Drama and Sex Between a Trainers Pokemon

Story by Noxious Photon on SoFurry

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So just to start off here this is the first ever story I've ever written! There will probably be some errors and might not be exactly the best writing style so I'm just going to apologize for that right now, this is mainly out of a spur of the moment fun that I thought I would try.

An FYI to anyone reading this story, it will not contain long sentences about the sex (disappointing I know). It will heavily involve sex but for this particular story it's more just for drama and character development, I won't actually be going into immense detail on what's happening during sex.

It was a very quiet and peaceful night out in the woods, with nothing out of the ordinary. A trainer was sitting by the warm campfire next to another's trainers Blaziken, both relaxing and enjoying each others company in relative silence for the time being. The trainer that owns Blaziken was already fast asleep along with his other 4 Pokemon he had with them. It wasn't uncommon to have another trainer visit their campsite as more company was always welcome when you were alone and deep in the wilderness. Both the visiting trainer and Blaziken didn't feel like sleeping that day, they just seemed to want to listen to the crackling of the fire that pierced through the otherwise silent woods. But the silence did not last forever as the trainer suddenly started to speak up to the Blaziken

Trainer: So you know I never got your name, I hope your trainer actually gave you one.

Blaziken: Sorry, the names Zack. You had only been talking to my trainer and a couple of his Pokemon before; I thought perhaps you wanted to just stay silent the whole night

The trainer laughed a little. "Don't be ridiculous, it would be way too awkward to stay silent for that long! Oh and by the way you can call me John.

Zack:*You say that but yet you didn't talk for a good hour you know*. Well I'm glad we actually have each others names then, but did you have a particular question you wanted to ask me?

John nodded: Well I was wondering if you just knew about any good stories, I'm not sure why but I just have a feeling you might have something cool or dramatic to tell me about. Of course it doesn't even need to be real if you don't want, I'm just sort of a sucker for stories!

Zack: Hmm well.. I do have one story, it's a very dramatic and real one that actually has me involved in it, but it also involves a lot of sex and well.. even some rape, but nothing that uncommon when it comes to pokemon and their relationships. I probably imagine you wouldn-

John: yes I would! I told you I love dramatic stories, especially real ones. And don't take me for some kid or something that doesn't know perfectly well about how drama and sex are almost always intertwined in the Pokemon world. I know rape and murder and all kinds of crazy things happen, but that's what makes a story juicy and interesting, with sometimes a good lesson in the mix.

Zack chuckled a little: Your quiet a strange human you know that? But well, as long as you won't relay any of this to my trainer or the pokemon here then I guess I have a "story" that could be interesting to kill time. Luckily it happened a long time ago so it won't be anything too hard to say at this point

John smiled excitingly, quickly throwing another log beside of him into the fire: Then let's hear it.

Zack: Well it's a bit more of a description based off what I know then a hyperbolized story per say, but it basically started about 2 years ago.

My trainer Alain had always had me, a Meganium, a Feraligatr, and a Mightyena, which I'll get to their names later. And he isn't exactly the smartest trainer around for sure, but he isn't a bad person and was always very kind to us all. The relationship between all us pokemon was also relatively positive; we were all very good friends at that point, and even now. But you see one thing my trainer didn't account too much for was the pokemon sexual hierarchy, you're either dominant or submissive and that's the end of story, versatility in our culture of the wilds does sometimes pop up but was pretty rare. And you see every single one of us was in no doubt what you would call a "top". We had all learned this from each other early on and basically after a little bit of arguing decided we couldn't even have sex with one another. All of us were so assertive and some aggressive that we just couldn't even give in leeway for switching around; the idea was just too much of a big no in our minds. So this lead to some rather bad sexual problems with us, with only the exception of me sense I was raised sense birth with my trainer going from being a dominant pokemon that could take any male or female he wanted, to having to self-pleasure. We only occasionally got chances to mate again out here in the wilds when we are set free sometimes, though it was never quite enough.

John chuckled a little: Man it really is true huh, that you pokemon have a much more sexualized culture then us, every pokemon story I hear is about sex! Though well, humans have stories of it to just maybe not as "explicit".

Zack: You know you say that but pokemon aren't even all that different from you humans. Before you developed big brains and made your own giant continental civilizations you were among all of us. Heck even with your big brains you were still with us for many years.

John laughed a bit: haha yah I know, though for some reason when we decided to split ourselves away from all the other species our culture ended up putting a lot less emphasis on sex then you guys have.

Zack: Ok this is turning into some kind of lame high school history lesson, how about we just get back to the smutty drama?

John: Fine by me, please continue.

So the real drama took place once we got a 5th pokemon into our mix, a Lucario.

John rolls his eyes: Is this story actually real..

Zack: Hey it really was a Lucario ok! I know it's the most overly sexualized pokemon out there in stories about sex or love, but I'm not just going to lie about who it was. Besides theirs good reason for that you know, Lucario are very good looking pokemon

John: Lucario are so lucky yet unlucky at the same time with all this sex attention they seem to get, but anyways please once again carry on I didn't mean to interrupt so often

Zack does a small sigh: its fine. So the Lucario that got into our mix of course just so happen to be a very submissive male Lucario. We learned of this rather quickly by his mannerisms and eventually just asking about who he was. And I think you can see why this was immediately a problem, one submissive pokemon among 4 dominant and slightly sexually repressed males. Hell we all knew in the back of our minds that this was not going to be good, but a different part of our anatomy decided not to mention or do anything about it. And so as time went on just like with anyone's personality the Lucario who was named Jake picked favorites and ones he didn't like.

His favorite one was the Meganium named Kaito. Personality wise they got along fairly well with each other. They had very similar hobbies and were both slightly timid but kind and considerate. They liked the same movies, had very similar interests, and just clicked fairly well. Though it wasn't all perfect, when they did differ in an idea or something they believed in they always seem to just bicker and argue while being too stubborn to open up to either side, which I never really understood. But when I mention favorite, what I'm really talking about here is of course sexually. Kaito has always been great as being the slightly assertive yet caring sex partner, he is supposedly very good at using his vines to pleasure his partner while at the same time taking the pleasure he wanted from them. He could last longer than any of us ever could before orgasming too, and always knew what exactly the pokemon wanted. He never went to far as to hurt the other during sex even if he was a bit assertive, And our Lucario Jake loved it. The only flaw for him in that department was that he had his own niche; he wasn't the type that could be crazy aggressive and dominant so there were still a lot of the very submissive pokemon that he just wouldn't be giving enough for.

Then secondly was our Feraligatr Roman. And he is a very stoic and rather cold pokemon to all of us. He is brutally honest when he had something to say about us and is absolutely terrible in the emotions department. But he has a side a lot of people don't like to see behind that wall of coldness. Roman is actually fairly wise and will take a lot of advice you give him if it's considerate. Even though you can't go to him for emotional support or expect him to be exactly that nice to you, he can be well spoken and a good strong friend to have that will be very willing to sometimes help you and stick by your side. But well, our Lucario Jake did not see that side of him and just saw him as a cold prick. But the funny part about this is sexually he really liked Roman thanks to his "gift". Roman when it comes to sex is a lot like his personality on the front, a bit unforgiving and rather aggressive. He easily has the largest cock among all of us without question, and he really likes to use it. He's never too bad that he'll actually cause too much pain or injury to you, but is still very rough and only in it for giving himself pleasure. But his gift is not his large size, but rather the technique and way he uses it. He isn't even very self-conscious about how it happens, It's almost like a natural instinct for him. And the gift is that without trying he can give any male or female an immense amount of pleasure with sex. Somehow without even knowing it, he has an amazing ability to use his large cock size very well to give the partner maximum pleasure even though he's only doing it to please himself; supposedly causing most of his partners to have rather large orgasms in the process. And not surprisingly Jake loved it just as much as anyone else, even though he actually hated how aggressive and uncaring he was during sex, the technique and prostate pleasure always had him loving it in the end.

John blushed looking a way a bit: jeez, I knew it would be sexual but I didn't know I was supposed to masturbate to it

Zack laughed for a while at that: Oh so the human is getting turned on by my descriptions of gay pokemon sex huh?

John: H-Hey almost any person with a libido would! And after all, I'm not like some of the other overly judgmental humans that think sex with pokemon is wrong or anything.

Zack laughed again: I was told there were actually quite a few humans, supposedly very religious ones that think it's wrong to do anything with us

John: Let's not get into THAT discussion please, it's not even that morally ambiguous at all it's just dumb. Let's just start the story again.

Alright then, ahem. So we left of with Feraligatr so now were left with our relationship. And both of us were actually the closest out of everyone else, even Kaito. We click on a lot of similar levels as I do with Kaito and Jake does with him as well, but we never really had arguing like them. We were actually a bit more respectful of each other and actually talked through our disagreements unlike with Kaito. I always told him he should do that with Kaito but for who knows why he could only bicker with him. I think in a way it shows we clicked at a different level than Jake did with the Meganium. Heck if it wasn't for one part that I'm about to explain, we could have even been potential legitimate partners. But well, this was not to be as sexually we are on opposite ends of the spectrums. Really when it comes to sex I'm a lot like Feraligatr without that odd gift he has. I'm kind of just as aggressive and selfish really, but unlike him I'm also quiet kinky and like a lot of dirty talk like saying "slut" and so on. In a way it's like an odd role-play, because before and after the sex I'm back to just my usual kind and considerate self, but when I'm horny and getting into the heat of sex I'm very rough, and of course Jake didn't like that at all sense I couldn't exactly turn that part of me off. So any arguing we did was more so jealousy and sexual, we were so close that I felt very jealous when he would give Kaito and Roman a lot of sexual attention, yet gave me practically none. He only had sex with me for the sake of just helping me out and being nice, he never really liked the sex that much. It was the worst when my species was in mating season and he as usual refused all of my sexual advances and only went with the two he liked. But I was in desperate need of release, as well as angry and jealous at the same, so I ended up doing something bad. When he was sleeping one day I snuck up on him and tied him up, then I had my way with him right then and there until I was satisfied. I just couldn't take the sexual repression and seeing him always walking around with that seductive body anymore. I think the sad part is even with this knowledge if this whole thing happened again, nothing would change. Zack sighs a little. It's one thing to be denied sex during mating season by the pokemon you really like, but the fact that he meanwhile just fucked the other pokemon and kept denying me at the same time is what lead to it, a man with needs can only handle so much.

John nods in agreement: I don't blame you just so you know; the whole situation sounds like it's kind of fucked anyways.

Zack stares at him for a little bit

John: uh, no pun intended..

Right.. So well, to get to the ending of the "story" and how this all became too much was with Mightyena or Travis. And to be a bit frank, Travis is pretty much an asshole. He's a strong pokemon and honestly does have some feelings towards us as friends, but he can't get over himself and will never admit it. He doesn't listen to anyone's opinions and it's his way or no way, the only decent friend he had was Roman the Feraligatr sense he has a very strong cold presence he respects. And needless to say, sexually he fit into his personality unlike me. Very Aggressive, relentless, and uncaring basically sums it up. At least with me it's more of a roleplaying thing were I'm nice afterward, but it's just him being him the whole time. Hell he only got one chance with the Lucario for sex, their first time sense Jake didn't know what to expect. Afterward he basically never got his consent ever again, and this leads to actually even more arguing and problems then our relationship. He had been punished at least 2 times for basically raping poor Jake and it was clear with my trainer it was becoming a problem. But what led to the climax of all this drama and sex was the third and last time Travis had his way with Jake. We had all been a bit worried as it seemed like Travis may be having problems with his species mating season; and right around the same time out of nowhere for about 2 days Jake had "disappeared." We all had a suspicion he had something to do with it but just no proof until Kaito had taken it upon himself to track him for a full day straight. And sure enough around midnight he had seen him walking somewhere, and after a bit of stealthy following it led strangely enough to the upstairs storage room. And there was where we found Jake basically tied up and being used as a sex slave, to which when Kaito found out immediately subdued Travis with his vines. He untied the Lucario and woke us all up, telling us the story. And well at that point our trainer made the decision to let the Lucario and Mightyena go. Originally he was going to punish Mightyena and let only him go but we also told him about well the problem with me. So he had to make the rough decision of letting them both go, but not before giving Mightyena some pretty bad punishment.

John: so what was the punishment exactly??

Zack snickered: well it was punishment that fit the crime. For a whole week he actually leant him to another trainer with male pokemon to have as their own sex slave for a while, probably the harshest thing you could ever do to that selfish and proud Mightyena

John snickered back: That is harsh, but I can't say I feel too bad for him.

Zack smiled back: agreed on that one. But it didn't all end bad, the situation with us now is free from all that drama now. Our trainer actually sticks with only getting new dominant pokemon now; and in return goes to wild much much more then he used to, I'd say we get enough to be satisfied sense he actually loves the outdoors.

John smiled: Hey that's good then! Thanks for the very odd but cool story, and I'm glad it at least turned out good in the end

Zack: well you asked for it, it's the only actual real story I have anyways. All the others are just from sappy or surreal books my trainer likes to read.

John yawns a bit: Well it's been fun but I actually need to get going, it's the main reason I didn't sleep. I need to be in the city by this morning, I sort of just wanted to relax here for a while before I left.

Zack: Wait before you go, I need to ask you something. I was just remembering how you were getting little aroused before during my story. And if you wanted we could go out of the campfire for a bit and have some "fun" together. Zack smiled seductively at the other trainer

John blushed a bit awkwardly: uhm.. w-well, it's not that I wouldn't like to honestly.. but I really would like to just get going right now.

Zack looked a little disappointed: Oh I see.. are you just trying to let me down nicely.

John: no no it's not that! Really I think you're a very attractive Blaziken. But it's just a bit to sudden for me! I don't really get sex to often as I keep away from my own pokemon; and combining that with needing to get to the city by this morning just makes it bad timing.

Zack smiled back in response: It's alright I understand, but thank you for the compliment, I think you're a very attractive and cute human myself~

John: hey stop making me feel so embarrassed jeez. Well uhm look, lets contact each other soon afterward or maybe even by tomorrow If I'm not to busy.

John handed Zack a slip of paper with his number: I don't know if your trainer lets you keep cellphones around, but I would still very much like to take you up on your offer.

Zack took the paper and smiled at him: I'll be sure to do that.

And so with that John waved goodbye to Zack as he took his supplies quickly and left for the city, leaving Zack to go lay down on his sleeping bag and head to bed.

Zack: *shit.. I'm really horny right now too from thinking back on that story.. that trainer better be ready for when I call him.*