Character Profile: Panic!

Story by Madam Poodle on SoFurry

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Name: Panic! The SorcererAge: 27Gender: MaleHeight/Weight: 5' 11" @ 180 lbs.Species: HumanDate of Birth: January 1, 2170Residence: NoneOverview:Panic! The Sorcerer is a power-hungry, extremely mischievous villain figure, and one of his story's primal antagonists. He's an experienced sorcerer, and summoner, being among one of the most skilled in those arts. Panic! is perhaps most know for being one of the world's most notorious criminals under Tanuki Take'ichi. Despite this, Panic! is often considered to be the more dangerous of the two; Even though Tanuki's crimes are of greater penalty and damage, Panic! has dealt a much more diverse array of crime much more frequently, and is often more pronounced in the the media. His intent as well is often sinister, evil and murderous, garnering him more attention from the media, law enforcement, and vigilantes.Panic! Appears as a white-haired man with a rather inconspicuous appearance. Panic has angelo-toned skin with naturally red eyes, and moderate length hair that reaches a little past the eyes, but goes no further than the the neck: gently curving outward from the head, whilst this providing a straight, flowed look. His body is rather well toned muscularly, and ideally built so he's neither too muscular, yet not too scrawny. Most usually, he's seen with a rather evil expression on his face, often smirking along with it.

 His clothing consist of typical and basic cloths: A black sleeveless shirt, beige-colored jeans, work-boots, and wrapping bandage on the knuckles of his hands. He carries his switchblade on his pocket; thus further concealing it, and carries his spellbook on a latched chain near the back hip when not carrying it in his hands. He keeps up this attire, as it fits his more casual look, as well as keeping him from completely standing out from a crowd.Panic!'s personality is that of a villainous badass of sorts, and a tactful, yet enthusiastic trouble maker. Often times, Panic!'s personality is simply many characteristics of bad guys and villains, using any, and nearly all traits to convey his will upon anyone that's there the moment he decides to make trouble. He outlook is often cocky and self-centered, yet somehow perspective of his way of life. He often lives by the guiding principle of "Being bad is what I do best", and "The world needs a bad guy."This causes him to do many bad, horrible and very insane things. He's done a lot from simple robberies and assaults, to flat-out murder, and even to conspiracy. He often picks his victims at random, or will search them out if they have power or another resource he sees as ideal or desirable. With his experience, there can be any number of ways to torment a person, or create disdain, terror, mischief, horror, and most importantly: fear.However, even Panic! has his limits. Because of his fascination with doing bad deeds, he sites

that there needs to be the presence of people, the world, and to some degree, society. He hates the thought of world destruction, or mass extinction, and will often resent that in others. To this extent, he may be able to portray an antiheroic role to those people who harbor such feelings or motives.

 History:Panic!'s origins aren't well documented. He said to have come from a family living in the hidden grasses of the west. His parents were presumably murdered by none other than himself when he decided to enroll in magic school. It was there he spent years as a student cadet, preferring to study in the art of sorcery; He learned summoning magic along the way, before graduating at age 18. However, before parting, Panic managed to nick one of the school's summoning books, afterward leaving to the world.He'd later turn to a life of a bad man, lurking in the streets of cities, villages, and other settlements, causing mischief, havoc and chaos all over the world. Over the course of 9 years on his own, he's become one of the world's most powerful, as well as feared individuals, slotting only behind Tanuki Take'ichi (who gained his criminal significance over the course of two years, mainly for the mass destruction of many parts of major and minor cities). His name is synonymous is with fear and moral panic around the world to the point where even top arms of the law are reluctant to try and apprehend him.

 Weapon: Switchblade and Book of SummonsWeapon Type: Concealed Knife, SpellbookDiscapline: Sorcery, Summoning, Self-taught Knife StyleBattle and Abilities:Being in his titular name, panic is an expert in the art of sorcery, as well as proficient in the arts of summoning, and knife wielding. With elemental magics, monsters, and a stealthy conceal, he certainly has his arsenal made for him.  What's often called his "Deadly Trio", Panic is notorious for using his resources to get what he wants done.Panic!'s switchblade: measuring about a whole ft. long, is his preferred up-close weapon for meleé. Aside from its size, it practically an ordinary switchblade that flicks out when a button on the handle is pressed. Panic! can utilize this concealment, often hiding the blade until the last second before impact. This also helps the subtlety of his knife strikes, keeping them quick and somewhat unexpected.Panic!'s proficiency in knife handling is also quite phenomenal, being able to slice brutally quick, and precisely. He is said that with enough, and a lot effort and stamina, he is able to consistently slice as quickly as 4 slashes per second (240 slashes a minute). His knife skills can be said to parallel those of military personnel combined with the technique and handling talent of knife performers.

 Panic!'s other proficiencies lying with the magic arts of sorcery and summoning are also quite skin-crawling. With the ability to manipulate a lot natural

elements of the universe, Panic possesses some overwhelming forces to extend his reach of power. He can manipulate forces such as fires, earth, metal, water, lightning, sound, darkness/shadow, and even ectoplasmic formation. All these elements to control, and his proficiency in doing so make him nearly impervious in this field.With Panic!'s summoning powers, he can conjour up a plethora of different creatures and monsters to do as we wills. These monsters can perform various acts, depending on the creature, and it's not uncommon for him to summon up such creatures such as shadow birds and phantoms. Often times, the bigger or more powerful the creature, the longer the time needed to summon. As such, larger summons (e.g.: Summoning a whale) are often used when not directly confronted, or in select times in direct confrontation. Such larger summons can include monsters such as a skeleton piloting a sleigh mushed by hellhounds ("Hell's Sleigh"), a giant water dragon ("Leviathan"); A large, Rampaging beast ("Behemoth"), A devilish angel ("Guardian Demon"), and his trusted do-all: a phantom reaper ("Shinigami").

 With all this, Panic! would seem rather solid in his abilities. He can easily end one's life seemingly in a one-blow tie with any method he prefers to use. However: that said, even Panic! and how powerful he is has its downsides and weaknesses. For one obvious weakness, knives only have so much range, and as such, Panic can only reach so far with it.However, it is a concealable knife, and and the blade is about 6 in. big; get hit the right way, and one would be for sure dead, or imminently dying.As well, if an opposing force strikes one of Panic!'s casts of sorcery, it will mitigate said cast. However, Panic!'s sorcery is quite potent, so it might take some force in order to achieve this. As well, since he also uses summons as a means of attack, they (despite being under a receptive mindset) do have minds of their own. However, they cannot be turned against him, but rather distracted from the given task at hand. Each creature has different things that can distract them, so it may take time after time again to figure them all out.One of his most primal weaknesses is that without his Book of Summons, he cannot summon monsters to easily at all. In order to summon a monster, it requires the user to activate a "Seal", which is unique to each creature. Without his spellbook, he'd have physically draw out each seal, and then activate it right in that spot. During fights, this is beyond impractical, so he often goes without summoning if his book is not present or in his possession. However, destroying the book is actually a very hard thing to do if one seeks to do so to rid of it. Keeping this thought in mind, the Magic Academy constructed these books with these kinds of scenarios in mind, making it so that the book is next to indestructible without the use of "true" magic. Therefor,

natural elements cannot damage the book.

 Still... it's best one watches out for Panic!...

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