Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 11

Story by TaoHowling on SoFurry

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#9 of FanFiction - Destiny With A Dragon

Chapter 11: Shattering The Mirror Of Time

Toothless's jaws clamped hard. He could feel his jaw bones ache and moan from the strain. The cold metal in his mouth would not break or release for anything. Not even the strength of a dragons jaw.

"There not coming off" Toothless said giving up and backing away.

They had been attempting to remove the brace around Hiccups wrings. If only they could remove them for her they would be home free. How easy would that be however, it was all too good to be true. The metal was strong, and by now Toothless had already informed Hiccup what would happen if her wings were to stay this way.

"So what do we do now then?" Hiccup asked, she was tired, her wings ached and she wanted to stretch them so badly that it hurt.

"I don't know... I'm not sure what they are doing here. Or why they need so many dragons. Speaking of dragons.. You won't believe who I saw." Toothless nuzzled Hiccup to lay down. If they were going to be this way then they might as well me comfortable.

"Who?" Hiccup said with curiosity.

"The dragons from Berk" Toothless said.

"The WHAT!" Hiccup jumped to her feet. She knew that if they were there than something must have happened to the village. Something bad! Or they did not know there dragons were missing. Any number of them could be right.

"Where!" Hiccup said sternly.

"By the work place. Somewhere down there, it's a large sort of field. They harness the male dragons and force them to pull something very heavy.

"Do you know what it is?" Hiccup asked.

"I have no idea. I have never seen something like it before"

"Well that's because you are not advanced enough!" The low dark voice once again returned. It flooded their minds.

"What? Why am I here? And don't you know I can read your thoughts already! HAH, I'm here to watch." He was calm, dark figure. A human by the looks of it, only he was about seven to eight feet tall. The only difference. His arms were long and thin, so was his legs.

"Ohh So many questions running through the minds of you both." He chuckled.

"The thing is, I don't think you know what side I'm on! Hah... Oh no young Toothless I was not the one who put you here." Toothless had an angry look on his face mixed with confusion. The tall figure was reading every question from his thoughts and answering them.

"Oh Hiccup now don't think dirty!" He chuckled.

"What! I did not!" Hiccup said in detest.

Mmmhmhmhmh, I guess you should know by now. Think. Have you ever seen these humans before? No you have not, that's right Toothless, but do they seem... Familiar to you... THEY DON'T!... Well, I was not expecting that, but oh well... The only thing you should know about them is that you are not the only humans on this large world. There are others. Most far advanced than you will be in a hundred years. Why take America for example! The big Apple!"

"The what?" Toothless and Hiccup said out loud simultaneously.

The tall figure looked at the two of them as if they had never lived. With a dumb look in his eyes.

"I do feel sorry for you honestly... You have no idea what is to come. As for the Big Apple and America, you will find out soon enough. All in time my good friends!... Oh we are not friends? Well then how about a little gift from Me to You." He walked up to Hiccup and placed one of his long and skinny pale fingers on the brace holding Hiccups wings down. At the point at which he touched the metal shimmered and the metal became shiny. At this point Hiccup shivered and that slight movement shattered the brace. It's pieces flying everywhere.

"Ahh there we are. Now if you have learned anything by now you know that I have a deeper understanding of what's going on. Toothless can tell, I can see it in your thoughts. I advise you not to leave. Let things play out, and maybe even find out exactly what all those dragons are pulling."

With that he vanished in thin air. The space around him shimmered and he was gone.

"The big Apple?" Toothless asked looking and Hiccup.

"Don't look at me!" Hiccup said stretching her wings. They folded out nicely, and relief filled her as all the cramps, itching, and stiffness felt before was fading away.

"Why would he let you go.." Toothless asked wondering.

"Does it matter! I'm free! We can get out of here!" Hiccup said, wings at the ready, she trotted to the lip of the cave.

"No Don't! I think he is right... It makes sense, we should stay... I want to know what is going on here. He said something was going to happen and I want to know what and why. Why this is all happening." Toothless said looking at Hiccup.

Screams filled the Asgard as the winged god flew through the skies with his underlings. One after another warriors of Asgard shot and killed his children. Barvarta Screamed and let out a torrent of fire at one of the tall guard towers burning whoever was within. The sky was full of flight and war.

"BARVARTA!" Thor yelled in his deep voice. Launching himself in the air and plummeting his hammer down on Barvata's head bashing it to the floor. The tile cracked as his massive head smashed into its decoration. He screeched and clawed at the air. Thor received a large gash on his side from one of Barvata's talons.

"You will suffer for that Dragon!" Thor said with power in his voice.

"Or so you think!" Barvarta said with a gleam in his eye.

It just so happened that they had been in the very room Barvarta wanted to be in. The hall of time, more of a watch tower that can see forward and backwards from the past, present, or future. It was exactly what he needed. Something to effect the war, something that would bother Odin and force him to fix his own problems so that the younglings could rest from the bloodshed.

It was a mirror of sorts, large and round. Though it had its own beauty to it. It was a mirror and a window at the same time. He saw himself, In the present. Looking through a window at a mirror of himself. It bothered his eyes.

"Time to change the tide Thor Odinson! Give your father my Greetings!" With that his tail lashed out and bashed the mirror, which then shattered to the floor in shards of glass. Each one taking its own moment in time. One shard was not like the other, one could have been the beginning of time and another could hold the last days of earth. Each one holding different moments in history and the future.

The air screeched, sounding like nails on a chalkboard. Everything Shimmered out of place, everything looked as in double. Then it all came back together.

"What have you done!" Thor demanded to know.

"I changed the tide!" Barvarta launched himself in the air. He had taken an offensive.

Time was now changed, clashing together. No doubt Barvarta knew that Hiccup and Toothless will have an interesting time with this change. If it was the end of all things, if the war reached that point. Then this did not matter. Barvarta was determined to win, and he could if he wanted to. He was the Dragons god of all things.


THERE WE GO! BOOM changes!

Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 10

**Chapter 10: Tatterd Wings** * * * Destiny With A Dragon Chapter 10 Confusion filled the air around Hiccup, thousands of different voices pierced her ears with screams, cries, and moans. It was all too unnerving to Hiccup and the thought of escape...

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Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 9

**Chapter 9: Continuation & Slave Driven** * * * Chapter 9 :: Slave Driven Toothless's breath was heavy and constant holding the strength of what felt like thousands of Dragons at once. His thrusts where now seemingly soft wimpy swipes at foreplay....

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Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 8

**Chapter 8: Yours Forever** * * * -WN- Warning to all of you who are Reading. Some content within this chapter may not be suitable to all ages. If you do not wish to read then please skip forward to the next chapter when it is ready. If you are...

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