The Orphans Among Us Chapter Seven: Heading Home

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#7 of The Orphans Among Us

Author's Note: Yay Sukura and Pengu are free from the lab!!!! It has been so fun writing this story. Thank you for all the comments and your support.

Disclaimer: I do not own Law and Order or any of the shows affiliated with it. Law and Order and all of its rights are the exclusive of the USA network.


Once I was outside my room, I yawned then started walking down to my foster parent's room. I knocked on the door and stood back leaning against the railing of the stairs while I waited. The door handle jiggled as someone gripped it from the other side and Greg opened the door holding a twenty-dollar bill When he saw me he stood back so I could come in., "I was expecting room service because we just ordered dinner." he mumbled as I stepped past him into the room.

"I hope you enjoy your meal." I said while Greg closed the door. "Thank You I'm sure we will. Where is your wolf friend?" "He is taking a shower at the moment." I said sitting down on the recliner and Greg took the seat across from me. "Did you meet him at school?" "Yes. I met him during my first day and we became fast friends." "I think you two are more than friends" I blushed bright red at that statement but I did not deny it. "Yes I've grown to care about him over the course of the last few weeks." I said.

Greg smiled and passed me a fresh twenty-dollar bill from his wallet. "Go get some food" he said and I nodded before leaving the room. In the hall, I passed the room service cart and felt my stomach growl in protest. I forced myself to keep walking to my room as the attendant's jaw dropped. I opened the door when I reached the room and then locked it behind me. I could not hear the shower so I assumed that Pengu was getting dressed. I felt somewhat warm all of a sudden so I took my shirt off and sat on the bed turning on the TV and flipping through the channels.


The shower felt amazing and I took my time drying off and dressing not really wanting to get out of the bathroom. Feeling pleasantly drowsy, I stepped into the room to see Sukura shirtless watching TV. I blushed when he looked up and caught me looking. He blushed redder than a cherry but his tails were wagging furiously behind him. I laughed and he smirked at me raising an eyebrow.

"Did you enjoy your shower?" he asked and I nodded. "Cool. How about you find something to watch on TV while I shower? Then after I get out we can order room service." "OK sounds like a plan." He started to get up when I asked. "How did it go with your parents?" He looked down as a red flush covered his face. "Um well it um went well" I knew he was not telling me something so I asked again. "What happened?" "Well um they figured out that... I'm gay and that I really like you"

Sukura glanced up to see my face before looking away embarrassed. "Did they take it well?" "Yeah at least Greg has I don't know about Marsey." Then I noticed something was missing "Hey where are your flowers?" Sukura gave me a funny look. "Don't ask me how but somehow they integrated into the wall." as he spoke, he pointed to the obvious designs in the wood. "Where is your Ice?" he asked and I pointed to the cup of water that appeared frozen solid. He nodded. "Well see ya after I get out of my shower." He handed me the remote as he walked by and I shivered fighting the urge to look at his bare chest again. " Damn he looks good" I thought once the bathroom was closed behind him.

I walked over to the bed and threw myself back on it reclining against the pillows. I flipped through the TV channels and found some old Law and Order reruns. While I watched them, I heard the water turn on in the bathroom and head Sukura's slight moan of pleasure from the hot water. I giggled covering my muzzle with my paws hoping Sukura did not hear me.

I heard him move around in the shower and I assumed he was bathing. My imagination bloomed with vivid pictures and I blushed a deep red thankful that Sukura could not hear or see my thoughts. Inside the Bathroom, the water shut off and after a few minutes Sukura was walking into the room towel drying his head fur.

I patted the bedding beside me and he dove into it making the water mattress slosh and jiggle. I laughed at his antics as he started tickling my side. "St-stop tickling me!" I said shrieking with laughter. He stopped and lay down beside me and I moved to lay my head on his chest. He murred softly but did not stop me. _" This is comfortable." _ I thought moving around a bit until I was settled.

Sukura started scratching me around my ears as we watched TV and I started murring softly and my tail started wagging because if felt good. Sukura did not seem to realize what he was doing or if he did realize it he must be pretending not to notice.

The TV show faded into the background as I snuggled up to Sukura and smiling he turned off the TV before wrapping his arms around me. I felt exhaustion overcome me and I fell asleep in his arms.


I managed to stay up a little bit longer then Pengu but he looked so cute when he was sleeping. I smiled before I too drifted off to sleep hugging him close to me as the night progressed.

When I woke up in the morning, I smiled seeing that Pengu wrapped in my arms. I carefully let go of him moving slowly so I did not wake him. Then my stomach growled loudly and I froze waiting to see if Pengu would wake up. He turned over on his side but stayed asleep and I breathed a sigh of relief before jumping into the shower.

The hot water felt good against my fur and blasted the last traces of sleep from my mind. I started to lather up when thoughts of Pengu entered my head. I grinned to myself feeling a jerk from the south. I shook my head and mentally scolded myself. Then I started to wash off the soap and shampoo enjoying the way the warm water affected my cramping muscles.

I stepped out to dry off and then shrieked like a girl as I saw the cherry blossoms had completely covered the door from this side. "What? It's not like we can see you." " Still Don't DO that. Give me more of a warning next time." _ I thought moodily glaring at the flowers. **"So what are you doing in here anyway? Do you need some food or something?**"_Yes we need some water and then we will be good for a while." I frowned as I pulled on my pants. _" Don't you need sunlight to make food as well? _ " _"Yes we do but we can get that on the way back to your home." _ I nodded and finished dressing. I started to drag a comb through my fur grunting when it snagged.

There was a knock on the bathroom door and Pengu asked, "Hey Sukura is everything ok in there?" His voice was husky with sleep and I blushed struggling to answer while my mind went into the gutter. "I-I'm fine. The flowers are stalking me." I managed to say. I heard a yawn from the other side of the door. "Ok when you get done I'm going to shower." "Ok Back up I'm coming out" I told him and opened the door. I started combing my fur again as the flowers would themselves around my tails.

I smiled sweetly at Pengu before stepping aside so he could shower. There was a knock on our door and I tilted my head before I recognized the scent. "Hold On I'm coming." I called out and made sure the bathroom door closed before going to unlock the door. I stepped back and let in my foster parents before going back to my grooming.


_ He seems to be doing ok _I thought to myself as I watch him comb his fur. If it were not for the flowers that wrapped around his tails, you would have never known that he recently escaped from a sadistic lab.

When the wolf came out, I watched with interest while the two of them interacted. My son seemed to be very protective over him but he also seemed sweet on the boy. I had lost the thread of conversation while I made my observations so when the two of them looked at me I said, "I'm sorry could you repeat the question?" "What time are we leaving to head home?" asked Sukura "Just as soon as we all eat breakfast." I answered and then laughed as both boys' stomachs growled in protest. "Yeah we didn't eat last night we were so tired. Oh and Pengu these are my parents Greg and Marsey" Pengu looked at Sukura and then back at us. "Well ok Foster parents but still" said Sukura catching his glance.

Greg ordered for us and soon piping hot plate of eggs, sausage, and bacon were delivered. The boys dug into the food and wolfed it down (pardon the pun)


After I finished eating, I watched Sukura with his family and then jumped about a foot when he grabbed my paw. I blushed looking down at our joined paws then looked into his clear blue eyes. They were shining with understanding and a little bit of embarrassment.

When the two adults finished Greg cleared his throat before telling us that we needed to go. I nodded and when Sukura stood up, I followed him from behind. He shivered and half turned flashing me a small smile that made my heart skip a beat. He must have felt my gaze as I let my eyes travel over his well-muscled shoulders.

When we made it into the hall Sukura hurriedly pressed me against the wall as a kid ran by making a slight breeze pass through the hall. Seeing him frown after the kid as he eased away from me I once again marveled at how much he affected me. _ "Why do I feel like this? I really want to be with him. It feels like I am incomplete when we are not together _ I thought to myself. As we walked outside to the car, the snow seemed to sense my inner turmoil because it reached out and touched my mind. _"Are you alright? Do you need help?" _I was just about to answer when Sukura's flowers sent two vines that rested on the back of his neck. He stopped for a second and I almost ran into him. "Hey Sukura why are they doing that?" I asked him and he held up a paw motioning for me to give him a few seconds. "What did you say Pengu?" I repeated my question and he said. "They keep bugging me about getting them some water I honestly forgot about it."

I nodded and thought to the ice "Can _ you turn into a small puddle of water?" _I got an affirmative feeling from the ice and the flowers flowed from Sukura's tails hungrily drinking u the water into their root system then of course, they were stuck in the ice. Sukura and I burst out laughing at that and then he bent down and slowly teased them free of the ice block.

Then we headed to the car and slipped into the back seat. We both had trouble with the belt buckles but when we finally got them clicked into place Greg started the car but the engine did not catch. He tried again and it coughed weakly before starting. I sighed with relief and turned to my right to see Sukura meditating. I was surprised but I did not interrupt him, instead I took the chance to study his body without him knowing.

I heard a cough from the front seat and jumped before looking at Marsey feeling my face bruning from getting caught. She just smiled and wiggled her eyebrows at me. I gave what i hoped was a confused smile and then leaned back to close my eyes.

Several hours later....


I stretched grunting when I got out of the car. My meditation had helped me relax during the trip and now I felt lighter and more focused then before. Still my legs and my tails were numb so I took several minutes to stretch them out ignoring the looks of fright and shock I was getting. When the security person walked up, I did not even bat an eye. However when he tried to stab me with his shock-baton I dove to the side and landed lightly on my feet. "What did I do?" I asked innocently.

"Freak" he muttered lunging at me again. I danced away from him finding myself against the wall. More guards closed in while Marsey and Greg looked on hopelessly. I sighed in exasperation and gave him the finger before the flowers on my back tied up ever guard in sight and held them tightly. _ Thanks _"No Problem" they replied sounding happy. I walked through the little x-ray gate thing and came out on the other side. The crowd was still frozen but when I gave a pointed look at Greg and Marsey, they walked over to me with Pengu. "I attract so much attention." I said to Pengu looking down at my claws pretending to buff them on my fur. He laughed and said. "They are just jealous of you." I laughed with him "That's right they want this thick luxurious fur." I said striking a pose.

We managed to make it to the plane ok and it took off without incident. Still the looks I got from the flight attendant made me wish I had made cherry blossom wings and flew home. Pengu was holding my paw tightly trying to ease my tension. I was grateful for the effort and shared a smile with him when our eyes met by chance. I spent the rest of the flight thinking about my parents and how things could be different if they were actually alive.

When we landed I stumpled down the steps. I had forgotten how stiff sitting down for 10 hours straight makes you. I bit back a yelp as pins and needles flowed throught my tails as the blood flow returned. I looked behind me to see Pengu in a similar situation. He was trying to wag his tail but it was so stiff that he couldn't move it without whimphering. The adults seemed to be doing better so I tapped Pengu on the back and pointed to them. Greg and Marsey had already collected their bags and when we got into the car the jet lag hit me and Pengu and we went to sleep as the car started moving.

When we woke up we were at our home so I led Pengu inside and showed him around. He would be sharing my room with me. "Boys we are leaving to go get Travis" said Marsey as they went out the door. I hoped they got a chance to sleep on the ride. I meanwhile felt refreshed so I went to the kitchen and started fixing a glass of orange juice. "Hey can I get you anything?" I asked looking at Pengu "Um I would like some water if thats ok" I nodded and started making it getting some ice from the fridge and then getting the water from the tap.

I put the glass down on the counter and Pengu slid it towards himself. I pulled out a stool and sat across from him leaning my arms on the table while taking a small sip of my juice. I offered him a few crackers from the sideboard and he took them nibbling on one. I watched for a bit then got some for myself and startend eating them as well.

"So what happened to you at the lab?" I asked curiously. Pengu swallowed the cracker he had in his mouth and took a sip of water to clear his throat before he started. "Some lady was trying to seduce me and then some dude came in and tried something on me and it didn't work. He had the lady start singing and I slashed her throat then a gas canister sropped from his belt and he froze solid. then the ice started obeying me."

I nodded "same thing with me Some guy mind controlled me and I went nuts. Then when I woke up again I was in the garden and the flowers were unleashing hell on their creators. Then the cherry blossoms grabbed me and I chose them as my affinity. Then we busted out of there."

Both of us shuddered slightly at the memories from the past few days then we headed into the living room and passed out on the couch.

The Orphans Among Us Chapter Six: Mountain Rescue

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The Orphans Among Us Chapter Five: Lab Rats

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