Sin’s Of The Past

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#7 of Drako's Pack (Extended from Drako Wolf)

Sin's Of The Past

Mai walked around the cave with evident fear running through her mind. She was told to sleep with the Hybrid but she didn't expect for this to happen. Talon told her to stay with him but now what, He would be so angry when he found out about this. Also what would she do once Bain found out? She knew that he would most likely be angry with her for letting it happen.

It had to be done and she knew that Bain would be easier to tell than Talon. To her surprise he wasn't only happy to find out but he was ecstatic at the idea. He jumped onto her and licked her face as he said "I'm going to be a father."

After that she knew she could hide it for now and hope the child would be born before Talon found out or started the war. She was right and within a few weeks she gave birth to a female that was a dark black and small. Mai never wanted to be a mother but she had her orders so she acted the part for now. The truth was the thought of her raising a pup was a horrible idea. She only hoped that Talon would call her back to him before she got too attached to the pup.

Bain on the other hand was happy for the first time in a long time. He named her Sarah for her calming nature. Bain still missed his love Ti every day but he was starting to enjoy his new life the longer he went. The one thing he found hard was that Mai seemed to be distant from him ever since she gave birth to Sarah. She was never around anymore and also she never kept her promise about helping him learn to use his power. After the first few days of waiting Bain went out on his own.

His first attempt to learn to control his power ended up taking out a half mile of land. After that he used the dead aria as his training ground. It took him some time but slowly he stated to feel the way his power flowed through his body and how to move it. By the time Sarah was born Bain was able to move the flow of energy with full control but if her used a major attack like the day he killed the wild dog's he would be beat for the rest of the day.

One day when he left Sarah with Ray and Riley to go out and train Sheba followed him. When she came up to the clearing he used for a training ground and said "I see you have become very powerful."

"What the hell do you want?" said Bain glaring at her

"I only want to talk Bain." Said Sheba

"About what, you took my childhood from me and my mother's life."

"I know and for that I'm sorry. I was an evil person then and I wish I would have seen the world for what it was back then." Said Shaba

"Tell me Sheba what made you do the things you did?"

"It's hard to explain, but when you don't have your own body thing's look different to you. For me all I saw was myself trying to have a normal life. I only knew the life of an evil wolf. Your mother was the one who opened my eyes; her love for you was what got me to see the truth about what I did. I watched you grow up and I always wanted to call you my pup but Sheila would never let me."

"You never treated me like a son Sheba."

"I knew I didn't have that right but no matter how I tried I still thought of you as mine. That is why I saved you as a pup instead of running off without you. When I was sent to hell I was made to watch my life from a different point of view and it made me see the wrongs I did. When I say I'm sorry I know it can't make up for the loss you suffered but it's a start." Said Sheba

"Tell me then why did you send Drako away from us? Don't tell me it was because you didn't want Ariel to have him." Said Bain

"I really did love him but that wasn't the reason. I think it was because I knew deep down that I had to. I can't explain it but something in me knew that he needed to learn a different way of living." Said Sheba

"So you sent him away, can't you at least tell me where he was sent to." Said Bain

"I sent him to a hidden valley over the great ocean. I still don't know why I sent him there; I mean I could have sent him anywhere I wanted. If I wanted to get back at him for my death then why didn't I send him to a human city?" said Sheba

"It will take me some time to trust you again Sheba but as I listen to you I can tell you're telling the truth. If you can help us and bring back our peace then I'll forgive you for what you did." Said Bain looking away

"Thank you Bain that is all I can ask for. Tell me what is your power like?" said Sheba

Bain looked at her with a grin as he said "Something more powerful than I would have ever thought possible."

"I saw the destruction like this one around Drako's Peak, so was it you who did that?"

"It was, when Ti was killed my anger grew and the energy that was pent up inside me took out most the forest and animals that was caught in the blast."

"Does it destroy everything?"

Bain hesitated for a moment before he said "I don't like telling you but no, the power seems to work on most things but stone and maybe steel seem to be unharmed by the power blast."

"I understand what you mean by it being so powerful. You better be careful around my brother."

"Why's that?" said Bain

"His power is revolves around taking it from others. Drako's is the same in that way but his only needs to be around the one with power. Once he's around it he can use it for life. My brother has to beat the one with power before he can take it." Said Sheba

"Is that why he's so powerful?" said Bain

"Not really, you see my brother and I were created by the gods to be what they call Demon Angles. We both have a great power to keep the world safe. The powers are the same for Strength, Intelligence, knowing what anything is saying, the power to take over the minds of others, and extreme speed. The difference is our special power me and my brother can control the minds of others but my special power is that I can transport any one to anywhere I want also I can take the memory of them. My brother's power is the ability to steal the powers of others." Said Sheba

"And Drako's is like his?" Said Bain

"In a way. Drako is a mimic, When he see's or is around another's power he can do the same thing. My brother wants that power for himself. We have lived for thousands of years. When Talon was created he went on a rampage for almost a thousand years. He killed and took the powers of many different wolves but it was never enough for him. He always wants more power all the time." Said Sheba

"Why would the gods give an evil wolf like him life or power?" said Bain

"His power was meant to take away powers of demon's he was meant to kill for the gods. With that said we were meant to protect, we were meant to be good." Said Sheba

"Then what happened?"

"The lord of the underworld found us before we were finished being created. He went after Talon first and once he was done twisting his mind he started on me. He was stopped before he finished but the damage was done. Our creation was done and my brother was pure evil and I was close to it." Said Sheba

Bain looked down at the dead earth and said "I'm sorry to hear that Sheba. I can see you had it hard ever since you started this life. One thing I wondered is why you needed to control my mother and Talon me when you could have gotten your own body?"

"We were and still are spirits with no body to call our own. Only the gods can grant that as they did for me. My brother learned a spell that gave him the twisted body he now uses. Without them we can only live in the world of the dead or in the minds of others. This is why I lived with your mother for so long." Said Sheba

Bain looked into Sheba's red eyes and said "Tell me do you trust Mai."

Sheba's mildly interested face changed to shock as she said "Why, don't you, I mean she is gave birth to you daughter."

"I know but it seems to me like she is getting more and more unhappy. She never takes care of Sarah and she never seems to want to be around Sarah or Me." said Bain

"She was never one I could trust much, I will admit I did talk to her a lot but she was a better fighter than a trustworthy wolf. The thing I find strange is when she was under me she loved the fight and war. I find it hard to believe she is happy without that." Said Sheba

"So why do you think she's with me?" said Bain

"She's a spy that's the only thing that could make sense." Said Sheba

"I'm not sure if she is. I would make sense since she did work for you when you tried to kill us."

"If you want I could take you into one of her dreams if she is asleep and we could find out." Said Sheba

"No that won't be needed." Said Bain

"What are you going to go out and ask her?"

"Not that either, look over there." Said Bain pointing a paw to his left

Off in the distance they could see Mai sneaking off into the woods. Sheba smiled and started to follow the smaller wolf. Bain didn't say anything and did the same as Sheba keeping their distance from the wolf they followed. Mai was fast but she couldn't stay out of sight of the two prowling wolves as they kept their keen wolf eyes on her. After a few miles she stopped in the clearing and she waited without moving another paw. Sheba and Bain stayed as far back as they could without losing the ability to hear what would happen.

After about five minutes the wolf they both hoped would not show up did. Talon's pitch black fur rustled as he walked out of the dark woods his red eyes on Mai. He let an evil grin come to his face and he planted a long kiss on Mai's lips which she returned with gusto.

Once they broke apart Talon said "Tell me why you've left your post Mai."

"I'm sorry my lord I'm just not sure what to do anymore. Bain is getting more distant with me and now that your sister is around I can't do much." Said Mai

Talon's eye's glowed with a black light and Mai was thrown toward a tree. She got back up whimpering as Talon walked up to her and said "I gave you an order to watch over the pain in the ass Bain. He will most likely be the one that will find Drako. I need him to start looking for him."

"Bain won't leave anymore..." said Mai but she was cut off

"Because of your child."

"How did you know about her?" said Mai chocking a bit as Talon put a paw on her neck

"I know all Mai and don't worry I know it's not your fault that you got pregnant. All in all, it's my fault for having you do what you did. I see your point and you're right I'm going to have to change things somewhat if I'm to win this war. You're no longer needed in Drako's Peak Mai so go back for the night then meet me tomorrow. I have bigger plans for you my lover." Said Talon an evil tone in his voice

"Why are you having me go back if I'm not needed there anymore?" said Mai

"I need you to do one more thing for me before you leave. Find and Kill Ray and Tella for me. They are Drako's children and if they're dead when he gets back along with his dying mate then he will want my blood." Said Talon

"Why do you want him to hate you so much my lord."

Talon roared with laughter then said "The reason I want him to hate me Mai is because hate is the best way to make him fight me and mess up. With his mind clouded by his hate he will not fight to his full power. Once I beat him then I'll take is power and rule over all this land. Now stop asking stupid questions and get the hell out of my sight."

"Yes sir." Said Mai turning to leave

"We should warn the others come." Said Sheba

"We won't make it back in time to warn them before Mai arrives back." Said Bain

"We will close your eye and trust Me." said Sheba as her eyes turned green

Bain knew what she was going to do and he closed his eyes tight. A rushing sensation ran through Bain's body. He felt everything vanish from underneath him and then reaper in only seconds. Bain opened his eyes to find himself right in the front entrance of Drako's Peak. Sheba had used her power of transportation to move them both safely away from Talon and Mai.

Sheba fell to the ground and Bain ran up to say "Sheba are you ok?"

"I will be it's just that using my power to move myself is hard. Go find Ray and Tella; tell them to hide in their mothers cave. I'll go find Sheba and tell her what's happening." Said Sheba

"You're too weak." Said Bain

"GOOOO...." Yelled Sheba

Bain took off in the direction of Ray and Riley's cave. It only took a few minutes to reach but in his panic it seemed to take much longer. Once he was to it he found Tella and Riley inside. Bain froze and said "Where's your brother?"

"He's out looking for you, he has Sarah with him. She wanted to see her father and Ray said he would take her to see you." Said Tella

"Bain what's wrong?" said Riley

"Mai's a traitor working for Talon, she was just told to come back and kill Ray and you." Said Bain

"How do you know this Bain." Said Riley

"Sheba and I saw her sneaking off; we wondered what she was up to so we followed and we over heard her talking to Talon. She is in love with him I can tell and she is on her way now." Said Bain

"Then we have to go stop her." Said Tella

"You need to stay here and hide with you mother Tella."

"NO. I'm a strong fighter too and I can stand up for myself." Yelled Tella

"And so am I." said Riley

"No Riley you need to stay in here. You're in no shape to be fighting why don't you go and let mother know what's happening." Said Riley

"You're right I just forgot, but please don't let anything happen to Ray." Said Riley

"We won't." said Tella

Riley passed by Bain without another word heading for Ariel's cave. Bain watched her go then said to Tella "What's wrong with her?"

"Nothing bad but it's not my place to say let's be off." Said Tella

Bain didn't argue as he followed Tella through the twisting caverns of Drako's Peak. As he watched her running in front of him he realized that she was a grown wolf now. He still found himself thinking of her and Ray as pups. It was a strange thing to think about, almost two years ago he had watched them being born. Now here he was following the blood of his cousin and friend both great worriers and he hadn't even known it. The more he thought about it the more he realized that it had been over two years now since he first met Drako, Ariel, and Ti.

"This pack has gotten big in the last few years." Bain thought to himself

They had reached the outer cave but they still had far to run so Bain kept his mind on the past. He knew that Drako, Sheba, and himself had power that no one could explain. Then he knew that Ray had been able to slow down time when he was attacking Talon. Did this mean that power was passed down in their blood line? If so then what was Tella's power and would Sarah have power too when she got older?

"Tella can you tell me something." Said Bain

"What is it?" said Tella not slowing down or looking at him

"You know of the power we have."

"The one Talon, Sheba, you, Ray, and My Father have. What about it?"

"Do you have any power?" said Bain

"Ha, I think so but nothing has shown up yet, I can feel it bubbling inside me but it's not ready to come out." Said Tella

"I see, that was the same for me too. I always knew about my power but never what it was or how to make it work. Who knows maybe if Ti didn't die I would've never known about it." Said Bain

"You would have found out at some time but don't say that it was because of Ti's death. He loved you and you him so try to keep his memory happy."

"Your right thanks Tella..." started Bain but he was cut off by a small howling to the west of them

"That was Sarah." Said Tella

"I know lets go right away." Said Bain running off in the direction of the howl

They made their way toward the howling voice and after a couple of minutes they reached a clearing. Within it were Ray, Sarah, and Mai. Sarah was on the ground crying and howling for Bain. Ray had a large cut on his right side and he stood I front of Sarah to shield her. Bain moved fast and put himself in the middle to his now Ex-mate and his little girl and Ray. He turned to face her and said "What do you think you're doing Traitor."

"Whatever are you talking about Bain?" Said Mai with a small grin

"Don't play dumb with me bitch I overheard you talking with Talon. How could you do this to us Mai?" said Bain

"So you over heard us then, well I guess I can tell you everything then. I was sent to the pack to help Talon. He needed someone close to you so I could get them warn out and sleepy one day so he could take over. The problem was it had to be right after something bad happened. I arranged to have the wild dog pack attack and kill someone close to you. Once you lost your mate Ti I used that to may advantage to get close to you. I used you from the beginning Bain and you never knew. You are just as stupid as your mother aren't you." Said Mai

"You're the reason the wild dog's came and Ti died you are a low down bitch after all and what about Sarah?" said Bain

Mai's face went blank for a moment but then it got happy again as she said "She was a mistake that I plan on fixing right now."

"She is your own flesh and blood why would you just ignore that for an ass like Talon." Said Bain

"Talon is my lover and he is always right. I never wanted a little brat like her and she's also a part breed like you." Said Mai

"You bitch." Yelled not Bain but Ray and he attacked

Bain could tell something was different about her because she didn't move an inch. Right before he reached her something stopped him in mid air then threw him back. Ray slammed into the ground hard; Bain could tell it knocked the breath out of him.

Mai giggled and said "Talon put protection around me to make sure I could kill Tella and Ray with out to much trouble. Ray's power to stop time wouldn't work because he still couldn't touch me and Tella doesn't have power."

"Mai you forget one thing." Said Bain

"What's that?"

"My power is stronger than Talon thinks." Yelled Bain and he reached down and pulled at his power

He let out the same kind of light he did the day he killed the Great Dane. Only this time he pushed the power in the direction he wanted. Instead of it blasting out wildly Bain made it shoot in one direction. The red blast of light slammed into the barrier and went around Mai. Mai started to laugh but Bain made the beam of light of keep going. For the first few seconds it seemed like nothing would happen but then a crack appeared in mid air. The barrier seemed to be braking, and Bain smiled and pushed the power out harder.

"What's happening?" yelled Mai then she screamed as the barrier broke and she was thrown into a tree

Bain stopped the blast once the barrier was broken then he said "Looks like I was right."

Mai got up off the ground and spit out a glob of blood then screamed "You're a dead wolf." And she attacked

Bain was ready for it but to his surprise Tella ran up to Mai and picked her up by the back of the neck and through her farther than a normal wolf should have been able too. Mai went flying almost a half mile before slamming into another tree leaving a nice sized crack on the trunk. She slowly got up to her feet with blood slowly going down her face.

Tella ran at her again yelling "You're the one how should be scared Mai. You attacked my family and made fun of me. For that and for betraying your pack and pup you can die."

Tella almost slammed into Mai but she moved out of the way at the last second. This made Tella run right into the tree but it didn't stop her. Tella's head and body crashed right though the tree like it was paper. There was a loud crash as the tree fell to earth and Tella yelled again.

"Just stand still and let me kill you."

"What did I make the poor brat cry." Said Mai Laughing at Tella

"You bitch." Yelled Tella again

"Stop Tella don't do it." Said Ray getting up and using his power to stop time and he was in front of his sister with in a second

"Don't try to stop me Ray." Yelled Tella

"Don't she isn't worth it." Said Ray

"I can make you move brother." Said Tella tears forming on her face

Mai just watched in interest as brother and sister fought. As they did she said "You all have no idea how powerful you all are and that is what will kill you. Tella you're brother is trying to say your week why don't you show him you're not."

"NOOOO..." screamed Tella "I'm not weak."

"Mai stop this." Said a voice from behind them all

They all turned and saw Ariel standing alongside Sheba. Ariel looked like she was on death door again. Her fur was grayer than ever and her eyes seemed to be getting less bright. But still she stood tall and proud like any alpha should and said "I won't sit back and watch my family kill each other. Tella come to me at once and Ray you do the same."

"Mother don't, she..." Started Tella but she was cut off by Sheba

"This bitch will pay don't you worry but you need to control your anger and do as your told." Said Sheba

The two stopped their fighting and moved over to Ariel. Once there She looked at Mai and said "This is my pack Mai and for you information most of them here have their own power just like Talon. We could kill you now and be done with you for what you've done."

"Talon would kill you all for killing Me." said Mai laughing again

It was Sheba that spoke this time "So you think my brother loves you is that it?"

"He does love me more than anything in the world." Said Mai

"My brother is the most evil animal to walk this earth Mai and if you think he can love then you need help. Talon doesn't have the ability to care about anything but himself. That is why he is so dangerous, because no one's life is more important than his own and that makes them expendable. If you are no use to him anymore he will kill you too." Said Sheba

"Don't say that Sheba, you don't know what he's really like." Said Mai

"I don't know him you say and you think you do. I've known and fought with him for thousands of years and you say I don't know him. Fine then we will send you back to him beaten up and see if he attacks us for it. You'll see what I mean once he says it's all your fault." Said Sheba

The others moved in and started to bite and beat on Mai with all they could muster. By the time they had finished Mai was whimpering and bloody. Sheba then walked up to her with a smile and she used her power of transportation to send her back to her brother.

Sheba panted hard as the energy she spent took its toll then she said "We need to find Drako and soon."

"Why." Said Bain walking up to the wolf

"My Sin's from my past have taken its toll now and if Drako doesn't show up soon then I fear we will all die." Said Sheba

"What do you mean?" said Ariel

"He may have someone with him that can fix you. I don't know how this someone is but I can feel it." said Sheba

"But what do you mean by your sin's." said Ariel

"Ariel it's you, if I didn't make you sick before I died you would've had the strength to not let Talon attack you like he did. He took advantage of your week body to implant the new sickness in you. If you were at full strength then he wouldn't have been able to do that." Said Sheba

"Sheba whatever happens to me was never your fault and don't ever tell yourself that. You sin's are forgiven by the god of war and me so please don't worry anymore about it. We need you to be strong right now so that way our pack can survive until Drako returns." Said Ariel

"Sheba we all forgive you for what happened but you need to know that it's not us that you need to apologize too." Said Bain

Sheba looked at him and said "I know and once he's back I'll do that."

Bain smiled at her then turned toward a tree not far away from him where Sarah was hiding. She had run off once the fighting started and Bain knew she needed to be comforted so he said "Sarah it's ok come out."

She did with her face covered in tears and she said "Mommy mean to you."

"I know honey and I'm sorry she was." Said Bain licking the tears from her muzzle

"What did I do? Was I bad?" said Sarah

Bain felt tears coming to his face too as he said "No Sarah you were a good girl, mommy just needs to stay away for now ok."

"Will you stay with me Daddy?" said Sarah

"We all will." Said Bain as the rest of them walked up to the little pup

Tella was the only one that stayed back sitting along and crying to herself. Sarah saw her and went up to her to say "Tella want to play."

Tella's small tears stopped as she looked down at the pup and said "Why would you want to play with me?"

"You saved Daddy from Mommy." Said Sarah

"I did." Said Tella

Bain smiled and knew what the little three month old pup was doing and he walked up to her and said "Sure you did Tella, I know you feel like you didn't do much here today but you showed me you are truly Drako's child. Who knows what Mai would have done to Sarah if you didn't attack her? Also you do have power just like the rest of us. You're just as special as we are so please cheer up and play with her."

Tella sniffed and said "Ever sense my father disappeared I wasn't sure what use I could be to anyone. I was never a good fighter and all I ever did was sleep around with males all the time. I always wanted to be helpful to you all but I didn't know how I could be. Now when my powers show themselves it's not what I wanted."

"Whatever do you mean Tella to me it looked like your power is super strength." Said Ariel

"It is and what good is that when my brother can stop time, Bain can blast deadly energy, Sheba can do her mind and transporting thing, and dad can do whatever we can do. What use is there in being able to lift heave things?" said Tella

"Think about it Tella, Your power is great. If you wanted to you could have killed Mai with your attack. Super strength is a power most of us would love to have." Said Sheba

"You would?" said Tella

"That was a cool thing you did Tella." Said Sarah giggling

"Thanks little one come one lets go play." Said Tella getting up and sniffing a few times

"That's right Tella go enjoy yourself with Sarah for a bit." Said Bain

She smiled then ran off following the small pup as she dashed off toward Drako's Peak. Ariel, Ray, Sheba, and Bain all looked at one another with small smiles that didn't really hide their fear. Ariel looked at Sheba and said "Thanks again."

"Sure thing Ariel come one I'll help you get back up to your cave." Said Sheba

The two started to walk off and with nothing else left to do Ray and Bain followed. They stayed away from the two females as they walked trying find something to say. It was Bain that finally said "Thanks for watching over Sarah."

Ray looked over at him with a sad look and said "You shouldn't thank me all I did was keep her behind me."

"Yes but if she wasn't with you Mai could have killed her or you at anytime."

"Well that's true and you're welcome. I did have fun with her today, or at least before what just happened. She's a lot like you in a way Bain."

"Well she is like me when I was young but as I grew I became harder toward the world. I hope we can end this all before she has to become more like me. If only Ti was here he would know what to do." Said Bain

"If he was here Sarah wouldn't be."

"I know but in general I mean he always knew what to do next."

"Do you think he would be mad at you for mating with a female?" said Ray

"No not at all I think he would be happy for me and if he came back I know he would love Sarah as one of his own." Said Bain

"How do you know?"

"He always said he would love a pup of his own and he would have one if he liked females. He was a sweet fox and always happy." Said Bain tears building up in his eyes

"Bain can I ask you something personal?" said Ray

"It's fine with me."

"Do you hate your mother and father for your being a Half Breed?" said Ray

Bain Laughed and said "I did at first but I grew up being teased for it. As I grew older I found I liked it more than being a full wolf or dog. Some may make fun of me but I know deep down that I have the best of both worlds. Why do you ask?"

"Riley's going to have a pup or pup's I'm not sure." Said Ray

"Congratulations." Said Bain

"But the pup will be like you and what if she..." started Ray but Bain cut him off

"She will not hate you at all Ray. You know my past and you can see why I hated my parents at first. With you and Riley I know you'll be good parents to your pup." Said Bain

"What if we have more than one pup?" said Ray

"I don't think you will." Said Sheba from over her shoulder

"Why not." Said Bain and Ray

Sheba and Ariel stopped and Sheba said "The ones with power like your family only has one pup per littler. The only known wolf to have more than one is Drako and that was you and Tella. Drako is different from the rest so it makes sense."

"But what about my mother she had a brother." Said Bain

"She had a Half Brother. Toga and Sheila had the same father but different mothers." Said Sheba

"Whatever happened to him?" said Bain

"When I had control of Sheila he asked me to send him away. When I did I took his memories of Shelia or anyone. From what I know sense then he found a new pack and had Drako who was called Ray as a pup." Said Sheba

"My father had my name when he was young?" said Ray

Sheba looked at him and said "Yes he was named Drako by the wolves of Yellowstone for his great fighting strength, but before that he was called Ray. Now let me finish. Toga had a dream that this world would come to an end and his own son would hate him for making it come. Toga left hoping that he would stop this dream from coming true. From that I don't know what ever happened to him. I only know that much because I kept an eye on him until then."

"So he could still be alive out there." Said Bain

"No I do know that he did die a few years ago." Said Sheba

"That suck we could have used his power." Said Bain

"He did have the power to read minds but he didn't like using it that much."

"It must be hard not knowing who you are even once you die." Said Ariel

"He remembered everything when he died. The only two ways to get your memory back is to be close to death or to see the one you were meant to forget." Said Sheba

"Wow." Said Bain

"Come on all of you lets be getting back to the Peak. It's getting late and I don't want to take a chance of Talon attacking." Said Ariel and they all nodded there heads and worked their way back to the formation

Back at Talon's Cave...

A flash of Green light lit up the surrounding Trees as Mai was thrown back into the earth by Sheba's spell. Talon looked up from his now disturbed nap to see his wolf limping toward him blood covering her body. The Black wolf just looked at her with his Red eye's.

"I see you failed to kill anyone." Said Talon

"Master...I'm...Sorry." Said Mai weakly

"I'm sure you are but now you have let me down Mai. How can I trust a wolf if she can't even do what she is told?" said Talon

"I'll do better next time sir, but I did do one good thing I gave up my own flesh just for you. My daughter is no longer mine."

"So you do not want the child as your pup?"

"No sir."

"Well at least one good thing happened even if its' a small one." Said Talon

"Sir may I rest my body hurts."

"I don't think you should get any help at all Mai but since I am in need I will heal you this time. But if you ever mess up again I will kill you do you understand." Said Talon

"Yes sir I do."

"Good." Said Talon and his eyes turned yellow and within seconds all of Mai's cuts were healed

"Thank you master how can I ever repay you?" said Mai

"You can help me with a small problem I need attending too." Said Talon lifting his leg and showing off his fully hard twelve inch red cock

Mai smiled and moved toward him to duck down and start licking the large member. Talon let out a satisfied moan as he felt the warm wolf tongue run smoothly over his member. Mai saw how much he liked it and she moved down more to lick over his balls and cock. This made him shiver and almost howl since he hadn't had sex in so long.

Mai stopped her licking after a few moments and placed her mouth over his member taking as much in as she could. She slowly moved her head down them back up sucking hard as she did so. Talon's body calmed and he closed his eyes as she continued to suck as much hard meat as possible. She moaned more as the shots of pre cum that was shooting down her mouth made her body want it's own fun. She moaned over his cock as she rubbed her tail over her now swollen pussy. The sensation of having her fur and tail teasing her as she sucked off Talon was wonderful.

Talon on the other hand felt his climax coming on and he started to hump his hips hard toward her face. Mai almost gagged on his member when he started to do this but she didn't care. Soon Talon let out a long howl as his orgasm came and he let his wolf seed fly out into her mouth. Mai swallowed a lot of it but Talon pulled back and his cock slipped out of her mouth and shot her in the face with more cum.

Talon moved away from her and he panting hard as his cock shot little spurts of cum on to the floor. He took a moment to rest then he walked back over to his bitch without saying a word and he mounted her. Mai was a little afraid of him but once he put his cock up to her pussy and slammed it in she soon forgot her fear. The first few times it hurt but the pain soon was replaced by pleasure.

Talon didn't care much if he was giving Mai the pleasure she wanted or not all he cared about was getting his own needs taken care of. He hammered hard and fast into her pussy making her whimper and moan as she was fucked. Mai felt tears fall down her face as Talon fucked her and moved faster and harder than she was used to. It didn't take long for her Pussy to tighten up and orgasm hard all over his cock. One she did her body fell to the ground again and Talon's knot slammed inside of her.

Talon let out a satisfied howl as Mai screamed in pain. Talon once again came hard filling the smaller wolf up with his seed. The smell of sex filled the cave and it only aroused Mai more and she too had another hard Orgasm. Talon took a moment to catch his breath then he pulled out hard. Mai's body couldn't take it and she passed out from the pain as white and red liquid came out of her fucked snatch.

Talon laughed and said "That was nice and maybe next time you'll do as you're told."

He cleaned himself up but left her along not wanting to lower himself to clean his bitch. Talon had come up with an idea as he slept early and now that Mai was back he could go out take care of business. He set off for Drako's Peak at once leaving the small wolf to sleep in the cave.

As he walked the animals that traveled the land seemed to not want to be near him. The forest stayed quiet as ever as he walked which was fine with him. Talon hated the noise of other animals and the quiet was better for him to know if anyone was going to attack. The Peak came into view within a few more minutes of walking but it wasn't his destination. He move toward the river that ran by Drako's Peak.

He found a tree with claw marks in it and a small mound. Talon started to dig and soon he came upon a dead fox. The body was mostly bone now with some skin and fur still on it. Talon thought back to the first powers he had ever gotten many years ago before he was locked in hell. The one he was controlling at the time had great power and one he loved. Talon searched his body for that one power and he pulled on it with is mind making it flow out and into the dead fox.

It was a time reversal power one that only worked on dead things. Talon watched as the fox's body started to re-grow and get bigger. Once the fox looked like it was just a sleeping animal Talon used his other power from long ago. His eye's glowed pink as he called back the soul of the animal to its earthly body. The fox started to breath and moan as it opened its eyes.

Talon used one more power to make himself look like the half breed Bain. The fox looked up at what he thought was his lover Bain and said "My love what happened?"

"You had an accident and fell into a coma your just waking up Ti." Said Talon using Bain's voice

"How long have I been asleep?" said Ti

"A few months but we don't have time for this. I need a favor from you Ti." Said Talon

"What is it my love?"

"I had a dream about Drako. He's going to be passing through his old home land soon and I need you to find him and lead him home. I would go myself but only I know that you're awake. Once you find him bring him right to see Ariel." Said Talon

"But can't I at least go and rest for a bit I feel like crap." Said Ti

"I wish you could but if you don't leave at one you'll miss him and he will never find his way home. Please my love do it for me." said Talon

Ti looked at the fake Bain for a long moment then said "If you need it of me then I'll do it. I'll leave at once tell Miss Ariel I said hi if you can and I hope she's feeling better."

"I'll tell her once your far enough away for them to not stop you. I can't have anyone else leave right now." Said Talon


Talon hesitated for a moment and said "The evil one called Talon is here like we had been told and we need out strong fighters with us."

"I see then I'll leave right now. I love you Bain." Said Ti kissing Talon's cheek and running off into the dark woods

Talon laughed as he watched the fox disappear and he said "That's right little fox run and bring Drako back here to meet his maker. Once he's back you can enjoy a few moments with your gay friend then I'll kill you again."

Talon laughed louder and louder as he changed back into himself. The darkness surrounding him seemed to get denser until hit hid him from view. Ti on the other hand ran as fast as his little fox legs would go. He didn't know what was wrong with him but for some reason he felt like something about what Bain had said was wrong.

"Stop Ti." Said a voice in his head

"Who's there." Yelled Ti

A larger than life Red wolf appeared in front of him and said "I am the god of war Drako-Lupus Ti.

"What do you want with me?" said Ti

The god smiled and said "To tell you the truth, the wolf you just spoke with was not your mate Bain but the evil one called Talon. You dies months ago and he brought you back to life with no memory of your death. He wants to fight and kill Drako and that is why he has sent you to get him."

"If that's true then why doesn't he just go find him." Said Ti

"Talon likes to play games with people's hearts that's why. I came here to let you know this and to tell you that if he wanted he could kill you again. I will put a spell on you that will make you really alive and once I do I want you to do as you were told by Talon. We do need Drako back now and if I could help him I would but this is the best I could do. Once you get back to Drako's Peak with Drako help Sheba as much as you can. She will need your help and guidance." Said Drako-Lupus

"I know that you speak true about your story but why should I help Sheba she's evil." Said Ti

"Just remember that everyone has some good in them. Well everyone but Talon that is. I can't stay much longer but here is my gift to you and Bain." Said Drako-Lupus and before he disappeared he torched to top of Ti's head

Ti gasped as he felt like something was being sucked out of his body. He fell to the ground gasping for air as he the feeling intensified. He coughed hard and a glob of tar looking stuff flew out of him. He got back to his feet feeling better than he had in a long time. The a lot of things happened at once, first his memories of the day he died came rushing back to him, then he felt like he needed a long nap, and last he walk a few steps and he passed out.

Ti looked up and found himself at the top of Drako's Peak over looking the land beyond. The land was covered in ash and fire with dead animals filling the land. In the distance stood a black wolf with red eye's looking at the dead land and laughing as he over looked the death around him. Ti could see his friends among the dead. Ti turned to run and help them but he saw four wolves and two foxes blocking his way.

The two foxes seemed to be talking to the wolves, one of the was Drako and the others he didn't know. Two of them were white with red eye's and one was black and white. Ti want to go and find out what was going on but the land seemed to explode in red light. The wolves and foxes disintegrated in the light hit them. Ti awoke screaming and getting to his feet ready to run. He looked around and saw he was back in the woods where he passed out.

"I need to find you at once Drako." Said Ti and he ran off again heading south east toward Yellowstone hoping he would find him in time...

Drako, Ray, Tella, Ariel, Ti, Bain, Sheba, Drako-Lupus, Talon, Toga, Sarah, Mai, and Riley are the property of me Drakowolf