The Orphans Among Us Chapter Eight: Witches

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#8 of The Orphans Among Us

*Chapter 8 is finally here. Thanks for your support. There will be new characters in this chapter. You have been warned :P Also the circle used here is far from traditional while that may shock you I mean no offense to anyone that practices the craft. *


Location: woods behind the school

Time of day: Night

The shadows from the trees coated my slim figure in a gentle embrace as the wind moved through the treetops surrounding the clearing. I was in the forest behind the school waiting for my sisters as I clutched my purple cloak closer to my body to deter the cold from torturing me. My lavender eyes danced in the moonlight while my white hands seemed to glow under it. My skin was smooth and the blue nail polish on their tips had flecks of gold within reminding me of the purpose of tonight's gathering.

Tonight we are going to appoint the head witch of the coven. I clench my hands taking comfort in the small pain that kisses the palms of my hands when I do. It helps me focus and allows me to calm down. The wind blows through my brown curly hair and I laugh as it tries to tease my hair free of its ponytail. Then almost as if my laugh had summoned them, the others started to emerge from the night. First was Amy with her red cloak our Fire Witch. Then came Marie with a blue cloak the Water Witch behind her and slightly to her left was Emma the Earth Witch then finally dressed in a white cloak Ember the Light Witch. In case you have not figured it out I am the Spirit Witch and I complete our circle.

Quickly the six of us step into our circle formation with me at the center with Ember. Then the initiates wearing grey cloaks form an awkward group just outside out circle. Each witch in this circle with the exception of me had an initiate that also had her elemental talent. If their mentor left the circle then the initiate was supposed to fill their shoes until their Mentor returned or until they themselves decided to leave. Having just started school here this year I was pleasantly surprised to find some of my fellow students practiced the craft. Ember was out leader we all just followed her lead since she has been in the craft since she was two. Her grandmother a wise Crone (One of the Head Witches extremely powerful and they can live until they choose their successor) taught Ember everything she knew.

Ember will be leaving us tomorrow so tonight is an emergency meeting. Around the circle, the others were taking hold of their candles so I grabbed mine as well and waited. Ember starts summoning the circle and I listen with respect as she approaches Amy and starts to summon Fire "Fire the night is cold and we need your warmth tonight. Guide us in your decision and help chase away our fears."

When she finished speaking Amy's candle danced to life flickering with purple flames that licked around Amy's skin and lighting her joyful face. Ember moves on to Marie "Water wash away our uncertainty and calm our hearts tonight" She lit Marie's candle and the sounds of the ocean could be heard and a tinge of salt was upon the breeze.

She stepped over to the Earth Witch and said "Mother Earth guide us with your wisdom and share with us your strength." she lit Emma's candle and the smells of hay and cut grass entered the air. I took a deep breath to enjoy the scents before composing myself. Ember approached me and I held onto my purple candle tightly.

"Spirit calm our souls and bring us peace." She lit my candle and I felt a sudden surge of joy deep within my soul that made me want to dance with glee. She smiled at me and I smiled back full of my element. She then moved just behind me so that we were back to back. "Light you chase away the darkness and give us hope." Ember lit her candle and there was an audible sigh of relief as the circle completed.

Once the circle is complete, no one could cross its barriers. All outside influences are nullified. Unfortunately, for me my element was not an outside source. I could feel the element beginning to get restless then before I could build any type of defense, it swallowed my mind.

Images of two Furries flashed repeatedly through my head while I went to my knees trying not to black out. I am sure my normal brown eyes were now completely purple with no pupil visible. When the images faded, I took several deep breaths and looked up to see Ember with her hand outstretched towards me. "What did you see?" She asked her head tilted in concern.

I hesitated before answering. "I saw two Furries I can't tell what their gender is thought. It was a fox and a wolf." She nodded and I caught my breath before standing up again. Ember began to proceed with the meeting and told everyone to select one rune. The one that had the rune of death would be the new head Witch. I picked hurriedly without hesitation because I wanted to get out of this meeting and try to get my head straight. When I glanced down at the rune stone, my heart was caught in my throat. Sensing my reaction Ember asked me to show my rune to the group and trembling I did so. A collective gasp rose from the assembled group and I frowned feeling slightly ticked.

Therefore, I am the new head witch I thought to myself as Ember closed the circle and we started leaving. I wrapped my element around myself and became nothing more than a shadow of the night while I headed back to my room. I was nearly caught twice by the hall monitors, as I was not really paying attention. I collapsed into my bed and let my thoughts wander to my vision before falling asleep.


I heard the front door handle jingle and quickly sat up. My movement woke Sukura who stretched and yawned before sitting up behind me. I quickly untangled my legs from his and moved over on the couch so that we had some space between us.

Sunlight from the windows streamed into the house and highlighted the carpet in various places. When the door opened, I saw a boy that looked a little bit younger than Sukura walk tiredly into the house. Behind him, Greg and Marsey seemed to be almost zombies from lack of sleep. Travis plopped down in the lazy boy recliner and was soon snoring while Greg and Marsey slowly made their way up stairs dragging their feet.

I watched in silence until they were out of sight then I moved close to Sukura and put my muzzle close to his ear. "Could you show me your room?" I asked and he nodded grabbing my paw and quietly heading up the stairs and turning to the right. His room had a nice brown carpet and the single bed looked like it had never been slept in.

The walls were a blend of dark blue and hot pink mixed together. The dark colors gave this room a comfortable well-used look and I felt myself at ease. When Sukura moved into the room if it was not for the nice contrast he made against the carpet I would have lost sight of him. He grinned flashing his canine teeth at me before pointing to his bed.

I got the hint and after I closed the door, I went to sit down on it. He pulled up a beanbag chair that I did not notice when I looked through the room and sat on it. "Well what do you think?" he asked me watching my face for a reaction. "You room looks nice. Are you sure you don't mind sharing with me?" "I don't mind at all; I enjoy your company." I blushed and he giggled wagging his tails. I tilted my head and closed my eyes as I heard him laugh.

WARNING: IMPENDING ROMANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I decided that I liked the way it sounded and the warm fuzzies started bubbling up in my chest while I listened. "You OK Pengu?" Sukura asked and when I opened my eyes, I saw him giving me a concerned look. I blushed and said, "Um yeah I'm fine I just like hearing you laugh."

I looked away from him as I spoke expecting him to make fun of me. Instead, the bed creaked and I felt his arms around my waist. "That's sweet" He said softly as he held me. "So you're not gonna make fun of me?" I asked holding my tail. "I would never do that." he released the hug, which made me whine a bit with longing. What he said next made my heart skip a beat. "I Love you Pengu and I would never ever do anything to hurt you." I turned around just to make sure he was telling the truth. I saw the truth of his words in his eyes and when he opened his arms to me, I gratefully fell into them and melted into his embrace.


I murred as I held Pengu and nuzzled his cheek with mine breathing in his scent and wagging my tails furiously. I bent down to kiss him and hesitantly pressed my muzzle against his. When he did not draw back from the contact, I began to lead slowly opening our muzzles while darting my tongue into his muzzle eliciting a slight moan from Pengu.

I blushed with him while I enjoyed the amazing taste of his tongue. I broke it off then to breathe and panted while looking down at him. Mate I thought as he began to turn bright red. "That was good" I said leaning back a little so I could look him in the eyes. He nodded and I saw that his tail wagging behind him which made me smile. Pengu tilted his head "What?" he asked I pointed at his wagging tail "Seems you enjoyed it too."


Then as if on cue, my stomach rumbled and I grumbled while Pengu burst out laughing. I got up from the bed and moved toward the door. The knob started to turn before I reached it and when it opened, I saw Travis outside my door. "Hey bro, I was just about to go make my lunch." I said as I stepped back to let him into my room. "Mom and Dad are still asleep." he mumbled before collapsing into the bean bag chair.

"Could I get you some coffee?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Travis did not say anything so I shrugged and asked Pengu "Could I get you some water or something to eat? I'm just gonna make a salad if we have enough lettuce to go around." "Sure a salad seems fine." he said and I mock bowed before I left the room. In the kitchen, I collected 2 glasses and filled them with water then added some watermelon kiwi flavoring to mine.

Then I popped out my claws before grabbing the lettuce and celery. I grabbed two bowls and started slicing into the lettuce with my claws. Once I thought we had enough I diced up the celery. I washed my claws off under the faucet before searching out some chicken from the fridge. I carefully cut that into small pieces after I cooked it in the microwave and divided it evenly into each bowl.

I topped both salads with a generous amount of Ranch dressing and then cheese and croutons. I put the salad fixings away and with my tails, grabbed two forks while washing my paws and sheathing my claws. I carried both bowls upstairs and barley managed to hold the glasses of water in my tails. I did spill a little water on my tails but it would dry off.

I knocked on the door and when Pengu opened it I asked "Could you take the salads?" he nodded and I transferred them over to him. I pointed to my desk and he got the message setting them down over there. I managed to get the glasses of water down safely then finally passed him his fork. I started tossing my salad while watching Pengu stirring his.

"It has chicken, lettuce, celery, cheese, and croutons on it the dressing is Ranch." I said while taking a bite of chicken and lettuce crunching slightly as I ate. When Travis groaned for the corner I looked up from my meal "I did offer to make you something you know." I said in defense. He waved me off and groaned again. "So while were were in white-coat hell where were you?" I asked "I stayed in the country on a farm. I had to wake up at 1:00 in the morning to feed the chickens and milk the cow."

"That must have been pretty rough on you." I said and finished my meal. "Maybe you should get more sleep" said Pengu from behind me and I nodded my agreement. "Maybe later; do you know when we are heading back to school?" "Um no I don't" I heard movement from across the house and figured that Marsey and Greg were slowly waking up. It was midday by now and birds chirped outside the window. I walked over to my radio and clicked it on hoping to find a news station. I searched for several minuets and when I got nothing but static I shrugged and turned it off.

"Well why don't we look on the school website?" I said looking pointedly at Travis. He got the memo and pushed himself out of the bean bag chair. I followed him downstairs with me and Pengu's dirty dishes. While he turned on the computer I went into the kitchen and washed up the dishes then put them in the side rack to dry. I started the coffee pot for Greg and Marsey then peaked into the living room to See that Travis had just opened the Internet browser. Pengu was behind him looking over his shoulder.

Travis was reading something off the screen when the two adults stumbled into the room and made a beeline for the coffee pot. They looked like caffeine deprived zombies and I couldn't help but laugh. I felt Pengu tap my shoulder and I tilted my head in a question. "School starts back at 2:00 today." I looked at the clock and then at Pengu and my foster brother. "We should start packing then."

Two Hours Later

I had just managed to get my trunk up the staircase when a door close to my dorm room flew open and before I could react I was yanked into the room. "Finally you get here" said a voice. The voice sounded annoyed like I had missed an appointment.

When I got my bearings I saw a girl with brown hair dressed in a purple cloak. "Who are you and why did you grab me like that?" "Marrissa The Head Witch of the Elemental Coven. You keep showing up in my dreams fox boy. Care to explain why?" I didn't like her tone and my muzzle wrinkled back exposing a single canine as I growled.

She just smirked at me and I would have lunged at her if the curious design on the floor had not caught my eye. I was standing in the middle of a Pentagram and that realization was enough to calm me down. "A pentagram Seriously?" I said.

In my trunk were the flowers and I doubted they would be able to help. Something Marrissa had said before floated through my mind "_ Elemental Coven" Hmmm I wonder what would happen if I try to summon a Element to bust me out of here. _ So what are the elements? Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and there is one more but I don't know it. I decided to try and summon Air to the circle and a sudden strong wind whipped through the dorm room.

Marrissa looked pleased while I gave her a death glare. "_ Air get me out of here!" _a glass of water on the dresser tipped and then splashed all over the chalk outline of the circle rendering the barrier useless or so I thought. I went to step over where the circle used to be and smashed into a wall. Some very colorful words fell from my lips just then and Marrissa smirked.

I sighed and popped out my claws determined to scratch my way out. I swung out with all my might at the barrier my claws shining briefly as I made my first hit. Marrissa grunted and I drew back. S** o every-time I hit the barrier she takes the impact. Which means I got to keep this up until she passes out.**"Your determined aren't you?" She muttered and made a gesture at me. I felt something slip around my body and looked down.

Glowing purple chains covered me. However the didn't feel quite solid. Still I couldn't move my body. However that didn't mean I couldn't move my mind. Fire Water Earth Come to me! I all but screamed inside my head. Marrissa Held her head like she had suddenly got the world's worse migraine. I meanwhile felt like I was going to burn up and leave a pile of ashes behind. Power coursed through my body and set my fur on edge.

I gritted my teeth against the onslaught and tried to tame this wild energy. I blinked and blinked again just to make sure I didn't have anything in my eye. I was standing over a black expanse of nothing. Just above this expanse hovered a circle that was surrounding me. The elements were screaming and snarling while they hurled themselves against a barrier Almost as if they were trapped. I could feel the mind of each element as they desperately tried to escape.

I soon realized that my own fear and desperation had caused this wild melee and strove to calm myself. The elemental beasts slowly calmed down as well and then as if by magic the spell broke and the circle and barrier vanished. The elemental beasts faded from existence and I found myself outside of the circle blinking. "What the heck just happened?" I asked aware of a arm on my shoulders. Then Pengu's scent hit my nose and I heard him whimper. The girl meanwhile had a black eye. I decided not to ask and turned around and hugged Pengu tight not liking the way he was shaking.

The Orphans Among Us Chapter Seven: Heading Home

**Author's Note: Yay Sukura and Pengu are free from the lab!!!! It has been so fun writing this story. Thank you for all the comments and your support.** **Disclaimer: I do not own Law and Order or any of the shows affiliated with it. Law and Order...


The Orphans Among Us Chapter Six: Mountain Rescue

(Greg) The red eye flight to North Dakota was full with worry and distress. Our son convicted as a criminal by the local news and because he was a Furry, was undergoing dangerous experiments. According to the article there was supposed to be a Wolf...


The Orphans Among Us Chapter Five: Lab Rats

Author's Note: **Thank you for your continued support. I hope that you have enjoyed the story so far. I am trying to make every chapter better than the last. The picture at the right is my cherry blossom armor.** (Sukura) When I woke up, I was...
