Chapter XXI: Got A World Of Trouble On My Mind

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#21 of Kaeden's Commitment

Sorry for the lackluster chapter today - it's a bit short and not much happens, but it's necessary to lead into the next. Part of it too is simply my current limitations as an author - I know I'm a decent writer but I'm no George R. R. Martin :P.

To make up for it, though, there's a very long, very fun chapter coming on Saturday :). I couldn't combine it with this one without making something truly Herculean in length compared to all the other chapter divisions.

Kaeden's Commitment

by Draugr

Chapter XXI: Got A World Of Trouble On My Mind

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

The zoo trip was the talk of the house for a few days. Sonia was initially very put out by this, and spent every moment she could treating Kaeden very horribly for the extra privilege he'd gotten. Thankfully, Ashleigh intervened on most of these occasions, and while the bullying didn't disappear, it wasn't constant.

Kaeden did not let any of this treatment bother him - but all the same, he was relieved the first day Sonia was dropped off in the playroom, and instead of mocking him, asked him questions about the trip.

The fox was over in her corner of the playroom - a location she'd established as 'her own' and not to be touched by 'stupid babies'. Kaeden didn't think this was a battle worth pursuing, so he let Sonia be as territorial as she wanted to be.

"How did you get her to take you out of the house?" she said, after a long silence. Kaeden glanced over at the fox, who, in addition to her shirt and diaper, now wore a five point harness at all times, given how often she had to be leashed into 'corner time' - and how often she tried to take her diaper off.

"I've just been good, I guess," he said, after thinking a few moments.

"Good? I still don't get how you can just play along with this. You keep saying it's because it made you better, but you seem to like all this stupid puppy stuff anyway."

Kaeden shook his head. "It's like I told you before, Sonia. I like what all this has done for me. I like what I have with Mommy... I-I mean, Ashleigh."

"Yeah, that's another thing. Why do you call her that? She's not your mother," the fox said with scorn.

"She's been there for me in a way my birth mother never was. She_is_my mother. It's more than just who carried you in their tummy for a few months, you know."

"Yeah, I guess. Whatever. First chance I get, though, I'm still out of here. I don't care how much you think this did for you."

Kaeden shrugged his shoulders. "You'll get that chance. But I think by then you'll want to stay."

"What? You mean you actually had a chance to get out of all this, and you actually_wanted_to stay here and mess your diapers?"

Kaeden sighed. "Sonia, you shouldn't focus so much on the negative things. I don't like doing that, but, I stayed because I believed Ashleigh could help me. And she has. Now, if all you're going to do is insult me, let's just go back to playing in our corners."

"Oh, getting under the baby's skin, am I?" she said, with a mocking smile. "Go on, go cry for your_mommy_."

Ashleigh stepped into the playroom, looking sternly down at the arctic fox. She had, of course, been listening in on the baby monitor.

"Sonia, apologize," she said, with a hard edge to her voice. With that tone, she didn't need to threaten any kind of punishment.

"Sorry... " Sonia grumbled. She'd had more than enough experience defying Ashleigh to test her at every point - now it was more about picking her battles.

"I don't think Kaeden heard you, Sonia. Louder."

"I did... " Kaeden interjected, not wanting his playmate to be subjected to further punishment on his account.

Ashleigh gave him a stern glance as well, instantly silencing him, then looked back to Sonia. "Again."

"I'm_sorry_! Okay? I said it once, what more do you want you stupid f-YIPE!"

In the time it took Sonia to work her way up to saying something very inappropriate, Ashleigh had worked her way across the room, and picked her up by her ear.

"Ow, ow, ow, let go you stupid-"

Sonia was cut off as Ashleigh held her muzzle shut with her paw. "I would think very long and hard about continuing speaking the way you are. You are in for some corner time as is, missy. I swear, it's just constant one step forward, two steps back with you. Even Kaeden wasn't this bad, Sonia."

Ashleigh attached a leash to her five-point harness, attached the other end to a hook in the corner of the room - a corner not claimed by Sonia, of course. Ashleigh fastened the fox's hands behind her back to prevent her from getting into more trouble. Sonia got a little fussy as a bar of soap was shoved in her mouth, but didn't dare spit it out as Ashleigh fitted the cloth muzzle over her. She'd already learned that lesson more than once.

"I'll be back in twenty minutes, Sonia. Be good for me in the meantime." The Pyrenees then walked over and took Kaeden's paw, leading him out of the playroom, and into the kitchen. She sat him down in a chair, then took a different seat beside him, sighing as she slumped down.

"Mommy? Are you okay?" Kaeden asked, leaning in with concern.

"I'm fine, puppy. It's okay. It's just been a very long time since I've had this hard of a case. You weren't exactly a walk in the park, either. I won't be able to keep up with you pups forever."

Kaeden noticed her voice ended on a wistful, almost sad note. He leaned in to hug her from the side. "I think you did a wonderful job with me. And I'm sure you'll be able to do the same with Sonia. You're a pro."

"You're a very sweet pup, Kaeden. Thanks."

They sat in silence for a couple minutes, before Kaeden spoke. "Why is Sonia so difficult? I know I wasn't easy, but she doesn't seem like she's made any progress at all."

Ashleigh shook her head. "She has, but, it's slower than it was with you. Sonia knows how to be decent with other people, and she's showing hints of it with you, but she isn't trying yet, and doesn't think she needs help. But, enough about your sister, puppy. I brought you out here for another reason."

Kaeden cocked his head to the side, curious.

Ashleigh laughed at his inquisitive expression. "I love it when you do that, pup. Anyway, I don't know if you've been keeping track of the days... " The Pyrenees paused, waiting for a response. The Shepherd shook his head, indicating that he had not.

"No? Well, pup, tomorrow is a_very_special day. Any guesses?"

"Am I graduating?"

Ashleigh laughed. "Even I won't know that much before you do, pup. Any other guesses?"

"Is it... is it a holiday? It's too soon to be...well, anything."

"You're close pup. Tomorrow is your birthday."

Kaeden's eyes lit up. "Oh! I hadn't even... I mean, I... I completely forgot!" he exclaimed. His mind started spinning, thinking of all the implications this might have. What would a birthday be like now that he was a puppy again? Could he have friends over? Would there be a cake? Or would it just be like any other day with Ashleigh?

"Take it easy. Don't let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy," she said, interrupting his thoughts.

Kaeden cocked his head again. "I wasn't even making any noise!"

"No, but I can see your mind spinning. So, do you want to just think about your birthday, or do you want to know what will be happening?"

"You've made plans for me?" he asked.

"Of course! It's not every day a puppy turns... three, is it?" Ashleigh said, pausing for effect and giving him a mischievous grin.

"Mommyyyy," Kaeden groaned. "I'm turning_twenty_-three."

"Hmm," the Pyrenees clucked her tongue. "Last time I checked,twenty-three year old German Shepherds don't need diapers, or need to have their mommies tuck them into bed every night. You sure seem like a three-year old to me."

Kaeden gave a disproved huff, crossing his arms. He may have grown used to the puppy treatment, and even grown to enjoy parts of it - but sometimes, it was just a little too much. "Fine... " he said.

"Oh, don't act so glum," she said dismissively. "We'll have a small party, it will be fun. You, me, Rashid, and Sonia. I can probably get Alex, and maybe even Lily, if you'd like that?"

Kaeden found himself blushing at the mention of his 'crush' from the sleepover. He didn't think anybody had known about their mutual attraction. He finally nodded, indicating that he'd like that.

Chapter XX: This Bond Between Us

* * * **Kaeden's Commitment** _by Draugr_ Chapter XX: This Bond Between Us * * * [![Creative Commons License](]( This work is licensed under...

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Chapter XIX: A Case Of Do Or Die

* * * **Kaeden's Commitment** _by Draugr_ Chapter XIX: A Case Of Do Or Die * * * [![Creative Commons License](]( This work is licensed under...

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Chapter XVIII: Just Tell Me Where To Begin

* * * **Kaeden's Commitment** _by Draugr_ Chapter XVIII: Just Tell Me Where To Begin * * * [![Creative Commons License](]( This work is...

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