No Lasting Complaints - Chapter 2

Story by Pandabear on SoFurry

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#2 of No Lasting Complaints

Part 2 of the story hope this one is enjoyed as much as the first chapter if not more.

Again I'm sure there are grammatical errors and spelling problems tried to weed out the majority of them but I'm sure I will be editing the story to rid of what I can find in the future.

"Tyyyylleeeerrr...." It was a whisper, a quiet word as I was sitting there in school. Tapping my finger on the desk as the teacher droned on. Yawning I stretch my arms up before flopping my head back down on the table.

"Tyler!!" Jumping up my head launches off the desk and into the air while I look around wide eyed.

"Wha.. Huh..?" I was staring right at the teacher as he scowled at me. Blushing lots I meeped while my ears curled back a little.

"I Uhh.. ." Looking left and right the entire class was looking at me, most of the guys laughing while the girls were whispering among themselves.

"Tyler!.. That is the last time you fall asleep in my class." My math teacher yelled out.

"b...but that is the first time I ever have fallen asleep.. in your class." I said in barely more then a whisper. What was weird is that this wasn't my math teacher, well it was but it was mine from two years ago. A large stallion well built as I swore he came from the military before school here.

"I don't want to hear it! Stand up." He bellowed out as he took a step back. Quickly obliging I jumped up and as I did so he took hold of my wrist and through me off balance so that I landed belly first across the desk. Blushing brightly I look around as the teacher starts to rub my back, the large paws rubbing up and down I closed my eyes, confused it felt nice but the entire class was looking at me. Closing my eyes I slowly reopened them.

"About time you woke up.." Blinking my eyes opened up and I was looking at a movie playing, the same movie as what was only being watched a few hours ago. I was still lying there, on the couch in the basement with the warm voice of the husky I was laying again. On my side though I felt a warm paw traveling over my back, that's when I realized that I was still naked.

"Please.. don't cover yourself." Looking up to the husky he was smiling as he kept rubbing me, he must have realized I was finally coming to my senses and that I was about to try and do something about my predicament.

"It's only been about an hour like you wanted, and like I said we have the place all to ourselves. So please, I know you probably feel bashful, but don't cover up. I think you're the cutest guy I have seen in a long time." I could hear his honest plea in his voice, even with such words I had to think about it.

"C..can I go take a bath or shower.. or something." I'm surprised I didn't get a nose bleed, I was still very self conscious about myself and laying here in my fur in a completely unfamiliar place with someone who just did something intimate it was arousing as much as it was embarrassing.

"Of course, I guess we should clean you up a bit, but first..* With one last squeeze of his arms around me I slowly sat up as he shuffled out and stood.

"Please come... I know your going to love this." Quickly walking off and bounding up the stairs I took a moment to bend over and take my clothes into my paws. Following but leaving them off I turn the corner to go up the stairs I come face to face with the husky.

"Eep.. don't scare me like that." His face right in front of mine he stuck his tongue out and licked my nose.

"He-he, Well don't be all jumpy then." Going up the stairs I follow and once we reach the second floor he goes down the hall and opens a door. Following inside I look around a bit, candles off to the side with a table in the middle covered by a few sheets he simply pat the table while smiling at me.

"Lay down, on your stomach please.* He said before going off to the corner and getting a bottle. Curious as to what he was doing but having no reason not to trust him I climbed up on the table in a bit of a awkward manor before finding my balance and laying on my stomach.

"Ohh.. it's.. a bit cool." A small shiver I feel runs over my skin as I lay with my face in a small hole in the front of the table.

"Yeah, sorry about that but it helps when the body is a bit tense at first to find the proper muscle structures and knots in someone body." The voice from behind me, I blushed again as he had a full view of my backside. All this embarrassment I felt had gotten me a little excited again though I lay on top of my own arousal keeping it in check. Feeling a paw on my foot it slowly traced up my leg, slow and gentle it was tracing across my calf.

"I have something to admit myself.. I have a 'thing' for chubby guys. I have never had the enjoyment of one until you.. but, I have been learning from my mom how to massage. I hope I'm able to hit your pressure points as I never had practice on someone as chubby as you... Not that it's a bad thing!" Almost tripping over his own words I smiled a little as I understood how he felt, I was the same way which is why I blushed all the time. I felt as if I should feel embarrassed for the weight I carried around but was if it was a dirty secret that I should enjoy it.

"It's okay.. I'm sure I will enjoy." The paw that had been traveling up my leg was placed against my back for a moment pushing a little as if trying to find some kind of bearing he lifted it back up. Hearing the pop of a bottle opening my eyes shot open as something was dripped onto my back.

"Ah!.. Cold!.." Laughing a little myself after I heard a laugh from the husky standing over me I settled down again as the oil was slowly rubbed into my back. Both paws pushing into my back I could feel the fingers tracing down between the space of my spine and muscles gauging where he will need to apply more force.

"Mmm.." Closing my eyes I let out a soft sigh and laid there to enjoy the attention. This treatment I was receiving was so wonderful, I had never had anyone treat me with such an enjoyable touch before and once again my senses were being overwhelmed with enjoyment. The oil warming a little as he paws started to gently kneed and push into the tense muscles of my back.

"I have to say.. You have a wonderful form, from your round ears to your little tail all the way to your fuzzy feet." I heard the husky say while the attention never stopped, feeling his thumbs pushing slowly up my back till his fingers reached my shoulders he rubbed the muscles in my neck loosening the knots there until I felt once I had to stand that my neck would probably flop over like limp spaghetti.

"T..thank you." A gentle whispering coming from me I was to the point where I had to watch myself so I wouldn't start drooling. The muscles in my back loose and feeling like they had barley ever been used he started to rub down my arms as he moved them away from my sides so it looked like I was skydiving on the middle of the table. The same time while his paws were relaxing the muscles of my body he was taking small gentle gropes of the chub his paws would come across, not that I minded as relaxed as I was the touch whether rubbing or him feeling my body for his enjoyment was too much for me to say anything.

"Okay.. I'm going to start on your legs." His paws traveling down to where he said they would he started to kneed my thigh and calf on my one leg rubbing the muscle up and down to the point his fingers were grazing around my rump a little.

"Ohh.." Letting small groans as my body relaxes more and more I can only lay there as my muscles give in to the treatment.

"I think.. You're turning me into pudding." Laughing a little with what energy I have I hear one in return from the husky slowly working now over my other leg.

"I'm happy you are enjoying it." His fingers skilfully continue their actions as they slowly reach my feet

"Oooo.. More then you can realize.. No one has ever given me a rub.. like this." I hadn't even realized I was making a sound which could only count as a purring, albeit it was lower and more natural to that of a growl of a bear but it was one of pure enjoyment. The fingers digging into my foot paws my toes flexed and curled while I squirmed a little as the pressure was good just as much as it almost painfully working out the tense muscles.

"I kind of figured when I first started. It's alright; I will do this for you any time you want." Shivers going through me again I let out soft sighs, the sensations strong enough I hadn't realized the paws had left until I heard a noise in the corner which caused me to lift my head to see him sitting in a chair flexing his paws and taking a break.

"Mmmm.. That.. was amazing." Laying my head back down he stood up and rubbed my ears a bit.

"Glad you're enjoying, we are far from done though... I know I have said this, but it is the truth. You have a very nice body." As he was speaking his paws went to just slowly rub me from foot paw to neck, letting his fingers trail over my rump making me blush again.

"Flip over, please." Standing at my side still I turned my head and blushed a little as I bit my lip.

"O..okay, just.. Um.. I'm sorry, but I'm a little hard, I didn't mean to get aroused!.. It's just your rubbing felt so nice!" I said apologetically as I slowly flipped myself over.

"It's alright, I can understand. If you want I can help you with that once we are done." He said softly as I looked at him, he had that comforting look and smile on his face again, which helped me calm myself. Turned over I lay on my back, my male hood was plump and aroused as it laid again the bottom of my own belly. I tried to push the thoughts from my mind to let it shrink but I soon felt a paw on my shoulder and his calming voice.

"Its okay Tyler, I know it feels good, I happy that your aroused, it lets me know I'm doing my job right." Relaxing slowly from his touch the fingers were soon back to their jobs although this time they start at my feet. Again rubbing my feet I open my mouth a little as I gasps in enjoyment, I heard a small laugh as I realized this time he could see my facial expressions as my face contorted with each moment of pressure his fingers pushed into me.

"You.. mm.. said that we had all night, right?" I said out softly as I had to stop myself from moaning mid sentence while the paws traveled up my leg.

"That's right. Night and morning actually you can stay as long as you want." He said as his fingers continued to glide along my body. A shiver ran up my spine as his fingers dipped dangerously close to my groin although it never touched. The tips of his fingers rubbing up further he started to gently caress over my round plump belly, rubbing over the soft form he let out small murs as I opened my eyes to look at him.

"Sorry.. but you're adorable, and your body is wonderful to me." The husky managed a blush as I blushed as well; he was praising me for how chubby I was which made me almost feel like I was going to explode. Taking a few quick breaths to calm myself my male hood had pulsed back to life; even though I'm sure that he saw it he left it alone as his intentions at this time were more then just instant gratification. The fingers were rubbing gently threw the fur and against the skin of my belly the feel was incredible and I was enjoying the touch as much as I was sure the husky was enjoying touching. It felt as if his paws were never going to leave my stomach, squeezing the love handles of my sides I couldn't help but grin a little as my face contorted back into the look of enjoyment from the actions I was receiving.

"Nghh.. Matt..?" My face was brightening up again as I was lying there under the careful attention of the husky.

"What is it?" Tilting his head in that manor only canines could do I smile a little before I sat up a little on my elbows.

"Umm.. do, .. um.. do you want a boyfriend? I mean, I don't know what I mean, we just met.. but I, really like you, and your treating me so well. And..." the husky was smiling with a bemused look the entire time I was stumbling with my words. Laughing a little he stepped close and licked my cheek.

"We only just met, you're overcome with emotions right now, and I would love to be your boyfriend, but, give it a few days to think about. Okay teddy bear?" Pushing his paws against my chest he pushed me back down so I was lying on my back again before his paws returned to my belly and started rubbing once more.

"Oh.. Okay..." I nodded my head softly as I started to relax, realizing he was right in that matter I started to just enjoy the attention again. His fingers teased with my belly button again and I laughed a little along with his own I was wondering how many hours would have passed by now even though only maybe a half hour or little more probably had gone by. His paws rubbing further up they started to rub over my chest, his fingers squeezed my chest causing me to blush once more opening my eyes he smiled back his warm smile.

"Sorry, but a chubby chest is cute." He said softly as he leaned his head down to nuzzle me a little.

"I.. uh.. okay.." For a moment I was going to apologize again for feeling like my body was sub par for another to enjoy. His head till leaned down he started to lap his tongue across my neck making me giggle a tad and shiver at the sensitive touch. Fingers gliding back down my belly he rubbed the chub softly as his tongue teased down slowly and nibbled over my shoulder. Shivering some more I let out a small gasp and he continued to let his tongue fall, licking to the point where his tongue ran over the hardened nub of my nipple I moaned out and blushed heavily making him pull back.

"Sorry.. I was getting a bit carried away." He smiled bashfully before standing up and looking at me.

"Its okay, just.. you know.. sensitive and no one has ever done that.." I blush as I look up at him and slowly sit up, turning myself so my legs hang off the side of the table I bite my lip and grab a towel to cover my crotch as my male hood sticks almost straight up.

"I know.. I.." The husky was looking at my groin before I covered it up, I noticed his own pants were tented and I rubbed the back of my head before he spoke up.

"If you want, you can go get cleaned up. One of the bathrooms is just around the corner." He motioned out the door as while speaking. I stood up and made my way to the door before looking back.

"Umm... I.. really need to.. take care of.." Looking down at myself I blush as my toes cross over each other.

"Could.. I get you.. to help me again please?" Blushing bright as I asked I could feel my arousal grow from such a simple question as the rush of such knew experiences still excites me like never before.

"Only if I can shower with you..." the husky was smiling wide as his tail was almost flailing behind him. I nodded my head to seal the deal and the husky quickly walked out of the room and I followed. Going into the bathroom it was spacious enough to fit a few furs, even of my size.

"So.. what.. how do you want.." My words were cut off as the husky had dropped himself down, pulling the towel away I was still unconsciously holding onto I blushed bright as I was turned to face a wall sized mirror. Seeing myself, how aroused I was and the husky down by my legs I let out a moan as the pleasure began.

"Wow... you have such a nice cock. You would seriously put porn stars to shame teddy bear." I blushed brightly again, such comments almost seeming vulgar yet quite exciting coming from the male playing with me. I let out another moan as his paw slowly wrapped itself around my male hood, the husky down by my side he nuzzled himself into my chubby tummy a little as his other paw came up and took hold of my fuzzy orbs.

"Oh.. Matt... I'm.. going to cum faster, then before." So aroused from previous actions it felt like any moment I was going to burst and spray myself all over the bathroom. The huskies tender touch was as skilled as his when he was massaging, rubbing just enough that I was almost begging to be pushed over the edge but not enough that was unable to pull back from finishing I watched in the mirrors reflection as he continued to stroke my member from base to tip.

"Like before.. cum when you want too." His paws, his fingers stroking up and down feeling around every little curve and blood vessel that was pulsing through my cock I moaned constantly as my pre coated his paw and dripped onto the corner of the counter. Bracing my paws on the counter his other paw lifted up my sac fondling my orbs, clenching my paws into balls I squirm on the spot as my legs shake in sign that they were barely able to hold up my own weight at this point.

"Tell me if you like this..." Dropping his paw from my sac and slowing his paw on my member for a moment I see him shifting, he was licking his own finger before he started to nuzzle my leg. It was this thumb he was licking previously as I quickly came to realize what he was after, I could feel his thumb swirling and pushing against my pucker which drew out long deep moans from me while I clenched back.

"Just try and relax my chubby bear." Blushing from his comment as his words never failed to set my cheeks alight he continued to swirl his finger around and over my tail hole letting the muscles tire and relax from the constant probing.

"Nnghhn.. I.. don't know.. if it's going.. to fit.." Panting quickly and hard from both pleasure of the paw stroking and rubbing my cock it was equally from the feel of the finger probing and trying to penetrate my body.

"Your tail hole will loosen, trust me." Just continually swirling the finger around letting the constant pressure wear down my bodies ability to keep it out my eyes shot wide open, arching my back I let out a loud moan as the finger slipped in.

"Yes... there we go.." Just as he had slipped the finger into me I started to cum hard, my cock in his paw he stroked it in timing with his thumb swirling around inside my tail hole.

"Ohh... Matt!!!.." My length started to spurt waves of my cum all over the counter and mirror, blushing brightly as my pucker squeezed and clenched on the finger inside of me I felt so embarrassed yet so pleased as I was being milked again to the point of cumming and emptying my sac. As quickly as the pleasure rushed through me it all seemed to end in that lull of afterglow as the finger slipped out and he let go of my cock.

"I.. could.. we try something.. " he was smiling as he said those words to me; panting still I nodded my head even though he had not mentioned what he wanted to do.

"Step back for a second." Panting I only nod and take a step back, he started to strip himself down, this was the first time I had seen him without his clothes. The huskies fur looked quite luscious he also had a great body, at least to me. He had the build where he clearly worked out yet not enough where as he had a small belly on him. Growing older he would have the build of a proud power lifter.

"Wow.. you look great." I say softly with a blush while he smiles back.

"Thanks." He gave a brief flex and I almost giggled out but stopped myself, I watched him pull his boxers down and his length was already out and throbbing in the air. It was bright red, much brighter then mine and the veins I could have sworn were pulsing as he took hold of it. He hoped up onto the counter and let his length stand up straight while he put his paws on my shoulders

"Kneel down hun." I listened to his words and knelt in front of him, he was looking at me the entire while as he took hold of his length and started to stroke himself right in front of me. I had nothing but a site full of his sac bouncing a little and his length being stroked. It was almost enough to get me aroused again although my body just didn't have it in me though I was more then happy to watch.

"Mmff.. you have such an exotic cock." Looking at the bulbous knot which was starting to form and listening to the murfs and barks he was making while he pawed himself, I was smiling while watching his fingers spread the pre over his length.

"Lean... ungh.. forward a little more." Listening again he tilted his length towards me just as his knot filled out its full form. The husky barked out loudly and happily as I could see his sac pull up close and his length start to throb. The first spurt hit against my cheek while the rest coated over my head and nose.

"Eep.." Blushing bright as he covered my face in his cum he let his member go as the last of his cum leaked out onto the floor below. Licking up some of the cum from my cheek I couldn't place the taste as it was quite salty something defiantly would have to get used to not that I'm sure I would mind the process of doing so.

"Ohh.. wow.. that.... Was great." Panting heavily the husky was smiling down at me as he lifted a paw and pat my head.

"Thank you teddy bear..." with his thanks I looked up and slowly stood up, smiling with rosy cheeks he leaned forward and licked a little of the cum off my cheeks as he stood.

"Now, let's shower and get cleaned up, I will make us some supper after." Nodding my head I could only agree as I stepped into the shower, before stepping into the shower though I looked back at the mirror. I was smiling, smiling like I had never before as I happier then I have been in a long time.

"This might just be the best school year ever..." I say to myself without realizing as I step back into the shower with the tug of the huskies paws dragging me in the steam clouding the enclosed space.

Thank you again for reading I hope you enjoyed.

Leave comments, always enjoy comments :)