Poke U Side Chapter: Roommates

Story by meheggs on SoFurry

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#1 of Poke U

Side chapter from a pokemon series that I have commissioned bighope to write for me. See the first chapter here https://www.sofurry.com/view/683607 to get a better understanding of my character, Rex.

This is my first time ever attempting to write anything. I hope that you will all enjoy what I have to offer. So, please leave any constructive criticism and comments on what you did like or stuff that I should review and improve. Many thanks and hugs.

And a big shout out for my amazing bro poke_max for giving me inspriration to try writing and helping me with my content.

And of course, the original writer bighope for starting this series with me. Hopefully we will write in more chapters or i will go add more side chapters to this series.

Poke U Side Chapter - Roommates

I bring out my cell phone and it reads 10:00 PM. "Man, time really flies by huh, Heart?"

Heart looks back at me, shrugging his shoulders and saying, "Yea it is, so not used to taking late night classes."

"Well, what do you expect, it is lab work after all. Couldn't help that our registration sucks, but hey, we are freshmen after all. Just be glad we were able to take this course this term after all, despite the time," I replied.

"Meh, well, whatever Rex," Heart started to say. "At least it was not too hard. The first lab was pretty easy, learning about basic biology stuff. And hey, at least Professor Kain seems like a cool professor. I am not surprised that a Sceptile would be teaching biology."

"Heh true, Prof. Kain seems to know what he is talking about, and he is trying to make the class fun," I responded. "Glad that we both got into the class together and that we are lab mates. Makes doing lab reports all the more easier in the future."

"Mmhmm, but you better not copy my work, word-for-word now Rex," Heart said with a grin.

"Don't worry I wont, it'll be more like you copying off of me anyway," I said with a smirking response.

"Whatever, jerk," Heart responded as he gave me a gently shove.

Man, today has been a crazy day for me. My name is Rex and let's just say that I am a special sort of pokemon. I am not from any particularly known region, but just know that I am the Carnosaurus pokemon. My roommate, Heart, is a Tyrantrum from the Kalos region. We are both the same height, being five foot and ten inches, but I swear he is a little bit bigger then me. He is pretty well built, granted that he is from the dinosaur group. He has a nice body and a pretty big mouth. I am surprised he hasn't been given any looks yet. But anyway...

We both attend this university called Pokemon University, or Poke U for short. I have no real plans at all for the future, so I am undecided for now. My class schedule isn't too hard on me, since I only have Swimming, Biology, Chemistry, English, & Psychology. I know it looks like a tough workload, but I am a studious little dinosaur and I do know my stuff. However, a special sort of event happened to me today....

I had swimming yesterday and today as well. Very odd that a course would be back-to-back like this, with no break in between. My other classes seem to alternate, but I guess the scheduling committee decided to do whatever it felt like and made P.E. exist on two days in a row. But anyway, I met this cool guy named Max, a feraligatr. He seems to know his swimming pretty well. He helped me learn to swim a little better. It was fun though, him helping me learn to do some backstrokes and simple free-style swimming. But that wasn't all he helped me with, he also helped me explore a little bit more about myself...


Heart and I were walking back to our dorm rooms. We happened to be put in the very far corner of the first floor. Talk about luck right? Sad part though, our room is directly across our RA's room. Yet, the foot traffic wouldn't be too bad, and we can study in peace in our rooms, even though I am sure we will head to those study rooms at the library quite often.

"Hey Heart, you have your key right? I cannot seem to find mine." I start to shuffle through my backpack, trying to find my student I.D. that opens our door.

"Of course I do, I am not careless like you, you silly dinosaur." Heart took out his I.D. and swiped it against the locking mechanism against our door. "Ladies first." Heart gave that formal butler bow as he said that.

"Oh fuck you," I responded, as I gave Heart a shove. We both entered our room, and it pretty much looks like any other dorm room. We each had our very own extra long twin beds and our own desks and chair and yadda yadda. The only thing we did share was the fridge and microwave the school supplied us. And surprisingly to everyone, we both are very clean about our stuff and ourselves. I cannot stand a messy room, and neither can he. We can actually see the floor of our room and our clothes were clearly organized in the dressers. I laid down all of my stuff onto my desk chair and sat on my bed, rubbing my legs from standing up all day, and not to mention swimming. I started to undress from my school clothes into my sleeping attire, which just consisted of a big t-shirt and those pajama pants with the crotch area exposed. "Man am I tired Heart, I have no idea why I even bothered with all my classes."

"Don't be such a whiner Rex, I am not enjoying my classes either," Heart said. "I mean, I got calculus, physics, economics, & biology, but at least we got bio together," Heart gave me a slightly annoyed look. I can sort of tell that Heart doesn't like to hear people complain a lot. He doesn't talk too much about his family stuff or personal life, which I am completely fine with. I am curious as to what his family actually does or some of his interests. He did divulged to me some hobbies he enjoyed and what he does with his free time, but nothing about his love interests or stuff like that. I mean, I would at least think he would maybe find someone here, but that is not my business and I should not pursue that thought on him until we at least get to know each other more than just a few weeks of rooming together. However, he does seem to enjoy talking about school and what college has to offer though.

"Whatever you big brute." I lay back onto my bed, propping my left foot onto my right knee, resting and staring at the ceiling. Today has been a crazy day indeed for me. I looked over to my left and I see Heart slowly unpacking everything and gently placing all of his books onto his desk and bed. Afterwards, he decided to take a little break too, stripping off his current attire and putting on his sleeping ones, getting onto his bed and basically mimicking my stance. This gave me a good view of looking at his body. Man, Heart has a really nice body. If you have not guessed by now, I seemed to like checking out guys a lot. I mean, who wouldn't? He has such a nice face, with that characteristic white, draconic chin that all tyrantrums have. His arms though, are actually pretty normal length and not short like you normally see tyrantrums to be. He isn't super ripped, but he has a nice body. He works out for a guy who spends a lot of time on academics, showing off a nice 4-pack. Looking down more, I see his big powerful thigh and leg muscles. He is really toned all around his body. His feet are also really nice too. Three deep black and perfectly trimmed claws on coming from such a wonderful looking foot and sole. But wait, why am I thinking of that again right now...

Heart slowly turns his body towards me, giving out a contented sigh and allowing me to explore more of his body. My eyes slowly wander down to his groin area, seeing a little bit of a slit through his pants. My face starts to get a little red, and I notice Heart giving me an awkward sort of look and said, "Yo Rex, something the manner?"

I turn my head away, saying sheepishly, "Oh, umm... no nothing is wrong. I was just ugh.... looking at your posters you put up back there." Crap, I hope he did not notice. I do not want my high school situation to happen here in the dorms.

Heart looked to his right, seeing the poster of all the dinosaur pokemon species commonly seen. Heart said, "Heh, yea, that is a cool poster. Shame that you weren't in it. Kind of curious about that. I mean, you are a dinosaur pokemon after all."

"No worries, I mean, my family is not really well-known," I responded and looked back to answer Heart. Yet, my eyes kept on wondering down to his groin area, imagining what he looked like down there, my face getting a little more red.

Heart raised an eyebrow, almost like he knew what I was looking at. Heart said with a little concern and curiosity, "Hmm, alright then Rex... Well, umm... how was your swim class? Anyone interesting you met there?

I blush more, my blue scales turning a little more red and my scales glowing a little. "Well ugh...," I started to say. "Not really. I mean, Koga, my P.E coach, had us paired up with other people. I managed to pair up with a cool feraligatr named Max ---"

"A feraligatr you say?" Heart interrupted. "Well, I remember during lunch time, as you ran out on me, a feraligatr did pass by me. Could it be the same one?"

Oh no. I really hope Heart does not suspect anything of me now, or if he somehow found out what happened between Max and I today. "Ugh, how would I know, cause I apparently ran past you," I said, trying to play off innocence while my face was telling a different story.

"Hehe, well, I mean, he looks like a cool fellow," Heart responded with a smirk. "Pretty quick for a big guy like him. What's his story with you though? He seemed to be chasing you."

"Oh ugh, well... he just wanted to talk... That is all... Luckily, we met in psychology class..." I quickly replied and hid my face for a little, trying to wipe a little sweat off of me. My body started to glow a little, due to the fact that I am getting a little embarrass right now. Trying to change the subject, I said, "By the way, umm Heart, my professor in that class, he freaking floats or hovers as he moves. I mean, that is so weird, am I right?"

Chuckling a little, "I see what you are trying to do there, you won't get away with that." Heart gave me a smirk look again. "But to answer your question, I too wonder about that. I mean, most psychic types have legs and they all walk normal, like an Alakazam. But don't forget, I assume your professor has Levitate as an ability, which gives him the ability to hover. Professor Kain talked about it today in class. Did you fall asleep?"

"Oh you are right," I responded. "I completely forgot about that and no, I was not asleep. I mean, Professor Kain is not a boring lecture, it's just the first day of lab is not the most fun."

"Heh, sure," Heart replied. "But anyway, about this Max fellow, he seems like a cool guy. I mean he looks well built and he has a strong upper and lower body build. Seems like a swimmer type."

"Umm yea," I started to speak. "He is a cool guy. I mean, he is such an awesome swimmer. He helped me with my backstroke today. He just had my lay on my back as he places his paws behind me to catch me incase I fell. I did stutter though and started to flail a little, but he helped me with that."

"Hmmm, interesting, anything else?" Heart asked inquisitively.

"Well," I started to reply, my glow being a little brighter and my face getting a little more flustered. "Ugh..., umm... Heart..." My body started glowing even brighter, illuminating enough light that anyone outside our room will know that we are still awake.

"What is it Rex," Heart asking with some concern. "I don't want to pressure you into anything you do not want to talk about. I am pretty open about anything, so you don't need to worry there pal."

Timidly, I responded, "Well...you see... he brought me into a special area in the locker room...and we did something...." I turned my body towards my wall, hiding my blue face from being completely red and my back towards Heart, the lights almost blinding Heart with the illumination.

Heart winced and starting yelling, "Ugh. Gawd Rex, are you trying to make me go blind." I could hear Heart shuffling a little, trying to block the light with his eyes.

I reached for my blankets and tried to wrap them around me. Heart just kept his eyes closed, and we both waited for sometime to past by before we can speak again. After five minutes of waiting, I said, "Sorry about that Heart. It's my ability, Illuminate. I mean, usually it is used for when things go dark, but sometimes it happens when I am a little shy about certain things to talk about." I quickly closed my mouth after saying that. Did I just say that? Shit, I hope Heart did not hear that one word in that sentence just now.

Heart shrugged his shoulder and replied, "Meh, it's fine there Rex. Here..." Heart walked over to my bed, gave me a warm hug, and sat down next to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Now that we calmed down a bit, we can talk about it. No need to be embarrass or anything like that. I do not judge people, so feel free to talk with me. My parents named me Heart for a reason."

I guess he did hear it. "Well... Max...we did some...stuff with each....other's...bodies...," I nervously responded, hiding my face into my arms.

"There there," Heart began to say, patting my shoulder, trying to comfort me. "I can see where this is going, but you do not have to worry about anything. I mean, I'll tell you a little secret too Rex." Heart leaned in and whispered to my ear-like horns. "I'm also a little curious myself. I mean, I believe I like dudes, but at least college will help me explore it."

I blushed, not being able to respond, but just leaned my head into his chest, surprised with what Heart just said. He caressed it, whispering words of comfort to help me calm down a little, my glow starting to come back and slowly fade away oscillating between the two. I started breathing a little more slowly, mustering up enough courage to say, "Oh Heart, I mean...thanks...for listening to me... I mean...I didn't want high school... to re-enact itself all over again...but, how did you even know...I was talking about that..."

Heart chuckles, rubbing my head and saying, "Heh, your face is like an open book. I mean, I think I can tell when another guy is checking me out for certain reasons. And that glow of your sort of gave it away. Still, find it a little cute that you would see me like that. But don't worry, I am not like those people there Rex. I mean, if you want some pointers on how to please another guy, I can give you a helping hand and pointers."

I blushed hard after hearing him say that, my body once again glowing brightly. I heard some movement and looked up to see Heart having to turn his head away, closing his eyes, but still holding onto me. I feel bad for Heart now. I hope he doesn't need to go see an optometrist after being my roommate for only like a few days. After a few more minutes passed, my glow died off again. I waited for Heart to turn his head back towards me and once he did, I saw that nice, comforting smile of his in my direction.

"Too forward?" Heart started to say. "Sorry about that" Heart gave me another warm hug. I can feel his strong body and firm grip on my body. It felt really nice, being hugged by him, getting to feel that nice tail wrapping around me. I started to shake in his lap, feeling a little stirring coming from my groin area. Heart noticed that and gave a little chuckle again. "Hehe, well, seems like someone is getting a little excited."

I looked down at my crotch and starting to see my little guy starting to come from my slit. My face started going red again, and my body glowed a little again, but luckily, I was not too embarrassed since I knew Heart wouldn't judge me or say anything. I shifted more, trying to get more comfortable and saying, "Heh, well then. I mean...Max and I...we did do some things in the showers.

"Like what?" Heart asked. I felt him scoot closer over to me, his tail tugging onto my body, keeping me warm.

"Umm...well... " I started to stutter. "At first... ---

Heart interrupted by saying, "Hold it there Rex. Just take a deep breath again, and say it calmly." Heart placed his arm around me, rubbing my shoulders with his hands.

I listened to Heart's advice, admiring that gently smile of his and his rubs. It made me feel really warm inside, like nothing can go wrong with him around. "Heh, alright Heart," I started to say. "Let's try this again." I took another deep breath. "At first, Max and I went to the special area I talked about earlier. Then he we started talking about our feelings and stuff like that.

"I see," said Heart. "Sorry for interrupting, go on."

"Okay," I responded. "I felt upon and admired Max's body. I just couldn't stop staring at it. It looked so nice to touch and feel." My little cock started to poke a little bit more from my slit unbeknownst to me. "Then, I went down and sort of like, put it in my mouth after feeling it. It felt really nice to have that thing in my mouth. I mean, he was pretty big and it was a little salty to taste the pre coming from it." Heart gave out a chuckle, eyeing at my cock as more of it came out, while I was still oblivious to what is happening. "After that, he took me to the bench and had my laid on my back and that is when everything just went by so fast. He teased me with his fingers, shoving his claws in there, reaching for my special button in my body." My cock was half-mast out, and Heart gave another smirk. I still had no idea what he was looking at, but I continued to keep talking. "Max then inserted his huge cock into my tight entrance, and I swear Heart, it was nothing like I ever felt before. I was in like total heaven, feeling that cock rub all against my anal passage. It was the best thing I have ever felt." My cock was at three-fourths out now, starting to spew a little pre. "He then started to pound into me, thrusting in and out at a nice pace, letting me feel such an overwhelming amount of pleasure. After some more thrusting, he rammed into me one more time, and he let it go. I felt waves after waves of his luscious seed enter into me, and I started to spew as well, releasing my load into the both of us." My cock was now at full mast, spewing some pre onto my bed. I noticed Heart giving a slight blush as well, staring down upon me. I followed his gaze, only to see him looking at my dick, exposed to the open world. I blushed a little more, my glow returning slowly. "Oh...whoops...sorry..."

Heart shook his head and placed his paw on my cock. I jumped a little at his grip, but he started to slowly rub it, getting my pre over his claws. "Heh, no need to be sorry Rex. I mean, sounds like you had a fun time with Max, from what I can tell. And honestly, you don't feel or look half bad. You are pretty well endowed. What are ya? Like maybe seven or eight inches?"

I said with confidence, "Seven and a half."

"Mmm, pretty nice," Heart replied and nodded his head. Heart started to shift in his position too, but he continued to slowly rub my cock in his hand and it felt so good. The feeling of having another person helping you paw felt really good. I moaned a little as he kept slowly pawing me off, spewing more pre onto him. Heart and I then looked down towards Heart's crotch and his member fully emerged from him as well, standing proud at roughly ten inches. "Guess he wanted to come out and have fun too."

I giggled and said, "Apparently so, but dang, you are so huge. I mean, a lot of guys must want some of that."

Heart laughed and replied, "Heh yea, I mean, not everyone get's a piece of Heart. But for you Rex, go ahead and touch it as well, and feel free to ask me anything. You can ask me like tips on certain kinks or positions or stuff you want to try out later."

"Okay," I quickly replied. I reached out with my paw and felt his big cock. I tried to wrap my hand around it, but it was really thick. I managed to grab around it, but it felt like it had such a huge diameter. Must be like two and a half inches thick or something. I started to feel his pre drip from the head and felt its warmness crept over my claws. "Wow Heart, I mean, just wow." Heart gave a light-hearted chuckle. I started to slowly pump my paw up and down as well, copying the same motion Heart did to me, and I heard him give off a slight moan.

"Heh...feels good doesn't it," Heart said pantingly. "Don't get this sort of treatment often from me. I am usually a dom, as you can tell, but I'll lend you a helping paw."

"Thanks Heart," I started to reply. "But I do have things I wan to ask you about special kinks or other interesting positions to try."

"Sure thing bud, shoot," Heart responded, still eliciting a moan from my continuing pawing. I moaned as well, still feeling his paw all over my shaft.

"Well..." I started to say, as my eyes wondered around his body, going straight to his strong legs and his powerful looking feet and sharp claws. Heart followed my gaze, noticing that I was plainly staring at his feet. So, he raised one of them and placed the sole on his lap, wiggling his claws in my direction.

"See something you like?" Heart asked.

"Yea...," I responded and reached out to touch them. His entire foot felt so rough and firm. His sole had a nice texture to it, something that I would not mind having touch my face. And his three onyx colored toe claws. They felt very sharp, enough to puncture a nasty hole, even through my hide if Heart tried enough. I started to imagine some things that I can do with those lovely feet of his. I felt my cock pulse a little in Heart's grip, and I bet he noticed it too. "Well, as you can see..."

Heart gave a little snicker and said with a dominant voice, "Yea, I do see. If you want to experience it, I recommend you get off the bed and get on your knees." Heart pointed to the floor of our dorm and I quickly shuffled to the floor, heeding to his words. Once my knees were in position, I looked up and I already saw Heart faced towards me, giving me a full view of his cock and that smirk face of his. I then saw him raise his right foot and placed it on my snout. "Go ahead."

My eyes went crossed as I stared at the foot in front of my snout. I gave a quick sniff, and it had a nice earthy smell to it. It smelled clean from what I can tell, seems like Heart took care of his feet just as much as I do. My tongue then slowly emerged from my mouth and I started to lap at his sole, feeling my tail wag behind me. His foot had a little musky taste too it, getting a nice amount of it in my mouth. I could feel my member starting to spew more pre and drip it onto our carpet. I know the RA is going to kill us if he finds that there, but I am sure that Heart and I can easily take care of that situation. After lapping at his soles, I dragged my tongue up to those sharp claws. Heart wiggled them as my mouth slowly approached them, and he gave me a gesture to open my mouth. I am not going to refuse that demand, so I gently placed one of them into my mouth, the center one, and began to give it a suckle. I heard a light moan coming from Heart and looked up to see his signature smirk of approval.

I continued to suck on his claw, switching to the other two to give them the same treatment. After giving them all of my tender care, Heart switched his feet, and I began to apply the same treatment to that one as well, lapping at his sole and going at it with his claws. However, Heart decided to add some extra fun, and placed his sole on top of my cock head, causing me to shiver. "Oooo...Heart...that feels....so good...."

"Hehe, I bet it does," Heart replied. "I had it done to me before too, with another Tyrantrum."

I continued to smell and lick at Heart's foot while his other continued to play with my cock, smearing pre all over the sole. Heart gave another smirk and had his claws dance on top of my cock's head. I began to moan and shiver, giving his foot the best treatment I can give him. Heart then had my cock click in between his left and middle claw, slowly dragging his foot up and down, like he was using them to paw me off. I gave a louder moan, feeling my tail wag some more, and the light's on my back starting to illuminate, signaling that I was close. "Heart...what you are doing...I am not going to last...much longer...., but I don't....want this to stop..."

Heart kept pumping me with his foot, saying, "Heh, I want to see what you got in you my little Rex, let's see what you are made of."

I constantly moaned into Rex's foot and claws, feeling him give my cock the time of its life. I began to shake more, feeling my cock pulse one last time before, "Oh gawd Heart, I...I...I..." And those were the last things I managed to get out before my lights shown brighter than they ever had before. I yelled out as my cock exploded. Stream after hot stream of cum hit his entire foot as I gave a hard suckle on his claws. It seemed like an eternity before I came down from orgasm, but it still seemed to short. Heart gave a grunt of approval, wiggling his claws full of my stick cum. He brought that foot back up to my face and I saw in his eyes what he wanted me to do. I gave a wink and started to clean his foot of my cum, getting that nice taste of my cum and his musk. After his foot was clean of my spunk, I gave a contented sigh and said, "Whoa Heart...that felt amazing..."

Heart got up from my bed and gestured me towards it, saying, "Heh, glad you had fun, but the night isn't over yet. Now place your arms on the bed, still laying on your knees, and raise that tail for me."

I did as what I was told and positioned myself for Heart. Heart stood behind, getting himself situated as well, grabbing onto his massive cock and placing its head right at my entrance. I shivered and moaned a little as I felt that huge head of his asking for entrance into my body. "Heart....," I said hesitantly and turned my head to look at him.

"Don't worry," Heart said reassuringly. "Just tell me to stop, I'll be gentle with you, since you are a newbie and all." He gave that gentle smile of his again, and I had a strong feeling Heart would make sure nothing goes wrong. I turned my head again and faced my wall, looking at the poster of someone from my species wearing a lab coat and working at a pharmacy. While my poster distracted me, Heart decided to slowly push in, slowly ebbing his cock all the way down my canal.

"Oh gawd...," I said with a gasp. Heart kept slowly inching his way into me, the pain starting to arise now. I whimpered to Heart, and he must have heard me, as he suddenly stopped and gave me a soft kiss on the head.

"We will take it nice and slow Rex," Heart started to say. "You need to be broken often if you want more stuff back there."

I gave a little laugh as he said that and just nodded to him, gesturing him to continue. As he kept pushing into me, I started to feel the pain subside, followed by a wave of pleasure. Heart leaned forward and placed his head next to mine, breathing slowly while both of us moaned lightly. I gasped loudly and moaned immensely when I felt Heart finally pushed that special button of mine in my body. Heart's cock hit my prostate, and we both just stood there, basking in the glory of such a warm and intimate mating. Then, I felt Heart start to pull out. I gave a moan and a whimper, turning my head to see him give his smirk, wanting him to put that back inside of me. Reading my face, Heart nodded his head and quickly thrust back in, beginning our rutting session. Bolts of pleasure rained down on me as Heart gently fucked around my prostate and continued to pound me. His cock sank deeper and deeper into my hole and I gave no protest as he fucked his way into my most intimate of places.

"Ugh...Oh fuck!" Heart muttered, "I'm getting close... so close!"

"Don't stop now Heart," I quickly replied. "It feels so good." I continued to moan loudly, having a big cock endlessly invade my body while pushing my pleasure button. I could feel his cock pulse in my body, wanting its release, filling up my bowels with all of its warm, sticky contents. I felt Heart wrapped his arms around my waist, like giving me a hug from behind. He kept his big mouth next to my head, his moaning become louder until....

"Here it cums!" he growled. "OH SHIT!" he shouted as the massive cock inside my ass shot hot ropes after hot ropes of cum into my hole. I gripped onto the bed as best I could, our moaning becoming in sync. Heart gave a deep dinosaur murr as he nuzzled next to me. I gave my own murr as I nuzzled back and tried to keep the intimate moment between us.

Panting, I said, "Heh Heart...that was...another experience..."

Heart gave a chuckle and replied, "Well, what do you think? Any different than Max's."

Shaking my head, "More or less the same," I started to say. "I mean...both of you guys have your...own way of having...fun with others..."

Chuckling some more, Heart said, "Well, glad to be of some help for you. Give you more of an experience so you can try it again with that gator. Oh, and by the way, we might be stuck like this for a while."

Wiggling my butt onto his cock, getting another moan coming from Heart's mouth, I said, "I don't mind. Not like anyone is going to come here."

Heart rolled his eyes, giving the not-so-innocent voice, "Well..."

I looked back at Heart as he turned my body and we both faced out door. I heard some footsteps in front of our door and the locking mechanism of it opening. The door swung open towards us, and I saw a three-clawed foot in the doorway. The shadowy figure stepped inside, closed the door, and slowly approached us. As soon as the moonlight from our window struck him in his path, I managed to get a glimpse of the figure. Seeing a nice big pink cock and blackish furry sheath and balls, I continued to trace it to its owner, seeing a smirk.

"Well well, what do we have here," he said. Looks like I am going to have to write you guys up for public disturbance." I tilted my head slightly and realized who it was. It was our RA, Gao the Zoroark. "But, I have another idea if you don't want anyone to find out." Gao pointed to my mouth and then back to his cock, his other hand groping onto his balls. I looked back towards Heart's face and he kept on smirking and smiling, nodding his head.

"Heh, sorry Rex. I sort of texted Gao as you were giving treatment to my feet," Heart said apologetically. "You don't mind do you?"

I shook my head at him and started staring at Gao's plump cock and heard a chuckle from both of them. I traced Gao's eyes and saw him staring at my cock, being revitalized after seeing Gao's. I gave a teasing licking gesture to Gao and he walked closer to me, getting himself in position. I know tonight is going to be a fun and rough night...