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I'm back with my first and so far only cub porn story; so I hope you all enjoy.

There was a luscious green field with a single large tree in the center. The grass and flowers danced in the gentle breeze. In this beautiful field were two coyotes, happily running as they were playing with one another; it looked like they were playing a game of chase. The gruff male coyote with the eye patch, Daedalus, was laughing as he chased the coyote in front of him. The coyote that playful ran from him and laughed was his wife, Allison. After a few minutes or so of chasing, the two coyotes were now resting under the tree, with Daedalus laying his head down on Allison's lap, as she rubbed his head and smiled down at him.

"Daedalus", she called out his name sweetly. "Daedalus...Daedalus...Daedalus..."

With a gasp, Daedalus had awoken from his slumber; staring up at the ceiling with his single eye. The coyote was slowly panting; like if he had woken up from a nightmare. He turned his head toward his dresser and looked at the family photo; staring at the one coyote in the photo who the most beautiful smile. A single tear had then rolled down the coyote's eye, as he whispered out the coyote's name.


Coming down the stairs after getting himself ready, Daedalus was greeted with the delicious smell of breakfast, as well as his sons who were sitting around the table eating. There was his youngest son, Daemon; age twelve, and his middle child, Katoga; age thirteen. Daemon looked exactly like his father, but there were signs of hair growing from the young coyote. Katoga, unlike Daedalus and Daemon, was a wolf who was adopted from an orphanage at a younger age; his birth parents killed in a car accident.

"Good morning, dad", Daemon and Katoga greeted happily. "Good morning, my two boys", Daedalus greeted back as he took a seat. "Mm, breakfast smells wonderful; who cooked it?" "I did, dad."

Turning his head over to where the voice came from, Daedalus' eye went wide at the person who cooked breakfast. It was none other than Allison; Daedalus' wife and the obvious mother of Daemon and Katoga. Daedalus thought to himself that this couldn't be real, and shook his head for bit. Once he looked back, Lilith was replaced by Daedalus' eldest son, Nialus; age fourteen. Nialus had just got done fixing up a plate for both him and his dad. The young coyote gave Daedalus his plate, and then took a seat as he started eating his own meal. The older coyote couldn't keep his eye off of his son, as he ate his meal. He thought to himself about how much Nialus looked similar to his mother. Nialus used to look exactly like Daedalus, until his hair started growing out, making him almost look similar to Lilith; the difference being his hair was much shorter than hers. While the young coyote ate his meal, he noticed how his father was staring at him. Not that it was bothering him, but the way Daedalus was looking at him was kind of discouraging.

"What's wrong dad", Nialus asked worried. "You look like you've seen a ghost." "Huh, oh, it's nothing. Nothing's wrong, hehe", Daedalus lied. "This is really good, Nialus; you've done well with making breakfast." "Aw thanks dad, but it's really nothing. I mean, it's not like I'm a really great cook, or something like that." "What are you talking about, Nialus; you're cooking is great", Daemon said. "I love big brother's cooking, hehe", Katoga chuckled.

After filling themselves with breakfast, the young canines were now on their way out to school. Daedalus watched his kids walking off to school, but his eyes were mostly focused on Nialus. He sighed for a bit and then left out of the house soon after and hopped into his car; driving off to work soon after. The scene had changed to Addiscend High, where Nialus was in class taking notes as he listened to the lecture from his teacher. Next to the coyote was his friend, Natsuru; a dragon who was the same age as the coyote, who was sleeping through the lecture. Of course, the dragon was woken up when felt a chalk eraser get thrown at his head, and standing right in front of him was the teacher. Nialus shook his head in amusement as he watched his teacher chat the dragon's ears out, until the bell rang; signaling the transition to the next class.

"Oh man, can you believe our teacher, Nialus", Natsuru complained. "The nerve of that guy for throwing chalks at me and then lecturing me in front of the whole class." "To be fair, Natsuru, you were asleep while he was teaching", Nialus answered back. "Well can you blame me; his lectures are just so boring." "Hey guys."

As the two young teens were just about heading to their next class, they were then greeted by their friend, Drake Lynx. At age sixteen, he was two grades above the boys. He was quite popular in school, but he wasn't an asshole; he was easy enough to get along with anybody. He didn't even mind hanging out with those below his grade level either, but he mostly just chilled with Nialus and Natsuru.

"Hey Drake", both teens greeted simultaneously. "So, where are you two heading right now", the lynx asked. "Math; where I'll mostly have my ears lectured out again", Natsuru whined. "Hm; what's up with him?" "Oh, don't mind him, he's just peeved that the teacher lectured him for falling asleep in class...again", Nialus answered. "And he even threw chalk at my head. Can you believe that guy?" "Well, to be fair there, mate, you were asleep in his class", Drake bluntly. "Heh, that's exactly what I told him", Nialus said.

The coyote and lynx shared a laugh at Natsuru's expense, while the dragon held his low and was dramatically crying waterfalls from his eyes. While the three boys were enjoying their talk, they had completely forgotten about going to their next class, which they were reminded of when they heard the bell ring again. Realizing that they were now late for their next class, the three made a mad dash to their respective classrooms; Nialus and Natsuru to their math and Drake to his computer class. Meanwhile, at a club in downtown Addiscend, Daedalus was working as the owner of the club; where he greeted any guest and let them know of any parties on certain nights. However, as he worked it seemed like the coyote was getting depressed, and didn't really feel in the mood to be working today. His mind was constantly clouded with the thoughts of Allison; thinking about those past moments that he spent with her in his life. Sadly for the canine, whenever his mind was filled with the thoughts of Allison, the female coyote would have her whole appearance change to that of his eldest son, Nialus. The canine shook his head free of those thoughts; bringing a paw to his head and rubbing his temple.

"Why can't my brain just leave me be", he said mentally. "Why must I keep reliving that tragic moment, and why does she always keep changing to his appearance?"

Daedalus was deep within his thoughts; not even noticing that more guests have entered into the club. His friend and employer who was busy taking caring of other things; Armin the Roadrunner, had took noticed of this. While the coyote was out at the moment, Armin greeted the new guests, took them to their seats, and told them about any upcoming parties. After that, the roadrunner walked over to Daedalus and gave the canine a few pats on the shoulder; drawing him out of his thoughts.

"Hey now; not greeting guest as they enter, or introducing them to other festivities", Armin spoke. "What's wrong with my coyote, hm?" "It's nothing; nothing at all", the coyote lied. "I'm fine." "Well, it's obvious that you're lying. If you were fine, you wouldn't be looking like you're exhausted, and you would do your job. This is not like you at all." "I said I'm fine, Armin. I can still work."

As the coyote was getting out from his slump and began to get back to work, Armin brought returned his feathered hand back to shoulder. The roadrunner then suggested that Daedalus should take a break and go home to rest. Despite what the avian suggested, Daedalus did have to admit that he wasn't feeling like himself today. Considering that his mind was being plagued with images of his wife and eldest son, he probably wasn't going to be able to work properly; after all, he didn't greet the other guests that were entering his club. After a sigh, the canine agreed with Armin and decided that it would be best for him to take the rest of the day off; getting into his car and driving off home.

Meanwhile, time had flown on by at Addiscend High as the school day was now over. The students all ran out the doors of building; happy to be free and ready to relax back at their homes, or if they were the students that enjoyed school, then they rushed off to do homework. Nialus, Natsuru, and Drake had walked out building together like they always did. With nothing much else for them to do, Natsuru was about to suggest hanging out at some place, before he jumped on by a certain red gryphon, by the name of Haru. The avian nearly hugged and squeezed the dragon to death; saying how much he missed him because they don't classes together. The gryphon then dragged Natsuru off with him to his dad's car for them to go home; Nialus and Drake shared a laughed as they watched the dragon's adopted brother pull him into the vehicle. That only left the coyote and lynx together, and they both walked off together. Drake didn't have to, but he decided to go along with Nialus to pick up Daemon and Katoga. However, after picking up his brothers, Drake said his good byes and walked off home while the three canines walked together to their home. It was a long walk, but they didn't really mind; Nialus was just walked calmly, while his brothers would also enjoy the walk, but also run around the older coyote. The three eventually made it back to their home, and Nialus took noticed at the appearance of his dad's car.

"Well that's unusual", the coyote said. He rubbed the back of his head, as he wondered why Daedalus was home. Usually, Daedalus worked long hours and would then return home very late. "Dad's home very early; he usually works for hours before returning home."

Upon entering their home, the three canines were stopped in their tracks from a sudden aroma hitting their nostrils. That smell, that delicious scent; it was the smell of beef stroganoff. Setting the table with three bowls of the food was Daedalus, who was preparing the meal for his three sons. The boys were delighted as they, or atleast Daemon and Katoga ran up and hugged their father around his legs; their tails wagging behind them.

"Dad", the two boys said simultaneously. "You're home early." Daedalus smiled down at his boys as he greeted them back. "Daemon, Katoga; hehe, yeah I'm home a lot earlier", he spoke. "I wasn't feeling that good while working." "Really dad; what was wrong", Nialus asked. Moving his head up slightly to the door, he eyed his eldest son. His single eye went wide and his iris and pupil went small. Looking at the coyote, his image was replaced by that of the female coyote, Allison. "Ali, er, Nialus", Daedalus muttered. Allison's expression was changed to that of a huh, as her appearance had faded back to that of Nialus; the young teen's ears twitching from what he heard. When Daedalus saw his son's face again, he brought his paw above his single eye, as he held his head. He removed himself from his two young sons' hug, as he was about to head to his room. "You boys enjoy your dinner; I'm going to head to my room", he said.

"Aww, you're not going to eat with us", Daemon asked in disappointment. The adult coyote stopped for a bit to speak. He said that he already had eaten before the boys had arrived home, and then to told them to enjoy their meal, while he goes to rest. Daemon and Katoga happily agreed that they will, while Nialus watched his father walk off in concern. Before he went off to his room, Daedalus took one last look at his eldest son and then headed straight to his room. Nialus had caught on to his father's stare, and it made him feel worried. For his own father to stare at him like that; did he do something wrong. As he wondered about what he may have done, the young teen worriedly went to join his brothers to eat dinner; making a quick look back at the direction of where his father walked off to.

Within the room of Daedalus Deninhime, the canine in question wasn't at all resting like he said. Instead, he stood in front of his dresser; eyeing his photo album of him and Allison. Memories started streaming within his mind of his late wife. Allison, she was a beautiful and strong coyote, and the perfect wife for Daedalus to have been married to. She wasn't like all of the other females, or atleast some of the females that Daedalus had been involved with; in other words she wasn't a slut or a bitch. Allison had such a warm heart and was so caring; Daedalus loved her a lot. Whenever he was with her, the two would always spend their days outside; walking paw in paw, relaxing in the breeze as they watched the scenery, or sometimes in a coffee shop. There were even times when they would even spar with each other, and most of the time Daedalus would lose to her; either he was holding back or she was just as strong as him, despite her appearance. In fact, Allison was by far the only person to actually strike fear into him; if that was to be believed.

Daedalus even recalled the day when he asked for Allison's paw in marriage. It was a memory he had always wished to forget, because he had never planned to get married ever, and because of how embarrassingly dopy he was when he proposed. Either way, after the marriage he was happy man; together with the woman of his life the two were inseparable. Many days, Daedalus was playing the sexy and romantic card on his wife; increasing the heated passion between them in their most intimate moments. The many moans that were released and had echoed throughout their home, whenever Daedalus penetrated and thrust within her, brought about extreme bliss and in time Allison became pregnant, and after many months Nialus was born.

Both adult coyotes were very happy to have a new member of their starting family. At this young age, Nialus was a mere splitting image of his father. Even though Daedalus wasn't exactly ready to be a father, just like he wasn't planning at all to get married, he was happy none the less to be a father to his offspring. With just one child, he was a bit ready for his and Allison's new starting family with their one and only son; however Nialus wasn't going to be their only child in the upcoming years. A year later, the coyote family adopted a young wolf cub, named Katoga, from an orphanage into their family under Allison's request. Even though he really didn't want to, Daedalus wasn't a match to his wife's beautiful yet sad eyes on that day, so for her happiness he agreed to bring the wolf into the family. Besides, it was also a good idea since Nialus could have someone to interact and be sociable with; Allison really wanted their family to happy and lively. Another year later, Daedalus had impregnated Allison for the second time, and thus a third addition to the Deninhime family was made with their new son, Daemon. Daedalus at first thought he made a wrong choice in his life by getting married and forming a family, but just after a few days with a spending time with his family, he came to enjoy his new life; it was just a bit tough for him be to be a father to three young cubs, but he eventually gotten used to it. With his wife and children, the Deninhimes were a happy family and there would be nothing to break them apart ever, until that one particular day came.

One day, the whole family was out having a picnic; enjoying the breeze and the whole nice day. When they were finish having their little family fun, they were walking home together; Daedalus holding both a sleeping Daemon and Katoga, and Allison holding paws with a walking Nialus. As they crossed the street to the other side, there was an uncontrollable truck, driven by a drunken horse. Seeing this coming, Allison pushed Nilaus to Daedalus, which also knocked him unconscious, just in time as the trunk came towards her. Before the vehicle made contact to her, she said her last words to her husband, which were 'please, take care of our children', and then truck made contact with her and crashed against the side of a building. The three young cubs were knocked out, so they were lucky to not see what became of their mother, but Daedalus saw the whole thing and it horrified him to see the woman he loved so much, get killed right before his very eye. The coyote screamed out his wife's name loudly in grief.

Coming out of his thoughts, Daedalus smashed his fist down against his dresser in anger. To always be reminded of those memories made him wish that he could've saved her, and be free of that painful event. "Oh Allison, if only I was quick enough to save your life", he said. "Why, why did your life have to be take; why must fate be so damn cruel?" The coyote continued to ask himself those questions, as his eye never looked away from Allison's face in the photo. Just staring into her eyes, Daedalus began to remember the nicer memories he had with her; mainly their most intimate moments. He really missed the intercourse between him and her, as she really knew how to turn him on and get him off. A bulge began forming within his pants as he lost himself in those thoughts.

It would be a lie to say that the canine hasn't had sex for a long while, considering he has had his way with other men; mainly Armin, but even so they just didn't give him that same feeling he had with Allison. In fact, after his wife's death he basically stopped having sex with other women; Allison was the only woman for him. A small smile began to appear on his muzzle as he continued to be lost in his happier and romantic memories, but that was changed when once again his wife's appearance changed to that of Nialus. He instantly opened his eye wide and stopped having those thoughts; to see his son who looks similar to Allison disgusted him and yet he couldn't stop thinking about him and his erection didn't become flaccid. It was like his mind was trying to tell him something; was Daedalus starting to harbor some lust for his eldest son? "Damn it all; why does my mind keep messing with me? Why does Allison keep being replaced by my son?"

Meanwhile, back within the dining room where the three young boys were eating their meal, Nialus seemed a bit upset. While Daemon and Katoga were happily enjoying their food, the older coyote was thinking about his father. He wasn't sure if his brothers had noticed, but he could tell that there was something troubling him, and he kind of wanted to know what was wrong. He was thinking of some way to try to help him. As he was thinking, he was suddenly brought out of his thoughts by his brothers, who were concerned about him. "What's wrong Nialus; you barely even touched your beef stroganoff", Daemon asked in concern. "Oh, sorry; I was just thinking about dad is all", Nialus responded. "Why; is there something wrong with our dad", Katoga curiously asked. Nialus was surprised by this; he couldn't have been the only one to see that there was something obviously wrong with Daedalus. He asked them if they had noticed how their father was, especially when he was talking, but his brothers' response was that he seemed alright to them, and that he was just not feeling well. The older canine was quite annoyed by this; since he was the sharpest out of all of them, he knew there was a problem, and that his father had lied about not feeling well. He then recalled how Daedalus responded when was about to say his name; almost calling him something else. This wasn't the only time either, as Daedalus was acting the same way much earlier in the morning; so the problem had something to do with the young coyote. Wanting to know what was up, Nialus got up out of his seat and headed towards his father's room; leaving his brothers to enjoy their meal. "I'll be right back; I'm going to see if I can help dad in any way."

Back in Daedalus' room, the adult canine was still wondering why his mind was playing tricks on him, and really wanted them to stop. He didn't even hear his door open as Nialus entered; he was brought to attention when the young canine called to him. "Nialus", he said; quickly turning himself away to hide his erection. "What do you want; why are you in here?" Nialus was a bit worried about confronting his father, but he shook away that nervousness so he can chat with him. "Dad, we need to talk", he started. "I know that there is something troubling you and I want to know what's up." Daedalus never turned himself around to face his son upon hearing him, and responded back to his son by telling him that now wasn't the time. Nialus, however, wasn't going to accept that and responded by saying that now was exactly the right time. Knowing that this could lead to an argument, Nialus closed the door behind him and even locked it to keep his brothers out just in case they heard them; Daedalus wasn't amused by this.

"Fine then; what do you want?" Nialus cleared his throat and gave a quick sigh as he prepared himself to chat with the older canine, but was still a little bit worried. He walked forward a bit to the adult and began to talk. "Dad, what's wrong with? You've been acting sort of distant and introverted this whole day, and I want to know why." Daedalus could hear the words coming out from his son's mouth, but he still decided not to turn around to make eye contact with him. Not just because of his erection, but also because if he looked at his son again, his mind will just mess with him again and he would be seeing Allison's appearance again. "There's nothing wrong with me; I'm fine. Thanks for your concern, Nialus, now go; I assure you that I am alright."

A grin appeared across Nialus' muzzle from his father's response. He balled his paws up into fists in anger, and bared his fangs toward the older male; Daedalus not noticing any of this at all. "LIAR", he shouted. "You're lying; I know you are. Daemon and Katoga may not have noticed and think you're ok, but I've noticed since this morning that you've been acting different than how you usually act." Hearing those words come from his son, Daedalus was slowly becoming annoyed and started to bare his own fangs. His paws were now clenching against his dresser. "Dad, you used to be a lot happier and fun; what happened to all of that? How come whenever you look at me, you always seem hesitant to even see me? Did I do something wrong; I want to know what's wrong with you so I can help."

A very low gasp had escaped from Daedalus' maw; every single word that Nialus said about the older coyote was true, and made him feel like an ass. He was more hesitant now to look at his son, and even more so to even to talk to him, but he did need to at least speak back to him. "Again; thank you for your concern for me, Nialus", he started. "However, you just wouldn't understand why I am so distant and hesitant to look at you now. You just won't." Nialus was confused by what his father meant; what exactly did he mean that the young canine wouldn't understand? Even if he may be right about what he just said, Nialus was now curious to know what his father meant. "Well, then can you at least explain it to me, so I can be able to understand", he asked gently. "Please dad, I want to be able to help."

"Fine", Daedalus sighed. He turned himself and brought his full attention to his son; his tail quickly hiding his bulge from sight. "Nialus; can you recall anything about your mother?" Nialus was surprised by that question; could he recall anything at all about his mother? The young teen had very vague memories of Allison, but he couldn't really call anything at all about her. He couldn't even remember the day when his mother was killed eleven years ago. He replied back to his father by saying no, and nodding his head. "I'm not surprised that you can't recall anything, but anyway, the reason I mentioned her is because you remind me so much of her." Nialus was speechless upon hearing that and began to wonder if that was the reason for why Daedalus has been acting so introverted lately.

"Nialus; you mentioned that I used to be happier and fun back then, right? Well, that was way back when you looked quite similar to me, but when your hair started growing out is exactly when you began to look like her." Daedalus continued speaking to Nialus about his similarity to Allison, and how much he loved her. He even out right stated that his son's appearance being similar to hers had hurt him so much inside, since he would always see her face whenever he looked at him. Nialus understood everything now and can see why his father would be so hesitant to look at him; he never knew that he was unintentionally causing Daedalus such grief.

"I' sorry, dad", Nialus apologized. I'm really sorry for causing you so much more grief." Daedalus managed a small smile and responded back by saying that it was quite alright, and that he didn't really cause him any grief. Daedalus then went on to say that his son's appearance wasn't the only thing that was making him distant, but rather there was another thing that made him even more distant. Nialus asked what the other thing was, but Daedalus was even more hesitant to explain the other thing. "Well, the other thing is something that Allison would do with me", he said. "She would, um, help to 'release' and from her it was always amazing. It was a wonderful feeling that I haven't felt so long." Nialus silently whispered the word, release, quizzically after hearing him say that. However, when Daedalus' tail lowered a bit without him noticing, Nialus managed to catch the site of the adult's bulge, and then understood what he meant by 'release'.

"You're referring to sex, right?" In response, Daedalus gasped as he was taken aback to what his son just said. The older coyote stepped back a bit against his bed, and his tail went back behind him; revealing his full bulge to the young teen. Not even concerned about his bulge being seen, Daedalus was now wondering how Nialus knew about sex, when he has never gotten a chance to explain the birds and the bees to him. "N-nialus; how do you even know about sex", he asked him; the young canine blushed as he couldn't quite find a way for him to explain. Instead, Nialus helped his dad to sit down on his bed, while he got on his knees between his father's legs; unbuttoning and unzipping the adult's pants and freeing the canine dick that had been concealed for a while now. Nialus' face was becoming redder as he stared at the throbbing member; amazed by how big his father was and looked quite eager to put his mouth around it. Truth be told, Nialus had always had quite a crush on his own father, and during this time he could actually take part in one of his fantasies with him. Daedalus wasn't really liking where this was going; his son was right there between his legs, and his dick was right in front of him. "N-nialus; just what in the world are you about to do?" Nialus barely paid any attention to what his father just said; his attention focused mainly on the hard meat in front of him. The young teen brought a paw to the flesh, and slowly started stroking it. "Dad; remember when I said I wanted to help you? Well, I'm going to help you to release."

Daedalus' eye and mouth went wide after hearing what his son was going to do to him, and Nialus just smiled up at him for bit. Bringing his attention back to older coyote's shaft, the young teen brought out his tongue and slowly glided it up along the length; his paws massaging the orbs underneath. The feeling of a wet appendage moving along his length, made the older canine let a small moan of pleasure, as he reeled his head back a bit. Hearing that he was doing a good job, even he had just begun, Nialus decided to go even further by taking the whole meat; bringing his mouth around the head of the length.

Nialus brought about even more pleasure as he used his tongue to lick at the tip of the head, while he sucked on the head at the same time. "Mmm", he moaned as he licked and sucked on more of the length; slowly starting to bob his head on half of his father's dick. Daedalus' paws were gripping his bed sheets tight, as he felt the surges of pleasure beginning to course throughout his manhood. "Hah aahh", he moaned out. Nialus moved his irises upward to see how much his father was enjoying the blow job. Looking at his face in his enjoyment made the teen happy that he making his father feel good, and in turn it made him happy.

The salty taste of pre was now evident on Nialus' tongue, and it signaled him to go even further. The young coyote took more of the older male's dick further down his throat, as he brought his mouth down on the length; deep throating the shaft to the point where he started to gag. Nialus went back to bobbing along the length as he still massaged the balls underneath; his pace having increased a bit. He started to taste more pre coming from Daedalus as he coated the adult canine's dick with his saliva; making it very slick. Daedalus' moans were increasing and growing in tone from the sheer bliss of warm air hitting his member.

"This is so wrong, but..." Daedalus said to himself in his thoughts. He brought one of his paws to his son's head; rubbing his head and straddling the strands of hair between his fingers. "...but this feels really good." Nialus had closed his eyes as was enjoying the combined taste of meaty flesh and pre; switching between paces as licked and sucked on the length, and making his father bring out more moans. Daedalus' member started to throb and twitch rapidly within the teen's mouth; the oral pleasure had been loading him up more and he knew he was just about close to release. "Shit, I'm about to release. Damn it Nialus, I can't hold it any longer." Feeling his orgasm just about to come out, Daedalus gripped his son's head gently, and made him deep throat his entire length down to his balls. "NGHH", Daedalus moaned loudly through his teeth as he unloaded himself into Nialus' mouth. The older male fired jets and streams of his seed down his son's throat, and Nialus was trying his best to swallow all of it. While he was he enjoying the salty white essence of his father, Nialus shut couldn't take any more of it, and started to choke and gag from the cum rushing down his throat. The young teen managed to free himself from his father's grip and off of the shaft; the rest of Daedalus' seed shooting on his face and almost into one of his eyes.

As Nialus began panting for air, he was suddenly reminded of a memory of sort of having his first sexual experience. He along with Natsuru was over Drake's place and the both of them were simultaneously licking along and sucking on the lynx's dick. Both of Drake's paws rested on both the boys' head as he rubbed and petted them. The coyote was sucking on the head while the dragon was sucking on the balls, with double the pleasure from two of his friends, made the lynx moan out in sheer ecstasy, as he shot his load of feline seed on the faces of Nialus and Natsuru. They were going to go even further with anal penetration, but both Nialus and Natsuru weren't quite ready for that. Drake understanding it was best to not rush things for his inexperienced friends decided to give them something else, and that was Nialus and Natsuru's first passion filled kiss.

Coming out of his thought, Nialus decided that he was now ready to be taken in the tailhole, and further continue his fantasy with Daedalus. As the older relaxed in the afterglow of his orgasm, he failed to notice his son hop onto the bed until Nialus called to him. Turning his head to where his son's voice was, Daedalus shocked to now see his son pants less and shyly show his rear to him; his tail lifted up and revealing his tailhole as his face became redder. "D-do you want to continue, dad", Nialus asked shyly. This was really unexpected to the older male and even more unexpected than the blow job he just received. Daedalus didn't mind at all about, but he knew that what he was doing was just wrong and forbidden, and a part wanted to stop and just be settled with the blow job. However, because of that blow job his lust was slowly taking effect, and seeing how his son was just as eager to continue further made Daedalus feel a bit at ease.

"I'm curious Nialus; how is it that you know about all of this? How do you know about sex?" The young teen gulped as he began to explain that had secretly watched some porn and practiced oral with his friends. He also admitted that he could have done anal, but he wasn't quite ready and said felt ready now since he would do it with him. "Alright then, we'll go even further, but first..." Daedalus brought himself closer to Nialus and grabbed him by the shoulders; he then turned the young coyote's body around until he was now lying on his back. "...since this is your first time to penetration, let's make this easier for you, shall we?"

Bringing his muzzle down to the young boy's entrance, Daedalus spread the boy's cheeks open a bit and brought his muzzle in closer. He brought out his tongue and proceeded to penetrate Nialus' tailhole. The boy let out a gasp that sounded cute to the adult canine, while he proceeded to rim his son's entrance. Nialus began letting small moans of pleasure, which Daedalus noted that he sounded just like his mother from hearing those sweet sounds. Daedalus sent his tongue in deeper as he licked everywhere and stretched those anal walls apart. "Ahh, hah, I can feel dad's tongue going deeper into my rectum. It's so thick; it's going through my walls. I can, ngh, I can feel it almost hitting my prostate; it feels so, so wonderful."

Nialus was streaming out moans as that thick appendage continued to lap and stretch his walls more and more. When the tip of Daedalus' tongue made contact with the teen's prostate, Nialus moaned out a little bit louder from feeling that tongue lick at his sensitive spot. The adult canine's ear twitched from the sound of Nialus sweet and loud moans, which basically told him that Nialus was loose enough by now. He removed his muzzle away from the boy's entrance and left a trail of saliva between his maw and the tailhole. Holding on to his son's hips, Daedalus brought the head of his dick to Nialus' entrance; teasingly poking at it a few times. "You ready for this, Nialus?" Despite saying that he felt that he was ready, Nialus was honestly nervous and was starting to have second thoughts, but he really wanted to continued and there was no way he was going to back down now. He responded back to his father with a nod of his head, and a look of confidence. "Alright then, I know you're going to enjoy this."

Daedalus started off going slow as he penetrated the head through the tight entrance. Nialus closed his eyes and gritted his fangs from the small the pain he felt, and likewise Daedalus gritted his fangs from the tightness. Even after rimming him, his son still very tight as he brought the head all the way in, and continued to send in the rest of his length. Feeling more of his father's member enter through his passage brought even more pain to the young coyote. Nialus moaned through his fangs as small tears began to fall from his eyes; his innocence slowly disappearing with each inch pushing through his walls. Daedalus had managed to get his whole length within his son's rump, and his balls were just outside and against the entrance. As if the lust hidden deep within had taken over, Daedalus began to pull out but then immediately started thrusting in and out at a moderate pace; going a bit easy on his son. Nialus was releasing a stream of moans as his young body was being rocked back and forth from the average speed of his father's thrusting; that large shaft grinding between his walls and stretching them even more. The young teen's moans were a mixture of pain and pleasure as he was fully experiencing anal sex for the first time.

"NGGH; oh fuck. Even after the rimming I gave him, Nialus is still quite the virgin. Guess I'll have to just break him in." Daedalus began thrusting a bit faster and his balls were smacking hard against the entrance; filling the room with the sounds of wet slapping. Nialus gripped onto the bed sheets and continued moaning out as his rump was being pounded into. "Unh, hah, ahh", Nialus moaned. Daedalus moaned alongside his son as he pumped into much faster and a bit harder; the force of his thrusting on the young body was making the bed shake wildly. The older canine looked down at his son's frame and watched as that young teen body rock from each thrust. He eyed Nialus' erection wobbling back and forth, and was impressed with his son's size; he was almost as big as himself. To give his son extra pleasure, Daedalus took a hold of the teen's erection and started stroking his length; making more moans escape from the boy's muzzle. He managed his stroking in time with his thrusting, so as he was fucking his son's tailhole quite fast, he was stroking the boy's length at just as the same speed; sending surges of ecstasy to course throughout teen's body, and making pre leak out and along his paw. Despite how sinful this act between the two was, Daedalus just didn't care anymore as his lust had overtaken him, and was enjoying that wonderful feeling he used to share with his wife.

"Mmfh; so Nialus; are you, ngh, enjoying your first time?" "Unh; oh yes, this feels so, mmfh, so amazing. It was quite, hah, painful at first, but now it just, aahh, just feels so great."

A large grin appeared on the adult's muzzle after hearing his son's response; that feeling about how wrong their intimate moment was had gone out the window. As more pre started leak out from Nialus' boyhood, an idea came to Daedalus' mind. He let go of the teen's dick and then brought his paws to Nialus' legs, and as he held them he got up repositioned his son's legs over the boy's head and his dick just above his own muzzle. The amazing thing was that the older canine managed to pull all of that off without removing his member from his son's tailhole. Daedalus then lowered Nialus' legs down a bit and forced him to perform an autofellatio; surprising the young teen as he never thought he could actually do something like that. Daedalus started to thrust in and out of his son's rear again, but this time whenever he would thrust he would make Nialus' own member thrust in and out of his mouth. Nialus was now deep throating his own length and tasting his own pre, and at the pace his father was thrusting within him, Nilaus' member was thrusting fast within his own muzzle. Daedalus' tongue was hanging out from the side of maw and saliva dripping from it; the look of lust obviously present on his face.

"So; now how do you like your first true sexual experience this time", Daedalus asked lustfully. Nialus wasn't able to speak, so he moaned out instead in pleasure; Daedalus took that as a yes, and he was right about that. Daedalus chuckled for bit and increased the pacing of his thrusting some more; his pumping becoming harder too in the process. Sweat was dripping down from both of the canines' body and was filling the room with a mixture scent of sex and sweat. Even more pre was leaking out from Nialus' member and down his throat the more his head would bob along his member; his orgasm slowly building within his shaft as it throbbed within his mouth. The same was happening with Daedalus, as those anal walls were closing between his thrusting member, and he began leaking pre again. Just as the older male's orgasm was building up again, he felt the tip of his head poking against his son's prostate. Feeling that familiar sensation he felt from his father's tongue, caused Nialus to moan out some but they were muffled by his throbbing dick in his mouth. Daedalus caught on to that and was now thrusting deeper through Nialus' rectum, and his head was poking at the sensitive spot more; smearing it with more of his pre.

"Mmmfh; oh fuck I'm so close again", Daedalus moaned out. "You ready for this, Nialus; are you ready to be filled by your dad?" The only thing the young teen could was continued to moan pleasurably on his throbbing member; just like his father he was nearing his own orgasm too. Nialus managed to open his eyes and look up at the coyote that towered above him. Just looking those innocent baby blues as his son moaned was a good enough answer to question. Daedalus smirked down at his son and increased the pace of his thrusting even more; the head of his member poking more and more against the boy's prostate. He could feel his growing orgasm about to reach his peak; he then gave one final hard thrust. "NGHH", he moaned out loudly as he had second orgasm today; unloading a stream of his seed within his own son, and coating his insides with his with white essence. Nialus lost it then and there ash he came within his muzzle; his own seed rushing down his throat and down the sides of his maw. Just like he did with Daedalus, he only managed swallow some instead of all of his seed; freeing his muzzle from his own member as he gagged and coughed. The remainder of his seed continued to drip down onto his face and shirt. Just as Nialus' orgasm was subsiding, Daedalus was just about done filling his son with his cum and removed his dick from his nonvirgin tailhole.

Nialus lied back on his father's bed as he panted for air, and Daedalus joined him as he brought an arm around him. He gave his son a quick lick on the face and cleaned up some of his cream. "Thank you, Nilaus; you've made feel a whole lot better", Daedalus smiled; Nialus smiled back. "I'm glad I was able to help you out, dad, and thank you for letting me live one of my fantasies with you." Daedalus chuckled after those words from his son, and brought him even closer into a hug; the two peacefully sat side by side on the as they relaxed. With everything between the two now settled, Daedalus took another look at his son; he didn't see the appearance of his wife anymore, but either way Nialus still reminded him of Allison. He was now finally free of the torture that his mind kept showing him, even though he would continue to miss her he could now try to move on, and he was happy that his son's appearance would stop changing before him.

"So, Nialus; have you ever had your first kiss?" Nialus' ears twitched at the sudden question and he started thinking back to when Drake passionately kissed him. He thought that if he said yes, then his dad wouldn't kiss him, so instead he decided to tell a white lie. "No, I haven't." Daedalus gave his son a quick stern look and then chuckled as he cupped Nialus' chin between his fingers, and brought him closer to him. "You're such a liar." And with that, Daedalus locked his muzzle with Nialus, as he passionately kissed him and in turn Nialus passionately kissed him back.
