
Story by Renath on SoFurry

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(Ok, my first story ever writin in english. yay ok lets not get to happy huh? well all I need is comment because I have no idea if this is good or even wrthy posting here.)


The allay was dark and the stones where cold. The moon was bright as her life was darkness. Only darkness and nothing else, always torture and being a toy. From her 16th till now she had lived this life, wondering trough the streets of Tucan. The city where she was well know by some of the furries here. She turned around the corner in another dark alley, only a few houses and a backside of a restaurant.

While walking trough it she held her arms around her blue dragon body, her cold blue eyes small in her face as her muzzle pointed out of her head. Long rows of teeth bared outside. She was skinny from the lack of food and muscles, being slender and thin. You almost could see her bones poking out of her skin. Her shoulder where dark blue and not covered by any cloth, only a piece of cloth covered her breast. She wore a short red skirt till her knees. Her claws where quite small and thin as her legs and feet quite muscular from all the walking she did on a day. Her tail was long, almost as long as her own body while the tip of her tail slithered over the dirty stones.

Further along the allay another, black dragon sat down, smoking a cigarette, about 17 years old, having red eyes, a black jacket and black pants. He saw her and smiled at her, exactly knowing what she was. He threw away his cigarette and stood up, looking fascinated at her. Standing almost 6'2 feet tall on his large, muscular legs and feet. His arms where trained from the work he did. Long and sharp nails extended out of his claw as it gave him the impression not to mess with him.

"Hey blue one, I bet you look for something to eat huh?" She looked up from the ground at him, seeing him standing and smiling at her, his eyes gazing over her body.

"Y-yeah." She lowered her head again and stopped walking before him.

"I give you a good meal and a breakfast plus even shelter for the night if I can have you tonight."

This was how all her nights where being spend, except for her heat days, then she had barely food or water. Those where days she wished she was dead. She nodded at his answer and a smile appeared on his face.

"Good, good girl. You will appreciate it hun."

She only gave him a smile back as he pads over to a door from his home. Opening it for her. She went inside and came in a small, yellow room, lighted by candles and torches. There was a kitchen on the right and a table with chair before her. Behind that there was a couch and some chairs.

He walked inside after her and closed the door then locking it not to let her escape. In the kitchen stood a dish with some food on it. All leftovers from his last meal and certainly enough for her. He picked it up and showed her a chair where she could sit on. He dropped the dish before her with different kind of meat and vegetables. He returned to the kitchen and filled a can with water for her. Also this he put before her, next to the dish.

"This is all for you, after you finished eating come upstairs to my room on the left, don't enter or look in the other rooms only enter the one on the left. Once in my room lay down in my bed naked and wait for me then."

Happy she had food and a shelter for the night she nodded at him and ate from the dish again, picking up and ripping the meat in pieces before she put it in her muzzle. It tasted good for what she usually got to eat. She finished it and drunk some water from the can, the whole 2-liter sipping down in one time.

After the meal she walked upstairs and opened the first door on the left. Walking inside she saw a bed and a closet. Nothing more nothing less. The room was dark and only light from moon entered the room trough the window. She was used to places like this and new very well what would happen. She pulled away the dirty piece of cloth around her breast and threw it on the floor. She was about the pull of her skirt until two black arms grabbed her. Clinched in his hold she was startled by him, he had hided in the dark corner of the room and awaited her. He licked her neck and murred softly, tasting her blue scales as his other paw finished her job.

He pulled of her skirt and her panties with his claw while holding her with his other claw, panting from excitement in her neck. Still quiet she let her self be a toy again for him.

His paws traced down her belly toward her pussy. Smiling against himself as he stood behind her.

He pushed her slowly toward his bed, his paw now rubbing her pussy making it wet and horny. Soon she let out a soft moan at his touch, her pussy getting wetter as she pads over to his bed, falling down on it as she was pushed on it. She turned around on her back, smiling at him as her claws reached for him. He lowered his strong, muscular body toward her, shivering a bit as he stood their, also naked. His member was growing quickly now seeing her nude, beautiful body below him. Such a beauty for such a small price, just shelter and food. Those sex slaves where the best thing in this city he thought.

Her claws grabbed his shoulder as she took the initiative. Pulling down his body wanting her to enter her already. In all those years she did this she begun to like it more everyday. He smiled back at her, his erected member pressing against her pussy, making him shiver a bit. He crawled above her now almost ling on her. What a wonderful live he thought and a wonderful night. His paws lend on her shoulder, pinning her tender and nude body on the bed as his sensitive tip of his member slipped inside her. He closed his eyes at the feeling of pleasure trough his body, pumping more of his member inside her.

She just lay their, hoping she would pleasure him enough to be fed by him in the morning. She smiled back at him, playing with her own breast now. He said nothing except for moaning and panting from the pleasure, pumping his hard member inside her sweet and wet pussy. The smell of her juice entered his nose quickly making him even hornier, his claws grasping her shoulder as he thrust inside her again, and again. Giving his body what he desired, pleasure and satisfaction. She too began to moan at his thrust now, feeling pleasure rising in her body to now.

"Ohw such a sweet dragoness, sweet and horny"

"For you always blacky."

She played further with her perky breast, moaning and groaning at every hard thrust in her wet pussy, making her body shiver from pleasure and her muscles tensing up from the pleasure. Aroma of sex filling the air in their intimate moments. His paws still grasping her shoulder.

He forced his member completely inside her, reaching as deep inside her as he was possible. Her slender body shivered at his powerful thrusting and pleasure. Moaning again and again. With another powerful thrust in her wet pussy he released his seed in her, satisfied by pleasure he smiled at her, still panting a bit. She smiled back with a moan and stroked one of her breasts.

"You where sweet my little dragoness."

"Thank you...."

"The name is Char."

'Thank you Khar for shelter and food."

He smiled back and pulled out his dripping member from her wet pussy, leaving her unsatisfied he lay next to her, knowing she hoped for an ending for herself too. He whipped of his member and dove under sheath of his bed, resting his body, as he was tired from the play and the long day. After a while she slept too next to him.

The sunshine trough the window waked her up. After looking around for Khar, which was not here, she stood up and dressed herself. After that she went down, hoping for a breakfast and then leave for the streets again. Once down in the kitchen he stood there preparing something.

"Hey hun, you where great last night. What was your name again?"


"Nice name, as promised her is your breakfast, after that your free to go again, the door is open as you see."

He brought bread and baked eggs to the table for both of them, she sat down, ate and then leaved with out talking to him.

"Thank you for your hospitality Khar."

She pulled the piece of cloth around her breasts again and walked out in the cold morning starting a new day of her dark life.