The fat king

Story by bigbud on SoFurry

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A fairytalesque story about a fat orc king and his kinky royal sorcerer

Once upon a time, there was an orc king. He was a good king, as orc kings go. He was also incredibly simple to please. He liked two things, and that was eating and wanking.

Pillaging and causing havoc were pretty high on that list too, but not as high as eating and wanking.

He also had a sorcerer. The only non orc under his rule.

The sorcer loved seeing the king eat and eat and get bigger and bigger. He worked his magic to make sure that the king could always get bigger and never worry about being unable to move. He made the king taller, stronger, and even managed to make him cum more than any normal orc could ever dream of.

Now you might ask, where does all this cum go?

Well you see, the sorcerer collected it all. His chambers were right beneath the throne room, so whenever the king shot a load, it would fall into a shaft and into a collection container where he modified it for his own purposes.

They were, in no particular order:

  • make anyone who came in skin contact totally and utterly loyal to the king

  • make any non orc who comes in skin contact with it transform into an orc

  • make any man who ingests it, crave it and grow fat from it

The sorcerer knew that this would cause havoc, probably. Not that he really minded. After all, it was fun to throw things into disarray.

(Also he found it totally hot to watch the fat, horny orcs line up and suck their king off but he never said that aloud.)

Of course, some of the fat ones became too fat to do any work. At that point, they were fed whole to the king, so that they may continue to serve him by making his grand physique even grander.

(The sorcerer thought this was hot too, but again, he never said that aloud)

Soon the population began to dwindle, because the king was eating more of the subjects than the sorcerer could collect. So they stuck a deal with the nearby villages. In exchange for their safety, they'd send all the criminals to them for the king to make his loyal subjects.

The king's three sons would travel around the land, and drag the criminals to their father, and force them to drink his cum until they became loyal orcs as well.

Unlike the other subjects, the sons all looked identical. They were much more muscular, and were in charge of collecting criminals and carrying their father around on his throne.

The sons also had the ability to make anyone who drank from them loyal to the king as well. However, it was rare that they ever did so themselves, as the king loved the feeling he got from making someone suck him off and swear their loyalty to him.

As the king got bigger, he needed more food and more subjects. He also was horny all the time, and would shoot massive loads that would cover everyone in thier path.

So the king decided to leave his village, and spread his power around the whole realm. Every village he came to, he'd transform all the residents and leave behind more and more loyal subjects. Some would follow him instead, lured by his seed. Some even would drink until they were too fat to move, then wait for the sons to lift them up and into the king's mouth, praising him the entire way.

It wasn't long before orc kind became the dominant species. Even the sorcerer had become an orc, though he was already loyal to the king and did not crave his seed like the others.

Even his sons had gotten fatter, looking like miniature versions of the king, carrying his immense throne through the countryside, their dicks leaving a trail of precum in their wake to change any soul unlucky (or lucky) enough to touch it.

And so the king became a legend among the world. A gluttonous god who would devour everything in his path to some, and to others, a big bellied and big hearted ruler who would deliver unto them a physique like his, and would gather them into his being when the time came.

Either way, people got eaten, dicks got sucked, and the royal court lived happily ever after.

The end.

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