All things...

Story by ChloeTheFirefox on SoFurry

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#1 of A Dying Breed

I was hopeless.


I had a crush on this really beautiful eevee, Samantha, but I hadn't been able to muster the courage to ask her out.

I had found her favourite spot quite a while ago, and had been planning, if I ever managed to, ask her out here.

Then, there she was, sitting on the edge of the cliff, with the full moon rising in front of her, staring out over the ocean, looking, for all the world, like a goddess.

I started to approach her, but then stopped.

"Arrg! I'm never going to be able to do this," I moaned, silently.

Suddenly she turned around.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" she called out.

She couldn't see me, on account of my odd coloured fur, but her instincts told her that I was there.

Then, I did something that I never thought I would, or could, do.

I stepped out into the moonlight.

"Matt, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Sam, I have always had a crush on you, and I don't think that I can live without you!"

She looked at me with her beautiful green eyes, and suddenly, I felt embarrassed, and looked away.

"Matt," she said, in barely more than a whisper "I feel the same way about you. I've just never been sure if you felt the same way. I love you too,"

I stared at her with shock. Here I was with my funnily coloured fur, and the most beautiful eevee in the whole wide world was in love with me. It was too good to be true. It had to be.

"R-really?" I asked.

She walked up to me, and kissed me on the cheek, then walked back to her spot, looking at me expectantly.

"Does that answer your question?" she said, with a small smirk.

I padded up to her, and sat beside her, on the edge of the cliff, watching the moon rise, and surveying the oceans, like a pair of gods watching out over the ever changing lands below...

It couldn't last though, and something would tear this relationship apart. I felt it.

Soon, my prediction came to pass.

On my last year of high school, my parents told me that we were moving again, further north.

I would have refused to go, but my mum, after a bad accident a couple of years ago, had a bad leg, and couldn't walk very well, and my dad, well, he wasn't as young as he used to be.

So reluctantly, I agreed to go with them, even though I knew what it meant.

On the eve of our departure, I asked Sam to meet me at our spot, the place where we had our first date.

We soon were snuggled up against each other, enjoying each other's company.

"Sam?" I asked.


"I'm moving, tomorrow,"


She looked angry, then she saw my tears.

She cuddled up closer to me, trying to put as much love into that single touch as she could, for she knew that she probably would never see me again.

She whispered under her breath, "It's not fair,"

"Life's not fair," I said to her, in the same low volume, "it's just fairer than death,"

Then she started to cry as well, and as we hugged each other closely, our tears mingling together, a bright light began shining.

We looked around, startled, and tried to see where the light was coming from.

It was coming from us.

And as we both looked into each other's eyes, convinced that we were dying, I felt a strange feeling.

Suddenly, the light that was Sam suddenly shot up high into the air, and morphed into a ball. I watched, fascinated, as it came back down to the cliff, and formed itself into a shape that resembled her before.

That's when I realised that the same thing was happening to me. By all rights, I should have been terrified, but strangely, I felt calm, tranquil even.

Then, it felt as if everything had vanished from the world, or maybe I had vanished from it, and everything went black.

When I eventually woke up, my body felt strange, unfamiliar. I looked around to see where I was, and found that I was back at the cliff. I then looked over at Sam, concerned, and I found a strange creature beside me. It sort of resembled an eevee, except it had short, pink fur, a long tail that split in two near the end, and a blood-red jewel set in her forehead.

I was still staring at it, when it woke up. Out of habit, he looked away.

"Excuse me?" Sam's voice said, "where am I? And what happened to me?"

My head snapped around, not sure if I heard correctly.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Matt?" Sam's voice said again, and this time, I saw this strange creature's lips move.

"Sam?" I asked, not even daring to believe this was true.


With that, the creature that was Sam bounded up to me and wound herself around me, just like Sam did.

"Oh Sam!" I exclaimed, and kissed her more passionately than I had ever kissed her before.

As we pulled apart, Sam said, "We should probably see the Elders about this,"

"About you, you mean?" I asked her.

"Have you seen yourself lately?" she giggled.


"Well, you're different as well,"

As she said that, I looked around myself. From the little that I could see, my fur had changed colour from steel grey to pure black, with the occasional gold streak.

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." I said.

* * * * * *

As we walked back to our village, we attracted a lot of stares from other eevees as they walked past us, on their way to the ocean.

We soon arrived at the village, and walked to the Elder's Temple. The guards either side of the doors barred our way.

"Strangers! None may enter who aren't of this village," a burly eevee guard said.

"But we are! We've just... changed,"

"Yeah, right," he scoffed, "and my mother's a Gl- Wait a second..." the guard trailed off.

Suddenly, he sprang back, and after a moment of hesitation, the others followed suit.

"Sorry about that," the guard apologised to me, "We don't see much of your kind around here,"

We continued to walk up to the Temple steps, when suddenly, there a huge beam of light materialised in front of us.

I placed myself in front of Sam, trying to protect her from the beam, when it started to come towards us.

The beam passed right through us, leaving us feeling light-headed, but unharmed.

"You may pass," a voice above them said.

We both glanced up, and saw a phoenix-like pokemon sitting in the tree above us.

"Thank you," Sam said.

We walked up the steps, and entered a large ante-room.

There was a fire burning in a grate, set in the wall beside them.

A door in the wall in front of him opened and in walked five pokemon. Each one represented a different evolution of eevee. There was a Vaporeon, a Flareon, a Jolteon, a Glaceon and a Leafeon.

Sam suddenly looked apprehensive when she saw them, and for good reason. Both of her parents were on the Council, and she wasn't too sure how they were going to react.

I saw her distress, and gave her a comforting peck on the cheek.

"Strangers, you are most welcome in our village, and if it pleases you, you may stay here as long as you wish," a pokemon that I identified as Jolteon said.

"If I may," he continued, "what type of pokemon are you, for we haven't seen one of your type before?"

"That was the very question that we wanted to ask you," I said to him, "last night, we were eevees, enjoying each other's company, then there was a brilliant flash of light, then we were changed,"

The Elders look troubled, though it was nothing compared to what we were going through.

"What are your names?" asked the Flareon, which surprised me, because it was Sam's mother.

"I'm Matthew," I said.

"And what about you?" asked the Flareon.

"What's the matter? Don't you recognise your own daughter?" Sam asked.

The Flareon let out a gasp.

"S-Sam? What happened?"

"Good question,"

"Tell us everything that you were doing when you... changed," the Jolteon said.

And with that, I recounted my story.

"Hmm," the Vaporeon commented, "it seems to me that the combination of the power of the full moon and your feelings for each other caused you to evolve into two different evolutions of eevee, ones that only exist in legend. If we are to believe the ancient texts, then you, Matthew," she indicated to me, "have evolved into an Umbreon, while you," she indicated to Sam, "evolved into an Espeon,"

"What are we going to do, then?" I asked.

"Well, as you can see," the Glaceon said, "this council is comprised of all the evolutions of Eevee, which, up to now, have been five. But you represent another step in the evolutionary chain, and as such, you'll be given a seat on this council,"

"But what about my family?" I asked, confused.

"Only council members and important guests are allowed in the Temple," the Leafeon said, matter-of-factly, "so your family will have to stay outside the Temple gates,"

"Well, can I at least go and help them move?" I asked, almost pleading.


I was shocked. Then I was angry. These Elders existed to help the common eevee, and here they are, acting like they dictate everything, even life and death.

Sam saw the anger glowing in my eyes, and she gave me a comforting pat on the back.

"What if we refuse your offer?" I asked, defiantly.

"Offer? Nothing, of course. But the villagers may be in need of your... wisdom," the Vaporeon said, snidely.

I fumed in silence for a few moments.

"Fine!" I said, reluctantly, knowing that I was no longer in control of my destiny.

"Good," the Flareon said, "now we just have to educate you in our ways,"

* * * * * *

As much we they loathed to do as the Elders asked, we reluctantly aggreed.

We were first taught the commandments that the Elders followed.

Primarily, was that all Elders were celibate.

This startled Sam, for if her mother was celibate, how could she exist?

When she questioned the Elders on this, all they said was, "Her's was a special case. She had a baby before she evolved, and the law of celebacy is only intended after one evolves,"

Afterwards, she looked shaken, and I was lost in thought in what it would mean for us.

That night, as we laid in the dormitory beds, only together because of the Elder's so-called generosity, we talked about all that had happened to us, and all that could happen.

We started to get close, and I felt something inside of me break through of barriers that I never knew existed. From the look on her face, she felt the same way too. As we cuddled together, quietly sobbing for all that was lost, and all that was now never going to be, the beast that had recently erupted inside of me growled, and I felt bidden to do something that to this day, I still can't believe that I did. I slid my hand down near her pussy and started rubbing it.

At that very moment, the Elders walked in, yelling something about oaths broken and revenges sworn, none of which boded well for us.

I was chained, and led off into the Elder's main chamber.

This was more inposing than the ante-chamber, mainly because it was here that major criminal trials were held. I was forced into a chair, and bound so securely that there was no hope of moving.

Several long hours crawled past, and every second of which I spent worrying about Sam.

They finally back walked in, Sam included, and sat in their seats high above me.

"Matthew, for the crime of violation the law of celibacy, how do you plead?" the Glaceon said.

"I swore no oath!" I yelled at them.

"Nevertheless, you are an Elder now, and with that, comes all the responsibilities with it. So, I'll repeat myself, how do you plead?"

"If loving someone is a crime, then I'm guilty as charged!"

The Elders looked surprised at this, clearly they thought that I'd deny it.

"Very well, then. For violating the law of celibacy, you are sentenced to death,"

Sam gave a small gasp, which was clearly audible in the echoing room.

"Unchain him," the Flareon said.

Two eevee guards that I hadn't noticed before came up behind me and removed the restraining chains.

As soon as they did this, I felt an unimaginable power suddenly come to life, and with it, a phrase, written in some long-forgotten language, the language of my ansestors.

The words started spinning around my head, and unconsciously, I was chanting along with them.

"Vervoer weg me, vervoer weg me, vervoer weg me,"

As I chanted these words in ever increasing volume, two rings of light shimmered into existance around me, which started to spin around me, so that it soon became a sphere of light surrounding me.

"Vervoer weg me! Vervoer weg me! VERVOER WEG ME!"

As my chanting reached it's crescendo, I felt a rush of power flow out of me and into the sphere of light, and everything vanished, the chamber, the light, and Sam...

* * * * * *

I eventually woke up on the cliffside where Sam and I had shared so many memories.

Even thinking about it made my heart ache.

Suddenly, the bushes behind me rustled, and I turned around to see a grubby Sam emerge from them.

At first, I was skeptical, seeing as she was on the Council that sentenced me to death, and I had thought that her loyalties lied with them, but that was soon forgotten as she kissed me, just as passionately as she had when we first met.

She then told me how she had escaped the Temple, and had trekked for the better part of the day through bushland, to the place where she knew that I'd be.

"Well well well, didn't learn our lesson, did we?" a voice from the path behind us said.

As we turned around in shock, we saw the whole Council, plus at least half of the city guards standing there.

We scrambled up, as the guards charged at us with their swords, but they were stopped by an invisible barrier of some kind.

Sam looked at me and said "I read up on magic after you dissappeared, and found that, while we may not have any specific elemental affinity, we are the only evolution of eevees that can use psychic powers, and that includes teleportation by the way,"

Suddenly, a huge flash of light erupted from the barrier, and it collapsed.

Then the five Elders were there.

We ran to the outcropping that overhung the ocean, but they followed us.

Then we were cornered, between the Elders and the harsh, unforgiving sea.

I felt a familliar rush of power, and bidden by some strange instinct, sent my mind into the rock around me, fracturing it, while at the same time, supporting it.

The Elders didn't notice anything,

"As punishment for your sins," the Leafeon said, "you are going to be thrown off this cliff. Any last words or requests?"

I squared my shoulders and looked into their eyes.

"All things-" I started, but then stopped, curious about a tickling sensation around my midriff. I looked around, and saw Sam standing next to me, with her tail wrapped around me. I wrapped mine around her to comfort her.

And as I gazed into her eyes, I could see into her very soul and she could see into mine, and she knew what I was planning on doing. And she aggreed with me. It was the only way this could possibly end.

"All things must pass. That holds true for all things in this world, and so it holds true for this," I said, as I released the rock beneath me from my psychic grip. The rock below crumbled, and as realisation dawned on the Elders, they tried to flee, but it was too late. We were all sent tumbling down into the ocean below.

And as Sam and I fell, we paid attention to nothing other than the beating of each other's hearts, and the discordant melodies of our mingling consciousnesses.

And as we approached the water, I stared into my beloved's eyes and she stared back. Then there was a pinprick of light, then nothing...


Hi all again! This is a completely unrelated story that I just pulled out of my magic cap. You know, the one that you sleep with. Anyways, I had this really strange dream, and I thought it warrented a story. The character, Sam, was actually a girlfriend of mine (obviously not an eevee, though I wish!) and I had to move 'up north' with my work, which really broke both our hearts. Since this strange dream happened on my birthday (4th Dec), which I had never really spent away from her, that is probably the reason that I dreamed it...

Also, this it the longest story that I have ever written, so please bear with the occational spelling mistake, or grammatical error...

Please note that Sam and Matt don't actually die. The Elders might (and it serves them right if you ask me), but they don't!

