The Orphans Among Us Chapter Five: Lab Rats

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#5 of The Orphans Among Us

Author's Note: Thank you for your continued support. I hope that you have enjoyed the story so far. I am trying to make every chapter better than the last. The picture at the right is my cherry blossom armor.


When I woke up, I was strapped to a table and several sinister looking wires where connected to my arms. Following them back to their source, I noticed several strange machines.

I felt groggy and the Bright light from the ceiling was not helping with the headache that decided to start bouncing around my skull. A few minutes passed and I turned my head this way and that trying to see where I was. Everything in the room was white and shiny. Even the straps around my arms and legs were white.

They did not think to restrain my tails thought I cannot imagine why they neglected to do so. " Maybe this is a test," I thought and despite the fact that my tails where horribly cramped I started to move them and slip them between the restraints.

After a few seconds of trying to pry them open by brute force, I changed tactics. I played with the buckle on each strap and managed to undo my paws. I bit my tongue hard in order to stop myself from crying out as blood flow returned to my arms. I then bent down, worked on the leg straps, and was soon free of them.

As if on cue, an alarm started blaring when I jumped off my table. Therefore, I turned to the only door in the room and braced myself for a fight. Problem was when the door opened my opponent did not fight with their fists or their guns. No my opponent fought with something far more deadly.

They attacked me with their mind. When I felt them enter my head, I growled. Soon I was skipping around the room and singing something about rainbows. I tried to fight it but my efforts did not work. When they were over with my antics, they knocked me out and I fell to the ground.


I was against the wall in a dark room staring daggers at the thing that was pretending to care for me. This woman may have fooled others but I was not that stupid, I knew she was here to manipulate me. I was seething with rage because they had dared to hurt Sukura. I do not know why I suddenly felt so strongly about him but I did not take the time to question it. Right now, my anger was something that made me strong and let me keep my sanity so I held onto it like a lifeline. The thing gave a slight cough as if it was trying to attract my attention.

I smirked. " I'm not straight lady so your charms don't work on me" However she did not seem to be able to clue into that small fact. They assumed I was straight and that was their loss. The woman in front of me could not have been older than 25 and with her seemingly good looks she would have had most men drooling over her by now.

The fact that I was Furry and an entirely different species than she was did not seem to affect her one bit. Her gaze kept traveling all over me and I felt like I was being eye raped. She drew closer and I growled at her my muzzle wrinkling to expose my teeth. My ears went down and my tail stayed still. She backed off a little and I gave her a murderous smile making sure to show all of my very pointy teeth.

Then the door opened and a boy stepped inside. He stared holes into my forehead but whatever he was trying to do did not affect me. He frowned and then switched his gaze to the woman. She started singing like a canary and I held my ears watching in disbelief as she kept singing. He then turned back to me and seemed to try again... and still nothing.

I do not usually fight because I am a pacifist by nature. However, this time they had pushed me to damn hard. I let my claws come out and I slashed the throat of the thing. She gurgled still trying to sing as her own blood filled her lungs. Then I launched a kick at the freak that blocked it. However, he seemed horribly confused as to why I was not dead. A gas canister dropped from his belt and began to discharge its contents. "NOOOO!" screamed the boy; I could not understand what was wrong. I backed away and watched as he froze into a block of ice. I felt something touch my mind and yelped in surprise. Well Ice master I'm yours to command" " Ice master?" "Yep" " Cool" When I finished my mental conversation I froze the door and it shattered when I punched my way through it. "_ Hold on Sukura I'm coming!" _ I thought as I ran down the hall to find him.


I woke up screaming in agony as something foreign rushed through my blood stream. Around me, glass broke and shattered and a melee of raised voices assaulted my ears. "The Plants they are attacking!" terrified screams filled the air while I opened my own eyes my scream mingling with the others.

The plants were racing towards me! I could not believe my eyes at the scene before me. Plants where attacking the scientists to an unusual extent as if Mother Nature finally been pushed to far by these cruel humans and was fighting back. When I felt something leafy grab me from behind and wrap around me like a cocoon I panicked and tried to fight the plants surrounding me.

The leafy thing took all of my attacks and did not even dent. Therefore, I focused on trying to calm down I closed my eyes and shut out the world sitting lotus style on the floor inside my cocoon. I focused on my breathing and then once I calmed down I felt the plant speak within my mind. "Are you OK?" my thoughts scattered in a thousand different directions then started running back to me with the power of a freight train.

I was so shocked that my muzzle dropped open. The plant prodded my mind once more. Hello is anyone alive in there?" "Y-yes I'm alive...what is this?" my mental voice was strangled and weak. I cursed myself and the plant seemed to be amused. I must be going insane to be hearing this or even seeing this. I must be in a padded room somewhere and my mind is playing a bad trick on me. I gave a shaky laugh that sounded more like a whimper.

"_You're not insane and you're not in a padded room." " What type of plant ARE ** _ **you?" "_I'm a special breed of organic metal. The scientist here mixed me up. It's disappointing that you don't recognize the very flower you were named after Sukura." _

The way the plant said my name made me shiver. I took a closer look at the flowers and they were cherry blossoms. I reached out to touch one of the delicate flowers and it wrapped itself around my arms gently. The strength of these flowers put my own to shame. I was thankful that the plant had decided to be gentle with me. If it so desired it could have crushed me like an insect.

" How long have I been asleep?" _"_You were asleep for about 20 minutes after they injected you with the serum." " What do you mean?" "That's the reason that you can hear me and that is also the reason that my brethren are wreaking a very bloody revenge on their creators. We responded to your distress." I absorbed that knowledge feeling like a bomb had gone off in my head.

Then I remembered Pengu and I started to see red. _"Whoa calm down! You need to know more about your new ability and you must choose your Flower Affinity." "What is the Flower Affinity? What else can you tell me about this new power?" _

"Whoa calm down! You need to know more about your new ability and you must choose your flower partner." Well first choose your Flower Affinity" I was getting irritated. _" What is a Flower Affinity?" "A Flower Affinity is the special connection between a person and their plant. It can only happen when the person and the plant in question injected with the serum. However, it must be a choice that both parties agree with. Once the choice is decided, there is no going back. The benefits of a Flower Affinity are as follows: In times of need the plant will sprout and defend its person. It does not matter how barren the place is if a drop of blood from their person touches the ground, the Flower will manifest itself. If the plant already naturally occurs in the area then their person may command them as they wish. In return for the plants service their person will take care of them and nourish them. _ I nodded my understanding and then thought ' _ I already know my choice I choose you as my Flower Affinity" _

The Cherry Blossoms seemed delighted with my choice. _"Thank you it will be an honor to serve you Sukura" I_smiled and stood up. Sensing my intentions the Blossoms collapsed the cocoon and settled just behind me covering the back of my arms with their embrace. _"So where are we headed?" _ They asked as if we were having a picnic instead of walking through a battlefield. I kept my head pointed forward as several Roses started ravaging an unfortunate group of women with their thorns with savage glee. I could not stop myself from watching in awe at the savage beauty of this occurrence. What once had been a proud greenhouse was now in ruins.

The dirt floors bristled with bloodthirsty plant life while the scientist tried to run away from their creations they grabbed up in droves and watered the ground with their lifeblood. The doors destroyed and flashing red alarms lit the area. The gurney that I had been laying on smashed into pieces and I was wearing a thin hospital gown. The sheer space this part of the complex took up was amazing and there where plants in every square inch of the place. The roof began to shake and the blossoms that had been on my arms now began to cover my body as if I was wearing a living suit of armor.

Debris and dust fell from the ceiling as I started running from the place. The few plants that were in my way moved briefly so I could get past them then they went back to their current task of tearing the place apart. "To think that this place was once state of the art" _ the tone of the flowers was mocking and as I passed through the exit that would take me away from the sight of Nature's Revenge I paused at the door and bowed my head in thanks to my saviors before scampering off down the hall. " **_Gotta find** _ Pengu, _ " I thought to myself repeatedly as went down the hall. Seeing a building map on the wall I stopped in front of it and started reading it trying to figure out where I was.


The face of my brother stared back at me from the front page of the newspaper that my dad was holding. The school had given us a three-week vacation to recover from the trauma of recent events. Marsey was wearing a bright yellow dress since she was off work. Her eyes filled with worry as she read the story over Greg's shoulder. We were at the breakfast table and I was moodily staring into my cereal.

I just could not find it inside myself to worry over my brother. He obviously was in love with that Wolf that was right beside him on the front page. Still my "parents" were clueless when it came to such matters as one of their sons being gay.

My right arm was in a cast and I had seven stitches in my left hand. Marsey and Greg had barley spared me a glance when they picked me up from the school. I was here and Sukura was not. Surely, that fact alone would warrant some more attention. They chose a Fox over me and it was making me very mad.

I had lost my appetite so I put my bowl in the sink with a few pieces of chocolate cereal floating in dregs of milk. Then I stomped my way to my bedroom and slammed the door making the painting on the wall rattle.

I turned on the radio and cranked it up to ten as rock music spilled from the speakers. The room was soundproof so Marsey and Greg would not be able to hear anything. I jumped onto the bed and stared into the ceiling lost in thought.

Several hours passed when a knock on my door informed me that it was lunchtime. I checked the clock on my bedside table to be sure. The hands showed 2:00 P.M. so I rolled out of bed and turned off my music before opening the door and heading into the kitchen.

I fixed a submarine sandwich and grabbed a soda then sat down at the table to eat. My anger had somewhat faded by now so when I saw the paper across the table I grabbed it. As I scanned the front-page story, I was shocked. During the shooting, I had not seen my brother but if this newspaper was right then he is detained in a lab somewhere undergoing experiments.

I flipped over to the next page and skimmed it while nibbling on my sub. The reporter did not give the location of the lab but they were able to give a name. GeoTech Inc. It did not ring any bells so I decided to try an Internet search. When I entered the family room to use the computer I found Greg and Marsey seated at it. I walked towards them and chanced a glance at the screen.

Turns out the where looking up GeoTech Inc. as well. I pulled up another chair and watched silently as Greg flipped through a few websites. When he reached the company website, I felt my blood run cold as I read their motto.

"For the benefit of mankind a few pawns must be sacrificed"

Beneath that lay, a small article that told about the number of advances they had made in various fields. The ones that caught my eye where Botanics and Cryogenics. I shook my head feeling my head begin to pound from such big words. Greg looked up both words and it turns out that botanics meant plant research while cryogenics meant freezing people and then waking the up later. They artificially mixed up their own type of plants that had advanced intelligence.

Their greatest success was Cherry Blossoms. The flowers seemed to be made out of some type of organic metal. They looked like the real thing but where fifty times stronger than a human, that meant they were ten times stronger than a Furry. The irony of Sukura's name and the flower did not escape me. When Greg tried to scroll past the article, I stopped him. "Don't move it up yet I want to see if there is a location where those particular flowers are made."

The article listed the location as North Dakota and it was deep in the mountains. "Well at least now we have a possible location as to where Sukura is," I pointed out to Greg and Marsey. They nodded and then started discussing travel plans and stuff. I quickly became bored of such talk and wandered out of the room until they called me back in about an hour later.

"I'm about to order tickets and I have arranged for you to stay with a family friend until we come back." Said Marsey her hand wrapped around the phone cord as she waited to place her order.

"Who am I staying with?" I asked feeling curious. "Her name is Ms. White glove. She races thoroughbred horses." "Sounds Cool but what are you two planning to do when you reach the place? You're not exactly spies." "True but I am a lawyer." "Yes but I'm sure they have lawyers to Greg" Greg had no answer for that one.

I shrugged and went back to my room to pack a bag and by that time Marsey had already ordered there two airline tickets and my ride was at the door. I went outside quickly and got into the car. We drove off in silence to her ranch. The countryside was wide and open here. It reminded me so much of the orphanage. There was no gray cloud of smog here and the air was nice and clean.

It brought back memories of my time at the Orphanage and I sighed as I relived those simpler times. A smile was on my face when pulled up to the ranch and I saw the horses. They seemed to be strong and healthy to my untrained eye. Ms. White glove definently had a gleam of pride in her eyes when I commented on them. " I hoped that Greg and Marsey were going to be able to get Sukura back." I thought to myself as I entered the house and began to unpack. The sounds of crickets filled the night and I sighed with happiness once more as their song made me drift into oblivion.

The Orphans Among Us Chapter Four: Bulletproof Fox

_Author's Note: Sorry that I have not uploaded in a while kind of had writers block but now I am ready to go. Comments and Votes are welcome!_ _ _ (Sukura) I lead the way down to dinner but my thoughts were on my parents I barley stopped myself from...


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