FHSF Chapter 1: Orientatinon

Story by Sylkis Nareth on SoFurry

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#1 of FHSF: Furry Highschool of Fetishes

This is hopefully going to be a great epic story line as the teacher finds himself in many situations involving all sorts of fetishes. This first chapter is mild compared to what hopefully later will be coming as I would like the readers to suggest what fetishes Ryuchi should teach. Also if you want you can "sign up" for classes and be part of the story if you want. If that is the case then you can either add a comment with what you want or PM me. Hope you enjoy the story and I HOPE YOU ARE LEGAL TO READ THIS STORY!

~Those that can't do, teach. Those that can't teach, teach gym.~Jack Black from School of Rock

"Hello?.....Yes this is him.....Of course I'd be interested!....No, thank you!"

Finally my big break but now for the introduction.

It's been about 10 years now since I graduated from college with a degree in Education. I have been barely getting by with temporary substitute jobs here and there but this was going to be the big one. My name is Ryuchi Nureth. I'm a black dragon with scales and all that good stuff and I'm flat broke. So you can see why this job would mean a lot. If I get the position I will finally be making a decent living with hope of advancement if I'm as good as they hope according to the principal. It seems though, that every year they get a new principal at this school. I'll have to remember to ask about that at the interview.

The drive over there was very nice. The sun was shining warmly through the clouds as I drove towards the school. Thankfully I had my GPS navigation system or else I'd never had found the place. It's kind of odd for a school of such stature to be way out in the middle of nowhere like it is. However I had searched the school on the Internet and found it to score very high marks. Still why so far out here? Little did I know that I was soon to find out.

I drove up to the main gate and gawked at the size of the school. It's almost like a 4 story mansion with about 3 football fields of space all around it. In the middle of the large green front lawn was a statue of a fox pouring out water over the body of what looks to be a wolf laying down and sprawled out over the fountain floor with what appeared to be his cock pointing out and bulging where the knot was. On the jar of water was the word "Knowledge". I chuckled and drove by the statue, thinking "This could be interesting."

As I pulled up to the main entrance a large half naked tiger walks up and opens the door.

"Mr. Nureth?" He asked, holding his paw out. I was both stunned and interested at this sight. The muscles on his chest were nice and firm and there was a small patch of odd color fur on the side of his muzzle that was just so adorable and yet sexy at the same time. Sexy enough that I had to do a quick shift in the car seat because I was feeling something getting hard inside my pants.

"Are you the principal?" I quickly asked offering a quick hand shake to try to draw attention away from what was quickly growing in my pants. Thankfully no one could tell when a black dragon blushes because only the scales get a little darker which mine were already dark but I was blushing. The tiger laughs and motions for my keys to the car. Apparently he didn't notice and I let out a sigh of relief.

"No, I'm Phillip. I'm the Valet." This was some school! They had their own Valet and everything, not to mention a half naked one.

"So what's with the no shirt, Phillip?" I asked joking around, thinking that maybe he was hot and took it off for a little while when I showed up.

"Actually it's school policy that all males are not to wear shirts. It creates a uniformed environment yet establishes a person's individuality." He said as if he had rehearsed it 1000 times before.

"I guess that means staff as well huh." I commented as I looked over his body. I wouldn't mind having him show me around sometime. I chuckled at my own thoughts and got out of the car and handed him the keys. He quickly got in and motioned his head towards the door with a smile.

"The principal is straight through the hall and to the left. It has a big sign that says "Principal" so you shouldn't miss it. If you do get lost just knock on one of the classroom doors and they'll guide you to where you need to go and don't worry about disturbing class. It's the beginning of the semester so no one is really busy teaching just yet." He said with a wink and quickly drove the car to wherever it was to remain for the rest of the day. It was then that I realized I had forgotten my resume and all my credential papers were in the car.

"Oh well...I hope they don't mind me giving them the papers tomorrow." I mumbled and started towards the door. It opened automatically and a computer voice with a picture of me popped up where the glass once was.

"Ryuchi Nureth, Species: Dragon, Occupation: Teacher, Cleared for Level 1 Access. Please proceed down the hall to the principal's office to check in. Thank you." The picture turned back into a glass pane as I stepped through. I was almost knocked over by the sudden blast of cold air from the air conditioning system above me as the doors slid shut. I quickly walked away from the over sized blow dryer and started my way to the office. I noticed that there weren't many lockers around in the main hall. Just a few classroom doors with a hazed glass window. There was no way for anyone to see through.

"Must be a way to keep students from getting distracted." I think as I keep walking. As I walked by one room the door was wide open. I managed to get a peek inside and saw a fox sitting at the desk and typing a few things on his laptop. He was shirtless as well. As I kept moving he looked up, smiled and nodded a hello to me. I took a quick glance into the class room and saw several male students, all shirtless and some even completely naked. I also noticed a few had black collars and were tied to the desks. "They must really hate those that slack off here." I managed to find my way to the office and knocked on the door.

"Come in please." A sweet voice from inside called out. I opened the door and looked around. It was a plain secretary office with a mouse sitting in front of the computer with piles of papers next to her. She looked up at me and quickly got up. She wasn't completely topless but might as well have been. She only had a small piece of clothing that covered her nipples. Her vagina was in plain sight as she had only two straps connected around her hips to hold up her leggings and it was apparent she had been playing with herself or looking at some really good porn on the computer as her legs were starting to get wet from all the juices running from her dripping slit. She quickly reached out a tiny paw and shook mine. "My name is Clara and I'm the secretary. I believe you are Mr. Nureth right?" I could only stare at the sight of a practically naked female in front of me. I stammered and shook her paw lightly.

"Um...Yes...You can call my Ryuchi or Ryu for short if you want." She giggled and quickly moved to the door behind her. As she turned around I could swear she lifted her tail a bit to me and showed me everything she had to offer. Sadly I wasn't interested in her. If I were though she'd definitely be one of those I'd have to have to keep me company. "The principal will see you right away Mr. Ryu." I smiled and quickly walked into the principal's office.

It looked rather plain as only a few degrees were on the wall and some pictures. There were some boxes still packed in the corner but the desk was empty, including the chair where the principal should have been. I just looked around and started to notice that instead of normal pictures hanging on the wall it was pictures of all kinds furs in various positions. Some were dressed in leather and whipping others with large straps. Some even were tied up and completely mummified in what looked like a large black bag while they were forced to suck on the huge cock in front of them. Then I got to notice the one who was dominating them all, was the same person.

"Nice pictures aren't they?" I quickly turned around and was face to face with a tall white wolf with a gray streak across the chest.

"Yeah they are..." I lied. I actually thought they were the best pictures I had seen in awhile. All that dominating was really starting to turn me on and I knew it too as my pants were starting to get tight again. The wolf walked past me and straightened one of the pictures. "Sorry I was late but there was a class needing attended to. We've been really short on teachers lately. I guess they can't handle their jobs with the students as much as we'd like for them too." The wolf let out a low chuckle at his own joke and I just stood there confused.

"Um...I did have all my paperwork in the car but Phillip..." I started to explain about my papers and everything but he just waved a paw to cut me off.

"I'm sure all the papers are in order for your qualifications here. We don't expect much except that you don't tell anyone outside that you work for us. We really prefer not to have anyone snooping around if you catch my drift." He looked at me and smiled warmly, apparently he saw the look of confusion on my face and continued. "You see we are a rather different school than others. We like to teach the more taboo subjects of nature." I think I started to realize just what he meant as I remembered the naked males in the one class room, tied to the desks.

"So...I'm to teach fetishes to students." I asked almost in disbelief. "Is that a teachable thing in real life?" He just laughed and sat down in the chair, propping his bare feet on the desk.

"Actually it is more of "hands on" than lecturing but it is very teachable. We've been doing it for years now and a lot of our students have learned a lot about the more erotic side of the world." He took a sip from a glass and stood up again. "We've come to the realization that the more our students know about each "fetish" the more open minded they are to those who enjoy it. Our overall goal I guess is to create a world where everyone understands each other." He said with a sigh and walked over to where I was standing, still trying to take it all in. "First things first though. We need to interview you properly." I started to sit down in one of of the chairs but he quickly shook his head and slid the chairs across the room.

"What are you doing? I thought you were going to interview me." I asked looking confused. He didn't say anything and walked to the closet, rummaged around in there for a few minutes before walking back to where I was and in his paws were all sorts of harnesses, gags, leashes, whips, and other various bondage equipment. "W-what are you planning on doing with those exactly?" I gulped a little and let out a low whimper, fearing of the answer.

"To do a proper interview I need to see how well you can handle your responsibility, now GET ON ALL FOURS LIKE A GOOD BITCH!" He growled and I just yelped and slowly got onto all fours, my tail tucked slightly down, embarrassed yet slightly aroused. He quickly started to take off my clothes and toss them to the side, shaking his head disappointedly. "Bitches should know not to violate the rules which the number one rule is "No shirts for anyone" And those who break the rules are severely punished." He said sternly as he gave my backside a quick snap with the whip. All I could do was whimper and moan as it hurt but also felt strangely pleasurable. I didn't have much time to enjoy this new punishment as he quickly put an over sized dildo in my muzzle connected to some straps. I let out a loud "MPPPHHHH!!!" but he just continued with my humiliation.

As he touched my wings to try to thread them through the harness of the saddle I felt a soft shudder ripple through my body. His touch was firm yet not harsh. The sensitive scales on my wings relayed the feeling to my body as I let out a loud moan behind the gag. My cock was starting to give in to these evil manipulations and try as I might I failed to keep it under control. It slipped out and hung there, throbbing with need. The principal who was now my master looked at it and smiled evilly. He went to the cabinet again and brought out a large rubber sheath and gently scraped his claw against the underside of my dripping cock. This only made it drool more pre out as it caught it in the sheath and rubbed it along the inside before slipping it over the head of my cock and managing to slide it all the way past the rigid base and up to the slit where it usually stayed.

"This should keep you from messing up the hallways as I ride you and show the entire school our newest staff member" He chuckled evilly as I stared at him in horror. There was no way in hell I was going to be shown off like a dog. I desperately tried to break free but he just put his foot on my back and forced me to the ground, leering at me angrily.

"You won't get up until I let you." His lips curled up in a snarl as he finished putting the saddle between my wings. "And also we need to make sure you stay nice and hard the entire time." It didn't take long to figure out what he meant by that as quickly as he said it, he shoved a large inflatable plug right into my tail hole. I let out a yelp behind the gag but he just pulled on the reigns to silence me. All I could do was pant and moan on all fours, tail arched up as the plug filled up my insides, my cock still throbbing in the sheath.

He straddled his legs over me and sat down on the saddle and gave a simple "UP!" command. I just stayed there and glared at him. This was responded with a quick and harsh WHACK against my back thigh as I whimpered and slowly got up.

"That's a good boy. Now Giddy up!" He commanded and gave the reigns a quick snap like a horse rider. I slowly tried to creep forward and slumped to the ground a few times from the extra weight. Every time I fell I was given a quick WHACK on the thigh again as I tried to get up. After a few falls and several whippings I was able to slowly crawl around the office with him at the helm. He eventually pulled back and let out the "Whoa" command and I stopped happily. The drool from both my muzzle and the now overflowing sheath were starting to get the floor wet. Unfortunately the wolf saw this and laughed.

"I see you're really enjoying this even though you keep protesting. The spots on the floor are almost soaked with pre and your drool." I tried to shake my head "no" but he jerked the reigns and brought my muzzle up to his.

"Don't lie! That is another rule here at the school, and since you broke it you get to show the school." He smiled and took the sheath off, some of the pre spilling out as he took it to the sink and dumped it out, almost a pint of pre dripped out as my cock was still leaking and staining the floor darker. After he finished draining it the wolf slid it back on and sat down on the saddle again and directed me towards the door.

"Oh no....Not this...Please not this..." I thought and started to whine and try to steer away from it but he grabbed a muzzle and slid it over mine along with a blindfold.

"If you're going to be a bad pony you'll have to be blinded and muzzled like a bad one." He stated and now I was at the mercy of where he led me. I couldn't see or speak anymore. I could only feel where he was to guide me and I knew it was out the office door.

I could feel the floor changes from time to time. I felt the carpet ending and the hardwood floor beginning as I was led around like a champion show horse. The secretary just smiled at the principal and opened the door leading to the hallways outside for him.

"Don't try to ride him too hard Eric." She suggested as she waved to the wolf, knowing that this is what made a lot of other teachers quit as she was put through the same orientation but knew that if I were to pass I would love my job and stay here forever.

As I was led through the halls I could hear some of the teachers getting up from their desks and heading towards the hallway. I also heard other feet paws hitting the floor and coming to look as well. They all smiled and cheered me on as I slowly walked down the halls and once I was out of their sight they resumed their classes. I was forced to walk no telling how far and was always greeted by the same thing as I passed each classroom. I heard cheering and others commenting on how they'd love to have me as their teacher, only to scolded by the teacher they had. This almost made the humiliation bearable...

"Alright, it's time to play sub/dom dodge ball." A loud voice echoed through the room. I could smell the scent of bleachers and heavy sweat. I was definitely in the gym. I was brought to a sudden halt and felt the weight lift off of my back, however I still stayed on all fours.

"You all know how to play right?" The same voice continued, apparently he was the coach. "For those that don't, as I see we have a few new students the rules are simple: All the subs are on one team and all the doms are on the other. Only the doms are allowed to handle the balls..." This comment was followed by a lot of snickering and laughing from those who've played before. The look on the new students said it all that they were confused as hell.

"Okay Okay knock it off guys." The buff orange tiger rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I swear you're all perverts."

"You're the one who likes to be the captain of the doms coach." A voice piped up from the group."

"Yeah and another remark like that and you'll be on the sub team permanently, Finchly." He responded which got a few laughs and whistles from the doms. Finchly was known to be quite the over excited bob cat dom of the group and a few would love to have seen him on the sub team for once.

"Anyway, back to the rules." He continued "Any sub caught touching the ball without anyone throwing it will automatically be out and have to sit on the bench. Any sub who is hit will have to submit to the one who threw the ball and be at the dom's mercy but you know, no extreme playing. Save that for the classrooms. If any sub is left after all the doms are "busy" they will be out and have to sit on the bench as well."

"Get to the good part will ya?" Finchly spoke again and this time the coach walked over and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and pulled him over to the sub team.

"I warned you Finchly and now you're on the sub's team until I say otherwise." The coach said as all the doms on the other team were grinning widely. They knew they were going to have fun this game. "As I was about to say. All those who are on the bench will have to wait until all the doms are finished and then each of them will have their turn with you." He finished and blew the whistle. Both teams split up and started the game as the tiger walked over to the principal.

"Hello Yon." Eric waved as the coach drew closer. "I see they're enjoying sub/dom doge ball. I loved that game."

"Well you should. You were the best dom on the team." Yon replied with a wink. The wolf smirked and chuckled.

"Oh I haven't introduced you yet to our newest staff member Ryuchi Nureth." Eric said as he petted along my back. I let out a purr of enjoyment from that.

"It seems he has taken well to the initial orientation." The tiger smiled at seeing how I was geared up like a horse.

"Oh he's been very behaved. I think we have found ourselves a winner." The sounds of balls smacking into people could be heard echoing through the gym, followed by a loud moan as the dom started to work on their prize.

"Well I think I better get moving a long." The principal smiled and I felt weight again on my back. "See you later Yon and I need to discuss some business with you in my office so come by when you can." He waved and I felt the tugging on the reigns again as I started my humiliating journey through the school again. I stopped from time to time and listened as I was introduced to new teachers and a few students. They were all nice and petted me and some even playfully tugged at the plug in my hole. All I could do was moan and endure this or else I'd get a smack right across my ass from either the whip or a giant wolf's paw. By the time I was done trekking through the school campus the sheath was overflowing again but thankfully we were at the office again and the blindfold taken off of me. It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the light again but I saw the wolf standing in front of me with a dominating look on his muzzle.

"Now that you've gone through phase one of the orientation it's time for the second part." My eyes opened wide and wondered what could possibly be next when I soon found out. He took out the gag in my muzzle as I panted heavily and gulped fresh air and swallowed all the drool I had been letting hang out, but that was short lived as he grabbed my muzzle, opened it and shoved his thick wolf cock inside. "You're going to suck me off and then clean it afterwards or else you're going to be a pony dragon until I say so." I let out a submissive whimper and started to work my tongue around the cock, sucking lightly and then harder and back to light again. It was almost a primal urge that started to wash over me. Here I was, a dragon, yet so easily subdued by this wolf and I was loving every minute of it. I reached out and cradled his balls in my paw, feeling of the soft fur that surrounded them. I let his cock slip out of my muzzle as I licked and started to rub it all over my face. It felt so good, so erotic, so necessary. I needed that cock.

I opened my muzzle again and this time took the whole thing in, knot and all, and started to tug at it, my forked tongue flicking lightly at the tip as soft moans escaped his lips. I kept playing with his balls, bouncing them in my paw a little and rubbed them against his crotch as my muzzle kept working away. I knew it wouldn't be too long now...I kept it up. I wrapped my tongue around the cock, stroking and squeezing it, feeling the pulse deep within my maw, my tongue tips playfully wiggling ever so slightly into the piss slit. I wanted the cum and I wanted it now! I threw myself into the whole action. So much that I accidentally knocked him backwards on his back but all he did was moan out as I started to become a cock slut. My paws tenderly ran along the shaft as I sucked and licked at the tip and knot. I could feel the balls tensing up as his climax was near. The throbbing quickened as I kept my pace, squeezing and licking, sucking and squeezing. Then my actions were rewarded as he let out a low howl and my muzzle both inside and out were given the cum contained inside. I quickly attached my muzzle to the cock and drank all the cum I could. I panted heavily after I let his cock drop out of my mouth but he just stood up and held my head in place as he put the softening flesh right between my eyes.

"Now you're going to be a good dragon toilet" He said as I nodded and closed my eyes. I felt the warm liquid trickle then start to blast against my scales. It felt so hot and good I finally let out a deep growl as I came in the sheath. It started to expand and swell from all the liquid like a giant condom. It took a few minutes for everything to calm down and I regained my senses. I just stayed there on all fours, still realizing what just happened. Eric patted me on the head and smiled warmly.

"Your interview is over Mr. Nureth." He spoke with a soft voice. "The showers are on the other side of the hall and we will see you first thing tomorrow morning. I'll inform Phillip and he will have a key, a parking decal, and all the other stuff ready for you." I simply nodded and got up. I was still soaked in piss and cum but I didn't care. I walked slowly out of the room still naked and still had the saddle on my back.

"Mr. Ryu?" Clara called as I started to open the outer office door. I turned around and looked at her. She was smiling and giggling.

"Mr. Ryu I believe you're about to leave with school property." She said and pointed to the straps holding the saddle on. I blushed and quickly took it off, handing it back to her.

"Sorry about that...Just still in shock I guess about this place." I apologized and she nodded understandingly.

"It is a bit overwhelming at first but it becomes home in no time." She responded and gave me a pat on the back which was wet but she didn't seem to mind. "The showers are across the hall and your clothes are already waiting for you outside the stall." I nodded a thanks and headed over, thinking about what new surprises laid in store for me here at the school. As I opened up the shower stall my clothes had been neatly folded and placed with a towel and a note that read:

Dear Ryu, Congratulations on passing the orientation. You will make an excellent addition to our fine teaching staff here. Enclosed in the envelope are all the necessary items you need to go in and out freely at this school. I hope you will come to enjoy it as much as we have.

Signed. The staff.

P.S. Don't forget about the rules and what happens when you break them.

I smiled and looked in the envelope. Inside was a card with my photo on it and a special purple decal surrounded by a gold trim that said Teacher around it. As I started to put the items back another note fell out.

Hey man, I'm glad to see you passed. I will be looking forward to seeing you every day "wink"

The valet tiger, Phillip.

I was going to be looking forward to seeing him too and everyone else here. This was going to be the best job ever.


I hope you enjoyed Chapter 1 and if you would like to be part of the student body remember you can just PM or write a comment with info like Name, Species, "Classes to take" and any unique markings or details to include. Thanks!