The Best Worst Day

Story by Sci the cheetah on SoFurry

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The Best Worst Day

By Sci the Cheetah

Sam, Jerry, and Terry Toro, Jeff Dune, Dan Trink © Sci the Cheetah

Note: This story was originally an entry for Heat #6, but it didn't make the cut. So, I'm giving it to all of you to read.


A young black wolf sat at the back of the classroom. He was 17 and still getting the same shit that he had been getting from his classmates since they were in elementary school. His name was Sam and he was small for his age. He always had been. Every year it had been the same shit, he would be picked on for most of the year and his parents didn't do anything about it.

"They are just insecure," they told him, but he knew that that wasn't it. They were picking on him because he was small. He had tried everything in the books: ignoring them, avoiding them, and even trying to spread rumors about them. Nothing seemed to work and everything seemed to backfire.

It was the end of the third period on a Friday and lunch was next. He sighed to himself as he went to his locker. But today, something felt a bit different. He opened up his locker to find it suddenly slammed shut. There he was. The worst of the worst. Dan Trink, a young Hyena that was very big and very stupid for his age.

"Hey there, Sam. I've been noticing you giving me dirty looks lately. And I don't like it."

Sam looked around and noticed that there weren't any teachers or administrators around. Just a few students.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, Dan."

"Oh, I think you do," Dan said and before he knew what was coming, Dan swung a punch into Sam's left cheek bone, forcing his head into the lockers.

Sam fell to the ground. He knew that if he had gotten up, Dan was just going to swing another punch. So, he was just going to lay there and take some verbal abuse. But Dan had other plans. Instead of just calling Sam a wuss for only being able to take one punch, Dan picked the small wolf up and punched him in the gut, knocking the wind right out of him.

But that wasn't the end of it. Dan threw Sam across the hall into the lockers across from his own. Sam had known that something was different about today. He knew it from that very morning when he first woke up that morning.


Sam yawned as he woke up and turned off the alarm. 5:55 A.M. It was the time that he was used to waking up every morning. He had gotten up and onto the computer for a few minutes to check his emails. He normally didn't have any because he didn't have any friends, but today he had one. It was from Jefferson High School.

"Dear Sam Toro,

We would like to inform you that you have been chosen to be an embassador to a new student that will be arriving today. His name is Jeff and he needs to be shown around. You will be excused from your first period class to show him around.

Your Principal,

Mr. Alex Kebert"

Sam sighed heavily. It was bad enough that he had been chosen to meet a new student, but now he was required to show the new student around the school. "He's probably going to expect me to socialize with the person, too." Sam sighed again, a bit heavier this time.

He got up and got dressed into his school uniform and went downstairs for some breakfast. His older brothers, Jerry and Terry, who were twins a year older than him, were already stuffing their faces with pancakes. Unlike most people, he actually liked his older brothers. They were normal sized wolves, but they looked after him even though he was a runt.

"Mornin' Bro," they said in unison to him. He didn't know how they did that, but they always did. Sam looked over his brothers a bit. Even though they were twins, it was very easy to tell them apart. Jerry was completely black, while Terry was completely grey.

"I'm going to hate today," Sam said as he sat down. The twins looked at each other before looking back at him.

"Why do you say that?" Jerry asked.

"Because I have to show a new kid around the school."

"It's not that bad. Besides, this is your chance to make a friend. Is it a guy or a girl?"

"A guy. And I know what you're going to say, but you know as well as I do that it wouldn't work."

The twins were the only ones that knew about Sam's biggest secret. They even kept the secret from their parents. After eating a breakfast of Eggs and bacon, the three brothers went upstairs to wash up and finish getting ready. Sam checked the clock in his room again while he was grabbing his bag. 6:48 A.M.

"You ready to go?" Jerry asked. It was his day to drive. Terry and Jerry took turns driving to school.

"Of course," Sam said. Sam followed his brother out to the car. They only lived 5 minutes away from the school so Sam had plenty of time to make his way to the principal's office by 7:30.

It was 7:23 when Sam walked into the front office to sit down and wait. There was a handsome young cougar sitting there waiting with him. Sam took a quick glance at the cougar, noticing how muscular he was. Sam hadn't seen him before, but he always had his head down, so he didn't really notice a lot of the people around him.

The bell rang at 7:30 and the principal came out of his office. "Good. You're both here. Sam, this is Jeff Dune. He's our new transfer student."

Sam and Jeff looked at each other. "Um, hi..." Sam said nervously. The cougar gave off a little giggle. Wait. He giggled?

"Hi, there. It's nice to meet you, Sam," Jeff said as he held out his hand for a handshake. Sam smiled a little as he reached out and shook the cougar's hand.

"Sam, once the second bell rings, I want you to show Jeff around the school. Make him feel welcome."

"Y-Yes, sir." Sam was still a bit nervous, but he did feel a bit comfortable around Jeff. At 8:35 A.M., the second bell rang. "Well, let's get going."

The two of them sat up and walked out of the front office. Sam started to lead down the hall and for a minute, there was silence between the two. Finally, Sam got up the nerve to ask Jeff a question.

"So...what school are you transferring from?"

"Timber Creek."

"Isn't that a private school?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, but I got kicked out," Jeff said. He looked away a little.

"Why would they kick you out? You don't seem like a bad person to me."

"It's...It's because I'm gay..."

Sam stopped and looked at Jeff. 'They kicked him out, just because he's gay? Maybe today will be a good day after all.' Sam thought to himself.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that," Sam said.

"Do...Do you know anyone here that's gay?" Jeff asked.

Sam blushed a bit. "I'm sorry...I don't really know a lot of people here. I try to keep to myself. I get picked on less when I do."

"Why would someone pick on a cutie like you?" Jeff asked, causing Sam to blush heavily.

"It's because I'm small. I'm just lucky my siblings don't pick on me because of it."

"Aw...I'm sorry," Jeff said, giving Sam a hug from behind. He quickly released the hug. "Oops...I'm sorry...I'm just used to giving out hugs to my friends...and most of my friends are women."

"It's okay. I don't mind. You really consider me a friend?"

"Well, yeah. You're sweet and cute. And you seem like you could use one, too."

Sam smiled and began to show Jeff around the school. He showed him the math hall, the English hall, the history hall, and the science hall, which were all in one building. He then brought Jeff to the second building where there was the art studio, the computer labs, and the gym. As Sam was showing Jeff around the gym, he noticed a grumpy looking Hyena.

"Ugh...Not him..."

"What is it? The ugly hyena?"

"Yeah...That's Dan. A rotten apple who definitely spoils the bunch," Sam said as he lead Jeff out of the gym. "So, that's the school. The clinic is in the same building as the main office."

A few minutes later, the bell rang for second period. "Well, I guess I'll see you at lunch. When is lunch?" Jeff asked.

"After third period. The cafeteria is behind the main office building. You can't miss it. I'll see you then."

Second and third period went without a hitch, but something still felt out of place. He didn't know what it was until Dan came up to him.


"S-Stop..." Sam begged as he was picked up for a second time.

"Stop? You want me to stop, Fag?" Dan was about to punch him another time. Sam squeezed his eyes shut, but the punch never came. He opened his eyes to see an administrator walking towards them. Dan dropped Sam and growled as he ran off.

"Are you alright?" the administrator asked.

"Y-Yeah...I'll...I'll be fine..." Sam said. He picked up his stuff, went to his locker, put his stuff away and then left.


Jeff sighed as he looked around the cafeteria. 'He said he would meet me here. I wonder where he is.' The Cougar looked around a bit more before his bladder was telling him he had to go. He quickly found the nearest bathroom, ran into a stall and relieved himself. After he was done, he zipped up and washed his hands and he was about to leave when he heard some crying.

He looked under the stalls to see a pair of black furry feet. "Sam?" he asked. Sam slowly opened the door and came out and hugged Jeff. "What happened to you? You're all beaten up?"

"D-Dan caught me off guard in the hallway," Sam said as he was sobbing into Jeff.

Jeff began to hug the wolf back. "I'm glad to see you don't mind hugging me."

Sam blushed a bit. "Y-You're my friend. Why wouldn't I want to hug you?"

"Well, normally, straight people don't hug their gay friends."

Sam blushed and let go of Jeff. "W-Who ever said I was straight?"

"You mean you're gay?"

Sam blushed heavily as he nodded. "But please...don't tell anyone...The only people who know are my brothers. And if my parents found..."

Sam was interrupted by a kiss from the cougar, causing the wolf's eyes to go wide before they closed as Sam returned the kiss to Jeff. Jeff murred slightly before slowly breaking the kiss. Sam was in complete shock as to what just happened.

Jeff on the other hand, happened to notice everything and patted Sam's pants a little bit. "Seems like someone's getting excited."

Sam's face was completely red, and his black fur was no longer able to hide his blush. "W-Well...I think you're really sweet and cute..."

Jeff smiled down at his new friend. "How do you get to school?"

"M-My brothers take me to and from school."

"Well, how about you come over to my house this afternoon? We can hang out and get to know each other a little better."

"R-Really? You'd want me to do that?"

"Of course I would. Anyone who wouldn't want to get to know this cute lil' wuffie is out of their minds."

Sam giggled a little. "Sure. I'll let my brothers know that I'll be going over to your house today."

It wasn't long before the two had left the bathroom and went out to get some lunch. Fourth period went by in a breeze and Sam saw his brothers before fifth period and told them about it.

"So, what's he like?" Jerry asked.

"Well, he's a cougar and he's really sweet. And he wants to get to know me better."

"It seems our lil' bro has finally found himself a new friend," Terry said with a grin.

"I think he's found himself a little more than just a friend," Jerry said with an even bigger grin.

Sam blushed and looked away, but he couldn't help but smile. He knew that they were right and he was very excited about the idea of having someone to hold him. He had known since he was 13 that he was gay and discovered that he was submissive at 15.

Sam's fifth period class was an art class that he had decided to take as an elective. He had always loved to draw and when he was offered the chance to draw for a grade, he knew he had to take the easy A. However, today all he could think about was drawing a big strong cougar. At the end of the class, the teacher looked over his work.

"Oh my...this is probably one of the best drawings I've seen in years. Do you mind if I put it in the school's art show?" Mrs. Appleton, a cow in her mid 50's, asked.

"O-Of course...I'd be honored..."

"What's the name of it?"

"Of what?"

"Your artwork, silly."

Sam blushed a bit. "Um...It's called...The Elegant Cougar...."

Mrs. Appleton smiled. "Well, stay after class a bit and we'll go over the paperwork for submitting your work. I'll give you a pass to your next class."

Sam smiled a bit. He had always wanted to have a piece in the school's art show. It was a show that they did every month for three days at the beginning of the month that showed off the school's best artwork. Normally, a good exhibit would stay in the art show for a year or two. But there were some pieces that had been in the show since it had opened up.

A few minutes later, the bell rang and Sam approached Mrs. Appleton. "So, what do I have to sign?"

"You don't...I just wanted to ask you a few questions."

"O-Oh....About what?"

"About the new student. I have him next period and I wanted to know a little about him since you seem to have a fondness for him. I already know he's a cougar and you did an amazing job of showing off his good side."

"I-I thought you hadn't seen him yet."

"I haven't, but it wouldn't matter what cougar you were drawing. You would have captured any of their good sides. I've been watching you for a while now, Sam. I've noticed that you don't ever draw any females in your art."

"I-Is that a problem?"

"Not really. But if you want to hide the fact that you're gay, you might want to start drawing some females as well."

Sam blushed heavily. How did she know? Was he that obvious? "T-Thanks, Mrs. Appleton. I'll do a piece later for you. As for Jeff....he's really sweet and funny. His jokes are hilarious. Anyways, I should get going."

Mrs. Appleton nodded before giving him a pass to his next class. She knew that he'd be late considering that her next class was already coming in and he would probably talk to Jeff for a minute before leaving.

Sam smiled as he walked out the door. He took two steps before seeing the hunk that he had met that morning. "Hey, Jeff. I already told Mrs. Appleton about you."

"She asked about me?"

"Well...I kinda drew a picture of you in class and it's going to be in the art show."

"That's great. I can't wait to see it. So, I'll see you after school?"

"Sure. I'll meet you out front, by the main office."

The two smiled at each other before they went their separate ways. Sam was indeed late for his next class, but his P.E. teacher, Coach Appleton, the bull who was married to the art teacher, excused him. He was about to get dressed for class when he stopped and turned towards his coach.

"" he asked.

"Yes, Sam?"

"D-Do you could help me to get stronger?"

"Why do you want to get stronger?"

"Well...I'm small, so there's a good chance that someone might try to beat me up, so I want to be able to defend myself."

"How about Martial Arts? It'll be a good way for you to defend yourself without having to actually fight. It's all about self defense."

"That's perfect, Coach. Do you know any place I could learn?"

"I sure do. I'll get you the information on Monday."

Sam smiled. "Thanks, Coach."

Sam quickly got changed and the rest of the day went smoothly through sixth and seventh periods. Finally, school was out and Sam was on his way to his locker to put his stuff up that he wouldn't need over the weekend. That's when he saw Dan again.

"W-What do you want, Dan?"

"Relax...I just want to talk...But perhaps we could go to a place a little more private..."

Dan's friends, Alex and Greg, both foxes, came up behind Sam and pulled him into the nearby men's room. Sam struggled along the way as the four went into the bathroom.

"So, I heard you want to learn self defense? So, you want to try and fight back?" Dan asked before throwing a hard punch across Sam's face. But this time, something was different. It was a lot harder. Sam looked and noticed that Dan was wearing brass knuckles.

Sam felt a small amount of blood dripping down his cheek. He gasped as the wind was knocked out of him as Dan threw another punch into Sam's gut, bruising a rib or two. Sam looked up as Dan was about to throw a third punch when a black fist came out of nowhere and hit Dan across the face.

Alex and Greg dropped Sam to try and stop Dan's attacker, but were easily thrown to the side. Sam looked up to see Jeff standing there. Dan got up and growled as he tried to attack Jeff, however, Jeff just grabbed him and flipped him over before giving the hyena a quick jab in the chest.

Dan gasped and tried to get up, but Jeff pushed him back down with his foot. "If you ever touch my friend again, I'm going to make you wish you had never been born. This was just a taste of what I can do. Remember the pain, because if you even look at him the wrong way again, you'll be having a flashback of this moment. You got me?"

Dan growled slightly before nodding. Jeff let the hyena up and the three cowardly canines dashed out of the bathroom. Jeff picked Sam up and brushed him off.

"Are you alright?" Jeff asked.

"Y-Yeah...just a little cut and maybe a bruised rib...." Sam gently placed his paw on his rib and grunted. "Definitely a bruised rib."

"Well, let's get back to my place so I can fix you up."

"Thanks..." Sam said softly.

"It's no problem. I've got plenty of ice and bandages."

"No...I mean thanks for what you just one has ever stood up for me before..."

Jeff smiled and helped Sam out to his car. The small wolf sat in the passenger seat as the cougar drove back to his house. It was a small one story house that looked quite cozy.

"So, it's just you and your parents here?"

" parents passed away a few years ago and left me everything. I sold our old house and all the stuff I didn't need and I stayed with my grandparents until I turned 18. Then I was able to buy this small house with my own money."

"So, you fully paid it off?"

"Yup. I lived in a mansion when I was younger, but I had always gotten lost there so I decided something small and cozy would be perfect. It's a two bed/two bath house with a kitchen and living room."

"It does sound perfect," Sam said as he got out of the car. He winced a little as his rib hurt.

The two went inside and Jeff cleaned up Sam's cheek and put some bandages on it. He then took Sam's shirt off and wrapped up Sam's chest to help support his ribs as the wolf took some pain medicine. Once Sam was patched up, the two played some video games for a little while, in which Sam lost at every game. After that, the two cuddled up as they began to watch some movies.

"So....does this make you know....boyfriend?" Sam asked.

Jeff smiled and nuzzled the smaller wolf that was in his arms. " you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Right now...I wouldn't want anything more than that...."

"Then, yes. I will be your boyfriend."

Sam smiled as he turned around and kissed the cougar on the lips. The cougar purred a bit as he happily returned the kiss while gently hugging Sam. After about a minute and a half, Sam broke the kiss and looked deep into Jeff's eyes.

Sam slowly looked away with a blush on his face. "Um...Jeff...I...I want you to be my first..."

Jeff looked a bit surprised. They had just met and Sam was already jumping at him. "Don't you think we should wait a bit."

"Normally, I would....but after what you did for me today, I can't think of any better way to thank you."

Jeff smiled and nodded. "Alright...but if you start to hurt too much, we are going to stop. Don't forget that you were beaten up pretty badly."

"Y-Yeah...I know. But I really want this."

Jeff smiled as he picked Sam up and carried him into the bedroom before gently laying the wolf down on the bed. Jeff gave Sam a quick kiss before taking off his shirt. He then smiled down at Sam as he slowly slid the wolf's pants off, revealing a very tight pair of briefs.

"It seems like someone's still a bit happy."

Sam blushed a bit and nodded. "And he wants someone to please him too," Sam said jokingly.

Jeff grinned as he began to kiss Sam's belly while he slowly slid the briefs down to Sam's knees before he went a little lower and kissed the head of Sam's hard, red cock. He immediately got the reaction he wanted as the wolf murred a bit. Jeff then smiled and took the entire cock into his maw.

Jeff was mostly a virgin, but he had given head a few times. And while all of those boys were at Timber Creek, he had refused to give any names. However, out of all of the cocks that he had tasted, Sam's definitely tasted the best. He continued to suck on it as the wolf began to pant and whimper in pleasure.

Sam did his best to hold back his moaning, but it was no use. He watched Jeff start to bob his had and let out his first big long moan. Jeff's muzzle felt so much better than his paw. It wouldn't be long before he came for the first time into someone else. He had been waiting for this all day and he was glad that Jeff was giving it to him.

"I...I'm getting....close..." Sam warned, causing Jeff to suck a bit harder. It was obvious now that the kitty wanted a treat. And it wasn't long till he got it. Sam thrusted up into Jeff's muzzle and came hard. Jeff started to gag a little, but managed to swallow down most of what the wolf had given him.

"It seems like someone desperately needed the attention."

Sam blushed a bit and nodded. He then spread his legs as much as he could, considering the briefs were still around his knees. "I've got another area that would like some attention too."

"Are you sure? It's going to hurt the first time."

"I've used a dildo before."

Jeff smiled as he pulled the puppy's underwear off completely. He then took off his own pants and boxers all in one motion, revealing a severely swollen sheath. "You mind helping me out a little?"

Sam murred at the sight and crawled over and licked Jeff's sheath. His ribs hurt a little bit, but at least the pain medicine was helping.

Jeff murred at the lick and rubbed Sam's head a bit as the tip of his cock began to poke out of the sheath. He knew that Sam was going to be a little nervous so he had to do whatever he could to relax him. He looked down at Sam who gave him another lick, causing him to moan quietly and pet Sam's head a bit more.

Sam could tell that he was doing a good job from the petting and began to suck on the sheath. He definitely enjoyed the flavor of the sheath and the smell of the musk that was now filling his nostrils. He murred a bit as he noticed more and more of Jeff's cock was emerging from the sheath until it stood fully erect at eight inches long.

Sam smiled up at Jeff as he laid back down on the bed and spread his legs. Jeff smiled back as he grabbed a bottle of lube and poured a bunch over his cock.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jeff asked.

"YES!!! Now put it in me," Sam said. He had surprised himself when he said that, but there was no backing out now.

Jeff smiled and gently laid onto of his new mate, getting ready to put it in him for the first time. "Just so you know...this is my first time as well..."

Sam blushed a bit. "'re so damn hot...I was sure that someone would have let you hump them a bit."

"Well...most guys just wanted me to suck them."

"Well, I'm glad to be your first, too."

Jeff smiled as he leaned in and kissed Sam as he positioned his cock. Or at least tried to. It took a few humps, but he finally hit his mark as he shove the first inch of his cock into Sam's tail hole.

Sam gasped and moaned out. "Oh my! You're so much bigger than my dildo," he said as he held on tight to Jeff. There was some pain, but he still felt a lot of pleasure.

Jeff murred a bit as he began to push in slowly, making sure to be careful not to hurt Sam even more than he already was. It didn't take long for Jeff's barbs to start to push into Sam's tail hole as well, each one causing the wolf to moan out. After about a minute, Jeff had his entire cock in Sam's tail hole.

The two were panting heavily as they sat there to let Sam get used to the cock that was now inside him. It was more than he had expected, but he was loving it. Once he was used to the size, he nuzzled into Jeff's shoulder to let him know that he was ready.

Jeff began to pull out until just the head was left in him. Sam then stopped him. "What's wrong?"

"I...I want you to thrust it hard into me..." Sam's face was showing red through his black fur again as he looked up at his mate.

"That will hurt even more."

"I know...but I want it hard...I always have...."

Jeff nodded. "Alright...but just remember..."

"I know. If it hurts too much, I'll let you know."

Jeff smiled and kissed Sam again as he thrust it in deep into Sam's tail hole, causing Sam to moan out into the kiss from a mixture of pain and pleasure. Jeff began to nibble on Sam's neck a bit as he began to thrust in and out of the tail hole. Soon he had a nice rhythm going.

It didn't take long for Sam's cock to get hard again as it was rubbing between their bellies. "Oh, Jeff...I...I'm getting close again..." he moaned out.

"Let it out...I'm getting close too..." Jeff said as he began to thrust harder.

Sam was no longer feeling any pain as he did his best to hold back his orgasm. After a few minutes, he couldn't hold it any longer and he moaned loudly as he came over their chests and faces. The squeezing around Jeff's cock pushed him over the edge as well as he began to release his seed into the wolf's tail hole.

Their orgasms lasted about two minutes before they rested in the afterglow. Jeff purred as he slowly pulled out of Sam's tail hole and laid down next to him. "So, what do you think?"

"Today was the best worst day, ever." Sam said as he began to cuddle up to Jeff.


"Yes, Jeff?" Sam looked up to his new mate happily.

"Would...Would you like to spend the night?"

Sam smiled. "Sure. Let me just call my brothers to let them know that I won't be coming home tonight.

Sam got up and went into the other room. A few minutes later the wolf came back with his tail wagging nonstop.

"So, it's going to be okay with your parents?"

"They're just happy that I have a friend," Sam said.

"I'm happy about that too. Now get your cute ass back over here."

The two spent the rest of the day cuddling and kissing, with an eccentric lick here or there before falling asleep in each others' arms that night. They were happy enough just to have each other.