Adventures Of Dorrin 03

Story by Sqorrel on SoFurry

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"Adventures Of Dorrin" Part 3





"We've let these furred and scaled beasties come into our lands long enough!"

The rantings of one particular irate Nord had been ongoing since the Khajiit caravan set up their tents three days prior outside the gates of Stone Crossing, a newer city that sprang up upon discovery of rich mineral deposits, straddling the White river before it reaches the forest that borders Skyrim's western highland tundra and eastern lowlands of Eastmarch.

"More and more cross our borders every day! Soon they will want to take a hold for their own!"

Non-humans weren't permitted within the gates of many of the walled cities in Skyrim. The elvish races were tolerated, but not treated that much better.

Dorrin heard a lot of the shouting from the old Nord as he made a few deals in Stone Crossing the Khajiit traders could not accomplish in person, the caravan having decided he would work well as a runner on their behalf in the less welcoming towns they visited.

"Skyrim is for the Nords!" The bearded man shouted.

"For the Nords!" echoed a small group nearby.

The number of people who stopped to listen and grumble agreement grew each day, but while most other Nords ignored them and made the stay profitable, the traders decided it might be best to leave that night.

So this left Dorrin in the process of completing his last task to make one final trip into the city for a small barrel of mead. Small enough for him to carry, but just barely, having to stop now and then to heft it back up into his arms with a grunt.

He was abruptly stopped on his slow walk back to the gates when three Nord boys ran over from the small crowd listening to the man ranting nearby and stood in his way. They were taller than him, maybe a few years older too.

"That's the one I saw coming in and out all the time for those cats outside!" One of them informed the tallest.

"He's not even a Nord, some strange mixed mutt. The kind that would hang around cats." The other sneered.

Dorrin looked up at them from over the top of the small barrel clutched in his hands, not too happy about where this was going. "I'm on my last trip out, you won't even see me anymore, alright?" Of course this had to happen now.

This didn't satisfy them; the tallest one, a wild blonde-haired mountain of a boy looked down his nose. "What are you carrying out there?"

"Some mead my caravan wante-- OMPH!" He was interrupted by the tall boy's kick to the barrel, easily jostling it out of his hands. It cracked one of its edges on the stone street and sent the foamy liquid rushing out to sink into the cracks between the stones.

"That's Nord mead, too good for cats." The tall one was pretty smug about what he'd done, grinning while the others laughed, but that grin didn't last long.


Dorrin, while shorter than the average Nord, has grown up around them, and was used to the occasional scrap now and then, so he knew the only proper response over something like this was a fist upside the boy's head.

They didn't like that at all.

It also wasn't the smartest thing he's ever done, no way he could have stood a chance against three of them. So it was probably for the best when one of the town guards grabbed Dorrin by the arm and yanked him away, making the scuffle a short one, but not without it leaving its marks on him. Unfortunately, the three trouble-makers were quick to tell the guard he was with the khajiit outside.

An hour later he found himself pushed into a cell under the city keep, away from the main cell hall despite his protests.

"Just let me go, I'm leaving tonight!" The boy shouted, but was ignored and the cell door clanked shut behind him.

"So, Nords are locking up children now?" A raspy voice chuckled from the corner of the cell.

"Keep your mouth shut, lizard, or I'll take your tail as a trophy." The guard snapped before turning to head into the room down the hall with a heavy click of the solid door's lock.

Dorrin wore a worried expression over his future being once again uncertain, sinking down to sit on the straw covered stone floor opposite his cell mate: A female Argonian. A naked one at that.

The two just sat there as minutes passed in uncomfortable silence. The Argonian was a light olive green in color over her entire body with only a few small, stubby horns angled out from the sides of her head. Her arms were bound above. It was like she was completely on display.

The female slowly smiled as his eyes took her in and finally spoke, "So... What has a boy done that was so terrible the city had to lock him up, hmm?"

Dorrin glanced down a moment in regret, "I punched a Nord right in the head for knocking something out of my hands." He finally decided to respond, there not being much else he could do at the moment.

"That's all? These drunken sops fight all the time!" She laughed "But that explains the black eye and torn clothing."

The boy gave an angry glare over the laughter, "I was taking something back to my trading caravan, I travel with Khajiit."

"Ahhh, I see, but still, why throw you down here I wonder?" She quieted her amusement but her smile remained.

"The guard took me to the city Steward, they don't think it's right for me to be around 'cats' at my age without 'proper upbringing'." He shifted a bit on the hard floor. "They locked me in here so I didn't run away before I'm taken to an orphanage tomorrow..." He rubbed the back of his head, another flash of worry crossing his face.

The Argonian tilted her head as he spoke and gave a nod before going quiet for a minute or two.

"Why are you here... Like this?" Dorrin soon asked, still curious about the nude woman across from him.

"Why don't we say I was looking for something pretty and ended up unlucky... They stripped me bare and bound me so I couldn't 'smuggle' anything in for escape." She curled her thin lips into a wide, toothy smile.

"A thief." He scoffed

"An 'opportunist'!" The Argonian lifts her head, that sly smile ever-present, but doesn't outright deny the charge. "One of the best."

"Then what are you doing here?" Dorrin's expression was skeptical.

"I was unlucky, as I said." She snorts.

"Mm-hmm." The boy folded his arms while shifting his back against the rough stone cell wall.

"It is true, but my luck is changing." She leans toward him, "It appears god Sai has granted me a way out."

Dorrin straightened up at the ominous words.

"That's right." The Argonian chuckled, "But freeing me means freeing yourself as well."

He thought on that for a moment, but quickly realized his options were limited. "What do I have to do?"

"First, untie my hands. The fool guard couldn't find the key for the shackles and used rope." She pulled at her bonds, arms above her and spread apart.

Dorrin nodded and slowly moved towards her, still not trusting her completely. Her present state left her upper body completely exposed, leaving her breasts out and swaying with her movements above her strong and toned looking belly.

He reached upwards to pull at the knots, close enough for his clothing to graze her chest, making her 'Mmm', quietly.

"Your scent..." She breathes softly, flicking her tongue once, mumbling to herself "Mostly human but something else is there."

"What do you mean?" the boy asks, loosening the knots and glancing down to see her nipples had become quite erect.

She shakes her head, "Nothing, just keep at it."

With a few grunts and some good tugs, Dorrin managed to pull the rope back through the knots and release the woman's arms. She quickly worked the rope free from her wrists with a relieved sigh.

"Excellent, boy! I was starting to cramp." She flexed and moved her wrists to get the feeling back.

"Now what do we do?" He asked, more than a little excited at the prospect of being free from this place.

She gave her answer by grabbing hold of his shoulders and rolling him to the straw strewn floor to press her bare body down atop him and lift his tunic up around his shoulders. She drew her long, narrow tongue up across his smooth chest and hissing to herself at the taste of his body.

"W-what are you _ DOING _??" He gasped, suddenly finding himself below the woman he just freed, though his words catch at long winding lick, shivering.

"I told you already, I'm an opportunist that takes pretty things." She coos in that raspy voice of hers, reaching down between his legs to rub and stroke Dorrin through his clothing before pushing those down to expose his already hardening maleness, "And I'm not passing up this chance to take you."

He groans at the smooth scaly palm that takes hold of his young shaft, but leans upwards suddenly to inform her "I am NOT'pretty'!" He's been teased about that in the past it seems.

She just laughed and quickly moved to cover his mouth before gently shoving him back down, "Shush! I'm not ready for you to make noise just yet... But something feels ready... And quite big for your age."

Indeed, his erection was already standing upright by the time her hips moved over it and dropped down to impale herself on the boy with a throaty moan.

Dorrin lurched upwards again at being so quickly buried inside the extremely warm Argonian's mound "Nnnuh!"

She again had to cover his mouth and push his shoulders to the floor, giving a pleased lick over her muzzle. Her hips didn't waste any time and began to ride that long fleshy pole, with her round smooth scaled rump bouncing sharply off his thighs. Her mound was extremely slick as well, the dampness from the argonian definitely thicker than he's experienced before, but more slippery... Even 'slimy', leaving strands of her clear nectar on his crotch and hanging orbs below.

The cell echoed with soft grunts and muffled slaps of scale to flesh, the woman's quick pace leaving Dorrin struggling to keep up while his hands squeezed and pulled at such a finely toned backside.

"Damn, it reaches deep." She gruffed through clenched teeth, now starting to grind herself down on him more firmly.

"Ah, feels like you're going to break it off." He winces, the hard ride and firm grip of her inner walls was intense, the pleasure still radiating through him. Her sex was like a furnace now.

"Be quiet and suck my tits..." She said crassly, pulling his head to her chest where her swinging breasts knock lightly against his face, quieting him again.

"Mmmph!" he wasn't going to argue and nipped at a scaly mound before his puffy young lips find one of her firm nubs. He tugged and lapped over it, causing her to stifle a throaty groan while the other bounced freely against his cheek.

She soon let out a hard hiss and clutched him against her with fingers digging into his shoulders. The Argonian slammed her strong hips down and ground her hips onto his more slender lower body, making the straw crunch and rustle.

Dorrin winced again, his teeth giving her a more firm bite at the side of her breast, but this only caused her pleasured hiss to grow while her tail quivers in the air above them. Her mound gripped and released him again and again during the woman's intense orgasm, attempting to keep herself from moaning too loudly.

"Mmmyessss..." She let out a cool breath and let her tongue give a long curl out past her lips. Her death grip on his boyhood eased and she swiftly moved up and off to reveal her thick juices had worked up a clear froth around his stalk and groin with his poor erection throbbing in still such need. She thankfully wasn't about to leave him in such a position and quickly slithered down to part her muzzle to take him inside.

He sat up instinctively with a surprised 'erk' when he saw her more alien muzzle filled with sharp teeth swoop in towards him, but she planted a palm at his chest to push him back down for third time and wrapped his length in her thin lips.

Argonian muzzle felt different than Khajiit but he quickly found it offered its own unique sensations, especially her long nimble tongue as it coiled around him, tickling his mushroomy tip while she bobbed her head almost as fast as her hips minutes earlier.

When she started to rub his slippery orbs below, it didn't take him long to fall headlong into a harsh climax. He jerked his hips back at the first spasm of his member but she briskly returned her lips to his base to receive his eruptions.

Dorrin's mouth opened, but was silent, too overtaken by the incredible spasms to make a noise. His body tensed repeatedly with each throb that filled the woman's hungry maw, only able to grab onto her dull horns and flex his rump while she squeezed one of his boyish cheeks in her palm.

"Ugh..." He uttered a sigh when his orgasm relented its hold on him and relaxes, faintly beginning to remember just where he was.

"Good, yes?" She chuckled quietly up at him as she slurped her tongue over his smooth groin and along his softening stalk, cleaning him completely of her sticky dampness while he recovered his senses, though giving a twitch now and then while her tongue does its work.

She gave a little nuzzle to his now flaccid shaft before pulling his pants back up, but still dragging her tongue up along his body; Over his abdomen and belly, teasing his navel before continuing its path across his chest, making him take in a sharp breath.

"You taste most delicious" Her smile returned and gave another long, curling lap down one side of his chest and into his under arm with a satisfied hiss, then pulling his tunic back down.

"I feel... a little sore." He grunts as she settles on him to nuzzle at his cheek and tangle her fingers in his hair.

"That should pass. I'm not normally so pressed for time." She gave him a toothy grin. "Now... Call for help."

Dorrin blinked, turning his head to meet her gaze questioningly.

"I'm attacking you."

Again he hesitated "But..."

She rolled her eyes and rose to her knees above him to grab his shoulders and shake him on the straw "Get the guard in here! I'm bad! I'm going to tear you to pieces!" She snarled and snapped her jaws inches from his face."

This ultimately shook the remaining cobwebs from his sex-drunk mind and began to play along.

"Guard! Guard! Help! I'm being attacked!"

"Good, keep at it." She whispers, jerking him with tugs to his tunic.

The lock to the guard room clicked and swung open, the voice of the jailer sounding irritated, mumbling about his cousin off fighting something or other.

"Guard! The lizard's trying to kill me! Help!" Dorrin gave another shout.

"Hey! How'd you get loose??" The jailer hastily worked his keys into the door and swung it open. "Get away from him you dirty HNN--!!"

In a flash, the Argonian was up and spun with her forearm jostling the helm from the man's head and slamming him hard up against the bars, putting him out cold in no time.

"There we go!" She said cheerfully, but her grin looked a little more sinister as she walked out into the hallway to retrieve the jailer's keys. "Hurry now, I need to get my things." She motioned with her head.

Dorrin was amazed to say the least at the speed and skill the Argonian woman displayed, but quickly rose to his feet. Well, not as quickly as he normally would after what she did with him, but soon enough he was out and followed to join her in the guard room, leaning against the doorway.

"Ah, here it is..." She says quietly as she uses one of the keys to open the wooden locker containing her gear. It only took a few moments to don her light, form fitting, soft leather armor and black hood. It looks similar to the armor Ja'Sota wears.

"You can follow me if you wish. I might put you to other uses." She gives him that toothy smile of hers before it too is covered, leaving just her eyes visible while strapping her blade to her hip.

"Thank you, but I need to get to my caravan; I don't even know if they're still here--" Dorrin starts before being cut off by a familiar voice from the hall behind him.

"What is this? Khajiit comes to rescue you and you already rescue yourself?" Dorrin turned to see a dark furred feline smiling back at him.

"Ja'Sota!" The boy exclaims, "No, it's not just me, I had help from her!" He turned back into the doorway only to find the Argonian nowhere to be seen.

"'Her'?" Ja'Sota asks curiously, peering into the empty room before another voice erupts from the hall.

"What is this?" Another guard shouts, having entered the other end of the hallway on a patrol to find a cell door open, the unconscious fellow inside it, and the two of them nearby. He already draws his weapon.

The Khajiit Was quick to respond, pulling his short sword and swinging it upwards to deflect the guard's slash in one smooth motion and slipping around behind in an inky black blur to drop the pommel down onto the hapless man's helm in another. Dorrin could swear he saw the feline move so fast he disappeared for a brief moment before the guard crumpled to the stone floor with a heavy clinking of armor.

"We must run, Dorrin, more will follow." Ja'Sota darts to the drain grate at the base of a wall on other end of the hall near the other populated cells, which by now had the prisoners up and hollering for them to be released as well. He lifted the grate, the way he slipped in himself and waved for the boy to enter. "Come! Come!"

Dorrin ran down the hall to slide himself under the wall grate and was quickly joined by the feline, letting it shut behind them. The sewer was damp and had the sounds of water draining into it from all parts of the city.

"Run now, we don't want them after us." Ja'Sota pushed at the lad's shoulder and the pair hurried down the echoing tunnel, taking one turn after another with the khajiit leading him onwards "The main exit for the drains is just ahead."

The dim outline of the sewer opening was looming ever closer, the water now nearly waist deep as it makes its way into the river and Dorrin found the barred gate was held open by another friendly face.

"Jorel! I thought everyone had left!" The boy says excitedly in a hushed tone as he and Ja'Sota slip out onto the river bank with their activities now thankfully hidden under a cloudy night sky.

"When we found out they were going to ship you off we had the others pack up and leave so we could sneak you out tonight and catch up with the caravan down the road." The taller cat said with a smile, holding his impressive warhammer over one shoulder while Ja'sota latched and locked the gate again behind them.

The three slunk along the bank to a row of trees where a pair of horses stood waiting.

"We weren't unnoticed." Ja'Sota reported as he mounted his horse. "But I found Dorrin already out of his cell with help of a woman who disappeared when I arrived."

Jorel helped the boy up onto the heavy horse before mounting behind him in the saddle. "Well maybe they'll be more concerned about your friend than us, but we should move fast so they don't follow." He gave Dorrin a firm squeeze in one of those strong arms before they rode off.

They pushed the horses has hard as they dared over the next hours to put distance between them and the unwelcoming city as fast as possible, only slowing when they felt comfortable enough. It was still a little while longer before they turned off the main road and into the forest where the caravan decided to stop for the night.

The small group was met by the other two guards, Rahan and H'ral. "They're back!" One announces.

Dro'Hani rushed to greet them, hugging the two Khajiit and planting appreciative kisses on them both "Dro'Hani knew you'd return with him, much thanks to you."

Dorrin was next, drawn into a busty embrace with a very happy kiss placed to his lips, both of which were eagerly returned, the youngster pressing close to the soft bodied feline. "It is good to have you home, Ma'Dorrin" She purred.

He gave a relieved sigh. It was nice to have that feeling of 'home' again, even if it was on wheels.