Arrival at Terminus

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#8 of DigiDead Part 3

Season finale, or last story in chapter

Veemon was sitting at a table. Sitting next to him was his lover Mikemon. There was a lovely feast prepared. The doorbell rang. Mikemon stood up, "I'll get it."

She opened the door and it was Patamon, Gatomon and Kade. Patamon was wearing a festive hat and Gatomon was wearing a sweater. They sat down. Veemon smirked and nudged Patamon, "Finally tied the knot huh?" He studied the ring. The doorbell rang again. Mikemon looked surprised, "Huh, I wasn't expecting anyone else."

She opened the door. It was Agumon, Pyomon, Guilmon and Gabumon. She was about to close the door then Shoutmon slid his foot against the door, "Hold up," he yelled. Then he looked back, "Come on Gummy were already late."

Gummdramon had a box. Even more visitors came in; neither Mikemon nor Veemon expected. Scourge came in with Blackgatomon and Kiff. Kiff joined Kade and joining them coming from the upstairs area was Yill. Commandramon came because Agumon was here but it gave him a chance to be with Gaomon his loyal second in command. Also in coming in were Dracomon and Dorumon. Dracmon came as well. Veemon saw all the Digimon he had ever met along the way sit at the large table. Even his father Flamedramon came in. Flamedramon came over and hugged Veemon; "I'm so glad that I could come for the holidays."

Yill came running over and sat on Mikemon's lap for a bit and groaned, "Mommy, Kade keep's pulling my hair."

Veemon looked over, "Hm?"

Mikemon asked, "Is something wrong?"

Veemon looked down, "I guess it's that Yill is growing up faster than I thought."

Flamedramon said, "I was the same way when it came to you."

The door opened and Impmon came in and said, "Always late as always."

In his hand was Blackveemon. Veemon started to breathe a little heavier. Cummdramon placed the box in front of Veemon. Veemon opened the box and showed off the huge turkey. Bearmon said, "Damn we all gonna feast tonight."

Kotemon said, "Amen to that."

Yill ran back over to sit next to Kiff. She extended her hand under the table and Kiff grasped it and they both blushed a bit. All the couples sat next to each other. There was plenty of food spread out the table for everyone. Mikemon gave Veemon the knife, "Here cut the turkey so that we can begin."

Veemon stood up and looked at everyone, "First I just wanted to take this moment to realize that we don't have much time to meet up like this. So I'm glad everyone came. So let's start this bad boy."

He looked down and prepped the knife against the turkey. His hands froze; a chilling sensation came over him. He stared at the turkey focusing so deeply on the meat. He was in a trance. He closed his eyes. A voice asked, "What are you waiting for? Kill it!"

Veemon opened his eyes to see a walker head on the plate. He drew his hand back. He felt a terrible presence. He looked to his left to see Mikemon was bitten on the neck. Veemon couldn't move his body but he shifted his eyes along the table. All the dead bodies of creatures matched up with the way they died. Agumon was holding his cut off head, Blackveemon was a dead walker. Impmon was burned. His father was bit on the neck. Scourge yelled again, "Kill it!"

He looked over and saw Yill's dead body. A tear came down his right eye. Scourge held his hand and Veemon woke from the trance. Veemon stabbed downward at the head. Guilmon got up as there was banging at the front door.

Guilmon yelled, "More walkers at the door."

Kotemon slid katana up ready to go, "Come on to the back."

Everyone Veemon assumed was gone simply disappeared like Bearmon. They went to the back and more walkers attacked from the windows. Veemon followed Kotemon. Scourge said, "We have to get to the roof."

They went out the roof. Kiff saw the next building. Kiff said, "Were going to have to jump."

Veemon looked around seeing all the darkness in the sky and the fires that broke out from the other houses. Veemon cried out, "No!"

His eyes burst open ending that dream that quickly became a nightmare. Kotemon sat up and asked, "Are you ok?"

Veemon looked down, "I will never truly be ok. But I'm alive."

A car stopped near the tunnel. The front door opened, Spike stepped out and looked around. He took a nice sniff of the air. The second door opened and Jade came out with a satchel that had five vials inside it. Spike stretched his arms up clasping them together. Jade turned and said, "Again...?"

Spike looked down and he turned to her. Spike insisted, "You're my only, Jade. I've never felt so sure about anything in my life."

Jade asked, "What about that Rarity you keep moaning over?"

Spike looked down, "She's dead. She was a nagging bitch anyways .The past is the past, the younger me would have just cried just then. Besides I should have been going after someone closer to my size anyway."

Jade asked, "What are you waiting for then. I'm right here."

Spike slid over the car and held Jade hands. He leaned in and kissed her.

She unzipped her blue jeans and he lowered them all the way down to her ankles. He dropped down sticking his tongue out then pressing it against her clit. She placed her hand near her mouth letting her finger bit against her lip almost as she let out a small moan, "mmmmm."

Spike pressed his tongue in deeper. Jade hadn't been pleasured in a while and Spike's tongue was rough which made every movement feel so much more real. He pushed her on the grass gently; she admittedly grabbed the side of his head as his tongue lapsed against the bulb a few times. She looked up then closed her eyes letting him take her away into a blissful state. Her moans grew, "Ohhhhhhhh Spike, that's it."

His tongue pressed against her sensitive skin. She unzipped her orange jacket feeling a deep sweat come on. Spike never worked her up this closer before. She too was trying to hold it in. She lifted her knees and eventually wrapped her legs around his neck so he couldn't escape. His tongue flapped up and down and side to side reaching every part of her. She couldn't bare it as his speed overwhelmed her. She clenched his hands on his head even harder. She grunted, "Aghhhhhhhhhh."

Her juices flew out; Spike moved his arms to her knees moving them off him. He pulled back then climbed up her. It was his purple dick that would now rest against her clit for only a moment before he aligned himself and pushed inside her without a break. His scaly dick was even rougher than his tongue and he pushed up against her even faster than usually. This time Spike moaned, "Jade! Jade, ahhhhhh fuck yeah."

He lifted her legs and she wrapped around him again as he fucked her on the grass. Jade lifted up white t-shirt as she was working up even more of a heat. Jade moaned, "Yes, fuck me Spike. I love you."

Spike starting thrusting faster his hips pulled back as far as Jade would allow them he would push toward her with more force. Jade felt like coming again. Jade moaned, "I can feel it again!"

Spike moaned, "I'm almost there too!"

Jade swerved her hips so that every time Spike pushed in his tip would always hit up against a different side of her. They both moaned together, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh."

They both had an orgasm. This only made Jade even more hot and want Spike more as his semen went inside her. She unwrapped as he started to almost pull out. She clasped his hands pulling herself up let pressed herself deep inside him. Spike moaned, "Ahhhhh...again..."

Jade hooked her arms around his neck and came in a kissed him passionately while she rested inside him. He clasped her hands tight as he let his butt rest against the grass. Jade now pushing Spike down, she started riding of his scaly purple cock that was a bit less rough with all the semen getting wet and lubing up his dick. That turned Spike on as he looked up watching Jade go all the way up to his tip then reach the bottom of the rod. Spike moaned, "Ohhhh fuck..."

Jade knees were on each side of him, unclenched from his hands to push herself up and down faster pushing of his chest then dropping down quicker. She swerved her cunt some more. Spike started to lift up feeling himself getting close. Jade moaned; "that's it!'

Spike closed his eyes again and placed his hands on her hips guiding her to go even faster. They both felt it come again. Jade again placed her hand near her face and this time let her teeth press against her nail. Her hands were grabbed by Spike as he pulled her in for a short kiss, then she lifted back up and they both moaned, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"

They both shared another orgasm.

Dorumon once said, "If you want to survive then you got to fight for it."

Veemon looked up waking from that perfect dream. He looked down and sighed. The world could have been like that. This hell lived on and he had a look in his eyes. He had lost so dearly. His face tattered in blood. There were no other options. Veemon looked up to the midnight sky.

Veemon, Kiff and Kotemon continued. Kiff asked, "When we get to Terminus, do we tell them the truth?"

Veemon answered, "We tell them who we are..."

Kiff asked, "Who are we?"

They continued to head into the woods. They heard a scream. Kiff ran up ahead.

Veemon called out, "Kiff."

He stopped as one man was trying to fend off against a crowd of walkers. Kiff said, "We have to do something."

Veemon pulled him back, "No, there is nothing we can do."

Kiff saw as the guy started to get bit on the side of the face them was being pulled down. Kiff just sighed then two of the walkers saw them. Veemon started toe head back only hearing the screams, "Let's go."

They headed back to the tracks. They saw another group of walkers in front of them. Kotemon lead on and Veemon and Kiff followed up. Kotemon pulled out his katana and swiped cleanly across taking out a walker. Veemon and Kiff used the butts of their guns. They continued to run off.

Back at the grove; the small burial that belonged to T.K started to crumble. His hand pushed upward, his head pushed out next as he let out a long undead moan. His eyes blank white; and his mouth gaped open. He crawled out. He looked around being rather idle for a bit. It took a sniff. The other two bodies were for his taking. Patamon went to the tracks and started to follow them. He spotted the grove seeing a small walker. Patamon walked over then stopped when he recognized who the walker was.

Patamon clasped his stubbed fingers, "Not you..."

He searched his pocket. He had a purple crystal surrounded by a metallic device. He pulled it up looking at T.K. Patamon let out a sigh. T.K noticed him and started to move toward him wanting his flesh.

Patamon pinned T.K down and placed the machine that attached his T.K's chest. Patamon watered up and some tears came down. His eyes went from purely white to having the umbrella insignia on it. Patamon whispered, "I bet you want your lover now."

T.K just stood still. Patamon sighed once more. He grabbed T.K's hand and pulled him along. Patamon searched his pocket. He had only one more purple crystal and he was already intent on using it on Tommy

Veemon, Kotemon and Kiff got off the tracks and found a dead car. They figured this would be the best place to rest for tonight. Kiff was inside the car while Veemon and Kotemon sat outside. Suddenly a gun was held up to Veemon's head.

A voice said, "Don't get any funny ideas."

Veemon froze. Another figure came out and held a gun to Kotemon's head. A third creature went to the window waking up Kiff.

The fox said, "You're going to pay for our guy you killed at the barn."

Then Scourge came out and saw that Alex was holding down Veemon. Darien was at the car. Scourge came over and Veemon saw Scourge come up.

Alex said, "It's the new year's so were going to have an old fashioned countdown. Ten, nine, eight..."

Scourge lowered his crossbow, "Don't do anything to them. They're good creatures."

Alex said, "They killed one of ours and you say there good. That is a lie. And you know how we feel about liars."

Scourge said, "You want blood, then take mine."

Two more men hold Scourge back and start to beat him down. Alex said, "First were going kill you're katana wielding friend there, the young cat, then Scourge over there and will save you for last."

Alex held the gun. Veemon could feel Alex's finger move. He kicked back while tilting his head. Alex misfired. The ringing from the gun effected Veemon's hearing. Alex felt the ricochet as he fell back a bit. It was enough of a distraction for Kotemon to push out. But then, Darien pulled Kiff out of the car. Kotemon sees Kiff is a trouble and the guy took the gun back and slapped Kotemon back down. Darien was shoving Kiff into the ground being extremely aggressive. Alex regains himself and brings Veemon in and whispered, "No you can't do a thing. And you're going pay for that."

Veemon could see everything happening before him. Scourge was getting beat down. Kiff still being shoved by Darien and, Kotemon was still in a predicament. Veemon closed his eyes for only a moment.

For that one moment there felt like there was nothing he could do. But then he heard Dorumon's voice say, "If you want to survive, you got to fight for it!"

Veemon's eyes opened he leaned his head back then came in and bite Alex in the neck. Alex drew back as Veemon deep sharp teeth dug into them then pulled out. Alex tried to hold his neck. Everyone else just stopped and they could all see the actions Veemon took in order to become free. Kotemon took the gun back again and this time shot him and shot one of the guys beating down Scourge. Scourge got up and picked up his crossbow and slapped the other guy down with it. Darien held Kiff captive. The others held back. Veemon growled, "I got him."

Veemon just came right at him. Darien let go of Kiff and waved in total concern, "Whoa man..."

Veemon took his knife and stabbed him right under the chin going upward digging inside him. The others watched as Veemon stabbed Darien over and over again even in death. After Veemon rested against the car, Scourge sat beside him. Scourge asked, "You ok?"

Veemon shrugged slightly, "I guess."

Scourge moved his hand on Veemon's shoulder, "You had to do it. There was no other option. I'm sorry for that. I was with Emily before and we were surviving for a while. Then Emily was just gone and it was just me. They came along and I was alone. So I tagged along because they had a simple code, a stupid code but still simple. I didn't know they were hunting after you. I didn't know what they were capable of."

Veemon looked at Scourge, "its ok. Scourge you're like a brother to me."

Scourge looked up to the dark sky, "We should rest up here for a bit."

Scourge went to the road and stacked his gear beside him. Kotemon went in the blue car with Kiff. Kiff was already sound asleep. Kotemon padded Kiff's stuff green fur. He tilted down and kissed Kiff's forehead. He pulled back up and Kiff eyes opened and he whispered, "Hey..."

He leaned up a bit more and they kissed again. They tongue's danced with the strain of surviving in the back of their minds. Kiff undid his pants and Kotemon kissed down his green furry chest and came up against his barbed dick. Kotemon licked it and undid himself as well. His grey dick rested against Kiff for a moment. Kiff started to lick Kotemon's cock as well. Kotemon started sucking and Kiff couldn't find himself being able to return the favor. He was moaning and for the first time in a while meowing in a lustful way, "Ahhhhhhh, moew! Nyahhhhhhhh!"

In the back of his mind Yill was still there doing this. Kiff was still getting used to Kotemon being his first male partner. But her smirked as he tiled his head seeing Kotemon gladly taking in his entire cock, bobbing to get the entire shaft and arouse even further by using his tongue as well. Kiff closed his eyes grabbed Kotemon's ass-cheeks as he moaned, "Ahhhhhhhhh."

His orgasm leaked out. Kiff leaned back in not waiting for an invitation to work on Kotemon's grey furry cock. Kiff liked how the fur bristled and tickled his tongue slightly. When Kiff went to work he could only see Kotemon. He heard Kotemon moaning softly, "mmm, mmm, mmm"

Kiff pressed his finger against Kotemon's asshole then pressed it in to see if Kotemon would moan louder. Kotemon held it in. Even after not having sex with a male for a while Kotemon still seemed to be a rather quite moaner, "Nyah, Nyah, Nyah."

Kiff used his tongue as well and Kotemon clenched against the seat as his semen went inside Kiff. Kotemon slid down and slid over to the other seat. Kiff purred and clawed against the seat dragging himself closer. Kiff turned Kotemon over; Kotemon placed his hands on the top of the chair. Kiff pressed his cock against Kotemon's asshole and pushed it inside it penetrating Kotemon for the second time. Kiff pushed against Kotemon and moaned, "Moan for me my love. Let it out for once."

Kotemon closed his eyes and let the lust of Kiff's love take over. Kotemon relieved himself from his shell and with his dick throbbing he let out a full lustful moan, "Ahhhhhhhhhh fuck."

Kiff moaned, "That's it!...Aghhhhhhhhhh."

Kiff excitement made him have an orgasm early then he anticipated. Kotemon's had once as well as his semen slid down his cock. Kiff pulled back then quickly went back to the other side. He went on his paws lifting up his butt and moaned, "Now it you're turn."

Kotemon turned and placed his hands on Kiff's green ass. Kotemon let his dick press against his ass and slid it a few times before pushing inside Kiff. Kiff yelped, "Meow! Fuck that's amazing.

Kotemon grunted as he started to hump Kiff. This was the most lustful Kiff had felt since his first time with Yill. He was loosing himself in sex. Kiff moaned, "Yes, Yes, That's it, faster."

Kotemon humped faster and he started to moan to, "Ahh, ahhhhh, ahhhhhhhh."

Kiff clawed against the car this being the first time taking anal sex. Kiff closed his eyes, "Fu...fuck!"

Kiff sperm shot out first; Kotemon closed his eyes and moaned, "Aghhhhhhhhhh!"

Kotemon filled up Kiff. Kotemon pushed back and rested. Kiff once again rested on Kotemon's lap. Kiff blushed, "I love you Kotemon."

Kotemon smiled and blushed as well, "I love you too Kiff."

Jade rested her hands on the hood. Jade turned back, "Haven't you had enough. We kind of have a schedule to keep to."

Spike was laying in the grass. He was still rather aroused. He sat up, "This is one time when falling behind will be good trust me. Plus we haven't done this since the prison. And if you hadn't notice I've been only calling your name now."

Jade smirked, "I suppose."

Spike sat up and came up to her moving hands to her hips. Spike said, "You're lovely."

Her pants were still down as he guided his scaly dick this time going for her asshole. He penetrated her and she pressed against the car. Jade moaned, "Fuck me!"

Spike smirked as he closed her eyes. While Spike was humping her he started to reach over to her satchel. He carefully grabbed one of the vials. He moaned on purpose, "Ahhhhhh," while opening the vial to she wouldn't hear it open. He led his dick come on for a moment the dropped a little of the substance on his tip. He slid his cock under and searched for her cunt. He pressed inside her and the substance went along going inside her. Jade hadn't noticed the pleasure was just too much. Spike had a rather sinister smirk as he used his knees to buck against her. Jade moaned, "Ahhhhhhhh fuck."

She was reaching her limit while Spike was just like a nonstop bunny. His semen shot and the substance went off his tip and rested inside of her as well. Spike cradled behind Jade and said, "I hope you get pregnant, I've wanted to have a child with you since we were at the prison."

Spike finally pulled out. Jade turned around and sat on the hood of the car, "So that's the reason for all the vaginally sex lately?"

Spike nodded, "Yup, I love you Jade and I want us to share our future together and have a beautiful child."

Jade let his fingers slid through her silky black hair as she blushed, "I love you too Spike."

Spike almost slipped back hearing those words bounce back at him he played it off with a cough. Jade asked, "You alright?"

Spike put his thumbs up, "A-O.K"

Veemon woke up and so did the others. They went back down to the tracks. Veemon said, "Were almost there. We should go in from the side and scope out the area."

They went into the woods and came up to a fence. Veemon put one of his guns in a bag. He placed the bag on the ground then started to shovel it to keep it hidden in the dirt. Scourge looked at him. Veemon said, "Just in case."

They split up, Veemon went with Scourge to check on one way and Kiff went with Kotemon in the other direction.

Kotemon asked, "Why didn't you go with Veemon?"

Kiff blushed a bit, "Well I could be with you..."

Kotemon looked down, "You see him as a monster now...I don't need to be afraid of him. I told you my last lover died. But I never said how. "

Kiff asked with a bit of jealously peeking out, "Is that important?"

Kotemon nodded, "Yeah. We were held up in a place that seemed secured. But day by day people started to lose hope and left. He was high and I was in the other side. When I came I saw him and his friend get bit. I knew what would happen and I could have killed them. But I let them turn. I cut off their lower mouths and arms and I put chains on them. They hid me in from the infected and I was in a dark place for a long time. I was lost. But then Veemon and Mikemon found me. You brought me back. You made me believe that I could love again. But still I was a monster too. I still am..."

Kiff looked down, "Veemon still treats me like his son, and he's doing his hardest to protect me. I don't think he realizes that I'm a monster too. I shot a kid point blank and I didn't even flinch over it. I would have killed Tails if I were to have met up with him."

Kotemon hugged Kiff and after checking the area they all meet up again. They hopped over the fence and went in the back. They went into the first building they saw. They saw a woman over the radio. She was transmitting a safety message for terminus.

Veemon voce carried around the room, "Hello?"

The woman took off her head peace. One of the men looked up and saw the four of them in a line with their weapons. The man stood there feeling awkward, "Damn I bet Jake was on watch. Well you came in from the back. That's new..."

Veemon asked, "How long has this place been doing this."

The man slowed him down, "First off, my name is Joe. And this place has been up since the outbreak began. If you want a safe haven then you have found it. We just need to check you. You know how it is these days. So please drop you're weapons, this will only take a moment."

They all dropped their weapons. Joe came up and searched them. Joe said, "Alright you're clear."

He gave their weapons back.

Joe pointed over, "Brad here will take out the back, so you can get some food."

Brad brought them out another door. They saw all the progress in food they made in the small gardens. Lucemon came out to the grill. Veemon still looked around very carefully. The others were also paying a great deal of attention to their surroundings. Lucemon said, "Well, you all look like you're starving, let me cook something up."

Veemon looked down at Brad's pocket which seemed stuffed. Veemon gripped his gun looking back at the others and they all saw him and started to get ready. Veemon grabbed him and he pulled out a necklace with a hazard symbol on it. Veemon knew this belonged to Guilmon. Veemon yelled, "Where did you get this?"

Kiff, Kotemon, Scourge and Kotemon all got ready. There were gunned men on the roof; the others held their guns pretty close. Veemon looked to a lady who had on Kumamon's cap.

Veemon yelled, "Where are our friends!?"

They started to back up. Veemon was still holding Brad hostage. Joe came up from behind them. He sighed, "Great now you don't trust us. We found both of these things off of dead people."

Veemon growled, "Bullshit. Where are our friends?"

Joe did a signal with his hand. Veemon yelled out, "Run!"

Veemon shot Brad dead. They commenced shooting at the four of them. They were lead inside and a building with a bunch of candles. Scourge asked, "There not trying to kill us are they?"

Veemon continued running, "No, there shooting near our feet."

Veemon saw an open door and yelled out, "This way!"

They ran up and someone slammed it shut. Scourge pointed at the other door, "Come on."

They were more people on the balconies shooting near them. They went to the other door. They went down a corridor. They went back outside were more guys one roofs were. There were even guys behind the fence. There was a single red cart set aside near one of the buildings. Joe yelled out while getting on the roof, "Drop you're weapons."

They slowly did. Joe yelled, "Now you're all going to get in the red truck in the order I tell you or I'll kill the green cat."

Joe paused for a moment, "First the ring leader."

Veemon was furious he looked to his side. Once again there was no other option. Veemon turned and walked over. Joe continued, "Now the arrow creature."

Scourge sighed and walked. Veemon was stopped at the steps. Joe pointed to Kotemon, "Next the samurai."

He went over as well. All that was left was Kiff. Veemon actually yelled out, "Now my son."

Scourge saw how deeply Veemon was connected to Kiff in the moment. Joe said, "Alright cat head over, Veemon open the door."

He opened the door and they all go in the dark cart. Veemon hugged Kiff as he moved into the corner. Veemon looked to the other side.

A voice called up, "Veemon...?"

Veemon had a curious look. Guilmon stepped out of the shadows along with, Tara, Lena, and some creatures he never saw before.

Guilmon held up his hand trying to calm Veemon down, "Don't worry there our friends. They've helped us get this far."

Veemon trusted Guilmon, "You're friends are in our group now."

Star Fox crossed his arms, "It won't matter, will be dead soon.

Veemon pounded against the door once, "No, will get out."

Star Fox looked down a bit, "What makes you so sure?"

Veemon looked at Star Fox, "I killed one of them."