A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 11

Story by TaoHowling on SoFurry

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#11 of FanFiction - A New Life - Land Of Magic Series

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 Deep Power

Chapter 11 :: Deep Power

"Burrows I can't let them take Toothless!"

"Don't worry, he will be fine. He is a big Dragon and all. From what you have told me he can handle himself."

Burrows fiddled with his clothing, anxious for what was to come.

"You don't understand, If he gets hurt. I don't know what I would do."

Hiccup fussed, and tried to occupy himself by biting his tail. This did nothing to cover the fear he had inside. Something about Toothless going out to fight, without him, caused Hiccups heart to explode in pain. The worst part of it all was that there was nothing he could do but watch. This was a torture in itself. Nothing he did made a difference.

"Hiccup, you really fear this don't you?"

"Nothing will be the same"

Burrows dropped his clothing that he had been jumbling with. "If its honest fear you feel than tell me how you became a Night Fury"

"What do you mean, I already told you this"

Burrows slapped himself on the head. "Right and you said it was some type of magic, correct?"


"Then there might still be magic in you, if Toothless could turn you into a Dragon out of fear from you dying. Then I don't see why you can't save him with magic"

"I don't understand"

Hiccup was puzzled and confused. All of this information was giving him a Dragon sized headache. The thought of him being able to use magic overwhelmed his thoughts and everything became hazy and unclear.

"Look at me"

Hiccup strayed his eyes over to Burrows, still slightly confused.

"Take a deep breath, you're going through magic shock. Listen and listen good. You and Toothless have a bond, forged by the magic of dragons. From what you have told me, and from what I can see. The magic is triggered from fear. Hiccup you have a lot of fear running through you right now, am I correct?"

Hiccup lifted his head up, and then down. It felt like the whole world had moved other than himself. His stomach lurched.

"Good, now think about the lock. The one on the cage, think hard and put all of your emotions you are feeling right now into the very idea of freedom!"

Hiccup did as he was told. Although he found it was hard to channel emotions. Every time he would keep a steady thought on freedom and the lock on the cage which would then be followed by the thoughts of Toothless dying. It tormented his mind making him even more determined to focus. Focus, the lock. Freedom. Saving Toothless! Hiccup felt his entire mind devoid of all cares and fear. Everything was slipping out like a waterfall. It was reliving to have the emotions leave. No more fear, no more care. It all flowed like the morning breeze. It was relaxing unlike anything he had ever felt before.

Hiccup found his thoughts wavering once again from the lock. Again the determination to focus filled his mind and he threw the emotions at the cage door. With a great bang the door flew off of its hinges clattering to the floor. Hiccup felt himself pulling back together, as if he had been disassembled and then reassembled. His breathing staggered and he started to think clearly again. The haze around his mind vanished.

"Well, that was great, now can you please take your Dragon self over here and free me from your inability to control your power!"

Hiccup looked to the directing Burrows was, only to find that the bars to his cage had been bent in and the utterly door gone.


"Under the bed! It was all I could do to not get skewered by the bars of death you moved!"

"The Guards?"

"Look for yourself"

An arm stuck out from the bars pointing in the direction of the Arena doors. The two guards had been pushed through the wall. Nothing had changed though, it was as if they just walked into the wall, and now they were stuck.

"They are dead now, as I will be if you don't hurry"


Hiccup pushed himself out of his cage and over to Burrows. With a large paw he used his claws to pull the bars, now detached from any solid object, out of the cell. One by one he threw the metal poles out of the way, freeing Burrows from under the chamber bed.

"Right, now to your friend. But first"

Burrows took one of the large poles and smacked the gladiator that had been tormenting him. He fell to the floor dazed and unconscious.

"That will teach him"

The sound of the crowd rattled the ground with their voices and intense energy. Thousands of seats circled a large pit where which Toothless assumed was the fighting arena. The exact place he was headed. Each seat was packed with humans of different color, size, and weight. Toothless thought about how piggish the human race was, then he thought of his Hiccup, now a dragon. It was right that way, Hiccup was growing up and the only way he would have done so was to be a dragon. The most fierce race, as dragons see it. Two guards walk Toothless to the starting room. The room was small, almost exactly perfect to fit his whole body and tail, but his wings where crammed and he could not stretch. A Large voice boomed again. "You can see that we have a dragon! But this is no ordinary dragon you see, this dragon is smart. Smarter than all of us combined!" The crowd laughed in disbelief. "You may laugh now but to show you we care about you're a safety we are locking the beasts wings so he will not fly." As if by cue the two guards took a leather looking harness and placed it on Toothless's back, two straps on both ends wrapped around his wings and fastened at the belly. Toothless tried to move his wings but the leather was strong, stronger than he had thought. It was imposable for him to remove his wings. To the normal dragon this would be a problem, but this was Toothless, the Night Fury. He did not need his wings to maneuver, he would be fine grounded to land.

Tension began to build as the crowed grew silent. Something was happening on the field and Toothless could not see what it could be. This angered him, he reached back to kick at the wall. Before he could do so however the metal bars slowly and silently slid open. Toothless waited for something to happen, but was only greeted with the silence of the crowd. This nerved Toothless, what had they seen? With caution Toothless peered out of the doorway that opened to the arena floor. Confusion filled him as all he could see was the arena as it was, nothing had changed, nothing was new. He walked out confident now and yet nothing happened. It was then that Toothless noticed the crowed. They were not looking at him, but in the air. High at the top of the arena where a large flag pointed to the stars. The sun blocked Toothless's gaze but he knew something was about to happen. The crowd gasped and pointed, this was when Toothless made his move. He dove to the right dodging a large Axe like weapon that would have crushed his skull. Its metal was as thick as Toothless's head and as wide also, the handle jetted out three yards from the dangerous end. He saw no owner to the weapon but it was too large for a normal human. Toothless jerked back as something landed on his back, he swerved and fell crushing whatever it was into the ground. Nothing was there however, just dirt. Toothless jumped up ready for another attack. He faced the weapon that had fell, but this time a person stood at the tip of the handle that was pointing to the sky. Whoever he was it was small, about five feet tall by Toothless's guess. Garbed in black the figure stood like a watching owl and made no move. Wherever Toothless turned however his gaze followed. Toothless could feel two dark eyes gazing through the dark shadowed hood.

Toothless made no move to attack, he needed none. As long as he stood still so did the strange person. "Five minutes" Boomed the announcer voice.

There is a time limit!?

Toothless looked back at the announcer box expecting an answer. Nothing came in reply so Toothless turned back to his opponent, but he was not there. Nothing was there, not even the weapon.

What? I don't understand it was just-

The ground shook as the large metal axe smashed at the ground slicing the tail fin membrane enough to cause pain, but not immobilize any future flying. Toothless screamed and flew forward as the weapon rose again, and fell again with bone shaking force. Toothless looked for his attacker vigorously and found him, although it was very unexpected. The stranger was at the middle of the arena a good six feet in the air. The weapon was not in his hands but seemed to follow his hand. The stranger pointed at Toothless's position, the weapon followed his gaze and flew at Toothless. Who in return jumped to the side attempting to raise his wings. They were locked. This was cheating and Toothless was cross, how did they expect him to fight a battle where which he could not win. This was wrong and all Toothless could do was defend himself from death.

The large axe swung at Toothless again but he was prepared. Toothless launched himself forward grasping the handle between his jaws. Still the weapon rose and fell, the strength of it was unnatural. Toothless rose with the weapon which turned causing him to face his enemy face to face. The Hooded figure stared back. A small dark red symbol glowed on the person cheek. Toothless was filled with fear, a dark memory rose to the forefront of his mind.

That's imposable. I watched you die. How can you be alive!

A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 12

Chapter 12 :: Another Magician -Toothless- "Aww Toothless, It has been a long time. The last time we where together you where no taller than my hip" The strange man's words seemed to roll off the tip of his tongue with ease. Like he had prepared for...

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A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 10

**Chapter 10: Chapter 10 Announcing a Funeral** * * * Chapter 10: Announcing a Funeral -Hiccup- Boom, a large gong like sound rattled the cages where every gladiator sat waiting. Boom, it rang again, this time followed by an announcer. His voice...

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A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 9

**Chapter 9: Chapter 9 Where are you, Hiccup?** * * * "UAAAAAH!" \*Boom\* "NEXT!" "_Stupid tiny muscled sword wielder_" \*Smack\* "AAARGH!" .....\*Boom\* "NEXT!" "_Can't believe this has happened. Why am I doing this anyway? Oh, stop waving...

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