Campfire Stories Intro

Story by Selin on SoFurry

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#1 of Campfire Stories

Corruption of innocence, incest and pregnancy, what could go wrong?

I couldn't remember how I got into this situation, clutching and screeching out in frantic pleasure beneath my father. Though I suppose I should start with what I do remember, we started with a camping trip...

Dad was always ranting about us going camping, his family before was always raised near the woods so they had enjoyed a 'rich' wilderness lifestyle as well as the comforts of a modern home. We as a family had a cabin that was left over from our father's side of the family. The day finally came that he had taken us out to see it, though mother couldn't come along the only one that was scheduled to work during that time it seems.

My father, my sister and I had spent the 6 hours in the car for the drive, my sister and I both ranting and sore from poking each other or wrestling in the back to just keep from losing our minds with the boredom. It wasn't the safest thing to do but between two overgrown raptors it was fitting, we both were complete opposites my sister with her ivory white hide and those feminine wiles she was always the lipstick version of the average female, while I was almost a midnight black hide my average character always the moody tomboy I had liked starting trouble always wanting to pick fights as we started highschool. She enjoyed keeping up with me but that was about where our similarities ended, so when she tackled me in the backseat it was normal and responded to easily.

It was late that first night, by the time that we reached the cabin it was already well into the night so we had turned in early. I was somewhat surprised and glad how the cabin was setup, I had my own room for once having been raised together with my sister in a smaller house. The stressful car ride and it already being late it wasn't hard for me to already climb into bed nearly fully dressed as exhausted as I was. Though as I was falling asleep I do remember the cabin carrying odd hisses and creaks that first night, I was not used to the cabin life I supposed trying to drift off to those annoying sounds.

(Will expand with time just trying to build a scene where everything started)