps forward, but Rel stops him with a hand. "Lord Erun'razel, we have grave news, and require your aid. Something terrible is brewing in the imperial capital."

Erun'razel loses his look of curiosity, fading into neutrality. "The capital..." He pauses before changing the subject. "I heard of the battle with the Feithiro. It is a shame that you two could not resolve things peacefully."

I raise my voice, interrupting Rel's response. "No, we never had the chance! The emperor saw to that." In the corner of my vision, I see Zerius cast his eyes to the ground at these words.

Rel sends a scolding glance towards me. "Peace, Zu. It's a long story, Lord Erun'razel."

The slender blue dragon pauses for a moment, his eyes closed. Turning away, he paces towards the wooden table, staring down at it thoughtfully.

"It is late, my friends, and I am weary. Your journey was long, no doubt, and you must also be fatigued. Pray, let us rest for the night before continuing this discussion, so that we might have clear heads and unclouded thoughts."

Rel opens his mouth to speak, but reconsiders. Zerius simply nods, perhaps out of gratitude for the chance to rest. I am indeed tired, but the urgency of the situation worries me; sleep is far from my thoughts. Still, refusing the hospitality and pressing the issue would be rude, and may very well turn Erun'razel against us prematurely. We do not know how strong his loyalty to the emperor is, after all.

I lay in my private room, struggling to drift off to sleep. I toss and turn in the soft bedsheets, my mind whirling with thoughts. I ponder over our situation, skeptical as to whether Erun'razel would help us, and what we would do if he didn't. What of the presence in my head? I've battled it before and won, but only just. If we fought again, would I be able to manage the same resistance? Is he listening to me right now?

I attempt to halt my thought process, creating an artificial silence in my mind. Subconscious thoughts flit in and out of perception as I wait for a reaction. Nothing.

I sit up, adjusting my thin, comfortable sleeping robe. My thoughts drift to Rel. I wonder what he is doing, in his own room. Idle thoughts cross my mind of him together with Zerius again, and my brow furrows with worry. Still, I yearn to see him. My body stirs, communicating a need, an ache that requires soothing. Soothing by his soft caress, his warm breath, his...

With an exasperated breath, I stand and head towards the door. Stepping through, I traverse the hallway, making the short walk to Rel's room. Knocking once, I open the door a crack and peek in. I spy Rel's emerald scales as he sits upon his bed, his chin in his hands. He glances towards the door.

"Is that you, Zu? Come in."

I step inside, quietly closing the door behind me. A crackling fire is alight in a fireplace set into the wall, Rel gazing into it with a distant stare. The firelight casts wild, flickering shadows throughout the room, a cozy heat emanating from the licking flames. Rel rises out of his seat on the edge of the bed, resting a hand on my shoulder. The light from the blaze shines onto him, lighting his features with a warm glow. The wavering shadows on his face fail to conceal his soft, golden eyes as they gaze at me with adoration, a gentle smile lining his muzzle.

"Rel..." I whisper.

Our eyes lock onto one another. No words need to be spoken, our passions burning brighter than the blazing fire. We pull each other into a loving embrace, our mouths connecting in a familiar, fervent kiss. Our tongues probe and swirl inside each other as we lose ourselves to unbridled desire. My hands glide over his smooth scales, feeling every curve of his body. His own hands explore my figure, his firm but gentle touch sending shocking currents of excitement through me. One hand drifts to my rear, resting for a moment before groping abruptly, causing me to gasp into our kiss. I begin to purr softly as his other hand joins in, caressing my rump, fingers dancing over the base of my tail and curving underneath, titillating me with every touch.

We peel away each others sleeping robes, dropping them to the ground without a thought. Rel places a hand on my nethers, stroking softly, gently, easing my growing erection from inside of me and into his warm palm. I return the favor, my fingers teasing his genital vent, playing with the tight but yielding flaps as his hardening member reveals itself, the pink tip pressing past my hand as I fiddle with his tender underscales. We press our bodies close, our shafts nudging and rubbing against one another, steadily intensifying our pleasure. Our kissing becomes more sloppy, more impassioned. I am overwhelmed by the urge to be taken by him, to feel him pounding and throbbing inside me. I can barely hold myself together, wracked by my powerful lust.

I pull away from our kiss, our panting mouths hanging open, faint trails of saliva connecting our lips. Drawing away from him, I send a seductive glance as I lean over his bed, raising my tail high, exposing my yearning tailhole. I stroke the underside of my tail, my hand drifting to my rear and pulling gently, inviting him in. Rel chuckles softly as he takes up position behind me, a hand sliding along my arching tail as he moves it to get a better view.

"Eager, are we?" He says with a grin.

Straining my neck to see, I watch as Rel kneels down, his snout drifting closer to my entrance. Feeling his warm breath, I tense up as his tongue begins probing me, the moist tip poking against my puckering hole. I gasp involuntarily as he abruptly slides it inside me, the warm, writhing organ slipping further and further in, the wiggling tip pressing and prodding my insides. I bury my head into the blankets, pushing my rump further into Rel's face to enhance the sensation. His exploration touches me in places I never knew I had, his long tongue serving as a key, unlocking the hidden pleasures deep inside me. Copious amounts of precum leak from my throbbing, aching cock as I battle the desperate urge to stroke myself, intent on savoring the intense pleasure.

After what only feels like seconds, Rel slips his tongue out from inside me, the sensation of it lingering as an echo through my body. Rising up, he places his shaft between my cheeks, rubbing it up and down as I squirm in anticipation.

"Ah, stop teasing!" I whine.

"As you wish." Rel replies with a chuckle.

Pulling back for a moment, Rel thrusts the tip of his dragon-hood into my rear. I recoil for a moment, but my body begs for more. Inch by inch, he buries himself inside me until his hips are pressed against my own. I fail to stifle a lustful moan at being filled with his meat, my body quivering in excitement.

Easing out, Rel pushes back into me, more forcefully this time. Elation overwhelms me as I gasp and groan, my entire body tensed up, my claws gripping the loose blanket around me. Rel seems to sense my desire as he increases his pace, his thrusting gaining speed and his breathing getting heavier in response. I cry out in ecstasy, an errant realization occurring in the back of my mind; I'm behaving like a female in heat. I try to ignore the thought as my shameless exclamations of pleasure echo through the room.

My rear is pounded for what feels like an eternity, my body drowning in a foggy sea of euphoria, every fiber of my being coursing with unrepentant bliss. Rel huffs and grunts above me, his chest pressed against my back as he mates me vigorously, my tail trapped between our two writhing bodies. My paradise is shattered as I feel a hand caress my dangling member, setting off fireworks in my loins as I snap to my senses, urgently veering on the edge of a much-desired orgasm. I grit my teeth, mentally trying to dam the oncoming flood, but to no avail. I bury my face into the blankets, stifling a long, wavering moan as my climax rocks my trembling body. Semen shoots out from my aching dragon-hood as powerful waves of pleasure and relief surge through me. Pulse after pulse of sticky cum forces its way out of my twitching shaft, my toes curling and uncurling as a tidal wave of delight rolls through me.

My legs tremble and give way, unable to support me any longer. Rel is pulled down momentarily before grasping my hips and yanking me up, squeaking a grunt of derision at my sudden shift of position. Holding me against his belly, he thrusts madly into me as he breathes onto my neck with short, erratic gasps. His desperate pounding intensifies, my hole stretched and loose from the assault, as he sends himself head-first into a powerful finish.

Plowing deeply into me, Rel cries out in breathless ecstasy, gripping me tightly and groaning as he buries his cock deep inside my bowels, his seed exploding out to coat my insides. He throws his head back, his hips rocking against mine as his embedded meat throbs inside me, cum dribbling out in ebbing surges. The slick, warm feeling of his release inside my rump is pleasant, his trembling and twitching cock sliding against my slippery walls.

With a final, relieved exhale, he collapses onto me, the bed creaking under our combined weight.

We rest for a moment in our awkward position at the edge of the bed, catching our breath and bathing in the afterglow of our coitus. As the discomfort increases, we pull ourselves up onto the bed, lying side by side. Our minds wander as we gaze at each other lovingly, our hands idly caressing each others bare scales. I close my eyes for only a moment during my daydreaming, but soon I've drifted off to sleep.