Slave 5

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Slave 5 - M/M, Masturbation,D/S, Light Torture - December 04, 2008

By Afril

With Hints from Tredain and Chaos BlackWing

(cl) The Gay Furry Association

Just another daydream

"Good Morning... If anyone is Not here in response to my ad, Please say so - Don't want to shock anyone."

Nobody moved, but I got a few chuckles. Oh, They would learn. "Ok. So you understand, I want a Sex-Toy. Not always, Mind. There will be other things for you to do. But Mostly - A Sex-Toy." They nodded. Amateurs... I broke 4 subs completely yesterday, Most of the others slunk away. At this Rate, I will have gone through every Bottom in the State by weeks end.

"Let's start with... You." I pointed to a buff tiger who looked in good shape. "Have any problems showing off to an audience?" He shook his head and stood. "Safeword is 'Stop'. Now, Masturbate. Show us what you like, How you like to do it." We watched him stroke his sheath, purr as he rubbed his chest, played with a nipple, getting hard rapidly. Closed his eyes and rolled his hips, the others panting and the smell of rut permeating the air as the feline worked his cock in one big hand. It didn't take long before he was grunting, thrusting into his curled fingers, Stiff meat red, the tip swelling and dripping pre. I found myself panting along with everyone else... Damn he was Hot!

A few more strokes and with a snarl, he was spurting white streams onto his chest. I grabbed his nipples between my first and second fingers like clamps and Twisted... Pulled his hand away from his cock and gripping the head, ran my thumbnail up and down the underside of the Tip. Teased his barbs with a finger, Pushing them down then rubbing them across a nail. Lifting them with that same fingernail, to touch the skin beneath. He screamed, Twisted, my hand squeezing his ass, prodding his hole with a thumb. Scratching along his inner thighs, caressing his sides and heaving chest... I worked his balls in a hand, rolling them in my palm, Pinching the cords gently, Cupping one then the other like a ripe plum, Squeezing the orbs inside the furred purse. And never once did I stop torturing his cock-tip. The tiger came like a firehouse, Panting, Begging, Moaning...

"P... Please..." He gasped. I ground the spined head in my rough palm, jerking just That inch of skin.

"Please What?"

He mewled, trying to get away from the intense Pleasure/Pain I was inflicting.

"Sss... Stoppppp..." he gasped, and I pulled my hand away. He fell back into the chair, Penis still trying to spew what his balls didn't have to give. The others watched, dismay written on some muzzles - I didn't have a drop of semen on me, Nor any on the floor... I put my hand on the morass, Slid it down his chest to his belly, watching the male move against my caress.

"That is what I expect and will probably be doing it to you Daily until I get used to having Someone around again. And I give you fair warning - I don't cum Easily. So you maybe sucking on me or riding my cock for a Long Time... And of course I will Still expect you to blow your balls out While doing so."

The tiger suddenly started crying. Softly at first... Then louder as I took his hand and lifted him out of his chair. "It's ok... It's ok. Nothing to be ashamed of. Come on, Let's get you cleaned up." I led the male down the hall. "There's a pot of Coffee and hot water if anyone wants Tea. Sodas in the fridge... I don't drink beer, But if asked 'Nicely', I might buy some - For the Right Slave of course."

I didn't have to hear the chairs scrape, Nor the door open to know I had already lost some of them. Some probably thought I was too weak, Showing sympathy like this. Others I am sure I just frightened off... 'What kind of Sex-Fiend was he?'

I got the tiger into the shower stall, removing my clothes. Tilted his head down and *Kissed* him. Kissed him like he was the Only thing in my world. Watched his eyes sparkle as he returned it, touching my sides, as I rolled his big balls in my hand.

"How do you like your water?" Set the temp and started washing his chest, pressing my erection into his rump. "You were So Hot jerking off out there."

He purred and pressed back against me as I made sure his front was cleaned off. "Not very big, is it?" he chuckled, grinding his striped cheeks into my crotch.

"Plenty big enough... Sir." I didn't ask him Why he fell apart earlier, nor why he was happy now. He wasn't mine, and I don't pry - Unless asked to. I bit his shoulder and he Murrowled, Shivering.

"I bet when we get back out there, half of them are gone. Some will think me weak, Some won't want to stay. Some - Prefer Fur to Skin." I stepped out of the shower, getting a puzzled look. "If I stay one more moment playing with your Hot Self, I am going to Want You - And I don't mean for a shower fuck. You are Hot. You are Sexy... And you are bigger than me, which does all kinds of things to my ego."

He tilted his head, making sure to wash the soap off. "And why would I not Stay, Master? Because you Broke me? Showed me a weakness I didn't know existed? Because you are compassionate, Caring, Yet so Lusty I could get erect again just from your touch?" The big male got out and dripping on the tiles, knelt, crossing his wrists in front of me.

"Please Master, Take me as your Sex-Toy. Your Lover... Your punching bag if you desire."

I slapped his butt firmly. "And what if I am not that Kind? What if I kill you with kindness and gentleness?"

He laughed and Purred again. Then looked a little frightened as I made him stand and stroked his sheath. Bit a wet nipple, making him groan and Pop out. "Salve... You will hurt for a while, But nothing permanent.." I teased his Very red cock-tip softly. "Still sure you want to take the Position on?"

A soft moan came from his clenched teeth as I smeared the cooling gel on the head, but he nodded, Gasping as I squeezed his balls. "Dry off, Go into the bedroom and find a robe that fits. We will see if any of the other make the cut - otherwise I am going to make Your ass hurt Just as much."

I could feel his stare as I put my robe back on and walked down the Hallway to the Main room of the House.

"Next." Such a simple word, Yet how it made grown males Tremble...

The End?