Minds: "Prologue"

Story by SylarEnderpaws on SoFurry

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#1 of Mind

Enter "Minds."

~ Inspirations:

  • Asylum Blackout (Movie)

  • Outlast (Video Game)

  • Manhunt [Series] (Video Game)

What is the use of staying sane when there is no one with which to share sanity with? The most important of logs and journal entries being meaningless scribbles in the end.

If no one has their mind, and everyone is the same, does that make a new Earth?

What makes a human? What separates him from an animal? Special function. What is a human when you yank their special function from their clawed grip? They become animals; nowhere near the top of the food chain.

Why do you lock us up and protect us when, on a daily basis, you tout us as crazy? Why do you protect us when the most humane thing to do is let us die? It is inhumane to watch others, who are far too gone, suffer through these inhuman delusions.

Please let us die. One way or another, I will join my brothers as a mire inconvenience to the janitor.

#002 Madison King

**#2 - King, Madison** _Age: 6 Sex: Female_ January 16, 2028, "Dear Diary, I cried today. I know Mommy tells me not to cry, and to be a strong butterfly, but I can't help it. Mommy is still asleep, I keep shaking her and saying, "Mommy wake...

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#001 - Michael Crowshaw

**#1 - Crowshaw, Michael** _Age: 38 Sex: Male_ January 27, 2028, "I know. I know where I am. Hell. I just woke up one day. After the second nuke wiped where I say I live off the face of the planet by my own nation, I can, with confidence, say...

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#003 - Blake Wonet

#3 - Wonet, Blake Age: 23 Sex: Male March 3 "Awesomeness Log #1 Thanks to my babe Trish for this log idea thing! This apocalypse thing is AWESOME! It is how America should have been. This is freedom. Not free to do some shit and go to jail. There...

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