A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 10

Story by TaoHowling on SoFurry

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#10 of FanFiction - A New Life - Land Of Magic Series

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 Announcing a Funeral

Chapter 10: Announcing a Funeral


Boom, a large gong like sound rattled the cages where every gladiator sat waiting.

Boom, it rang again, this time followed by an announcer. His voice was unnaturally loud, Hiccup guessed it was magic. Burrows had shared some of his knowledge about magic and what it could do. Making your voice louder was one of the "parlor tricks" as he said.

"You know, if it's just going to keep ringing, I might not be able to hear again." Burrows said sarcastically.

A large amount of the other gladiators grunted in approval and some passed the joke around.

"I can tell its cramped in there" Burrows said, leaning against the cage bars. He was being held to the right of Hiccup, and to the left was more gladiators that he had never seen before.

"A Little"

"Ladies and Gentlemen! It's been five years to the day, and the time of the great Gladiator Fights have come at last!" The crowd roared "You have all been waiting, and placed your bets, now is the time to see you get rich, or poor!" More clapping and roaring from the crowed. "This year we have chosen a tournament style, unlike the previous fights" The crowed sent a low boo at the last words. Disapproval of the previous fights radiating off the people. "But before we announce our first fighters, I would like to recognize our guests. Verius!" The crowd roared, and screams leaped from some of the people. "Thank you, thank you." Verius stood and signaled the crowed to silence. He started to explain the rules of the fights, but Hiccups ears where filled with the complaints from the other gladiators.

"Get it over with!" The man to Hiccups left had yelled

"I want to kill something! Give me a challenge! Not a speech!"

Hiccup grunted, it was true, he was tired of being cramped in a cage where his head touched the ceiling and moving was imposable.

"Yall get your chance! Now shut up!" Burrows mumbled to himself.

To Hiccups surprise, the gladiator heard and turned his head in an evil stair.

"I hope you're my first, I will rip your head off with my bare hands!" The gladiator yelled, showing the movements.

"How mature of you"

The Gladiator yelled and started beating the cage walls, yelling complaints even louder.

"We have a real treat for our first battle ladies and gentlemen! The great... The deadly... Darkscale!" The crowd erupted, and Hiccups heart fell to the floor.

"Of all the luck... I'm first" Hiccup mumbled.

"It's fine Hiccup, just remember to be fast, and not get killed" He joked.

Two men came from a large door holding what seemed to be keys to the cages. One of the men came to Hiccups cage and started to turn the key when the other yelled at him.

"Not that one you numbskull! The other one!"


"Come on, don't be stupid like last time, they want a good fight. So we give them the other one"

Hiccups heart lifted, and slammed to the floor again. "Toothless!"

A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 11

**Chapter 11: Chapter 11 Deep Power** * * * Chapter 11 :: Deep Power "Burrows I can't let them take Toothless!" "Don't worry, he will be fine. He is a big Dragon and all. From what you have told me he can handle himself." Burrows fiddled with his...

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A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 9

**Chapter 9: Chapter 9 Where are you, Hiccup?** * * * "UAAAAAH!" \*Boom\* "NEXT!" "_Stupid tiny muscled sword wielder_" \*Smack\* "AAARGH!" .....\*Boom\* "NEXT!" "_Can't believe this has happened. Why am I doing this anyway? Oh, stop waving...

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A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 8

**Chapter 8: Chapter 8 Where are you, Toothless?** * * * Stone walls surrounded him, spider webs filled the corners and blood colored the ground, while the scent of it poisoned the air. This was the place Hiccup woke up to, where he'd been locked...

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