Shattered Shards: Marital Mahyem

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#13 of Shattered Shards

Shattered Shards: Marital Mayhem

By Von Krieger

Don took another big gulp of his milkshake as Vivian started on her third helping of fries and second hamburger. He was rather astonished, having never seen his petite, one hundred pounds soaking wet wife eat like that before. She had been skinny and underweight her entire life, trying her best to fill out, to get the curves that all the 'hot' women were supposed to have, but never being able to keep the weight on.

Though she wasn't vegetarian, the freckled blonde wasn't too fond of meat dishes, and usually she ordered a salad when they went out. If she kept up like this, Vivian might gain some weight, but also dinner at home might be worth it for once. Coming home to something besides rice and greens might mean Don would stop working late. Which also might help to curb a recent habit of his wife's that he'd meant to bring up.

Though it was coming out of her portion of their finances, Don was a bit worried that Vivian was dropping a few hundred dollars a week in a strip club. The charges on their shared debit card were from a company that provided financial services to such places.

"Enjoying your meal?" asked their server, her build what Vivian would politely call plentiful, but Don would outright call fat.

Don nodded his head, though he didn't particularly care for the looks of the serving staff, the food was good. It spoke volumes about the cooking at the place, since the cooks, bartenders, and waitresses, (or with the medieval tavern theme they had going, wenches) ranged from chubby to obese.

Typically that wouldn't be a problem, but most of them ranged a bit beyond 'pleasingly plump,' and that combined with the fact that they obviously weren't human, meant Don had absolutely no interest in looking at them.

But that was no reason to be rude, he smiled and nodded, "Yeah, its pretty good. Can I get another one of these milkshakes? I'm not sure what it is exactly, but they're just about the best I've had."

The server smiled, "It's the milk and ice cream, it's from boquines rather than cows."

Don blinked, "Never heard of 'em."

"It's a cow-horse hybrid; one of the gals here breeds and raises them. We get a pretty steady supply of milk that way, even more so now that the first few calves have grown up." The waitress said with a grin before walking off, leaving Don to slurp up the last leavings, and Vivian to start on yet another hamburger.

She took this only slowly, taking small bites, her pace of eating slow enough that she could carry on a conversation.

"Sorry about that, Don," she said, wiping ketchup from the side of her mouth, "I've hardly gotten a bite to eat since last night, and I guess I was just feeling a bit piggish because of it."

Don chuckled, "Don't worry about it, hun. I've never seen you gobble down protein like that before. Usually you have a salad or something with grains. You're allowed to be a pig for one night, since you eat like a cow or a horse the rest of the time." He teased.

"That kind of reminds me of something I'd like to talk to you about." The petite blond said, nibbling her lower lip, "You spend a lot of time at work lately, missing dinner, having me all alone, just cooking for myself. Well... "

She took a breath, "I was hoping that the two of us could spend a little more time together. You know? Go out and do something fun a couple nights a week? I'm sure the office could spare you two or three evenings."

Don shrugged, "'Together Forever'" he said with a smile, quoting the words that were inscribed on the inside of their wedding bands, "Yeah, the office could let me out more often. It's just that there isn't too much to do, usually we just end up arguing over what to watch on TV. Do you have something in particular in mind?"

Vivian blushed as the server returned and placed a milkshake before her husband, "Well, I was thinking, maybe we need to do something a bit more exciting, erotic, spice up our sex life, you know?"

Don raised a brow, "Okay, who are you and what have you done with my wife?" he teased, "What brought about that idea, Viv? You've always been... Well... You've never felt comfortable with anything except plain vanilla. The last time you wanted to spice things up, that meant you being on top for once."

Her husband's words only made the blonde's blush deepen, "Well, Don, that's why I asked you here tonight." She said, pushing out her chair and standing so she could reach over the table and grasp her husband's hands.

"Whoops." The server said softly, the chair hitting her in the hip, making her two fingered hand lose the grip of the pencil she'd been tapping against her paper.

"I figured we could go out to one of the clubs around here, watch the goings on, get in the mood and... You don't like it?" she asked as Don's eyes went wide, his nose wrinkling, looking like he was trying to suppress a gag. She turned and followed his gaze, which went beneath the short-ish skirt of their server.

The satyr's tail was lifted by the waistband of her dress, and her ample backside left little room for the fabric to cover when she bent down. The lack of panties beneath meant that as she spread her legs and leaned down to pick up her pencil, her loins were open for all to see.

Rather than what he has expected, Don saw a grapefruit sized pair of brown furred balls beneath a thick sheath.

He realized he was staring and quickly turned his gaze back onto his wife, both of them blushing. He quickly realized he was making an unpleasant face and did his best to alter his expression until the server moved on.

"Holy shit, Viv, he-she freaks like that ought to come with warning signs. That's damned disgusting. I mean... I know sh... he... it needs a job, but honestly. There's no need to advertise like that. You know she's not wearing anything under there on purpose. Urgh."

He pushed away the milkshake, "That's ruined my appetite. Now, what were you saying, honey?"

"I want to go to a club nearby, watch some of the fun, and then... Well... I want to fuck." Vivian said, blushing deeply.

Don was stunned; he'd never heard his wife use that word before. She never cursed, never used foul language, never anything remotely like that.

"There's this one place in particular, I've spent some time there, enjoying the sights, as it were. It's... Incredible, Don. I want you to see it. I want you to experience it. It was like... Destiny or something that brought me there. I was just driving, and I got a pull to go in, to visit the place. I was shy at first, but it happened every time I drove by, until I finally went in and well... But you may not like it."

Don sighed, "Honey, I'll do just about anything you ask, you know that. Now what kind of club is it? It's not like oiled up musclemen on stage prancing around, is it?"

Vivian shook her head, "No! Nothing like that! It's not a woman-centric club, or a gay club, or really much of a fetish club or anything like that. Umm... Actually it's uh... "

She said something softly that her husband didn't catch.

"C'mon, Viv, you can tell me. It's not like all the performers are going to be like the waiter... Waitress... Thing."

"It's here. And y-yeah, they kind of are." Vivian said, her voice almost a squeak. Don's face fell at her words.

"You're kidding me. You actually want me to come at watch flabby girly-boys gyrate around?" he said with a nervous laugh.

"I... I think it's kind of sexy. It just seems... right somehow, with the roundness of the phallus and testes along with the breasts, hips, and rear. I just think it's... " she lowered her eyes as her husband began to glare at her.

Vivian took a deep breath, "Don, just one lap dance, and if you don't like it, once we get out into the car, I'll suck your dick."

Vivian's husband was nearly blown away by the words, not only their vulgar tone, but the offer of an act that he knew his wife found rather gross and disgusting.

He gritted his teeth, "And they're all fat he-she half-goats?" he asked.

"No, not all of them are half-goats. Most of them are half-horses, actually, and there's a few other half-types, and a couple hybrid types. Let's see if we can get Myshelle for you." Vivian said, grabbing Don by the wrist and leading him across the dining room to a set of double doors beside the bar, the sign overhead stating that it was the VIP Lounge.

"Slow down!" Don said, putting a stop to her pulling. Most of the time he went along with what Vivian wanted, letting the demure woman pull him around. This was one of the few times he put his weight down.

"This Myshelle is a satyr, right?"

Vivian nodded.

"And she's all... " he waved his free hand, "Like the other one?"

She nodded once more.

"And you want me to get a lap dance from her?"

A third nod.

Don sighed, "I can't see what you think is so sexy about them." He said, allowing Vivian to pull him forward again.

"Well, for starters they have very long, agile tongues and dexterous lips; it comes from a small blend from the herbivore part of the lower body. More muscles for better, well defined movements. Oh, and they... " Vivian continued to ramble on about the advantages of having a satyr lover. Don paid little attention.

She got like this, occasionally, fixated on something. Usually it would mean having a large number of books scattered across the table so she could learn just about everything she could. Then a few weeks of intense interest and practice, then a few months of focus, followed by her acquiring a new fixation.

The last time it had been landscaping, the time before that it had been feng shui, the basement was filled with boxes of abandoned projects and no longer wanted books. He supposed that in time Vivian's satyr fetish would fade as well.

"Just the lap dance." He said with a sigh, slipping through the double doors.

Don gasped as he saw the performers within, most were equine satyrs, as Vivian had said. But there were others. A feline with six breasts, shimmering, silver feathered wings, and a spined cock. A timberwolf-woman with a huge, red, knotted shaft. A gargoyle-like creature that danced upside down, bird-like feet gripping a bar at the top of the stage.

But Vivian lead him to where a pair of equine satyrs sat upon a backless U shaped sofa. Both dressed in latex and generous amounts of gothic makeup, each rather plump.

But then Don realized they were clear on the other side of the room, with each step he realized they were bigger than he had thought, absolutely massive with their bloated, roll-covered bodies. One had to be pushing up against five hundred pounds, and the other one... he couldn't even begin to guess what she weighed. The latex outfits were tailored to them, pushing every curve, fold, and roll into a... well... a somewhat pleasing alignment. Somehow the two didn't look half bad because of it.

They both smiled as they saw Vivian approach. It was then that Don realized the larger one was not entirely horse-like, she sported spots upon her furred lower body as well as horns, and her breasts lacked nipples, instead sporting four flesh colored teats upon each plentiful orb. She had to have the biggest breasts Don had ever seen.

He was too busy staring to notice that his wife had released his wrist, in favor of wrapping her arms around the smaller satyr, who sported fire engine red hair. She wrapped her pudgy arms around Vivian and planted a kiss upon her cheek.

"Myshelle and I were wondering when you'd drop in, cutie." She said with a chuckle, "So this must be the husband."

Don quickly found himself given the same treatment, finding it oddly pleasant, the closeness of the satyr a touch erotic. He suddenly found the bovine satyr's arms around his chest, hugging him against her bountiful belly and tits.

"Vivian has been telling me all about you for weeks. She's been worried that you'll get all upset and not approve of things." She said softly, quietly into his ear. Somehow her presence was making him stir within his loins. Her voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite place it.

"Don, this is Mistress Kora," she indicated the satyr with the flame hued hair, "And Myshelle." She nodded to the large one with her husband in a bear hug.

"They've been... Wanting to meet you, actually." She said, blushing a bit.

The bovine turned, lifting Don off the ground and dropping him onto the sofa, "You'll love this." She said with a grin, turning, one hip cocked, ready to begin, "I don't think I've met someone who hasn't enjoyed this."

As Myshelle began to dance, Kora grinned, placing an arm on Vivian's shoulders. "I bet you're curious as to why I asked you to bring your husband here." She said with a grin, leading Vivian to the next couch over, not too far away.

The petite blonde nodded, "I... I'm not sure how having him here will... You know... " she blushed and clasped her hands before her, trying to look as small as possible as she displayed her shyness.

"Say it, cutie." Kora whispered, leaning over her, the satyr's studded tongue slipping out and tickling Vivian's earlobe, making the human gasp softly, "You know you want to."

"H-how is this going to make me a shemale?" she asked softly.

"I'll tell you, on one condition." She turned, looking at Don, who's jaw was slack, eyes half focused, enjoying the effects of a magic-fuelled lap dance, "You tell him. Tell him what you've done, and tell him what you want." She whispered, hands tracing over Vivian's clingy evening gown, slipping beneath the short skirt, caressing already wet folds lacking the protection of panties.

This revelation made Kora grin, "Mmm... I wasn't expecting this. Such a bad influence we are on you."

"Oh... Oh goddess... " whispered Vivian, pressing against the satyr's hand, "I... I can't."

"You can, and if you want one of my gifts as bad as you claim, you will. You do want it, don't you?"

Vivian moaned with pleasure, Don began to turn his head, but Myshelle lifted a leg, placing it on the couch, blocking his view.

"I... I can't stop thinking about it. I dream about it at night... I... I touch myself remembering what it feels like to have a cock... " she moaned, her face and neck beet red.

"Then tell him. Tell him what a horny little deviant slut you are."

"Oh... Oh goddess... " she panted, "D-don, I have s-something I need to tell you." She managed to get out.

Myshelle moved her leg down, allowing Vivian's husband to see her, but then promptly plopped herself down on his lap, not putting enough weight on him to hurt, but just enough that he was immobile.

"Th-there's magic here. Magic in the dancing, it can make you cum from across the room or... Or... "

Don opened his mouth to protest, but no sound could come out, leaving him unable to express his anger at his wife being pawed by a fat satyr.

"It can change you, for a little bit. Oh Don, every afternoon I've been coming here, having Myshelle dance for me, letting the magic happen. I... I get a cock, and I jerk it off, I lick it, I suck it, and... And... ."

She threw her head back and moaned as Kora stuffed a latex-clad finger into her, "And I fuck them, and they fuck me, and I love it. Oh Don, I love it! I want more! B-but Mistress Kora said before I could be a shemale permanently, I had to bring you in. She said it would h-heighten my pleasure and make it grow bigger than anything I could achieve on my own."

Don stared at his wife with wide eyes, not believing what he was hearing. He couldn't get his vocal cords and tongue to work, to chastise her for the perverted desires the satyrs had instilled in her. The moment magic was mentioned, he knew that his beloved Vivian was under a spell. No way his innocent wife would desire something grotesque like that on her own.

He tried to shove Myshelle off of him, and to his surprise the hefty satyr stood, putting Don off balance. He tripped and found himself grabbing onto her for support, to prevent himself from face-planting into the floor.

He hooked his arms around her waist, and found himself with a face full of soft white fur upon her leg, her other one apparently lifted and just over his...

It wasn't a leg that was right over his shoulder, but rather a fat equine cock the size of a normal human leg. Don had himself a face full of scrotum. He gagged and got back to his feet, only for the bovine satyr to bump a hip against him, knocking him back down into a seated position.

She began to dance again, and Don felt his legs go numb, his cock beginning to stir. He could do nothing but stare as she moved with a grace that belayed her girth. The satyr moved in a hypnotic dance that bypassed his mind and went straight to his loins. He moaned softly, reaching for his zipper.

Kora chuckled at the sight, "Mmm... no one can resist a satyr once she's started dancing." She purred, nibbling upon Vivian's neck as she slipped off the shoulder straps of the human's dress, letting it fall down her slender frame, onto the floor.

"N-no, Mistress." Vivian moaned, rubbing her rump against the satyr's groin, "Sh-she's not even dancing for me and I feel it. Oh... I need to fuck so badly... P-please?" she asked, her brown eyes pleading.

"Oh of course, my pet." Kora said with a chuckle, tugging up her skirt, no longer suppressing her natural urges. Her two and a half foot equine length quickly surged to full erection. She took it in one gloved hand, teasing the human's saturated sex with her flare.

"We might as well give your pussy the best fucking its ever had, shouldn't we, my pet? As a way of saying goodbye."

"Oh, oh yes Mistress!" Vivian cried, spreading her legs, reaching down and gleefully opening her netherlips to their limit with her hand, "F-fuck me one last time, then make me a sexy shemale, like you! I've been dreaming about it for so long!"

Don's gaze switched rapidly from Myshelle to his wife to Kora, then back to Myshelle, he'd pulled his cock out and was jerking it frantically, but for some reason it wouldn't go more than partially erect, it was full length, but floppy. He felt a strange sensation, like his balls were swelling instead of his member.

His attention was pulled away as Vivian cried out, Kora shoving every one of her thirty inches of horse shaft into her. Vivian had one foot on the couch, allowing herself to spread as wide as possible. One hand pawed frantically at her clit, the other caressed one of her small breasts.

"Oh Mistress, I can feel it, I can feel my clitty growing. It feels so good, so sensitive... So much better when it's a real change... " she moaned.

"That's because you've very attuned to magic, my pet. Your body can tell the difference between something temporary and something permanent. So very sensitive and susceptible, I'm not surprised you felt Myshelle's dance from outside. Mmm... You never had a chance, did you? From the moment you stepped inside, you were mine, weren't you?"

Vivian blushed, "Yes, yes! I'm yours, Mistress! I've always been yours!" she cried.

"Good." The satyr said with a wicked grin. She gently coaxed Vivian's hand away from her breast for a moment, with a swift motion of her hand, removed the ring upon her finger, "Then you won't be needing this anymore."

The act enraged Don more than anything that had been done to the two of them thus far, but he could not bring himself to get up, to stop frantically jerking at his half hard shaft. Precum drooled liberally out of it, and it felt quite nice, but he still felt no closer to climax then he'd been when he started.

His slacks were beginning to feel uncomfortably tight, and his hands felt funny as well. He reluctantly released his shaft, used both hand to tug his boxers and pants down to his ankles.

He gasped at what his saw, his testicles had swollen to the size of grapefruits and showed no indication of ceasing. The skin of his sack had grown thicker as well. The magic must be altering him to give him a horsecock or something, an alteration to increase Vivian's pleasure, as the satyr had said. He gripped a heavy ball in one hand, finding it just as pleasurable as jerking off. He began to caress his swollen sack, fingers spread wide to take in the round orbs to their fullest.

It was then he noticed the oddity upon his hands, webbing had appeared between his fingers. As he watched it crept upwards from the middle digit, until he had something that looked like a mix of a hand, a frog's foot, and a bat's wing, the membrane stretched between each finger and to the thumb as well.

They must be turning him into some sort of animal-creature. Something aquatic, which would explain why his legs were going numb and fading away.

Wait, fading away?

Don looked down past his sensational feeling balls and say that his legs were withering slowly, the flesh upon them lessening with each passing second. He gasped as he saw his feet, his toes missing, nearly everything below the ankle gone, leaving a rounded stump.

He felt something churning within his guts, making him promptly pull off his shirt and toss it aside, not noticing that his fingers were thinner now as well, the webbing that had stalled around his left ring finger pushing the loose ring off, dropping it onto the couch next to him.

He looked over his chest and found that the thin hair that had grown there had vanished. Were they changing him into a woman? Was that it? He had lost the bit of a gut he had and his torso seemed thinner.

Once he had removed his shirt, he found the same webbing that enwrapped his fingers growing beneath his armpits, were they turning him into some weird, bat-like thing? No legs, huge wings, and gigantic balls?

He wanted to gag and turn away from the sight, to close his eyes to everything, but it all felt so good, he couldn't keep his hands off of himself. His legs ended at the knees now, his testes the size of basketballs. He finally found himself growing erect, but webbing had also appeared at the base of his cock, pulling it towards the rest of his body.

He couldn't stop fondling his balls, rubbing them, caressing them, even as his legs seemed to melt away to provide the mass. Don could see why Vivian had become so easily ensnared, if the satyrs could make someone feel this good, in a way they had never felt before, of course they would become enraptured.

Vivian had always been so sweet and innocent, sex hadn't been much of an interest of hers, so when the satyrs had given her great pleasure, she had no resistance, no ability to defend herself.

"Oh please, please, more!" Vivian moaned, drawing Don's attention away from his transforming body once more.

Looking at his wife, Don felt sick. The lips of her sex were oddly thick and puffy, extending several inches from her pussy, and from between them grew her elongated clit. Smooth and red, it lacked the distinguishing features of a penis, but not the length. It was long enough to poke out of her fist and thick enough that she could wrap her fingers around it. Six sickening inches and still she wanted more.

It was getting harder and harder to move his arms; they were increasingly pulled to his sides. Don looked down at his hands and found that rather than becoming an aquatic creature, or a bat, as he had though, it seemed instead that he was losing his arms entirely!

His fingers had fused, leaving him with crude, fleshy mittens for hands, hands that were pulled further and further away from the two beach balls that filled his sack. Even without the caress, his pleasure built, pulling him closer and closer to orgasm.

And the closer he came to climax, the more of his body melted away. Don couldn't fathom what it is they were doing to him, or how it would fit with Kora's words about his wife's pleasure, which she seemed to be tending to quite well.

He turned his head, neck feeling oddly stiff, and watched as Vivian arched back, wrapping one arm around the satyr's head in a modified hug, thrusting her obscene clit forward into her fist, screaming with delight in a way that Don had longed to make her do for so long.

He felt his guts churn again as the red-haired satyr's cry joined Vivian's own, rivulets of thick demi-human seed leaking from between Vivian's legs. She collapsed onto the sofa, moaning, panting, looking over at him with a gleeful look in her eyes.

She looked... different. Her facial features had been altered just a bit, her eyes larger, slightly slanted, her nose a smaller and more pleasing shape, her lips puffier and naturally red.

She brushed her hair out of her face, looking like a porn starlet. Vivian wasn't his Vivian anymore, rather she was some gorgeous, lust-crazed slut that the satyr had transformed her into. It hurt to look at her, tears filling his eyes as he turned away, only to find the thick hand of Myshelle, gripping his head, now bald for some reason. Don found himself drooling, his mouth filling up with thick saliva for some reason.

With a pleasured grunt Don found the fat stripper's cock in his mouth. It should have been impossible, the girth enough to dislocate his jaw, but everything felt oddly soft and pliable. Trying to bite down didn't even work, as his teeth had gone AWOL sometime in the not too distant past.

She pushed his head down, down, down, forcing inch after inch of her length into his throat. Oddly enough he didn't gag; he didn't feel the slightest discomfort from taking three feet of gooey, drippy horsecock orally.

It felt kind of... good. Pleasurable, like he imagined having a pussy must feel like, except that somehow his mouth and throat had become one. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see anything more. Not that he could with his face on level with Myshelle's furred groin.

He felt Vivian's soft hands caressing his back, which felt good as well, strangely erotic, her hot body pressed up against him, her clit-cock lubricated with the mix of her own cum and Kora's seed, positioned just above his rump, dripping down into the cleft.

"Oh I want this, Don, I want it so bad." She panted, "No worries, no office, no more obsessions just... Pleasure. Sweet wonderful pleasure. M-mistress Kora has offered me a place here, being one of her satyrs, and I want it, I want to take it so badly. But I don't want to leave you."

Her plush porn star lips kissed Don's shrinking ear, his increasingly absent neck and shoulders, her tongue slipping out and licking beneath a strange, fleshy ring that formed where his shoulders had once been, that his head was increasingly being pulled into. It made Don quiver with pleasure, drool oozing from his mouth around Myshelle's cock.

"Together forever." Vivian whispered, thrusting into her husband, the contact electric, intense, incredible.

The transformation was hideous, crippling, but nearly worth it for the white hot surge of pleasure that rocketed through Don's entire body. It was threatening to consume him entirely, the contents of his huge balls trying to erupt through his comparatively tiny cock, the intense pressure splattering his hot seed on his underside, to what had once been his chest, below his chin.

Gallons of cum spewed from Don's shaft in a continuous stream, the pleasure the only sensation he felt as his last features melted away, his head and shoulders merging to form the structure, the bottom of his rib cage forming a ring around his middle. Blind, deaf, mute, no longer tasting the oddly sweet taste of his saliva, Don suddenly realized what he had become.

His cock melded into what had been his belly, the remaining orgasmic surge spreading out evenly into the thick flesh designed to take it. The orgasmic presence of his former shaft was nothing compared to the five foot long horsecock Don had become.

She bucked her hips, thrusting into her husband's rump, delighting in the feeling of her clitty as it lengthened and thickened further. But then she could thrust no more. Her netherlips surged with warmth, and it felt suddenly like there was more of them.

Vivian moaned as a gloved hands caressed her middle, a soft tickle within her tummy, and something seemed to flow out of her, to spread thick and wide in her husband's body.

Kora grinned, reaching down and plucking Don's wedding ring from the couch, placing it between her breasts with Vivian's. "You won't be needing that womb anymore either." She giggled, nibbling upon her new pet's ear.

"Now, let's get you started... " she whispered, latex fingertips seeming to coil around something that wasn't there. Kora tugged suddenly and Vivian cried out, bucking her hips as hard as she could, sending a surge of pleasure through her as the massive cock that had been her husband became her own.

She looked back to see her mistress gripping her thick, lustrous, beautiful blonde equine tail, lifting it up as she thrust eagerly into her new satyr's tailhole.

Vivian leaned down, hugging her gargantuan prick, licking it, stroking it, caressing it. She understood now, understood why he mistress had asked her to bring in her husband. How else could she have been gifted with such a huge, massive manhood.

"Oh I love you... " she whispered to her cock, "I love you so much."

Her shaft quivered, making a faint gurgle that could have been a reply, but was more than likely the shifting of the incredible amount of cum stored within her hefty balls as Vivian prepared to climax for the first time with her new member.

Her urethra being fucked by Myshelle's own massive shaft, her ass filled with her mistress' sweet cock, her first aspect of satyrhood now gifted to her. It was all so perfect, so wonderful.

Tears of joy leaked from Vivian's eyes as the first massive jet of cum surged forth from her, the pressure increased by the bovine satyr's cock within her own, the effect rather like a finger upon a faucet, sending her essence splattering all over herself and her two lovers.

Vivian was thankful for the now sticky couch beneath her; she wouldn't have been able to support herself without it. A satisfied, happy sigh escaped her lips, her slowly elongating tongue lapping at the seed upon her cock.

Kora laughed and wiped the splooge from her face, "My dear, I do believe that we're going to have to build your own special stage to perform on. I can't have you be making a mess of my VIP lounge every time you cum."

"Oh of course, Mistress." Vivian said with a giggle, "I'm just glad to be here. To be one of your satyrs."

Kora grinned and began to rub her pet's small, cum-covered breasts, "You're not one of my satyrs yet, hon. You need to bulk up a bit first... "


Naeyn panted and moaned like a whore, not believing that she could behave like this, it was so out of character for her. Not only had she gone into a strip club (being two decades below the elven age of authority), not only had she paid for a dance from the performer that she had been almost magically drawn to, but here she was, not even changed out of her school uniform, rubbing against the dancer's cock.

The dancer was beautiful, almost angelic, gorgeous golden hair and tail, radiant white fur, her cock the purest pink and deepest dappled black. With her narrow features and pointed ears, she looked like an ideal of elven beauty that the fairer folk could never reach on their own.

A plant-centric diet meant that they would never attain her easy, graceful bulk, her freckled curves that begged to be rubbed and caressed. Their natural body type assuring that they would never be able to sport the large, sexy volley ball-sized breasts the satyr sported, and their lithe, frail frames would not allow them to support such a bounty without terrible back pain.

The young elf had never thought herself such a sexual deviant, nor had she ever had an interest in other women's breasts, but what she found herself craving more than anything was a cock, to feel what it would be like to have a thick, heavy weight between her legs. To take that warm length and sandwich it between a gorgeous pair of knockers, to buck and thrust until she coated her partner's face in her spunk.

And most of all she had never thought that she would be in a strip club, her seat pulled as close as she could get it to the stage, her uniform coat and blouse unbuttoned, rubbing her a-cups against the hot, sweet surging horse shaft before her.

She was soaked in the dancer's precum, and she craved more. She couldn't help it, climbing onto the stage, hugging the mammoth prick to her with one hand, the other caressing the flat head, scooping up the sweet precum to bring it to her mouth.

Quite quickly this wasn't enough for her, and she began to lap at the satyr's cockhead directly, pressing harder and harder against it, and before she knew it, she had her entire head inside.

Strong muscles gripped her, not letting her go, instead coaxing her in further and further, which Naeyn did gleefully, crawling inside the massive cock, grinding her hips against the inner walls.

The more of her body inside its erotic warmth, the better she felt, the more the intense pleasure spread from her loins, through her body. The closer to the base she got, the less the rest of her senses seemed to matter, all that mattered was her lust, her pleasure.

Her feet slipped into the shaft, and the young elf felt her pleasure growing exponentially, even her sense of touch fading further and further until she felt like little more than a sphere of pure erotic pleasure. If she had a mouth, or lungs, or vocal cords, she would have screamed herself bloody with the pleasure.

But as she truly was nothing more than a sphere, no, a cylinder, of pure erotic pleasure, she could do nothing but fly thickly through the air, splattering onto the metal grate that she had felt looked oddly placed. She oozed down the funnel, into the containing drum that awaited her at the bottom, her existence nothing more than pure sexual sensation, which was cooling by the moment, making her feel sleepy.


Vivian groaned with effort as her cock began the slow process of slurping down another customer. She stroked her titanic shaft, wanting to coax every last drop of pleasure out of the experience.

Officially she was not supposed to do this without a customer having paid for it, unofficially, as long as she remembered to do her duties afterward, Mistress Kora didn't care. The lead satyr knew the acts that her pet loved to perform the most, and allowed her to partake in them with clients, as most of her sisters weren't up for the experience.

She loved the sensation of her cock being stretched so wide, being so full. The additional weight within it was heavenly. She giggled as the elf's feet vanished into her cockhead, knowing that her favorite part was fast approaching.

As a fey Vivian knew that silly things like physics and biology did not apply to her. Moments like this were the result of pure magic. For the elf's weight was no longer in her shaft, but her sack. The plumbing required for such a feat would make things rather awkward and uncomfortable at times. But still, somehow, the elf's body could be seen within the thick skin of her scrotum, pressing against it, her mouth open in a moan of pleasure, thrusting her hips as she was pleasured by satyr magic.

She reached down, rubbing the swellings where the elf's breasts pressed up against her, the act making the elf trapped within her quiver with delight. She would be beyond physical sensation now, but Vivian always caressed her 'victims' when they were within her, it was one of the few times she was allowed to sneakily grope a client.

She felt every tiny shift of weight within her sack, watching as the elf's fingers, pressing at their fleshy prison, began to fade away. The arm pressed out further, trying to grasp at something that wasn't there. The more a client would struggle, the further a part of the body 'pushed' the quicker it would be consumed.

The bulge's shape and size changed as the elf's arm melted away, transformed into cum, trickling down inside of Vivian, pooling where it would be expelled first. The elf seemed to try and stand, getting to one knee than trying to push upwards. The kneeling foot slipped away, then the elf's standing leg.

The actions were not conscious, just patterns of thought being acted out instinctively in response to the magic. The elf herself was not trying to escape, ensorcelled as she was by the feelings of the erotic bliss that consumed more and more of her consciousness with every second.

She seemed to be licking at the walls that held her. Vivian moaned and slipped two fingers into the elf's mouth, giving her something to gleefully suck on as the process continued.

All her focus concentrated upon the place where there was the most sensation, her other arm turning entirely to cum, her remaining limb slowly melting into the pool beneath her. The elf's entire form became a little softer, less defined, hips and shoulders melting away, the remaining pieces moving toward one another.

The satyr grinned as the familiar outline of needful netherlips appeared in the skin of her sack, she rubbed a thumb over the small nub of the elf's clit, pressing two fingers into the cleft.

She always imagined this part as caressing her captive though a silken sheet. The twin divots where the eyes were went smooth, the nose melting away, neck, clavicles, and belly were no longer present. Merely femsex, mouth, tongue, and tits.

The suckling sensations began to grow fainter and fainter, the breasts losing their nipples, shrinking away until there was not even the slightest swelling to mark their passage. Merely lips of two sorts remained, and even they began to waver, slipping together into some kind of strange, obscene, otherworldly sex organ.

And then the elf's form was gone, her pleasure reaching its peak as her puddled form oozed into its proper place.

Vivian hugged her shaft as she climaxed, spewing forth her client in cum form out of her member, into the grate that surrounded the stage, at first to prevent her from making a mess, but now co-opted for uses just like this.

She lay back, panting, one finger absent-mindedly tracing the gift her mistress had given her upon her full transformation into satyrhood, a pair of rather pretty golden rings that had been broken on the bottom and made whole again, creating a sideways figure eight upon an elegant golden chain, the words 'Together Forever' inscribed within both of them.

She didn't quite recall what the words meant, or what the rings were for. But they had been familiar when she had been gifted with them, something of hers that she had lost in the past and that Mistress Kora had given back to her.

She was grateful for the gift, as it seemed to be something out of her past, or her previous life. Something Vivian knew that she had, but that she didn't quite remember anymore. She knew how new satyrs were made; she'd even helped with the process a few times. Tossing aside old, empty lives and filling them with new purpose and pleasure.

Though Vivian could not remember her old life, all that mattered to her now resided fully within the walls of the Amorous Satyr, she was thankful for the gift. It was something that had belonged to her, and had meant a great deal to her, even if she couldn't precisely remember why.

And trying to ponder on the situation never failed to make her cock do something weird, which it did quite often: quiver and tighten in the middle before spewing forth several gallons of precum, just as it did now.

The satyr giggled and patted her cock, "Naughty boy," she teased, "We really shouldn't be doing that to our clients. Even though they reform in a few hours. Sometime we don't remember to tell Mistress that the barrel needs to be changed. We need to be more careful, 'cause while we don't have someone crawl into you every day, sometimes we get two in the same day."

She sat down, dangling her hooves over the side of the stage, her cock going limp, allowing her to pull it to her lips and plant a kiss upon the slit, tongue slithering inside. Though it felt erotic, her intention was more for loving and kindness.

The other girls thought she was weird, talking to her cock like she did, treating it like it was a person. It didn't matter to Vivian, she loved her cock so much, and it was most certainly big enough to be another person. She loved her cock, she loved sex, she loved performing, she loved being a satyr. Nothing else mattered. Though that did get her into trouble sometimes, since she was often more interested in her own pleasure than following the rules.

Which was why she needed to go tell Mistress about the girl in the barrel. Though there hadn't been any trouble, the two people in one interesting body that had emerged when she had forgotten to mention the full barrel seemed rather happy, Mistress Kora was adamant that Vivian would do her best to make sure something like that wouldn't happen again.

Though the two-in-one had become one of Vivian's best customers, speaking with two voices at once, insisting on being referred to as an 'it' as they sported aspects of both genders and several different species (the stronger come-together magics of two individuals drawing out bits from past customers that were left in the barrel, Mistress had said), Kora did not want another creature like that around.

Quite frankly Vivian thought Mistress was just intimidated by having someone around who was even more lust-crazed and sex-addicted than Vivian.

Vivian giggled as her cock tensed in the middle, as if it were doing its impression of someone throwing up. She gave it a pat and a hug.

"Oh come on, you know you like it too. You think everything is gross, but still get hard and find it sexy." Vivian scolded, her flaccid cock turning a bit more red in the places where it was pink.

"That's what your problem is. You just keep thinking from a mainstream human perspective. If you'd just relax and abandon your silly notions about anything that isn't two arms, two legs, two breasts, two eyes, one pussy only, and humanoid you'd have more fun." She said, giving her cock a pat as it slipped into her sheath.

"Just like a man, roll over and pretend go to sleep when he's on the losing end of a conversation. You know as well as I do that you just love slurping up cute girls and spewing them back out."

She felt a warmth in her sheathed cock, knowing that it would be bright red if it were exposed. She giggled and hopped down onto the grate, kneeling to wring out seed-sodden clothes and gather them up.

"Don't want her to be cold, or missing an ear, once she pulls herself together." She said as she went about her business. Her cock quivered within her sheath, making Vivian grin.

"I agree, some variety would be nice. Personally I think she would make a rather sexy centaur. Centaur, not satyr, it would be kind of hard to get all of you into her if she were a biped." Her penis giggled, as though a point had been scored that it was only grudgingly admitting to.

Vivian grinned, "Well finally we agree on something sexy and non-human!"

She giggled and reached down, gripping her ballsack with both hands, hugging it as best she could.

"I'm proud of you; you've come a long way, now I just wish you were a bit more open to maybe getting some additions."

A thin trickle of precum oozed from her sheath.

"Oh don't start that again, I think we'd looked very sexy with some ribbing, or a few bumps and nodules. Give you some texture." She complained to her cock as she took Naeyn's sodden clothes into the back.