The Gospel of Nick - Part 1: Indoctrination

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#1 of The Gospel of Nick

Just more ideas floating around :3

Nick's keys rattled and the lock clicked as he swung open the door. The tall orca breathed a heavy sigh, dropping his shoulder bag at the door and slumping into his living room. He kept the lights off as he trudged through the darkness. He pulled off his security badge, setting it in a basket by the door like he always did and began unbuttoning his shirt. He tossed it haphazardly on the floor, adding to the mess that already consumed his tiny apartment. Nick rolled his shoulder and rubbed his hand down his chest, reaching for the buckle on his slacks.

It had been a long night and he was exhausted. The orca wanted nothing more than a nice hot shower and a nice long nap. Although a quick jerk was probably on the table too, he thought as he dropped his pants and reached for his balls. He gave a soft groan as he rolled them in his hand himself, but it all seemed like too much work. For now, just a shower. Nick dropped his shorts and stepped into the bathroom, naked.

He looked like crap too. Dark circles under his eyes, which already had dark circles from his skin color. These long nights were killing him. He wrinkled his snout and gave himself a good long stare in the water-spotted glass. At 30, his life wasn't supposed to be like this. He always dreamed he'd be a cop, not some security guard working nights in a dead end job. He was depressed, single, and he hadn't gotten laid in years. Still, life goes on. He turned around and pulled on the shower faucet, starting a hot stream of water as he stepped in. Nick leaned his head back and let the hot water wash over his smooth black and white skin. It poured down his neck and back, over his fins, relaxing his tense muscles.

Nick took another heavy breath, reaching his hand down to touch his soft dick. He closed his eyes, tracing his fingers over the shaft, softly and delicately. He imagined there was someone else in that shower with him, a cute little deer boy with soft tan fur and a little spade tail. He loved the subby little ones that squirmed when they saw his heavy dick. Nick smiled to himself and stroked faster, his manhood quickly rising to attention. As the water dripped over his length, he imagined getting his cock licked over by the deer's long pink tongue. Wrapping around it and teasing every vein. Nick groaned and thrust against the air, imagining the little deer boy turning and bending over, the look of lust in his eyes as he begged to be...

Nick's fantasy was abruptly interrupted by a sharp knock on the bathroom door. He jumped, nearly slipping in the tub and bracing himself against the wall tile. Who the hell was in his apartment? Nick flung the curtain aside and jumped out of the water. He quickly shut the faucet, still dripping as he wrapped a towel around his waist and tucked it in. The orca flung open the door, fist raised and ready to take down any intruder who faced him. However what he saw on the other side was not quite the burglar he expected.

A small brown-maned colt was standing in his hallway. He had on a light blue dress shirt, striped red tie, and khaki pants, all of which seemed about a size too small for him. The boy couldn't have been more than 7 or 8 years old, but he must have been a fast grower. Without skipping a beat, the young colt held up a box of plainly wrapped chocolate candy bars and said, "Good afternoon sir, I'm selling candy bars for my church and all proceeds are going toward youth group funding and wellness programs and buying new renovations for our church and community outreach and..."

Nick's jaw dropped, aghast at the sheer audacity of this young punk. He raised his hand angrily in the middle of the colt's sales pitch and yelled, "Who the hell do you think you are barging in my home! I don't want any of your damn Jesus candy! What church are you with? I should call the damn police!" He probably came off a lot more cruel than he intended, because the boy immediately began to look terrified and his eyes watered. His horse lip quivered and he pulled back against the wall, clutching his box of candy bars and whimpering.

Oh great, now he was making a little kid cry. Could he fuck anything else up today? "Oh common, it's okay, I didn't mean to yell. You just startled me." The orca reached out his hand to the boy's cheek, wiping away a tear that rolled down his cheek. The boy whimpered and nuzzled into his hand. "But you shouldn't come into people's apartments you know, not without asking." he calmly explained, trying to sooth the young colt.

"I know, I'm sorry, your door was open and I heard the shower so I thought..." he began.

Nick dropped down to a knee, patting the boy's shoulder reassuringly. Come to think of it, he probably had left the front door open. "It's okay, I'm sorry too. I did leave the front door open. I suppose I'm lucky it was you who came along and not some burglar huh? Thank you for closing the door for me." He smiled, lifting the boy's chin. "And I'd love to buy some candy bars."

The little brown horse looked up at him and smiled, wiping his tears away and sniffling as he moved in close and wrapped his arms around the orca's bare chest, giving him a tight hug. Nick froze, not quite sure how to react to this. He was practically naked and this boy was getting friendly enough that it could get him in trouble if the wrong person saw. He gave an involuntary shiver as the colt's leg touched his dick through the towel. He had lost his erection in the commotion, but this close contact from the boy was making it grow again.

"Uh, um, there there, it's okay. Why don't you uh, come into the living room and show me what you have." The orca said with a gulp. The colt nodded and released the hug, walking back around the corner into Nick's darkened living room. Nick followed, taking a deep breath and trying to think of something that would make his erection go away. He flipped on the light and adjusted his towel, trying to hide the bulge as best he could. "What's your name, anyway?"

"I'm Paul, my mom says it's the name of a righteous servant." he replied happily, perking his ears.

"Well trespassing isn't gonna be too good for your righteous rep, kiddo." Nick chuckled.

Paul seemed to ignore his comment. Nick sat down on his armchair, watching as the colt set up his candy bars all in rows, preparing for his spiel. "I've got classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate, this one has rice puffs in it, and I also have a sugar free one if you're not supposed to eat a lot of sugar like my mom says."

Nick shifted his weight forward, resting his chin on his hands and smiling. "Which one is your favorite?" he asked.

"I really like the rice puff one, even though I..." the colt began, then stopped abruptly as his jaw hung open. He was staring right at the orca's crotch. Nick panicked and looked down. Part of the towel had come un-tucked and his heavy half-hard cock was laying out in plain view. He quickly covered himself again with the towel and stood up, turning away from the boy.

"I, uh, I'm sorry about that, I should really go put some uh, pants on." he blushed heavily. His cock twitched and swelled a bit more, the arousal betraying his modesty. He started shuffling quickly to his bedroom, but the young horse had stood up and began following him down the hall.

"Sorry Paul, I didn't mean to, um, the towel..." he fumbled over his words, turning to face the boy as he reached blindly behind him for the doorknob. He gasped as his cock had turned fully hard, trying to hide it awkwardly with his other hand.

"Can I see?" the boy asked, staring at the bulge behind his towel. Paul walked right up to him, standing so close he could have reached out and touched the orca's cock himself.

"I, um, it's not really appropriate Paul." The doorknob was shaking in his hand. The colt didn't look the least bit bothered, in fact his curiosity and affection were actually kind of cute, but Nick couldn't let that go to his head. Just because he hadn't had sex in years doesn't mean he was about to expose himself to a pre-teen boy.

"No it's okay, Father Timothy and I do this all the time." the colt nodded, still watching the orca's bulge.

"Father Tim... your priest? Your priest exposes himself to you?" the orca's jaw dropped. It sounded like this kid might have had some serious problems.

"Yeah, but don't worry, I know it's a secret between me and Jesus. I promise not to tell anyone!" He explained, sounding as innocent as could be.

Nick was just bewildered. He should call the police and report this sick priest, but he wasn't exactly in an uncompromising position himself. If the police found out this boy had seen him too, that could bring a lot more hot water than Nick was ready for. If word got out about something like that, he'd never be a cop. "It's gotta be a secret." he found himself saying, barely believing the words coming out of his mouth. "I'm serious, you can't tell anyone." he stared down at the colt like a deer in the headlights.

"I promise with my hand on the bible." the colt said matter-of-factly, miming a bible as he raised his hand.

"Okay, but you can only look." Nick gulped, his hands shaking as he pulled the towel aside. His cock sprung up, unrestrained, bouncing a bit as pre-cum glistened at the tip. He couldn't help how horny he was; this is what happens when you're a pent up bachelor. At least the kid would be content now and go back to his candy bar spiel.

"Wow!" the young horse said with a whinny. "You're even bigger than Father Timothy!" he gasped. Then before Nick could begin to stop him, the boy was already wriggling out of his button up shirt, tossing it on the floor and unfastening his pants.

"What, what are you doing!?" Nick exclaimed, backing as far as he could against the corner of the hall. He was getting in way too deep now.

"This is what Father Timothy says we have to do. Angels in heaven don't wear any clothes." Paul said, looking back up at the Orca. Nick could feel his pulse racing, both in his chest and in his manhood. He fumbled with the door handle, finally turning it and clattering back into his bedroom. He tripped over a pile of messy laundry by the door, falling backwards and landing with a thud on his disheveled mattress. He looked down, seeing his towel had completely fallen off, and there was Paul. The colt boy walked up to him, completely naked, and immediately wrapped both of his hands around Nick's member.

The orca moaned and instinctively thrust upwards, unable to contain himself. Paul was sitting between his legs, stroking him with both hands while he brought his lips up to the head of the orca's cock. Paul was fully hard too, his boyhood rubbing against Nick's heavy ball sack. He hadn't gained much size at his age, but he was still a horse and that was saying something. This was way past the point of no return. If Paul ever told anyone about this he'd go to prison for life, but it was something about that fear that made his situation all the more erotic.

Paul was relentless. The boy stroked up and down like a pro, opening his muzzle wide and taking in the orca's thick, cum-slicked cock. The colt's deep throating abilities were definitely impressive, and it was all Nick could do to keep from cumming right then and there. He would haven gotten off, but if this was happening, then he might as well make it last because he probably wasn't going to get the chance ever again when he was being raped in a jail cell. The two of them didn't say another word, Nick just moaned and bucked as Paul worshiped him. The boy had an uncontrollable lust, sucking Nick's shaft in every position he could. He sat the orca up in a chair, burying his muzzle down hard in his groin and deep throating his heavy cock. He even got down on all fours and let Nick muzzle fuck him over and over again.

The boy was jacking himself off the whole time, clearly enjoying every second of the lust he'd been taught my his religious elders. When he rubbed his young horse cock up against Nick's shaft, stroking them together as he sucked on the tip, Nick finally hit his breaking point. He moaned loudly and blasted an enormous load into the boy's muzzle, filling his cheeks and clearly taking the colt by surprise. The young horse pulled back and took a heavy swallow, immediately pushing his muzzle back down on the orca's length, trying to catch it all in his muzzle. Paul's efforts were mostly in vain, as the orca's load was just too much. He covered the boy's muzzle and neck, dripping cum down his young chest. Nick panted heavily, collapsing on his bed, awash in the afterglow of probably the best orgasm of his entire life.

Paul continued sucking on his tip, then licking up as much of the cum as he could off the orca's smooth rubbery belly and crotch. Nick bucked and moaned at every caress of his tongue, completely overtaken, unable to resist. When he was finally done Paul came up to Nick's side and smiled. "I'm sorry I couldn't swallow it all, that was a lot bigger than most times Father Timothy shares his love with us."

Shares his love, was that what the sick priest called it? What a world this... wait a second. "Us?" Nick asked, leaning up to look at the boy.

"Yeah, the whole boys choir. Every Sunday after sermons and choir practice, Father Timothy picks a special boy, sometimes two or three of us, and he takes us back to his rectory for intimate worship." Paul explained, giving his long horse tail a swish. "I get picked a lot." he grinned and laughed playfully.

Geeze Louise, this was quite a predicament. Nick sighed and sat up on his elbows, giving the eager boy a smile. "Well, I guess I might have to start going to church."