Friendship to Love Ch 3

Story by Silver_Folf on SoFurry

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#3 of Friendship to Love

This is a bit rough and it'll have spelling and grammar errors. Hope you enjoy

I was looking over my body wearing the outfit Alex had bought for me and I couldn't help but blush and smile at the same time. Then the I pulled Alex's necklace out from behind my shirt. "I look good." I said eying my own figure in the mirror. I sauntered out of the bathroom my tail swaying lightly behind be "Hello handsome." I said as I walked of the bathroom, trying to sound as sensual as I looked. "Well don't you look amazing." Alex said his eyes never leaving me as I walked to join him on the couch then sitting on his lap then pressing my lips to his murring as I did and with one hand reaching down to undo the button on his jeans. I slowly got off his lap and started to pull off his jeans along with his boxers, to help me he slouched a bit, his pants came off revealing his plump sheath and I instantly pushed my nose to his crotch taking in his musk murring deeply. "That's a good boy." he said putting a hand on the back of my head while he was grinding his crotch in my face and I was loving every minute of it. I was licking up his sheath when I came to the top of his sheath and smiled widely as I had a new idea. I acted like I was to give him a bit of head but as I leaned in I let my tongue out and I gently licked the inside of his sheath which got a huge reaction out of him as he layed his head back and took a deep breath, I just smiled knowing he like that. So I kept up at it until his cock started slipping out. When this happened I took the tip of his cock in my mouth just barely going past his head sucking on it and rubbing my tongue on his tip licking up his pre . To which his response was putting a hand on the back of my head and trying to push down on him a bit, but I was just getting started. I looked up with a devious looking in my eyes and he just smiled. When I felt I had teased his cock enough I reached back taking his hand off my head and slowly pulled off his cock, a strand of pre connected my lips with his cock tip and I greedily licked it up. "Get off the couch and kneel against it." I said seductively. "Why?" he asked as he slowly did. "You'll see me foxy." I said. When I had him how I wanted him I took his tail and raised it 'til I could see his pink tailhole. Little did he know I had snuck one of my dildos up here and hid it. I then got my dildo, pushing the tip on him, to which he yelped a bit and looked back at me. "Hun, I love you but I don't take things there." he said. I then set the dildo down taking his cheeks into hands, spreading them "Not even this?" I asked, my nose only inches away from his hole, his musk was overwhelming my sense, I then rubbed my cold nose on his hole. "Oh you can use that back there any time you want hun." he said pushing back. I moaned gently as I slipped out my tongue and gently dragged it against his hole, moaning as his musk now over took my senses of smell and taste, I felt like I was in heaven. I knew Alex was in heaven. Before I went any further I pulled back a bit so I knew he'd hear me. "Do that thing you do oh so well." I said then I plunged my face back gently lapping my tongue on his musky hole, he then started grinding back as he did "That's my good little slut, so eager to please you master." he said, his voice so dominant and sexy. His attitude and musk where just overwhelming me. My cock was pressing against the fabric of the panties and was leaving a nice pre stain on them as I was eating out my boy friend's tail hole. I was gently rubbing my tongue around the outer edge of his hole when I gently pushed in. All I heard was him suck in a deep breath "Such an eager slut, keep this up and I might let you take my cock in your slut hole." he said with ragged breaths. I just smiled and keeping it up. Then out of no where Alex stood up and I could tel his knees were weak but not from kneeling but from horny he was. "Knee." he commanded, his voice dominant yet so quiet and I did just that looking up at my fox. He then bent over picking up his boxers then looked down at my crotch, seeing my panties obviously tenting out because of my cock "Look at you, is your cock ever in your sheath?" he asked rubbing his foot on me and I could help but grind my cock on his foot. "You're so desperate to get off." he said walking to towards me. He took his boxers putting the crotch in my face then wrapping the rest around my muzzle then getting in his pockets and pulled out a rubber band which he used to make sure his boxers stayed on my face. I was in heaven now I loved when he got dominant with me. He was now standing next to me rubbing his cock on my face thus spreading his pre on my fur, all I could do was moan.

"All fours like the bitch you are." he said, once again his voice quiet but commanding. I did just that with out thinking and raised my tail and I knew I had done something wrong when I heard him clicking his tongue "I didn't tell you to raise your tail." he had this way to shame me with out over doing it, this made me fold my ears back "Just keep it up now, I gotta punish my wolfie now." he said sounding disappointed in me as he knelt next to me and rubbed his paw on my ass.With the rubber band and boxers over my face all I would do was whimper quietly. "I don't wanna do this but I must make sure you learn to listen." he said with the same disappointment in his voice as he brought his hand away from my ass then quickly slapped my ass, it was so hard to say in character. He knew I had thing for spanking. If I hadn't been wearing this panties there'd be a big puddle of my pre on the floor, for this little factor I was glad I had them on. I just looked back at him with my puppy eyes whimpering and pleading with him. "I'm sorry but I have to." he said placing another smack to my ass. After ten smacks to my ass Alex said "Kneel again." I did just that looking up at him. "Can you be a good boy now?" he asked rubbing his cock and his pre on my face again, I just nodded. "I know you can, all fours again." he said petting in-between my ears. Then he laid down, his cock standing proudly and he patted his belly. I then got on all fours and crawled over to him gently straddling his belly. "Now show me how much you want this in your hole but keep your panties on." I nodded backing up keeping my panties on and started to gently grind on his thick warm cock. I could feel his pre dripping down his cock and staining on my panties, I was moaning the whole time. I was so desperate to have his thick cock in me. I didn't think this would work but I tried it again and looked at him using my puppy eyes. Upon seeing this he just smiled "Since you've been such a good boy you may take my cock in you." he said and as I started to take off my panties he stopped me "You gotta keep your panties but I will allow this." he reached up pulling my panties to the side letting my cock out, to which pre instantly started to drip on him. I reached back doing the same to the back of my panties. I then spread my cheeks moving so I was squatting over Alex's cock. He reached up and steadied himself as I started to lower my self on him. I instantly started moaning feeling his warm cock pressing on my tailhole and then slip in me as I pressed down more. All I could do was lay my head back as he pushed into me. When I was pretty much kneeling with his cock in me I gave him a quizzical look and he just nodded which was my cue to start bouncing on his cock. As I did he reached up putting his hands on my hips. My eyes closed as they did when I was bouncing on a cock with my head laid back. I'd bounce up on his cock and he'd thrust up into my tight hole which drew out moans from the both of us. The feeling of having his long thick cock use me as I cock sleeve was just amazing, Alex was in control and I gladly followed his lead. My bouncing was making my cock leak pre and with each bounce it'd fling a bit of pre all over Alex. I could feel his knot kissing at my entrance. "Hold on a minute." he said his breathing now very rugged, so I did as he asked of me. Then he place his arms behind me hugging me to him as he stood up laying me on the couch wrapping my legs behind him. He then took the rubber band off my muzzle then doing the same with his boxers. Then he leaned in starting to pound away at my hole and I couldn't help but push back. He leaned in kissing me with a hunger and I kissed back with the same hunger. I then felt it, his knot slip in my hole, then with in a few moments I could feel his cum coating my insides. While we were still kissing I looked at him, my eyes asking him if I could cum. I knew his answer when he thrust in again which sent me over the edge and I started cumming on the both of us both of us moaning into the kiss. A few minutes later after ending the kiss Alex had picked me up and was sitting on the couch being tied to him I was sitting on his lap, my head on his chest. We were both still catching our breath when he said "I love you so much." and I looked up at him responding with a smile "I love too." then he leaned in and kissed me again. "Another go when my knot slips out?" he asked. "Like you even have to ask." I said then I pulled his head down a bit and whispered in his ear. "I want you to take me like a bitch in heat and as your tying my slut hole I want you to bite me." his eyes lit up a bit and smiled. I'm not sure how many times he came in me but when we started it was about eight. When we both reached our limit it was one in the morning, we were both covered in each other's cum. "That was some of the best sex I've ever had." Alex said kissing me to which I kissed back "Same here." I said then I joked "We've kissed so much I think we're gonna have chapped lips tomorrow." this just made Alex smile "Oh well but now it's time for my prince to get some sleep." I just nodded in agreement as I laid on top of him closing my eyes and almost instantly fell asleep. I was laying next to Alex, my eyes closed, thinking about the fact that was just just had sex on the couch, the cushions were covered in cum and I was laying there happy and content. Luckily mom being weird about her furniture had these plastic covering on the couch and I was also very glad we had a hard wood floor. I then shot up when my phone rang. I let out an annoyed sigh then I got up and looked to see who was calling, it was my mom. "Yes?" I asked answering the call. "I just wanted to let you now your grandfather will be stopping on by around one ish." she said and I just let out a long frustrated sigh "Okay. Anything else?" I asked "That's about it." she said "Okay have fun with who ever." I said then we hung up. "Who was that?" Seth asked half asleep. "My mom." I replied "What'd she want?" Alex asked sitting up. "Martin is stopping by." I replied. "Why?" he asked "I have no idea." I told him and he just nodded and stood up and kissed me and I returned the kiss. "We better get to cleaning the couch." I said, Alex nodded in agreement. So we did just that and hit the shower and got dressed. While we wait for him Alex called his dad to find out if his dad needed any errands ran that day and I sat there playing "God's Creed" we there a knock at the door. I just sighed and turned the game off and put it on WNN and answered the door. "Hello Martian." I said, the distain in my voice obvious. "I told you to call me sir." he growled a bit. Martian is a six foot one tall wolf with dark grey fur and dull brown eyes. "Might as well come in." I said turning my back to him and going to the living room. "Who is this fox?" Martin asked pointing to Alex. "I'm Alex." he said standing up and offering a hand to Martin who rudely declined. "How do you know my grandson?" Martin asked. "He's my," was all I got out before Alex chimed in "I'm Seth's boy friend." he said matter of factorly. Martin's jaw just dropped. "Does your mother know you have this filth in her house committing such a sin?" he asked snapping at me. Alex doesn't get mad unless you messed with me and Martin was doing just that. "I've heard you're not better." Alex growled "I'm no faggot." Martin said "Being gay is no less of sin as divorce and do you know where your daughter is? She's probably on her back legs spread for some guy she just met moaning like a little slut!" Alex shouted. "You watch the way you talk about about my daughter." Martin retaliated. "I was here to tell you I'm going to pay for you to go to that school you wanted to go to but now I'm not going to since this thing you call your boy friend is being so very rude to me and also because he's a fox, filthy creatures." Martin said standing up. Now it was my turn "I don't want your filthy money! You're just some fucking stuck snob! Alex is ten times the man you are! NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" I shouted. Martin was too shocked to say anything so he just walked out. I then sat next to Alex and reached up to hold the hook pendant he'd given me a few years back and quickly jumped up looking around frantically. "What's wrong?" he asked concerned "Your necklace is missing." I said frantically around the couch and Alex was looking in-between the cushions. "Found it." He said holding it up and I let out a relieved sigh then hugged him "I'm sorry I almost lost it." I said holding back tears. "It's fine hun, the knot just wore out, it's not your fault." he spoke softly as he took my face into his hands then lightly kissed my head. "Close your eyes." he said softly and I did so. I heard him going through his back pack then I felt him sit back down. I could hear him messing with something, a minute later I felt he put something around my neck. "Open your eyes." he said softly and when I did I reached up and felt a collar around my neck with his pendant on it. I just burst into tears and hugged him tight crying into his shoulder. "I don't deserve you," I said sobbing "you deserve so much better." Then once again he lifted my head and wiped away my tears. "You're all I want, you the best thing to ever happen to me. Yes during college I had flings with other furs but there was no love involved only lust. The next day the fur would leave and I might bump into them at lunch or going to class but we'd never really talk. There was always a spot missing in my heart. That day I came home I went by to see dad and my brother. My dad looked at me and said 'Go see him, let him know you're back.' I dropped everything ran to my car and drove to your house. I was crying I was so happy, I always knew you were the part I was missing. Don't even for a minute I'm too good for you because you're too perfect for me Alex and I love with all my heart." he said and I could tell he was sincere. I then pressed his lips to mine, his lips warm against mine. I pulled away slowly laying my head on his shoulder "I'm sorry I over reacted. Ever since mom found out I was gay she hasn't treated me the same. Even before that the only person to show this much love was my dad. No matter how many times I messed up or what I did wrong I knew he loved me." I said gently, Alex now had his arms around me. For a while we just sat there for a bit just holding each other and watching tv. Alex was the one to break the silence saying "So I saw you had tomorrow marked on your calendar but it didn't really saw what it was." I just looked up at him "Tomorrow marks the ten year anniversary that dad passed away." I said somberly. "Tell me about him." Alex said and I nodded getting up and going down to my room and bringing back with a picture of him and I a year before he died. "This is the last picture we took together, he wasn't one to take pictures but he made mom take the picture. We both have a copy, he's buried with his." I said "You're such a spitting image of him but I think your eyes a just a bit bluer than his." Alex said which made me smile "He may have moved on but he was the first one to know I was gay. The next day I was visiting his parents and for some odd reason I came out to them, they said they couldn't be happier." I said smiling "He had set up a secret bank account that only him and his parents knew about, it had about eight thousand dollars in it. My grandparents told me about it and I slowly added money to it using money from birthdays and Christmas. Mom was so pissed when she found out about it, tried to make me give her the information for it but I didn't." "What'd she do?" Alex asked. "When she finally calmed down, she asked why I wouldn't tell her I told her I was saving it so I could get a car and could stop using her car all the time." Alex nodded then kissed my head. "Your grandparents on his side sound amazing." Alex said "I'd like to meet them." he add. "Well I usually go visit them around this time. You can come if you'd like." I said and he just nodded. "Just let me call them and let them know I'm bringing someone." I said getting up to get my phone and called them and I just smiled when they said they couldn't wait to meet Alex. "Before we go we need showers." I said and Alex just nodded and smiled. So we both took our showers and got dressed. Alex then looked at me and I could tell he was nervous. "It'll be fine, they want to meet you." I said and hugged him, then he hugged back and we went to the car and drove to their house. He was very quiet on the way their and when he pulled up in their drive way he was looking straight a head then took a deep breath then looked at me "For you." he said then kissed me. We then got out and I knock on the door then opened the door and went in "Mams, Paps I'm here!" I yelled, a few seconds they walked in and I just smiled going up to them and hugged them. "Who's this handsome young fox?" my mams asked "This is my boyfriend Alex." I said smiling. "Nice to meet you sir and ma'am." he said holding out his hand "Please call us Judy and Jim." my paps said shaking Alex's hand and Alex nodded then was hugged by my mams. "I hope you boys are hungry, I made Seth's favorite, beef and noodle." she said as we were lead to the living room. I then went up to her and hugged her "You're the best." She jsut smiled and hugged back. So we all sat down watching reruns of shows my Mams and Paps watched growing up. "So Alex what do you do for a living?" Paps asked. "I'm an unofficial accountant for my dad's firm which over sees Nation Banking's." Alex said. "Other than he's so cute what do you see in our Seth?" Mams asked and I just smiled and blushed a bit

"He's just a sweet boy, at school I couldn't help but smile when I'd see him in the hallways." Alex said. "So you're living with Seth and his mother. What do you think about that?" Paps asked. Then Alex looked over at me and I just nodded. "It'd be much better if it was just us two. I mean his mom isn't a horrible person but she just annoys the crap out of me." Alex said. "We've offered Seth plenty of times to move in with us but he won't and I don't blame him." Mams said. "Why won't you?" Alex asked looking over at me. "I don't want her to think I'm abandoning her and I want her to know I still lover her, I just don't think she cares any more." I said then at that moment my phone rang. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear." I said walking out of the house. ***** "So has Seth's mom ever laid a hand on him?" Alex asked "Other than just a simple spanking." "She has not but her devil of a father has a few times. Like one time Seth was about thirteen and he accidentally knock over a vase that belonged to his grandfather's mother breaking and his grandfather used a wooden spoon to beat the poor boy, I wanted to put his lights out so bad but I didn't." Paps said. "Only once while Jame was a live did that man put his hands on Seth. The boy had came home late from a friends house one night and Jame walked in seeing that devil laying his hands on his baby boy and Jame knocked him a god one knocking the devil out for a good minute." Paps added. "Why doesn't he like Seth?" Alex asked. "The boy would rather follow in his father's footstep rather than going to into the family business." Mams said and then the door opened and they quickly dropped the subject. ***** I came back in trying to hold my tears back when Alex saw this he quickly stood up and hugged me tight "What'd she have to say?" Alex asked "We have to be out of the house by the end of the month." I said looking up at Alex and he just hugged me tighter and I held him close. My Mams and Paps got up and joined the hugged. I had all the people I loved, which made me think about my dad which just made me cry harder.