A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 1

Story by TaoHowling on SoFurry

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Escape-{}-Hiccup looked at the waves, seemingly lost in thought. Toothless moved a bit closer to him, nudging him in the side."Oh, hi buddy! I guess I got a little lost again huh?"Toothless made a whimpering noise, and nuzzled Hiccup."Hey, don't worry about me. I'm fine, really!"How wrong he was...Now

he was laying right before Toothless, his Hiccup, in his bed, barely

breathing. Hiccup had gotten some unknown disease, and Toothless could

smell the life slowly fading from him. The human healers had checked and

rechecked him, but the results were always the same. Nothing! They had

no idea what was wrong with him, and were even more confused on what to

do about it. The only thing they said was that Hiccup probably wouldn't

last the night, but his Hiccup always did.He was strong, but even

now Toothless started to think that Hiccup didn't have much more left

to give. Every day his condition worsened, and Toothless could only sit

there and watch the disease continue its effect. He felt helpless.Downstairs

he heard chattering, which after awhile grew to shouting. Stoic was

obviously upset about something. When the shouting didn't stop,

Toothless' anger started to build up."Why can't they keep their mouths shut" He growled. "All these noises aren't good for my human". Toothless looked at Hiccup, then back to the door. The shouting was still going on, getting louder.Toothless grunted."This place won't help my Hiccup, I need to do something"Toothless

walked over to the side of the bed and took away the blanket that kept

Hiccup warm. He looked down at him. The boy had a grimace on his face,

like he was in real pain. Toothless whined softly, and licked Hiccup's

face."Just try to hold on a little longer"he urged silently.Then

with some efforts, Toothless managed to get Hiccup onto his back.

Making sure that the boy wouldn't fall off, he made his way to the

window. He looked back at the door. Noises were still coming from

downstairs."Staying here won't help my human, it will only lead to his death". A snort escaped Toothless before he leapt out of the window, disappearing into the darkness of the forest.-{}-Toothless

navigated through the forest with ease. The moonlight breaking through

the branches made it look like it was still day to him. He kept a slow

pace, making sure Hiccup would not fall off from his back. The warmth of

Toothless' body would keep Hiccup from freezing, as long as they kept

constant body contact. He had already figured out that the cove where

Hiccup first had befriended him was not an ideal place to stay. One

thing is that it's too near the village. People would surely go look for

Hiccup after Stoic found out his son was missing, and sooner or later,

they would find the place. Another thing was Astrid already knew of the

cove. Toothless huffed by the thought of the blonde. "The last thing Hiccup need is more abuse from that girl..."The

number of punches had changed drastically after she saw how bad Hiccup

really was, but growls and screeches from Toothless helped as well. He

didn't like Astrid. He wouldn't even let her near Hiccup, which left her

standing in the doorway each visit. Hiccup was his, and he needed to

make that clear. She knew better than to ignore his warnings. A fight

against a Night Fury was something even she couldn't win.Toothless

trotted for hours, looking for a suitable place to stay. After getting

through some heavy vegetation, he eventually spotted a cave, only five

meters away from where he stood. The forest had concealed it quite well,

making it almost impossible to find. It was only luck that Toothless

discovered it. He looked inside. The cave was about ten meters deep, and

had more than enough room for the both of them. Toothless purred to

himself, satisfied, and walked inside. He let the sleeping Hiccup slide

off his back, carefully so his head didn't bump into the rocky ground.

He looked down at his human with sad eyes. His condition hadn't gotten

any better, but fortunately not any worse.So, what now? He had

accomplished taking him away from all the annoying noises, but hadn't

thought any farther then that. He found himself a comfortable position

in the cave, and started to look back in his memories.Hiccup was

like no other Viking he had ever seen. Where everyone else would have

killed him out in the forest, Hiccup couldn't. Hiccup saw something in

dragons that others didn't. He saw the intelligence in dragons, and he

didn't treat them like they were mere animals, but rather as if they

were of his own kin. As for Toothless, he was happy to accept that

friendship. Toothless might have been a little skeptical at first, but

after seeing that Hiccup was no ordinary Viking, every suspicion of him

was brushed away like they were dry leaves in an autumn storm. After the

event involving the dragon queen, their bond got even stronger. They

never left each other, or rather, Toothless would never leave Hiccup.

Hiccup didn't seem to mind. He took it as a sign that Toothless cared

about him, which he did, maybe more than Hiccup realized.. "Hiccup likes me as a friend, but, I like to think of our friendship as something...more"Suddenly,

deep in Toothless' mind, a small bright light appeared. Toothless

didn't exactly know what to do or what it was, but nevertheless crawled

deeper into his mind, only following his instincts. As he looked deeper,

the light got bigger, until the energy flowed everywhere in his body.

It boiled inside him, and he felt like it needed to be released. He

opened his mouth, and out came something that looked like glowing smoke.

Toothless starred at it in wonder. The color of it constantly changed

between dark blue and pitch black, and lit up the cave every time it

turned blue. It seemed like it had a life of its own! It didn't seem to

be effected by the wind, but rather went where it pleased. It was aiming

for his human. Hiccup inhaled most of the glowing smoke, while the rest

dissipated into nothingness. Toothless didn't know for sure what he had

just done or if it would help his Hiccup, but it had left him tired,

and his head pounded as if the queen dragon's tail had smashed into it

again. So he drew his human closer, sharing his body warmth with him,

and fell asleep.