Father son bonding(4th billionth times the charm x3)
Decided to try and revamp an old story of mine
Luke was a young boy when his mother passed away due to cancer. At that time he did not understand the death of his mother. His grieving father and luke himself found a way of forgetting about their grief. However this time a true reason of love and bonding came from these two creatures. A feeling that was always there from the start. Day in and day out Luke and his father got closer together in order to suppress the empty feeling of her not being there.
Luke was growing older and understood his mother's passing when he was around ten. His father and him though connecting closer to each other, they also grow further apart with the empty gap without a mother. Luke found himself as a bisexual at the early age of 13 and began having a strong crush towards his own father. His father was slowly feeling the same way as they grew closer together.
Luke questioned himself for days on end for 3 years while still attending school. He never really had any friends, luke was mostly antisocial and never spoke with most people except his father. His father barely went out except for work and even then, he barely had anyone either. They grew closer to each other even more as they spent more time together when they were able to. Soon the heavy cross of the mother's passing was lifted as they got over it soon. As they grew closer the passing was a memory that they did not dwell in.
This was a start of a beautiful relationship as the days and years passed and Luke was now an adult at the ripe age of 21 with a good job. His father much older but still had a crush on Luke that soon became love for him. Luke was feeling the exact same way. They decided to tell each other how they felt for the very first time.
"Luke I love you more than just as a son, but as a boyfriend of sorts."His father said cooing softly his brown husky fur gleaming in the warm sunlight as he sat on the couch within the living room. His father wearing a nice suit and pants looking fairly classy and dapper as he sat in the soft sofa next to luke. He got up and closed the blinds and locked the door just to be safe.
"Father I feel the exact same way about you, it's just that it just doesn't sound right. I mean can we really have this relationship?"Luke whimpered softly wearing a white shirt his black and white fur gleaming out the the sun his blue eyes focused on his father's golden ones. His long tattered jeans that seemed to want to come off. His father hugged him tightly and looked at him with a warm smile.
"Son just close your eyes and let me be your first kiss. You should not care if society will hate you for your choices. You should not worry about it at all. I will manage it for us, perhaps one day down the road we can marry each other. Luke I cannot fall in love again if you turn your back on me. I don't think I would even want to live at that point. You were all that I could think about when I was at work or with you. I love spending time with you and being with you. You're my everything son."His father said in a serious yet saddened tone afraid his son may say no to him.
"Father, I never knew you felt so strongly about me. Every time we were together however I could feel something. I was just too foolish to understand what it was. I believe I would be a cold hearted fiend to turn my back on you. It would simply just be pure evil. I will be your lover father, once we grow close enough we can marry and live out our lives enjoying each other's company."Luke closed his eyes did his father as they kissed each other deeply holding each other in a long warming embrace. Luke giggled and they both broke the kiss and walked slowly upstairs. On the second floor they went into Luke's room and they locked the room door closing it behind them and closing the blinds that came with the window view of the outside. Luke's room was rather large but it was not too empty as it was fairly messy except for his bed.
Luke slowly removed his shirt blushing deeply looking at his father as he began to undress. Luke's mind was racing and his heart was pounding he couldn't believe that he was doing this. He then wildly kissed and rubbed his father's half naked body slowly. His muzzle praising every bit of his impressive handsome father. His father smiled warmly and slowly pushed down his pants and shoes and socks. All that was left was his father's underwear that had a rather impressive large bulge. Luke did the same and seemed to have a bigger bulge than his father did.
They both removed their underwear his father getting on the bed face down bending over lifting up his tail. Luke blushed softly grabbing some lube and putting on his member then slowly shoving it up his father's asshole. They both gave out their soft coos and moans in pleasure enjoying the feeling and warmth of each other. Luke started to pick up speed and began thrusting inside his father's asshole gripping his father's sides.
Luke smiled softly as they both gave out loud moans in pleasure as luke continued to hump his father wildly. Grunts and moans of ecstasy and lust echoed throughout the room. Luke got very close to climax as his father cooed wanting his son's hot gooey seed inside of him. His son delivered with a nice warm filling of sweet warm husky spunk. They panted heavily and kissed each other deeply. Through that day on they both found love within each other.
Years passed as the father and son continued having fantastic sex and went on with happy life. Luke soon did marry his father and they lived out their days for the most part. One day his father had a heart attack due to days later having chest pains but passing them off as nothing. Luke was devastated by his father's death. Luke went to the gun shop that day to buy a gun after doing all the gun business and what not.
Luke came home and locked himself in his room undressing getting naked and placing the gun on the table. He then began to slowly masterbait stroking his long member up and down. He then attempted to suck his own dick and succeeded and started suckling on his own member. He did this for awhile till he came in his mouth and swallowed his seed. Luke then unlocked the safety on the gun and laid down on his bed not dressing as he would soon no longer need to. Luke pressed the gun up against his head and fired it making a loud bang sound that echoed throughout the empty house. Days later his naked corpse was discovered as they found what it said incredibly moving.
The note said this:"If you are reading this I am dead and you found my body. Now let me tell you why I decided to end it all. With the remembrance that today was the anniversary of the passing of my mother and now the new passing of my father a couple days ago. I have nothing left to live for in this world. I have no friends, no family, no one I am all alone. However, I must say I enjoyed living to it's full extent, I lived life to it's fullest. I just could no longer handle the depression and pain I bottled within me. To those who cared and I left behind I must apologize for being such an idiot. I must apologize to all those I have wronged. Love those who are close to you, enjoy them while you can before it is too late. I'm sorry that I could not handle my stress. I'm truly a pitiful creature. My last moments will be pure pleasure yet also pain so I guess I shall get in one final pleasing act before I go."