Friendship to Love Ch 2

Story by Silver_Folf on SoFurry

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#2 of Friendship to Love

Sorry this took so long to put out, hopefully it won't take as long to put out Chapter 3

A few days have passed since Alex came back from college. He's moved in with mom and I, she wasn't too pleased when I asked her but she let him. We then moved my room to the basement. The other day I had Alex on one of my workout benches, his scent was filling the room and it was amazing. When he stopped I could see he was panting a bit. I sat next to him and the laid my head on his chest. I could hear the gentle beat of his heart and that just smile as he wrapped his arms around me. I was taking in him more and more when he moved my face to face his then he leaned in and kissed me and I couldn't help but murr as we kissed. He then stood up picking me up and when he did I let out a surprised yip.

"You've put on a bit of weight my foxy." I giggled

"Hey," he said blushing lightly "It's not much." He grumbled

"I know, I'm just teasing you." I said. Smiling he carried me to our bed and sat down with me in his lap and resumed kissing me. Every kiss held the same passion, he then gently ended the kiss and then licked my nose which made me sneeze.

"Too cute." Alex smirked

"I'm not cute." I responded with a blush

"Yes you are." he said wrapping hims arm around me. I just embraced him and nuzzled his neck smiling. He then took a hold of my body and gently kissed me. I gladly returned the kiss, his breath hot on my lips. My tongue was slipping into his mouth and his paw was sliding under my shirt when we heard the door open and my mom yell down the stairs.

"Seth get up here please!"

"Be there in a minute!" I yelled back and let out a groan laying my head on Alex's chest. "We can't get any time to each other."

"It's fine hun." he chuckled then kissed my head. So we got up and freshened up a bit going up stairs to see what mom wanted.

"What's up?" I asked stretching a bit

"I just wanted to talk to you." she said, when ever she said that she either had bad news or was about to yell at me, my heart was now racing. "I just wanted to let you know I'm going to be leaving after dinner and I'll be out for the weekend. I also want you to follow up on your college applications." she finished.

"I already got in at Highward University."I said

"I don't want you going there." she said with a slight annoyance in her voice. My ears just dropped back, I can't seem to do anything to make her happy.

"Okay." I said standing up and running down stairs, Alex on my heels. He then found me leaning on the wall my legs pulled up to my chest and my head on my knees crying. He then wrapped an arm around me kissing my head then whispering in my ears "It'll be okay." he said gently then lifted my head and wiped away my tears. I sniffled a bit and nodded.

"I'm gonna take a nap before dinner." I said wiping my eyes as I was laying down and he just nodded "I gotta make a call I'll try to be quiet when coming back" he said gently then kissed my head.


"So what was that about?" Alex asked my mom

"What are you talking about?" she asked legitimately confused

"Getting up set with him about the college thing." He said, annoyance very obvious in his voice

"Oh that's not your problem." my mom said turning away from Alex

"Oh yes it is, that's my boy friend down there. That makes it my problem." he retorted

My mom then turned to face Alex "Listen here," was all my mom got out before Alex interrupted. "No you listen. All that boy does is try to make you happy yet nothing he does makes you happy. Why is that?"

"Well, I uhh." she stuttered

"Well what, is it because he's gay?" he hissed a bit and she just dropped her head. "It's such a sin and I want to love him." she said quietly

"Have any family that have been divored?" he asked, "My parents" she responded nodding "You love them right?" she nodded again "Divorce is a sin as much as being gay is. What makes being gay so much worse?" she just looked at him dumbfound, "Exactly, so what are you doing this weekend?" he grilled her. "Going out of town with a guy." she said quietly. "I'm gonna guess you two are going to have sex but you'll just deny that. Just remember that premartial sex is a sin too." he said then stormed out side to make his call.


A hour later Alex woke me up by gently shaking me. "Time to eat young prince." he smiled. I then sat up stretching then kissing him "Does that make you the princess?" I asked "No I'd be more of a king." he chuckled "That you are." I said quietly as I nuzzled him. Then he went into kiss me but then I pulled away. "What's wrong?" he asked tilting his head "Sleep breath." I said cutely, he just smiled and kissed me anyways. We then went up stairs to eat dinner with my mom and I noticed thing were unusually quiet but I didn't say anything. Right after dinner my mom left leaving Alex and I alone. We sat in the living room watching Supernatural and Seth was playing with my ears and I couldn't help but giggle.

"So why doesn't your mom want you going to Highward?" he asked

"Well it's not that she doesn't, it's her father who doesn't want me going there. It's where my dad went. James, her father hated my dad." I said

"I'm sorry to hear that hun." he said softly and held me close. "Any ways, we have the place to ourselves." he said sensually putting his hands under my shirt and then pulling it off and I felt the cool air on my now exposed upper body. He then laid me on the couch and started kissing on my neck and I couldn't help but let out a soft moan feeling his soft and sensual kisses on my neck.

Then he pulled away and slipped off his own shirt and pressed his warm lips to mine. I then gently wrapped my arms around his neck, rubbing the back of his head. His tongue then slipped into my mouth and gently wrestled mine. Then he pulled back smiling "You're one of the best things to happen to me." he spoke softly.

"You as well hun." I responded gently. "Now stand up." I said.

"Why?" Alex asked "Just to do it." I said. So he did just that and I sat up on the couch taking his pants button into my hand and undid them pulling his pants down along with his boxers revealing his sheath to me. I then pressed my cold nose to his sheath and took in a deep breath inhaling his musk. "So amazing." I said then took one of orbs into my mouth and gently licked and sucked on it. He now had his hand on the top of my head

"That's a god boy." he said gently. Then I quickly pulled away looking up at him. "Why'd you stop?" he whined gently. "Sit down." I spoke seductively. So he did just that and when he did I get on my knees in front of him taking the orb back into my mouth gently sucking on it and licking at while one of my hands was gently rubbing on his sheath. He had laid his head on the back of the couch moaning gently, his chest rising slowly. I then had a new idea, I took his sac out of my mouth and then with the tip of his cock peaking from his sheath I took it into my mouth and gently started sucking on it. This got a reaction out of him and I then felt him rub the back of my head. "You are just too amazing." he moaned gently.

I smiled to self because he wasn't just saying that, I could tell because his cock was quickly rising from it's furry home. When it come it's full length of eight inches. I slowly licked from the base of his sheath up to the tip of his cock, enjoying his musky taste. I then took the tip of his cock into my mouth and gently sucked on it while I wrapped one hand around it and gently stroked him. The hand he had put on the back of my head was playing with my ears making me murr around his cock. I could already taste his pre dribbling into my mouth and on to my tongue. Taking my hand off his cock I started bobbing on his cock gently pressing my tongue on his cock which was making more pre leak into my mouth and I was in heaven, I'd do this all day every day if I could. I could see his knot starting to form slowy, so I used one paw to gently rub on it, this caused him to take in a sharp breath then moan even louder which made me smile.

"Oh... Babe I'm so close." he said in-between rugged breaths. This was my cue to slowly deep throat his cock. My nose pressed to his knot and the musk it gave off was heavenly. While I did this I was swallowing around his cock and he was now thrusting into mouth as much as he could. Then with the hand that was rubbing his knot I took it and put it put it behind his knot and gently pulled on it simulating a tie. He instantly started cumming down my throat, the taste was just amazing, I slowly pulled back off his cock and let a bit of his cum coat my face and I couldn't help but pant and smile as he slowly stopped cumming. I then leaned in and licked up the excess cum. He just sat there panting. I then sat on the couch next to him and leaned in for a kiss and little did he know I didn't swallow all of the cum. So when we started kissing he got a taste of his own cum and murred as he tasted it. He then pulled back and smiled at me. "You're the only wolf that I know that would suck a cock and then swallow so much cum." he teased "but that makes you special and that makes you mine." he added then kissed me as I blushed gently then when the kiss ended he licked the extra cum off my face and smiled at me. For awhile we just sat there being close to each and smiling, his chin resting on me. I remember nodding off then picking my head up to wake myself up. "Okay time for bed hun." he said. Normally I'd argue with but tonight I just got up and went down stair Alex following me, we both then took off our clothes and he laid down first then I got in bed with him, the last thing I remember before dozing off was him pulling me close and kissing the back of my head and whispering in my ears "I love you."

The next day I woke up having taken all the blankets off Alex, again and giggling to my self.

"What's so funny?" he asked sleepily

"I always seem to take all the blankets off you." I said rubbing the sleep out off my eyes.

"That you do." he said sitting up and pulling me close to him. For a few minutes we just sat there waking up. "So what should we do today?" he asked laying his chin on my head. "I need to go shopping, I only have a pair of pants that really fit." I said. "Then shoping it is, I need new clothes any ways." he smiled I was about to say something but he interrupted "I'm buying my treat." I just nodded "Okay hun."

So we got up and both took showers and ate breakfast, I was was getting dressed in our room when Alex walked down and behind me and slapped my butt "Such a sexy butt." he murred and I just looked over at him and stuck my tongue out at him. While I was looking through my make shift clothes rack I heard Alex chuckling a bit, I instantly knew why and what he said next confirmed this. "I didn't know you wore panties." he held up a pair of pink frilly panties. My face instantly turned bright red and I couldn't help but smile. "That's very cute." he teased. I looked up too see him rubbing them on his sheath then throw them to me, they smelled very strongly of his musk. "Put them on." he said and so I did. Alex then walked up to me and put his arms around me and kissed on my neck. "You're such a slutty little wolf. Are you sure you're not a fox?" My cock was poking out of my sheath. Then he stepped back and smiled then turned me around and kissed me "Though you're my slutty wolf." He then went back to getting dressed. He has a thing for teasing me and I love every second of it.

We both then finished getting dressed and went to his car. Alex is a very neat person but he's the only guy I knew who had a messy car, I even kept my car clean. "So how many pairs of panties do you own?" he asked.

"These pairs, a black version of these and a white pair." I blushed

"I think my wolfy needs a few more pairs." He teased

"No I don't." I said blushing more

"Well to bad I'm getting you more." he smiled. On the way to the mall I started going through Alex's music then I look at him "For such a manly looking fox you listen to some girly stuff." I giggled

"Oh shut up." he said pushing my shoulder

A few minutes later we reached the mall and he then proudly took my hand into his and smiled, I couldn't help smile as well and gently squeezed his hand. So we got the clothes we need and did a bit of window shopping because that can be just as fun if you ask me. We were in the food corting eating.

"Can I ask a question?" I asked

"I don't know, can you?"he tease and I just giggled

"May I ask a question?" I said fixing my self and he nodded "If I'm prying to much, please tell me but how do you have all this money with out having a job?" He looked at me and said "Well it's all dad's money he's always giving my brother and I money as long as we do things for him when he asks." I nodded a bit.

"That's cool. Martin was the same with mom until she married dad." I responded.

"May I ask why Martin hated your dad so much?" he inquired.

"Yeah, because my dad's family isn't rich like his. The last time he helped us out when dad was around was dad's funeral." I said quietly

"I'm so sorry I'm going to take you away from that evil place one day I promise." Alex said and I nodded believing him. After we finished lunch Alex went over to an ATM and then came back giving me the credit card "Go get a few games and some movies for tonight and in a hour or so meet me back here." he said.

"Where are you going?" I asked taking the card.

"It's a secret." he said kissing my head "Now go." and I did as I turned my back to him I felt him slap my ass and I just blushed as he did. So I went to the store that sold games and movies. I found one of those three games in one thing, the game was called "God's Creed" it's a game where you're on a mission from various gods from various religions. I then picked up a few movies including "Late in Showing" a movies about a fur who's dad left him and his mom when he was young and is disowned when he comes out and is now looking for his dad in hope his dad will take him in. I then picked up a few various comedy's. I then left to meet Alex who had nothing on him.

"Where's your stuff?" I asked

"You'll see when we get back to your place." he said. So we then drove back to my place and set up the gaming system in the living room. I was dying to know what he got me but he wouldn't tell me just yet. So we watched a few of the movies and ate dinner. After dinner he hands a black bag that's tapped shut "No peaking, go put this on and then come back out." I took the bag and walked into the bath room. I then opened the bag and pulled out pink panties with frilly white lacing, long pink fingerless gloves, pink leg warmers, and skimpy pink belly shirt. I just blushed bright red and couldn't wait to put this on and show my fox how slutty I could truly be.