Strange tidings, even for a demon (Chapter 2)

Story by Flame Warrior on SoFurry

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#2 of Demonic Saga

Okay, finally another upload, and it's a continuation of my off-base demon story. Let me know what you guys and gals think.

Flame answered his phone, listening intently as Dan recounted the strange message on his answering machine. The demon sighed, knowing this wasn't a good sign, and said that he'd be right over to try and decipher the message. As he headed over to the detective's house, he couldn't help but sense something odd. Several people wearing hoodies up walking down the street, coming his way, with their hoods up. What was odd was that it was in the middle of July, one of the hottest months of the mortal year, yet here are these people, wearing something more suitable for autumn or spring weather, and he could just smell something not normal.

Just as he passed by the hooded figures, he could swear he saw one of them glance at him for half a second. The demon couldn't tell the facial features, but his instincts recognized the off-color orange eye color, and he just walked on, knowing that he'd meet up with them sooner or later. It wasn't a long walk, since he didn't need to sleep, but he did feel exhaustion every now and then, as well as hunger. However, he knew this was important, even if his Boss didn't give him a task to do. A human confidant getting a strange message always had dark undertones, and typically, it leaned towards bodily harm, threats against families, and ended up with lots of bloodshed.

All he did was knock once when Dan answered the door and led the demon in, making sure to lock the door. Flame looked at the detective, and that was all that was necessary. The recording said a few things about that strange character fighting that Lich in the middle of the street, Charlene, and Dan, and how that their actions have doomed them all. Amidst the gruffs and growls, Flame only smirked, taking off his hat to show he was intrigued.

"These fools again... thought I rooted them out back in D.C., but it seems they have a tendency to not die. You know there are exceptions to me killing a mortal human, and not too long ago, my Boss sent out a mass message that should any Satanist openly sacrifice other humans to try and gain his favor, that they be dispatched like any paranormal creature causing mayhem and threatening human life. I suggest you teach your wife how to handle one of those firearms, if you haven't already."

"I already have Flame, and she's still leery about that. You remember last year's issue?"

The Demon nodded, remembering how after that incident, he had to erase the human female's mind of that particular fiasco, as well as apologizing to Dan for the loss of his partner. The detective just sighed and looked rather drained from it all, and his hair showed his stress, as well as his face. Dan was getting long in the tooth, one of the few police officers who actually made it to his age on these troubled streets, and was even luckier with the combined stress from the paranormal fluctuations and cases. Flame could only offer some compassion, having felt burnt out a few times over the eons.

"Have you considered retirement Dan? I know you can't keep this up."

"Heh, and what? Leave Charlene in your hands?"

"Good point, but you also need to understand. Charlene has youth on her side, as well as creativity. You're getting on in your age, and you've put how many years into your career?"

The human just sighed, looking back at the demon, grabbing his badge, gun, and phone, calling Charlene and telling her to meet them at a taco stand. Both of them nodded at one another and left the detective's house, unaware that Dan's youngest child, a little girl by the name of Janine, had overheard them. Her young age meant that she wasn't able to fully comprehend everything, but she knew enough to know when her daddy was getting threats again. When she turned around, all she saw was a pair of bright orange eyes before her world turned black.

Both detectives and the demon sat on a bench, eating a few burritos while listening. Charlene had been brought up to speed on the situation, and she didn't like the options presented to Dan. She hadn't been his partner for a year yet, and she was still a little green around the gills. She proved to be a quick learner though, but her Irish temper needed a lot of work, even from Flame's perspective. That's when Dan's phone rang and a sobbing cry was heard on the other end, Flame's eyes narrowed at the familiar voice of the detective's wife.

"Dan... Janine... not here... ransom note or something... Pier 23... our little girl Dan!"

The demon knew all he needed and closed the phone, looking at the aged man's face, and that was all Dan needed to know before he headed back home. Charlene sat there confused, looking at what happened, having listened to everything, though short, and Flame turned to face her.

"Dan's place is by his family's side. We are going to go get Janine back."

"Why me? Shouldn't Dan get her?"

"A distraught woman can cause more damage than good. Also, his emotions would get the better of him. It's best he use his strength to give her some comfort, while we go get her back. Is that understood?"

Charlene only nodded and tossed what little burrito she had left into the trash, ready to follow the demon to save her partner's daughter. Flame just lowered his hat and started running toward the Pier, whereas the female detective just got in her car and followed, putting her siren on. She didn't need to tell dispatch about the situation, she was smart enough not to let the rest of the department know about this. She was impressed at how fast the demon could run, and she was pushing 50 on the speedometer. All she knew was that if they didn't get to Janine, something bad would happen, and from what she knew of Flame, he wasn't going to let that happen, not after earlier rescuing a little baby from the clutches of a would-be Lich.

Dan made it home, rushing up the stairs and found his wife there, sobbing into their daughter's pillow, the note beside the bed. He hastily read over it, just saying that the shady character appear at the pier alone, or else Janine would be mailed home in very tiny pieces. He gritted his teeth and balls his fists at the rage boiling withing, then went over to his wife and held her tight, knowing that he needed to put his hope in Flame, a demon who was hell bent on stopping shit like this from happening. He closed his eyes and prayed with his wife, praying to God for his daughter's safety, and also praying for the demon's success in saving her life.

Flame arrived at the pier faster than Charlene, seeing the warehouse nearby with a door ajar. He silently slipped inside, looking around, and seeing that the only light source was a spotlight on a bound, blindfolded, and gagged little girl, seeing that her aura was Janine's. However, this was not his first rodeo in saving kidnapped people, and looked around slowly, catching sight of those bright orange eyes. More silent than the most skilled ninja, he leapt through the darkness of the warehouse up to those eyes, stared right into them, and narrowed his eyes darkly.

"What do you want Granthor?"

"Ah... Flame... I didn't see you come in. I'm impressed you remember me."

"You didn't answer my question Granthor... what do you want?"

"I want what these pitiful humans want, Hell brought to Earth."

"You know Boss would never allow that."

"Heh, that's why I had to persuade you here. I offer this as a one-time deal, I'll let the girl leave, unharmed and alive, if you join me in a revolution."

"A revolution? To dethrone the Boss? Our Boss? I've seen insane humans on both sides of the rift, but you take the cake Granthor. You know I couldn't betray, much less help lead a revolt against Boss."

"Then, the girl dies."

The demon snapped his fingers, but when he looked down, the girl was nowhere to be found. Growling, he looked around, "WHERE IS SHE?!"

Flame grinned, immediately using this opportunity to plant his fist into Granthor's face as the lights went up, showing that all of the cultists were out cold or cuffed with a gun trained on them. He knew that with a child at risk, that Charlene would do her best to seize the opportunity to take down the three Satanists and free the girl, who happened to be hiding behind her leg. The light also showed that Granthor was wearing raggedy robes, having discarded the hoodie after having reached the warehouse, only his eyes being seen under the rags. The rebellious demon drew his own blade, designed to maximize pain and damage when it connects.

Flame just grinned, drawing his blade, readying himself, "Charlene, get Janine out of here. She doesn't need to see this."

Charlene just nodded, guiding the little girl outside and into her car just as Granthor swung hard overhead. Flame knew this was the most basic mistake and easily dodged it, countering with a hard reversal slash to the back, cutting deep into the demon. It was then that Flame snapped his own fingers, several pentagrams showing up beneath the fellow demon and the cultists, and trapping them inside. He sheathed his blade and walked up to his ex-college, still wearing that dark grin.

"You will have much to answer for, Granthor... you know Boss doesn't take rebellion well, so I'd imagine next time I get back home, I'd see you in a cell, rather than on the throne."

"You spineless, worthless, wasted cum of a Hellhound! I won't go down without a fight!"

Flame just chuckled and snapped his fingers again, all four captures disappearing from sight, knowing that his Boss would be more than eager to settle things swiftly. With that, he stepped outside and smiled softly at the two, walking over to the passenger side of the car and opening the door. Janine threw her arms around him in happiness, which Flame returned while nodding at Charlene. The demon decided to lift the girl and slide into the seat, sitting her down in his lap as Charlene drove back to Dan's house, Flame buckling them both in as she drove. The demon closed his eyes and attempted to relax, knowing he can't give the detectives an update with a child around.

Dan and his wife were still struggling to come to grips with what had happened when the doorbell rang, both of them going to the front door and opening it, only to be greet by a happy, flying five year old Janine. While his wife's sobs changed from sadness to happiness, Flame just nodded to the aged officer, letting him know that those who kidnapped her had paid the price, and the demon politely asked if he, Charlene, and Dan could talk in private for a few moments. When Dan's wife nodded, they all stepped outside and closed the door, looking at one another.

"So, what actually happened?"

"Charlene, Dan, I have some bad news. The one who kidnapped Janine was a fellow demon, a rebellious one at that. Typically, this sort of this doesn't stop with just one demon, and it can be buried in pretty far, but how far some of them go may differ with others. No doubt my Boss isn't too happy about that, and above all else, the reason behind Janine's kidnapping was to try and get me to be part of this uprising."

"You've got to be shitting me! Why would they go against Satan?"

The demon just chuckled, "Why would my Boss lead a political party to try and vie for leadership over Heaven? Ego and arrogance, Charlene... that's why. At least Janine's safe and she didn't witness anything bad. And you have to hand it to Charlene, she managed to take down three fanatics in complete darkness."

Charlene let a bit of pride beam through her at the mention of that, to which Dan just sighed, "I'm just glad Janine's safe... and I've been thinking hard. Charlene, you've proven yourself to be a capable officer, in not just our laws, but also aiding Flame here. I'm gonna retire... so I don't wanna open the obituaries and see your face in there, understand?!"

The female detective could only stand there in shock as the aged man went back inside, then she looked at Flame, who only nodded. "Listen... I'm exhausted, I have no real place to rest... mind if I at least ride back to your place?"

"Please tell me you aren't hitting on me..."

"Charlene... please... I'm a demon. I have only three things that need to be done. Eat, rest, and take on these cases my Boss hands me, or whatever lands in your lap."

The detective sighed and nodded, motioning for him to get into her car as she started the engine, driving towards her place. At least she had the comfort that he wasn't looking for a piece of ass, much less her ass. Then she started wondering if Flame ever got those urges, but pushed those aside. When she looked over at him, he looked like he was sleeping deeper than the dead, and she had many more questions to ask him. Thankfully, she had a day off tomorrow, and could at least learn more about things, and Dan could put in his retirement papers. All she knew was she was beat, Flame was beat, and they both needed sleep. She had no idea the information that was coming the following day, and Flame had to word his answers carefully.